Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 259 Domination vs. Frontier Area? special character message

Kairos loses his ability to fight, and the Great Sword Demon wins!

So, this battle is won by the challenger Shinji!

Sugio announced blankly.

Although his master ranked last in the battle against the pioneering area, but...he couldn't be defeated so easily, right?

For a moment, he felt a little dazed.

Come back, Kairos, you've done a good job.

When he lost the game, Dara was a little frustrated and autistic, but only for a moment.

After all, as an adult, a brain, an engineer...he has a very good adjustment ability.

What's more, this is not the first time he has lost. Recently, he has lost several times to teenagers who are about the same age as Shinji.

Hmm... I'm used to it.


The Great Sword Ghost stood quietly on the field, feeling the joy of victory and the excitement of the battle.

Although the opponent is weak, it is very similar to Kyuubi in this regard, that is, it does not pick opponents, as long as it defeats the opponent and wins, it can feel the excitement.

Thinking about it this way, it seemed that it hadn't seen Nine Tails for several days.

Long time no see, I miss you so much.


While thinking about it, the water gushing under him lifted it and flew to Shinji's side, expressing his thoughts to him.

Try to arrange it later.

Shinji thought for a moment and replied.

After that, he was going to explore the tree of the beginning of the world.

How the situation there is, how similar it is to the theatrical version is still unknown, it is best to bring your strongest and most suitable elves to see.

Kyuubi is considered a very good existence, and it must be carried.

But whether to carry the Great Sword Ghost, this is a problem.

Simply put, it all depends on the situation.


An imperceptible look of joy appeared in the eyes of the Great Sword Ghost, and he nodded calmly.

Come back first.

Shinji took out the Poké Ball and took it back, then left with everyone.

This is a proof of defeating me, a symbol of knowledge. Although I feel a little unqualified, I still remind you to use more knowledge in battles and training, haha.

Darla handed the prepared symbol badge to Shinji.

Yes, thank you.

After taking over the symbol of knowledge and observing it twice, Shinji put it away.

What a powerful boy, are you all so powerful in the new generation?

In the past two weeks, I have lost several times to boys and girls of your age.

Dara said with some emotion.

Although he is the weakest mind-expanding player, he still feels a bit embarrassed by such a losing streak.

May I ask, are there many?

Shinji was going to turn around and leave, but stopped when he heard this sentence.

As far as he knew, there were not many people who could easily defeat Dara at his age, and there was a high probability that it might be those special characters.

It's not that many, just three. Dala scratched his head and recalled: One is a girl with a ball head, her Monarch Snake moves very vigorously, and my Frog Flower can't hit it at all.

The remaining two teenagers, one has a very powerful Elledo, and the other has a special Koga ninja frog, both trainers and elves are very powerful.

I see.

Hearing this, Shinji was thoughtful.

Needless to say, the girl, Monarch Snake and Meatball Head are obviously Mingyi (Mei) from the Hezhong area.

For a young man, the former is a bit difficult to guess, but only based on the clue of Elle Duo, Shinji guesses that the former is most likely to be filled in the Fengyuan area.

The latter is because of the point of Koga Ninja Frog, Shinji thinks he is probably Karumu from Carlos.

No matter which one it is, Shinji is looking forward to fighting against it.

Hey, Shinji, now that you have obtained the symbol of knowledge, do you have any plans and interests to continue to challenge the battle frontier?

Just when Shinji was about to leave, Ahida suddenly invited him to the side.

Fight against the frontier area? If you have a plan and become stronger, go to the pyramid to challenge Mr. Jindai.

Shinji looked at Ahida and expressed his original thoughts.

Why is it the original idea?

Because if the other pioneering heads are only at the level of Dara, it seems that the significance of challenging them by themselves is not very great.

Kindai is indeed a very good trainer as the leader of the pioneering area, but the other leaders of the pioneering area are not bad either.

The strength of Sears and Yukang should not be underestimated, and they are not much worse than the Age of Gods.

When you defeat the other six pioneering minds and collect all the symbolic hegemony to fight against the pioneering area, you will have a good chance of winning if you challenge the Four Heavenly Kings with your strength.

Therefore, I sincerely invite you to challenge other battle facilities.

If you drop by, you can consider it.

Shinji was noncommittal about Ahida's invitation.

He is not a hot-blooded young man, and the honor of controlling the hegemony against the pioneering area actually doesn't matter much to him.

When you become the king of heaven and the champion, no one will think that you can't dominate the battle frontier, right?

Then I look forward to your challenge then.

Seeing that Shinji was so sensible, Ahida could only smile like this.


Shinji took out the Poké Ball and released the Metagros, then jumped on top of it.


The giant metal monster retracted its limbs, and the electric current around it floated towards the distance.

I'm really looking forward to it. How many of these teenagers can defeat other minds and the generation of gods... By the way! I have newly developed a super mountain bike, are you going to try it with me?

After Dala sighed, it suddenly occurred to him that he seemed to have something to do, so he looked at Ahida excitedly, his eyes were like looking at a mouse.

I still have to inform other minds, you can do it yourself.

After leaving this sentence, Ahida drove away in her red sports car.

Cut~ Don't think I don't know that I was your last notification.

Dara looked at the sports car going away speechlessly, then turned back to the factory to continue researching his own high-tech.


Battle is the best training. Strength lays the foundation for victory, but the brain determines the speed of strength improvement.

Don't get used to using brute force because you like it, use your powerful brain to calculate and predict, and make you stronger.

In the air, Shinji was having a simple exchange while riding the Metagros.

It is said that the Metagross has a brain comparable to that of a supercomputer, but most of the Metagroses often only possess it but do not develop and use it.

In the eyes of Shinji, this is somewhat similar to having a mine at home, but he doesn't know how to mine it.


The giant metal monster responded in confusion.

It's one thing to know that you have a quick brain, but it's another thing not to know how or where to use it.

Such a slightly scientific skill development like electromagnetic levitation, coupled with the factor of its own gravity, it is even much more comfortable to fly under gravity than the electric shock beast.

But you want it to think about how to develop other abilities inexplicably? Sorry, this is beyond the outline, I can't think of it!

I want you to use your brain to predict the possibility of all the opponent's actions and the trajectory of the action in advance in the battle, and then strike with precision, hit every shot, and avoid all attacks that can be avoided.

For all moves, use the most appropriate method to maximize the power when using it.

Shinji simply put forward two points, which are also the most suitable two points.

How many opponents of the same level can defeat the Metagros?

You can try to apply your brain to every moment of your daily life and analyze everything you want to know or what you can analyze.


After repeating Shinji's words a few times, the data flow flashed in the eyes of the giant metal monster, and he began to learn to move his brain.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the distance, and thick smoke rose into the sky.

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