Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 257 VS Dara (Part 2) repeating the old trick

Desert Dragonfly, come again!

In view of the fact that the opponent is still Boss Kedora, and the two sides are relatively close, Dala once again sent the desert dragonfly.

Dance of the Dragon!


The desert dragonfly flew out of the ball, and just as Long Zhiwu was about to distance himself from Boscodola, he saw him open his familiar big mouth towards him.


Boss Kedora used Roar.

The desert dragonfly was forced to leave the field for substitutions, and the Super Armored Rhino entered the field!

This wave is repeating the old tricks!

Do you think I don't need a second time after using it once?


So easy to use why not? Use it again!


As soon as the super-armored wild rhinoceros appeared, Boss Kedora pounced and launched towards the super-armored wild rhino just like he did against Miao Frog Flower before.

Due to Boss Kedora's precise distance control, there is no chance of dodging in the position of the super-armored mad rhino, and it can only fight recklessly.

Horner drill!

With the previous experience, Dala responded fairly quickly this time, at least he chose the elf's response moves.


The drill cone on the head of the super-armored wild rhino suddenly spun at a high speed, leaping towards Boscodora like a siege machine, and collided with it.

The extremely strong alloy armor is like a city wall, and the high-speed rotating drill cone is like a siege machine.

Under normal circumstances, before the two meet together, it is difficult for anyone to be sure which side will win.

But this time is different, Boss Kedora has strengthened the iron wall twice!

It is true that the horn drill is a nirvana. If the level difference is not too big, as long as it hits perfectly, it will definitely kill the opponent with one move.

But the perfect hit is based on the premise that the opponent does not resist.

When the opponent resists and fights, if he can't completely defeat his offensive, the so-called nirvana is nothing more than a stronger move.

Therefore, the super-armored wild rhino really encountered a hard stubble this time. The horn drill, which was omnipotent in the past, did not play much role in front of Boss Kedora's pounce, and was bounced away by the terrifying impact.

All the attacks of the super-armored wild rhino instantly turned into vain in front of this unpretentious pounce.


Under the collision, the super-armored mad rhino flew out and embedded in the wall.

Even with the damage reduction of the hard rock, the effect of the fighting attribute is still significant, and the super-armored wild rhinoceros couldn't resist the pounce.

The super-armored rhinoceros loses its ability to fight, and Boss Kedora wins!

Sugio announced.

Hearing the good news, Boss Kedora grinned and walked back to the position where he was just waiting, ready to continue to welcome the next lucky guy.

Come back, Super Armored Crazy Rhinoceros, you've done a good job.

Losing two generals for no reason, looking at the Boss Kedora standing in a familiar position on the ground, Dala who took back the super-armored rhinoceros felt both helpless and powerless.

Shinji's tactics are very simple, rogue, and brainless, but the effect is beyond doubt.

The elves I carried were not particularly fast ones. At this just right distance, Boscodora attacked as soon as the elves appeared. It was difficult for any of his elves to evade and resist that familiar pounce.

This is a conspiracy!

But very puzzled.

What are you going to do?

Shinji looked at Darla silently.

It's true that Dara is a mind that possesses the symbol of knowledge, and what he used in this operation is the so-called knowledge.

Use knowledge against knowledge.

If it really has two brushes and can figure out a way to defeat the enemy, it will be a big deal to lose Boss Kedora, or change another elf.

If he can't break the predicament, then Shinji will let Dara know——

If you dare to reveal the elves you use without enough strength, you must be prepared for a fiasco!

When your knowledge is not strong enough, strength is the most important thing.

What a difficult boy, what are you going to do, Darla?

As a spectator, Yashida leaned back on her seat leisurely, thinking in her heart.

It's not that easy to beat me so easily.

Dara seemed to have figured out a way to break the pounce, took out another Poké Ball and threw it.

Godha Duck, come out!


As soon as a blue standing Gotha Duck appeared from the ball, Boss Kedora jumped at the Gotha Duck at the first time, and the terrifying power was enough to kill the Gotha Duck with one move. Spike!

Use mental shock on yourself and the opponent at the same time!

Hearing this, the Gotha Duck just appeared, no matter what the situation was, a substantive force of thought erupted in his body and rushed towards himself and his opponent together.

This impact force was directly resisted by the energy fluctuations around it before it touched Boss Kedora, and it was only blocked for an undetectable moment.

But the mental impact on the Gotha Duck directly sent it flying out like a cannonball.


As soon as Boscodora, who missed the attack, hit the falling Gotha Duck, he seamlessly connected with the earthquake as before.

Godha Duck, let your mind power fly!

The Gotha Duck that had just landed heard the words and immediately activated its mental power to float up, barely blocking the attack of Boss Kedora.


The earthquake missed, and Boss Kedora adjusted his posture and rushed to the Gotha Duck again, and the pounce followed.

With the speed bonus of rock grinding, the Gotha Duck's speed is actually inferior to that of Boscodora.

Forced into desperation, the Gotha Duck had another mental shock and forcibly knocked himself away for a certain distance.


In the air, the Gotha Duck hinted at himself, and his defense and speed were terribly improved.

Rock blockade, earthquake.

The opponent has become stronger, but Shinji is not in a hurry.


Under the power of Boss Kedora, huge boulders fell from the sky, completely blocking the location of the Gotha Duck. At the same time, another earthquake happened when the foot stomped, further constricting the Gotha Duck's living space.

Psychic thoughts!

The eyes of the Gotha Duck, which was floating by using the power of thought, turned blue-purple, and the power of thought surged out crazily, instantly stopping the falling boulders around it, and with a wave of hand, they all hit Boshi Kedora.


After Shinji's words fell, Boss Kedora launched his move and rushed towards the boulder. All the boulders he encountered head-on were like paper paste, and they were instantly crushed by Boss Kedora.

Get away!

The Gotha Duck, who suggested that he had increased his speed, was not weaker than Boscodora at this moment. After a few light jumps, he opened the distance from Boscodora and escaped the attack.

Pounce, miss!

Fixation method!

This time, without waiting for Boss Kedora to attack further, the purple light from Gotha Duck's eyes fell on Boss Kedora's body first, making his pounce unusable for a short time.

As long as the pounce cannot be used, Boss Kedora cannot instantly kill the Gotha Duck. As long as he finds an opportunity, he can win this round...

ah this

Dara was thinking about the next arrangement in his heart, and his eyes widened slightly the next moment.

I saw that Shinji didn't know whether he had seen through Dala's idea, or he felt that there was no need for Boscodora and Gotha Duck to fight, so he took out the poke ball and took Boscodora back.

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