Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

End of paper testimonials

Well, before I knew it, at this point in writing, the first volume and the first goal in the real sense had been achieved!

Shinji won the championship, well, but it was only the championship, and everything was just beginning.

The next trip will start soon, and it will be a brand new trip.

Before the trip begins, there are three things to say.

The first one is... the state is not good recently, and Kavin is very uncomfortable. I will adjust my state tomorrow and ask for a day off.

(Update 4.19, well, that's it.)

Second, I hope you can comment on the mythical beasts, phantom beasts that you want Shinji to subdue, or suitable for Shinji, or ordinary elves from other regions...

Third, if there are any interesting plots, you can comment on the plots you want to see, maybe it will appear in the book in the future.

I hope you will comment a lot (ω)

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