Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 238 The autistic Xiaomao and Xiaozhi who died twice

true new town

True newness is the pure white color that symbolizes departure

Although it is only a small town in the west of the Kanto region, it is not ordinary in the eyes of the people of Kanto.

The research institute of Dr. Oki, the most authoritative in the field of Pokémon research, was established here, and the current Chihong in Kanto area, as well as the champion candidate Qinglu, and the owner of the Evergreen gymnasium are all from Zhenxin Town.

In addition to these most famous people, the champion and runner-up of the just-concluded Quartz Conference were also won by Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town and Xiaomao, the grandson of Dr. Oki and Qinglu's younger brother.

If any one of these characters comes from a certain town, that town will attract more people's attention, let alone all of them gather together.

It can be said that even the vast majority of important cities and locations in the current Kanto area are not as well-known as Zhenxin Town.

Taking the fire-breathing dragon, Xiaozhi quickly returned to Zhenxin Town. After saying hello to Hanako and the sucker puppet, he rushed to the research institute to find Dr. Oki and ask him what he could do.

At the same time, I also plan to take the time to get to know Shinji, and then exchange feelings with the elves, and prepare to meet the challenges that will follow.

However, what he didn't expect was...

Xiao Mao, why are you here? Aren't you helping Qinglu manage the gym?

As soon as he entered the research institute, Xiao Zhi saw a gloomy young man with a hedgehog head sitting on the sofa in a daze while holding a poke ball.

According to past understanding, Xiao Mao, who likes to compare himself with himself, will definitely laugh at himself, or say hello or something.

But this time, Xiao Mao didn't raise his head, and looked down at the elf ball in his hand without moving.

Xiao Mao was completely defeated by a trainer who was going to challenge Qinglu. It seemed that he couldn't accept it, so he closed the gym and came back to adjust his state.

Dr. Oki, who was wearing a white research uniform, walked over with a smile.

A trainer who dares to challenge Qinglv must be very strong. I have challenged Red and Qinglv several times before, and I lost miserably every time, but it's not like this.

If you lose, you lose, and you just have to work hard to win back in the future!

Xiaozhi was a little puzzled, everyone has been traveling for so long, what else is there to ignore?

Yao remembered that the last time he was hit like this was because he was influenced by the Guide of Shadow Marshado after losing to Cross a long time ago.

Apparently, the world is full of frustrations from the very first day of travel.

After traveling for nearly a year, Xiao Zhi, who even experienced two deaths in Tianqingshan and Xindao, could not understand why Xiaomao was hit so hard.

A fiasco? It's normal to feel uncomfortable for a while when you lose. Isn't it fine to adjust and adjust?

Autism and the like, it really isn't that bad, right?

From what Xiaomao said, it seems that he is about the same age as him. He has only participated in the league meeting once. He seems to have won the championship just like Xiaozhi and you.

Dr. Oki shrugged, with a look of helplessness on his face.

Compared to Qinglu, who is strong in all aspects and has proven himself, the little grandson Xiaomao is a little immature.

Ah?! No way? Then Xiaomao won't be completely defeated, right?

Although Xiaozhi felt that he was definitely much stronger than Xiaomao, he didn't think Xiaomao was weak.

On the contrary, it was quite difficult for him to win in the final.

Of course, it may be that Xiaomao knows him too well and has done a lot of targeting strategies.

Forget it, don't worry about it, what's the matter with Dr. Oki looking for me?

After telling me, I have to prepare well, and then I will have a good competition with that trainer named Shinji!


Before Xiaozhi finished speaking, Xiaomao, who had a gloomy face, raised his head and confirmed, You said Shinji wanted to challenge you?

Yeah, what's so... um? The trainer who defeated you was Shinji?!

Xiaozhi said something in a daze before he realized it.

That guy's elf is very powerful and special, and he seized the opportunity in the battle and mercilessly killed the killer.

Doesn't stop at all to give you any respite, and is tough on elves.

Without answering Xiaozhi's question, Xiaomao said to himself.

How powerful is it?

Xiaozhi, a special elf, has seen too many, so he is not so curious, but it is powerful, but it is necessary to know about it.

My six strongest elves were defeated by him with two elves without defeating one of his elves.

In the final of the Lily of the Valley Conference, Shinji used his six ordinary elves to successfully defeat the opponent Dakoto's six legendary Pokémon and Phantom Elves.

Shinji's strength can be summed up in these two sentences by Xiaomao.

Is it so powerful?

Xiaozhi couldn't help being shocked after hearing this. Whether it was easily defeating Xiao Mao or defeating a group of legendary Pokémon, this can be said to be a terrifying record.

It can almost be said that under the king of heaven, there are not many opponents who can be Shinji.

That's it. I saw his elves in the video. Each one is very special and has its own strengths. The most common elves are enough to rival our strongest elves.

Is it so strong? It's inexplicably hot, Pikachu!

After listening to Xiaomao's words, not only was Xiaozhi not worried, but he clenched his fist and said to Pikachu.


Pikachu stood on Xiaozhi's shoulder, waving his fist excitedly.

The stronger the opponent, the more excited they are!

This guy……

Seeing this, Xiao Mao fell silent, and suddenly seemed to realize the huge gap between himself and Xiao Zhi, he seemed...too immature.

By the way, doctor, why are you looking for me?

After the excitement, Xiaozhi looked at Dr. Oki and asked.

Is that so? Dr. Bratano from the Carlos area said that he has made new progress in the study of mega evolution, and you need to send some important information to me later.

As a thank you gift, he will give you a piece of information about your elf super evolution stone, or maybe give you a super evolution stone directly.

Dr. Oki laughed.

Super evolutionary stone?! I will help deliver it safely later!

Xiaozhi jumped up excitedly. Apart from the super gloves embedded with key stones, he only has one super evolutionary stone of a charizard. It would be even better if he could get other super evolutionary stones!

At present, only the Carlos area and the Hoenn area have super-evolutionary stones. Even if Dr. Bratano does not give away or give information, he himself intends to choose one of the two areas to travel first.

In that case, then Pikachu, let's travel to Carlos later!


Then I'll go see my companions first.


Xiaozhi and Pikachu looked at each other and smiled, the latter jumped off his shoulders, followed Xiaozhi and walked directly to the backyard.

After being summoned by Pikachu's 100,000 volts, Xiaozhi successfully gathered all the elves together, began to communicate, and also checked Shinji's related videos together.

After watching it, all the elves changed from the initial excitement to the solemnity of facing the enemy. Under Xiaozhi's comfort, they became enthusiastic again, gearing up and waiting for Shinji's arrival.

Finally, Shinji arrived in Zhenxin Town two days later, under the expectation of all the elves and Xiaozhi.

After arriving at the Oki Research Institute and asking him to help update the data of Arceus' mobile phone and obtain the function of using the mobile phone to transfer elves, Shinji came to the backyard.

What I saw was Xiaozhi and his elves who were undergoing special training.

It looks like you're ready?

Shinji asked calmly.

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