Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 204 Kaoping, who has been prepared for a long time|Dark Demon Spirit, Great Sword Demon Appe

Chapter 204 The prepared Kaoping Night Demon, the Great Sword Demon Appears!

After the game, Shinji still watched the live broadcast of the league game in the lobby, observing and analyzing the strength and fighting style of the players.

As always, Dakdo, relying on Yiqi Juechen's strength, used Dakley to easily eliminate all three of the opponent's elves.

Perhaps the only difference is that this time Darkley spent more time using a few skills because his opponent was prepared against the black hole.

Minghui and Ah Xun's opponents are not bad, they are much weaker than Wang Lu, and it is easy to win.

After all the battles were over, the heads of the remaining sixteen players also appeared on the screen.

In addition to Shinji himself, there are four portraits of Minghui, Ashu, Kopin and Dakdo.

Shinji is not surprised that Kopping can reach this point. As a tactical trainer, Kopping may be weaker than Ashu and Minghui, but if he really makes a targeted operation, it will definitely not be difficult to deal with. Low.

While Shinji was thinking, the avatars gathered together and quickly matched them randomly, finally forming a new battle lineup.

The player corresponding to the avatar happened to be Coppin.

Shinji, I am really looking forward to the battle with you. In order to defeat you, I have studied a lot of your information.

Kaoping, who appeared next to him at an unknown time, adjusted his glasses and gave a strange smile twice.

Then do your best.

Shinji said something lightly, put his hands in his pockets and left.

Now that the opponent has been determined, it is time to formulate appropriate tactics and choose an appropriate lineup.

What a proud person~ Shinji.

Seeing Shinji's voice going away, Kopping's mouth curled up and he smiled sinisterly.

As a tactical trainer, although the elves are not as strong as Shinji, he still has a lot of elves.

It basically covers all types, and can carry out most tactics. It can only be said that it is difficult to make a targeted response.

Moreover, he had already been preparing for this battle after losing to Shinji before. Against Shinji, he thought he still had a lot of winning percentage.

Shinji didn't know Kopping's thoughts, but when he carefully studied his materials, he also understood.



Elves: Dumb King, Boss Cordora, Heracross, Overlord Flower, Pot Pot, Big Tongue Lick, Night Demon, Snorkeling Weasel, Scythe Helmet...


Shinji took a closer look at Kopping's elf, and was speechless.

There are about 20 elves in Kopping, and there are various types. They can easily form a simple space team, sandstorm team, sunny team, rainy team... In the team, there are those who are good at attacking, defending, tactics, and some are good at speed. Elf, very omnipotent.

This means that it is impossible for Shinji to make a targeted lineup response in advance.

The easiest way to deal with this situation is to deal with magic with magic.

Use a certain combat system, choose one to fight, at least there will be no major problems.

However, no matter how he watched the video or read the information, Shinji's eyes would unconsciously be placed on the night demon.

This guy impresses it very much, he has to guard against the guy who can open up space and live with him.

In the end, after thinking for a long time, he decided to attack the night demon. If necessary, sacrificing an elf is also possible.

On the other side, Kohei looked at Shinji's information and smiled.

sunny team? Rain team? Sandstorm team?

These teams are useful, but can they really have a huge impact on Shinji and then decide the victory?


Unless you specialize in a certain team, and then the elf combination is very good and strong, otherwise you will not even have half the winning rate against Shinji.

Wang Lu was very strong before, right?

The runner-up of Caiyou Conference!

The strength of its elves is not much weaker than that of Shinji, and it is also specialized in the sandstorm team.

The results of it?

Except for the leading gopher, the others were basically unilaterally crushed by Yueyue Xiong activated by perseverance.

Since the weather team is difficult to be effective, it is natural to choose other lineups, such as...

The space team I'm best at.

Coppin has carefully studied Shinji's lineup, and he found that Shinji's elves have various types and are very versatile.

It may be difficult to form a particularly perfect combination, but each elf has its own system and is difficult to deal with.

But... Shinji's elves are not particularly slow, whether they are walking tanks, quick attacks, warriors... or even turret elves.

At least... faster than his own space team members!

It's up to the two of you to open up the situation, and then hand it over to you to win.

Coping looked at the three elf balls in his hand, feeling very excited.

Originally, he wanted to leave this tactic to Dakdo in the finals, but he didn't expect to meet Shinji so early, so he had to release it in advance, and then plan a new tactic.

He felt that with this tactic, winning Shinji should not be a problem.

In a blink of an eye, it was the day of the top sixteen competition.

Since there are not many matches, they are basically played one by one, so at this moment, there are not only full spectators in the auditorium, but also other participating players watching the match.

The third round of the battle is about to begin. The winner of this battle will enter the quarterfinals, and then a 6VS6 all-hands battle will start.

Will the judge who is good at tactics win, or the dark horse player Shinji who owns the mysterious Moon Moon Bear?

Let's wait and see!

The commentator's voice sounded, and Shinji and Kohei also began to enter the arena.

in the auditorium

Who do you think will win this game?

Xiaoguang, who was holding Bogaman, asked curiously.

That must be Shinji! Shinji is so strong, it's easy to defeat this kind of Kopin! Ah Xun's tone was very sure.

It's not that easy, Coppin's ability to develop play-setting strategy and so on is very strong.

Perhaps, he has already worked out a tactic against Shinji, or prepared some powerful secret weapon.

As the protagonist who likes to think about tactics, Minghui is very clear that Kaoping is unusual.

Oh, Minghui, don't talk nonsense, Shinji will definitely win perfectly.

Ah Xun pursed his lips and patted Minghui, but what he got was a blank stare from the latter.

There are some things that Minghui didn't say, he felt that, as an opponent, Kaoping was definitely the most difficult to deal with among all opponents, at least much more difficult to deal with than Ah Xun.

Please let the contestants release their elves.

announced the referee.

Shinji and Kopin threw their Pokeballs at the same time.

Night Demon, come on.

Great Sword Ghost, prepare to fight.

The one-eyed Night Demon Spirit, a visitor from the spirit world, floated motionless in the air, and did not make any special noises, but when the Great Sword Ghost appeared on stage, the audience was in an uproar.

What kind of elf is this?

Great Sword Ghost? Does it look like this?

A mutant elf?

It seems to be a special form of great sword ghost discovered a few days ago... I can't remember clearly...


Most of the spectators like to watch various games, but their understanding of elves is not so comprehensive.

The legendary Xicui sword ghost, you actually have one?

No, you can actually make your Double Blade Pill evolve into this? !

Kaoping had already expected that Shuangrenwan would evolve into a Great Sword Demon, but it was incomprehensible to evolve into a Xicui Great Sword Demon.

Elves existed many years ago, even if some are discovered by the integration now, it stands to reason that they cannot evolve.

But since it appeared, the accidental related information immediately appeared in Kaoping's mind.

Xicui Great Sword Ghost, the characteristic is torrent or sharp, water + evil attribute, master the skill secret sword Qian Chonglang.

Among them, the effect of Thousand Waves is temporarily unknown and has not been made public.

Thanks to the trainers Green Vegetable White Jade Tea Bowl and Ling Ren for their rewards (ω)

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