Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 214 (3) The bloody battle bites the land shark

Go, Pokkisi.


Pokkisi soared into the sky again.

Facing the small plane with goblin attributes and dragon attribute moves that were ineffective, Biting Land Shark chose to make the sandstorm more violent. The sand all over the sky blocked the vision a lot, and continued to cause damage to Pokkisi.

Magic shines!

Sharp rock attack!

Pokkisi's body emitted a strong light full of goblin-attributed energy towards the biting land shark, but before the light came to the biting land shark, it was blocked by the stone pillar it made, perfectly blocking the attack.

Seeing that the attack was invalid, Pokki immediately changed the attack form, and the magic flash was converted into a powerful beam of light to shoot out. In response, Lie Bite Lu Shark created a dozen stone blades and shot it out, blasting the magic flash.

It seemed that there was no winner or lose in a contest, and it seemed that the land shark was crushed fiercely, but in fact, it was Pokkisi, who was constantly injured due to the sweeping sandstorm, who was impatient.

Dance of the Dragon!

Lie Bite Lu Shark, who had the home court advantage, was not in a hurry to attack, but danced the mysterious dragon dance again.

Stop it.

Pokkisi was naturally unwilling to do this, and quickly produced two wave missiles and threw them out. At the same time, countless wind blades swept out and fell towards the biting land shark.

Dig a hole.

After the twin scythes waved and directly exploded the wave missile, Lie Bite Lu Shark used digging holes to disappear above the ground, letting the wind blade fall into the air.

At this moment, Minghui also knew the plan of Shinji and Lie Bite Lu Shark, which was to delay time with him to let the sandstorm consume Pokkisi to death, or wait for him to let Pokkisi get close, and then defeat Pokkisi.

The fairy attribute can be immune to dragon attribute moves, but it cannot be immune to other attribute moves. He doesn't think that Shinji's biting land shark can only use dragon attribute melee moves.


In the sandstorm, Pokkisi activated his moves to activate his skills and began to improve his special attack.

Sharp rock attack!

Biting the land shark was also very decisive, launching dozens of stone blades towards Pokkisi immediately after breaking through the ground.

Under the pressure of the sharp stone attack, Pokkisi did not choose to dodge, but continued to maintain the trick. When the special attack was greatly improved, the sharp stone attack also fell on him at the same time.

The effect is outstanding!

With one hit, Pokkisi's body suddenly fell from the sky, with little physical strength left.

Take the baton!

In mid-air, Pokkisi's body left a white light cluster and then turned into white light and flew back into Minghui's elf ball.

Pikaxi, it's up to you!

After the fat and cute Pixie fell to the ground, the light ball left by Pokkisi flew into his body, greatly improving his special attack.


The promoted Pixie immediately created a violent snowstorm and swept out.

Dig a hole!

However, Lie Bite Land Shark had no intention of resisting. He just dug a hole in the ground and disappeared. He sneaked fast in the ground, rushed under Pi Kexi in a blink of an eye, and knocked him into the air with one blow.


Amidst the roar of the dragon, Lie Bite Lu Sha jumped up and chased after it, and the twin scythes turned into metal and slashed towards Pi Kexi.

Alloy claws!

Magic shines!

Picosi, who was knocked into the sky, suddenly emitted a powerful beam of light on the attacking biting land shark.

The effect is outstanding!

Enduring the pain under the strong light, he bit Lu Shark with both sickles and cut it off, hitting him into the ground with one move.

The effect is outstanding!

Alloy Claw!

Biting the land shark and swooping down, the alloy claws of both hands slashed down again.

Hold on, charming!

At the critical moment, Pixie, who had little physical strength, propped up the protective cover to resist the attack of the alloy claws, avoiding the disaster of defeat.

At the same time, several hearts flew out of his body and landed on Lie Bite Shark after the attack failed, trying to make Lie Bite Land Shark bow down at his feet.

But in the blood recovery mode, the whole elf of Biting Land Shark is extremely tyrannical. The charming move only stunned it for a moment, and then its eyes regained clarity and tyranny again, and the double sickles swung down again.

This moment is not much time, but it is enough for Minghui to take back the bloody Pi Kexi with the elf ball in his hand at any time.

At this moment, both Lie Bite Lu Shark and Shinji felt a little irritated. It had only been a long time since the battle started, and Minghui's frequency of exchanging spirits was too high.


In this regard, the biting land shark who suffered a lot of injuries said that he silently made the sandstorm more violent.

Take it back...

Shinji looked at Minghui and frowned slightly, wondering if this guy did it on purpose or accidentally.

The most critical time is to rely on you, let's rest first.

Minghui smiled and said to the poke ball in his hand, then took out another poke ball he had prepared and threw it out.

Scorpio King, let's go!


The Scorpion King rolled 720° in the air and landed on the ground with the support of his tail. There were bursts of purple aura from his body, which filled the air.


Toxic therapy, activate!

As soon as he played, the Scorpio King successfully poisoned himself.

Dance of the Dragon.

Glancing at the biting Lu Shark who was seriously injured, Shinji said.


Lie Bite Lu Sha heard the words and launched the Dragon Dance, strengthening his own speed and strength again.

Sword dance, guillotine!

The Scorpion King launched the sword dance and rotated his body at high speed to get closer to the biting land shark. After the sword dance was completed, he swooped down with two large pincers.

Dragon Claw!

Biting Lu Shark at the end of the dragon dance was not afraid, and flew up the twin scythes and slashed at the Scorpion King.


As soon as the two touched, a violent explosion occurred, but the relatively weak Scorpion King was not knocked into the air. Instead, his pair of pincers clamped the twin scythes that bit the land shark tightly, no matter how the latter swung it, he could not fly. Don't let go.

Be careful of its tail, just use the dragon wave and dragon claw like this!

Seeing that the biting land shark couldn't get rid of it, Shinji said decisively.

Broken land~

Biting Lu Shark's mouth, a wave of dragon's wave blurred Scorpio King's face at close range. At the same time, the dragon's claws were activated again, and Scorpio King's body was chopped towards the ground.

Scorpion King, highly poisonous, iron tail.

Enduring the attack of biting land sharks, the Scorpion King released a dark purple toxin from his hands to infect the former, and at the same time the long tail on his back turned into a metal shape and flung out suddenly.


Despite Shinji's reminder, the biting land shark, who was busy using moves and was attacked by the poison, still failed to defend against the blow and was injured.

Fortunately, in the next second, the dragon claws that bit Lu Shark were used, and the Scorpion King was slashed to the ground, causing him to loosen the pincers passively.

At this moment, there was no need for Shinji's reminder, Biting Lu Shark violently stepped on the Scorpio King and slashed wildly, dozens of knives fell continuously in an instant.

During the whole process, Scorpio King tried to resist, tried to turn back and escape quickly, and tried to be taken back by Minghui, but was blocked one by one by Biting Lu Shark with stronger strength and huge body.

The moment the attack ended, the Scorpio King lay motionless on the ground.

The Scorpio King loses his ability to fight, but bites the land shark fiercely to win.

announced the referee.

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