Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 199 The Eve of the Conference

Player Murakami

Shinji quickly found his own room, a clean and tidy single room, except for a computer to look up the opponent's information, there was nothing special about it.

After packing up the things, Shinji started to turn on the computer, and probably searched for trainer information.

There are countless trainers participating in the conference, and most people will naturally only look for information on their opponents, and then study strategies.

And Shinji is also a time traveler, knowing some information that ordinary people don't know, so he directly entered the three words Dakdo in the search bar with a purpose.

He doesn't pay much attention to other trainers, but Shinji is very concerned about whether this so-called beast man exists in this world, and whether he has participated in this Suzuran Conference.

Soon, Dakdo's information came into Shinji's eyes.



Sex: Male

Age: 20

Hometown: Sinnoh Region

Honor: None

Elf: Darkrai


If the above personal information is normal, then it gradually becomes weird.

There is only one Darkrai in the elf data, and there are not many related videos, only the video of the gymnasium competition.

The content in the video is also extremely uniform. Only one Darkrai appeared in the whole process, and one elf penetrated 8 gymnasiums, and except for the black hole dream-eating tactics, they basically crushed and won the whole process.

Honor: None

The whole person is very strange, as if it came out of nowhere.

Could it be that after the trip, you've been looking around for magical Pokémon and legendary Pokémon?

Shinji made such an imagination and guess.

After all, no matter how lucky Dakdo is, if there are divine beasts at the beginning, it is impossible to have six, right?

Therefore, there is a high probability that over the years, rather than improving his strength, he has been looking for divine beasts and magical beasts to subdue them.


The strength is still within the acceptable range.

Shinji could tell that Darkley's approximate strength should be at the Glory level (quasi-king) close to the Heavenly king level.

In a disguised form, Dakdo's strength is above that of Leisi.

After all, divine beasts and phantom beasts are not so powerful by nature, but the upper and lower limits of their races are relatively high. The elves of Dakdo have obviously not fully grown up yet.

But it's because he didn't grow up. If he really grew up, the competition he participated in would not be the league conference, but the championship challenge for the championship and the world championship for the eight masters and the world's number one.

I hope that your other elves will not be weaker than Darkrai in the future...

After reading Dakdo's information, Shinji slowly closed his profile, and entered Shinji in the input box again.


Sex: Male

Age: 15

Honors: Curtain City Youth Fighting Tournament Champion, Curtain... Celebrating the Winner Cup... Random Tournament... Ring Competition...

Elves: Electric Shock Beast, Circle Bear, Biting Land Shark, Nine-Tails, Double-edged Pill, Terra Turtle, Dragon King Scorpion, Giant Metagro, Snow Fairy


The information of the players is not really complete. Take Dakoto as an example, only those who have left records or are known by many people will appear in the information.

For example, because Boss Kedora was conquered by Shinji after he obtained eight badges, he did not use it to participate in any competitions, so there is no record of it.

For example, Moon Moon Bear and Great Sword Demon have not appeared in the official competition for the time being. Since Shinji's pre-match request did not disclose relevant information, only the doctor and the people in the training room know about it.

What other people know is that there are new species of elves in the Sinnoh area, and the circle bear has a new evolutionary type... they don't know much about the specific details.

Maybe the inside of the alliance already knew about it, but due to various reasons, it didn't make it out.

Of course, as long as Shinji uses Tsukikuma and Great Sword Demon, his own information will definitely change that day.

But Shinji doesn't really care about it, he just plays with poor information, doesn't he?

Later, Shinji searched the information of Ah Xun, Minghui, and Kaoping to check.


The next day, the qualifiers for the Lily of the Valley Conference began, and multiple venues began to compete around the clock, reducing the number of participants step by step, so as to determine the top 64.

The qualifiers were very easy for Shinji, and basically did not encounter any strong opponents. Shinji only relied on Boss Cordora, who had no record before, and Rotom, who was motionless and meditating every day in his mobile phone, easily entered reached the round of 64.

It was at that moment that the athletes' village really became empty.

At night, in the splendid central venue, 64 of the most powerful trainers gathered here and stood in the central venue, watching the real opening ceremony.

The holy fire is about to be lit...


The Sinnoh Alliance·Suzuran Conference·is officially open!

As the two torch hands on the living platform light the flame, colorful fireworks are released in the sky.

At this moment, the lily of the valley meeting officially began.

There were countless applause and cheers in the auditorium.

Is the champion coming too?

Shinji looked around calmly, and saw Sirona with a slight smile in the special area at the top of the auditorium.

Turning his head and looking around, among the crowd of trainers, he saw the little yellow-haired Axun, the poet Shangzhi, the protagonist Minghui... and... the beast man Dakdo!

Then, what will be announced now is the battle table for the first round.

As the host's voice sounded, a change appeared on the big screen at the top of the venue, and finally 64 trainers were paired successfully.

Shinji's portrait is in the upper right corner, and he is fighting against...


Lips moved slightly, and Shinji cast his gaze on the bard holding the harp.

It's really a fateful encounter. I didn't expect to meet you again in the first round, Shinji.

Noticing Shinji's gaze, Hisashi smiled and walked towards Shinji.

Fate is indeed interesting, but...

In my memory, Xiaozhi met Shangzhi in the first official match of the Lily of the Valley Tournament, but now, I have to say that it is a bit interesting to meet Shangzhi for the first time.

If this is fate, the outcome is preordained.

Shinji said calmly.

Then let me see if this movement of fate will be as you said.

With a smile on the corner of Shang Zhi's mouth, he gently plucked the strings in his hand, and said.

Soon, the opening ceremony officially ended.

Shinji went to the Spirit Center, practiced with Leisi and changed the lineup a little, then walked towards his residence.

Hey Shinji, would you like some food?

On the way, Xiao Huangmao's familiar voice suddenly came.

Turning around to look, Shinji saw Minghui, Xiaoguang and Ah Xun sitting together eating at the roadside barbecue stand, and the three of them looked at him together.

Not in the habit.

Shinji said lightly.

Tomorrow we will fight Mr. Shangzhi, have you thought about what kind of elf to use?

Minghui asked.

Based on the situation, I chose the most suitable three.

Shinji doesn't care how Minghui knew Shangzhi, but he has already studied Shangzhi's information.

It's still the same, comparing insect and grass elves, and most elves are good at singing and dancing, and they also master gorgeous competition skills suitable for battles.

For ordinary trainers, it is a formidable enemy that cannot be ignored.

But to him, it's almost meaningless.

After all, no matter what the tactics and skills are, if you want to win, you need one of the most basic requirements-strength.

In the case of not being perfect in other aspects, as long as you have enough strength, you can break through all methods with one force.

Then I wish you the best of luck.

Minghui laughed.

I knew it, Shinji, you really have confidence, and you deserve to be my only opponent in this league meeting.

Ah Xun said with a big smile, holding skewers in his mouth.

Why is it the only one?

Xiaoguang asked if he didn't understand.

Because Shinji and I are not sure of victory.

Minghui explained in a low voice.

What! Minghui, what are you whispering here?

Ah Xu squinted his eyes and pouted at the two of them.

Ming Hui made a haha, and said, By the way, the moon is really round today~

Yeah, it's really bright.

Xiaoguang agreed.

But today is the waning moon...

Ah Xun pursed his lips and said.

Don't worry about these details, come and eat.

Minghui took a skewer and stuffed it into Ah Xun's mouth, saying.

What to eat, I still have to communicate with Shinji... Eh?! Where's Shinji?

As he said that, Ah Xun turned around to look, only to find that Shinji's figure had disappeared.

Just left.


The conference is about to begin!

Stay tuned, Shinji and Elf's information has been uploaded.

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