Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 220 VS Darko (2) Steel Nine, Gravity Invalid!

Nine Tails, prepare to fight!


Nine-Tails' elegant body appeared on the field, looking down on Sidoran.

Although there is still a lot of gap between Nine Tails and Seado Lann in terms of strength, the battle and victory are never judged by a simple level, but by various factors.


At the very beginning, Kyuubi started to launch a trick to activate the brain without moving a muscle, so that the special attack was greatly improved.

It is naturally impossible for Dakoto to watch Nine Tails increase its strength, but he knows the fire characteristics of Nine Tails, and he did not choose to launch fire attribute moves such as lava storm.

Sidolan, the power of the earth!


Sidolan stepped on the ground suddenly, a crack extended towards Nine Tails, and the terrifying power of the earth emerged from the ground to attack Nine Tails.


Nine Tails snorted coldly, leaped into the air, activated his supernatural power and took off directly, perfectly avoiding the damage of the power of the earth.

Power Gem!

Seeing that Nine-Tails also has the ability to float in the air, Xidolan pursued decisively. After the strength on his body was condensed, he shot out a shining beam of light, chasing and killing Nine-Tails.

Move at high speed and rush up!

The Nine-Tails in the Air launched its super power to accelerate and descend easily, and after avoiding the beam attack, it shortened the distance to Sidolan like a ghost.


When the distance between the two sides was not far away, Kyuubi launched his only melee move, and his body slammed into Sidoran with a dark light.

Xidoran's level is higher than that of Kyuubi, and his power is naturally stronger. As a move that can borrow the opponent's power to attack, deceit is naturally powerful.

But Kyuubi didn't expect that Sidolan didn't dodge at all. The moment the attack landed, a metallic light shone from his body, and his defense was greatly improved!

It is the iron wall!


After strengthening the defense, Sidolan withstood the damage from the deceit, and rushed towards Nine-Tails decisively with a ferocious aura.

At this moment, there is no need for Shinji to remind, Kyuubi, who has been training with his partners for a long time, moves instantly

While the body kept retreating, the nine tails turned into metal colors and fell towards Sidoran from different angles. After retreating layer by layer, they managed to barely block this terrifying blow.

Shinji did not allow the situation to continue, and said decisively:

Supernatural power!


A blue light flashed in Jiuwei's eyes, and terrifying supernatural powers emerged, directly controlling Sidolan, who had lost most of his momentum, and smashed it to the ground.

Then nine iron tails fell on him one after another, as if playing a steel ninetet.

Boom! Boom! Boom~

In this wonderful movement, Xi Dolan was intoxicated by it, and was so suppressed that he could not move.

Every time he wants to get up, he will be attacked by several tails from different angles, breaking up his strength.


Grasping the opening of the attack, the mysterious light from Nine-Tails' eyes fell on Sidolan, intending to hypnotize him.

However, a strange situation appeared——

Obviously the hypnotism hit, but it was difficult to hypnotize it.

Kyuubi tried to hypnotize him for a long time, but it only made Xi Dulanen extremely sleepy, and his resistance was greatly reduced.

According to this situation, it will take a while to fully hypnotize him.

Come back first.

Seeing that Xi Duolan's situation is not good and it is difficult to resist, Dakdo decisively took out the poke ball and wanted to take it back.

Supernatural power!

However, before the red light fell on Sidolan, a mysterious force stood in front of the red light, distorting the light and bouncing it in other directions.

Dakota tried several times and failed to recover all of them!

Seeing that the opponent didn't give him a chance to take it back, Dakdo could only continue to fight.

Metallic sound!

The piercing and irritating sound waves suddenly appeared from the whole body and mouth of Sidolan lying on the ground, making the face of Nine Tails, who was constantly attacking beside him, suddenly look uncomfortable.

Special defense, a sharp drop!

Seizing the moment when his opponent showed embarrassment, Sidolan suddenly stood up and threw himself at Nine Tails.


Supernatural power!

At the critical moment, Shinji's voice came, and Kyuubi's supernatural power exploded, and a terrifying shock wave rushed in the direction of Shidolan.


Shouting in his mouth, Sidolan actually shattered the shock wave directly, pounced on the body of Nine Tails and knocked the latter flying out in an instant.

Fortunately, the supernatural power has weakened the power of the pounce by half, otherwise, if one move is completely hit, Kyuubi will be left with residual blood even if he is undefeated.

Power Gem!

Taking advantage of his unpreparedness, a shining beam of light shot out from Sidolan's mouth, hitting Nine Tails.

If this blow hits, Nine Tails will be defeated!

Iron Tail dodge!

After landing, all the tails of Nine-Tails, which was rolling on the ground, suddenly exerted force in different directions, and the body in the rolling was ejected from the ground in an instant.

Power Gem!

Looking at the Nine Tails in the sky, the strength in Sidolan's mouth gathered again.

Fixation method!

The moment Nine-Tails bounced into the air and stabilized his body with magical powers, a blue light burst out of his eyes and landed on Sidolan one step ahead.

Just looking at it, Xi Duolan felt his body was restrained for a moment, but the power gem that had to be launched after resuming action could not be used at all.

Supernatural power!

Without waiting for Xi Doran to think clearly, Nine Tails used magical powers to control and squeeze the former to cause damage, and at the same time, he threw it into the sky with all his strength.

That's it, the ultimate impact!

In the air, Sidolan broke free with all his strength, adjusted his body after breaking free of his supernatural power, aimed at the direction of Nine Tails, and dived down with all his strength.

Gather your strength and dodge.

Seeing Xi Duolan rushing towards him, Kyuubi didn't evade or counterattack immediately, but looked at the former seriously and seriously.

Just when it was not far away from him, Nine Tails suddenly moved, launched a high-speed movement and jumped out to the side, leaving the original position for more than ten meters in a blink of an eye.

Xi Duo~

The speed of such an explosion was obviously not expected by Sidran, and the dodging position was also impossible for Sidran to hit. He could only smash his head on the ground to dissipate the super impact, and then launched other attacks.

Before Sidolan launched the next attack, Nine Tails condensed the supernatural power into a beam of light and attacked the former.

After the attack fell, Sidoran, who had suffered countless attacks, fell to the ground.

Sidolan loses his ability to fight, and Kyuubi wins!

announced the referee.


Hearing the referee's voice, Kyuubi breathed a sigh of relief, and finally gasped for air.

Although he was only attacked once in this duel, the power of the attack was not small. In addition to the constant attacks, his physical strength was also exhausted.

It is not an exaggeration to say that as long as the attack of any elf hits after Dakoto, it will definitely lose its fighting ability!

Your Nine-Tails is really good, and you were able to defeat Sidolan.

Duck, who took Xidoran back, praised him, took out another poke ball and threw it out, saying, How are you going to deal with this?

An elf in the ball flew out quickly, and then fell back in front of Dakdo. From its sky blue and white streamlined body, we can see how extraordinary the elf's speed is.


Shinji read the name of the elf in his heart, but he said directly: Gravity!


A hint of cunning flashed in Jiuwei's eyes, and the next moment he released the gravity field, covering the entire venue under a special gravity.


Before Latios could make any movements, he felt a terrifying force of gravity pressing on him, causing him to keep pushing towards the ground.

In this regard, while Lattios's wings moved slightly and fully stimulated the floating characteristics, light was emitted from the body, borrowing superpowers to offset gravity?

Under multiple blessings, he flew in the gravity abruptly, and successfully became the first elf that could fly in the gravity besides the electric shock beast.

Although the speed has been affected to a certain extent, it is still able to fly.


Seeing that the gravity did not completely overwhelm him to the ground, Shinji decisively replaced him, otherwise Kyuubi would lose his ability to fight if he was accidentally hit by a mental force during the battle.

Thanks to Blue Collar? Xiaoxiaosheng for the reward (*﹀`*)*゜

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