Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 249 Scarlet VS Emperor Dan (Part 2)

With a flash of white light, a strong fire-breathing dragon appeared!

Mega evolution!

Crimson revealed the super bracelet on her left hand, and began to let the charizard perform mega evolution!

After the light of evolution disappeared, a black and blue fire-breathing dragon appeared in the air, facing the huge super-giant fire-breathing dragon in front of it.

The flames of fighting spirit seem to overflow from the eyes of the two different forms of fire-breathing dragons.


Afterwards, Danje launched the extremely giant dragon ride with a roar, and the terrifying dragon attributes surged around his body, and then turned into a terrifying dragon storm to attack Chije.

In response to this, Chije turned around directly, folded his wings and rushed down towards the ground, planing frantically with his hands glowing white, he dug a hole and hid in the ground just before the giant dragonrider attacked.

In this way, he perfectly avoided the huge move of Dan Pun.

Accustomed to fighting recklessly, Dandi and Danpen's eyes showed disbelief at this moment.

Who would have thought that Chi Tun, who was aggressively fighting with you just now, would dig a hole in the ground to avoid the attack in the blink of an eye?

Whose fire-breathing dragon learns to dig holes! ?

against! Naked targeting!

If they had been prepared, Dandi and Danpeng could directly attack the ground and cause damage to Chipeng.

But if there is no if, a chance of a huge move is directly wasted.

When Red Jet reappeared from the ground, what greeted it was a huge stone slab made by Dan Jet's launch of an extremely huge rock that fell and fell down.

The goal of this move is very clear, it is to attack the earth and the red spray indiscriminately with the help of the special use of extremely huge rocks.

Unless Chije can fly from the burrow to the sky in an instant, there is no way to avoid this blow.

Ni Lin, Dragon Claw!

Chije's eyes burst into bloody light in an instant, his body was filled with blood, and he jumped up and flew up. The two green dragon claws on his hands became long and sharp, concentrated on the stone slab, and rushed towards Danpeng behind the slate!

Gathering all his strength, he successfully crushed the extremely huge rock with a single blow, but what Chi Jie was facing was not the extremely giant pill spray, but a dragon-shaped wave.

Boom! Amidst the terrifying explosion, the red spray was swallowed by the evil dragon.


But in the next moment, the body of the evil dragon was torn apart, and the wave of red spray with scars on his body rushed towards the red spray that had returned to normal.

But Danpeng didn't intend to fight Chipeng in close combat, and while speeding up to escape, he launched countless boulders and threw them at Chipeng.

But Chi Jet didn't give up, and forcibly maintained Ni Lin's pursuit, and at the same time launched Dragon Dance to chase after him.

Seeing this, Danje also launched Dragon Dance to escape decisively, and at the same time, moves such as Dragon Wave, Primal Power, and Air Slash attacked in turn.

But all these attacks were shattered under the crazy red dragon claws, turning into light spots and falling down.

Danpeng is better at long-distance attack than melee combat, but it is not afraid of melee combat.

It can deal with the red spray with the characteristic of hard claws in the X form, and it has no advantage in melee combat. This is the reason why Dan spray and Dandi chose to escape.

If it was normal, there would be no problem, but with the support of Chihong and Dragon Dance, the murderous aura of Chije in Nilin was pervasive, and his speed, which was originally weaker than Pilljet, was constantly increasing.

Blood recovery mode...


Shinji and Lie Bite Lu Sha, who were watching the live broadcast, recognized this special state one after another.

With the blessing of the blood recovery mode, Chi Pen finally managed to catch up with Dan Pen, and the latter was forced to start a melee battle with the former.

At the beginning, Danpeng was able to fight against Chipeng with his powerful experience, but after time passed, he found that, not to mention Chipeng getting stronger and stronger, Nilin didn't let it enter a state of chaos.

Seeing that he was at a disadvantage and was becoming more and more inferior to his opponent, Dan Tong made a decision instantly, and cooperated with the wave of the dragon while fighting in close combat to exchange injuries for injuries.

Although Chipen's power and offensive are stronger, but it is obviously not suitable for the rational debuff of the blood recovery mode, which can always make Danpen seize the opportunity to use the effect of the wave of the dragon to attack successfully.

Under the attack of exchanging injuries between the two, outsiders can't tell which is better.

In the end, the two elves attacked together and retreated suddenly, facing each other across the air, their bodies becoming more and more powerful.

One is fiercely igniting the flames above the body, and the other is blood revival like a dragon possessing the body, which is extremely terrifying.

Flash Charge, the ultimate impact!

Ni Lin, Dragon's Dive!

One of the two fire-breathing dragons stared murderously and turned into a dragon hunting, and the other turned into a fireball like the sun falling.


A huge explosion suddenly appeared in the sky, and the terrifying shock wave seemed to break through the protective shield around the arena.

Afterwards, two figures fell from the sky and smashed the ground apart, lying in a pothole.

The two fire-breathing dragons supported the ground and stood up slowly. They both looked up to the sky and let out a mouthful of flames, and then fell to the ground one after another.

After retracting their sprayers into the ball, Chihong and Dandi released their last elves one after another——

Frog Flower and Ice Puppet.

On the surface, it seems that the Ice Walking Doll is completely superior to the Frog Flower in terms of attributes, but the Frog Flower, as the initial scarlet elf in this world, is definitely the top three existence in the team.

As soon as I entered the field at this moment, it began to take root, sunny, and grow.

A stomp of the foot is an earthquake, opening of the mouth is a sun beam, and dozens of vines are stretched out from the body for a powerful whipping attack.

For a moment, the terrifying attack was so suppressed that the ice-walking puppet could hardly resist. It was rare to find a chance to launch a blizzard attack, but it was easily blocked by Miaowahua's defense and the light wall.

What's more amazing is that with the Miao Frog Flower as the center, a strong toxin spread out directly, and the place where it passed was a highly poisonous aura.

The ice-walking puppet was accidentally poisoned.

After exhausting each other, it didn't take long for the ice-walking puppet to end in complete failure in the hands of Miao Frog Flower.

So far, the game is over.

The new strongest king is the champion of the Kanto region, a trainer from Zhenxin Town - Red!

Infinite growth flow... the version of the Frog Flower? Interesting.

After the game, Shinji, who was thousands of miles away, looked away and murmured.

In the past two days, Dr. Oki has published his papers on the growth training method and the blood vessel recovery model.

Although the things mentioned in it are just the basics, they are also very useful.

The growth training method may not be useful to Chi Hong, who has become a champion, but her fighting method with the Terra Turtle can be slightly changed for the Miao Frog Flower, who is also a heavyweight elf.

For most opponents, this pure turret tactic works quite well.

As for blood recovery, it can be seen from the red fire-breathing dragon that red is also trying, and with the help of the high pressure in the battle, the fire-breathing dragon successfully comprehended.

However, it's funny to say that the founding elf of this mode bites the land shark fiercely, and his strength doubles several times, and he is no match for the junior fire-breathing dragon.

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