Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 167 Controllable academic, but such a female

controllable acupuncture

As the name suggests, you can control the direction of the ability of acupuncture moves. If you want to increase the speed of acupuncture, you can increase the speed, and if you increase the attack, you can increase the attack. It is no longer the original completely random ability improvement.

If you practice deeply, you can also give acupuncture to your opponent to reduce the ability of your opponent or yourself.

The so-called one trick is popular all over the world. In order to develop this ability, Leisi's Dragon King Scorpion spent many years. After learning acupuncture points, he has been studying according to Shinji's ideas. After taking countless detours, he developed this ability.

It is precisely because of the success of the Leisi Dragon King Scorpion that Shinji doesn't think much of Ah Liu's Dragon King Scorpion. Compared with the two, the latter is like a beast with only brute force.

Now, it is the critical moment for it to pass on this ability to Shinji Dragon King Scorpion, so Shinji will naturally not foolishly disturb him.

As long as this ability is mastered, the fighting power of the Dragon King Scorpion will increase geometrically!

So, after thinking about it, Shinji sent the Snow Demon Girl back to update and upgrade the moves.

In Shinji's eyes, the Snow Demon Girl may not know a few output-type skills, but she must know a bunch of tactical moves.

Electrical shock monsters and circle bears are trained as a group. Flying and provocation are prohibited. Fight with all your strength, mainly to exercise the abilities you have learned.

Looking at the elves in front of him, Shinji took the lead in sending out the Electric Shock Beast and the Circle Bear.

Ah Kelu~


The two elves hit it off immediately, walked shoulder to shoulder and walked towards the distance, starting their own training

One focuses on speed, the other focuses on strength, and the difference in size after the evolution of the electric shock beast is not so outrageous, it is very suitable as the opponent's training target.

The sharp tooth land shark is fighting with the giant metal monster. It is forbidden to move at high speed. Practice blood recovery and exercise. Let's start.

Shinji quickly decided on the training of the two elves.



The two elves understood, and ran to a farther place to start training. Although the battle momentum was not as strong as the previous two, the danger of the breath was not weak at all!

Although Fangtooth Shark has been able to activate the blood recovery mode on its own, the raw materials of Longya Soup in the backpack cannot be wasted, and continue to let it finish eating to increase energy.

As for the giant metal monster, Shinji can only focus on its strength and body at the current stage of its cultivation, and then learn moves when it is free to send it back later.

As for superpowers, it is still the training of cosmic meditation.

At the current stage, the cosmic meditation of the golden monster only masters the cosmic power moves to absorb the power of the universe, so it focuses more on strengthening the body than the nine-tailed sun life meditation.

But if you learn the meteor beam that can absorb the power of the universe to strengthen the special attack in the future, you can learn from it and integrate it to develop a more comprehensive version of cosmic meditation.

Meditation is somewhat different from the infinite growth flow. The energy should be pure, not too messy, and have their own unique ways of absorbing power. Therefore, Shinji does not intend to let them try to start from the force of nature and other directions.

On the contrary, Electric Shock Beast and Snow Fairy can try to learn from the power of nature.

Seeing that the training was carried out in an orderly manner, Shinji started to make Longya soup.

After pouring the ingredients into the pot, Shinji went to the lake to fill it with water.

Suddenly, Shinji's heart moved, and he raised his head as if feeling something in his heart, and looked forward.

A gray fairy-like Pokémon with two tails emerged from the water like a phantom.

It has a purple-red face and hair, a red gemstone embedded in the forehead and the end of the tail, and yellow pupils that have the magic power to make people feel joy and sorrow from the heart.

One of the three holy mushrooms, the god of emotions - Emrido.

After Shinji and him looked at each other for less than three seconds, Emrido's figure disappeared in the water as it did years ago, as if he had never appeared.

Is there any omen?

Shinji had such an idea inexplicably in his mind.

Powerful elves, especially powerful and mysterious super power attribute elves, may often have the ability to predict the future.

Although it is not accurate, it may have foreseen that something is about to happen, so it will take the initiative to appear in front of people.

Of course, there is also a very low possibility that it is pure recognition of you.

Shinji, on the other hand, prefers the former.

All the events that can be connected with Emrido are only the arrest of the Sansheng Mushroom by the Galaxy Group in memory.

Unfortunately, Shinji said that there was nothing he could do, unless Emrido was willing to be subdued by him, he would not be able to guard Xinqi Lake, nor would he be able to guard it.

After losing the captured hunter J, there may still be hunters ABCD appearing to capture Sansheng mushrooms for money, unless the alliance sends a large number of commissioners to protect it, it may be able to hold it.

But is it possible?

Shaking his head, Shinji stopped thinking about Emri's intentions and started to cook soup for the sharp-tooth land shark.

If he can help, he can consider helping if necessary, but it is unnecessary to protect elves who are not his own elves.

After a long time, at the end of the training, the figures of Shuangrenmaru and Kyuubi finally appeared from the grove.


Heh~ females are nothing more than that!

Shuangrenwan, who has been tortured for a long time and entered the state of a sage, has extremely bright eyes, and the eyes are full of cruel and ruthless swords flickering, and the hand holding the sword is unprecedentedly stable.


Nine-tailed eyes were full of spring, and the slender tail flicked on Shuangrenwan's body and the tip of his heart.


However, Shuangren Wan, who had been tempered and tempered for a long time, didn't accept this at all, but snorted disdainfully.

How can mere female temptation affect my supreme sword intent?


Seeing this, Kyuubi was not angry at all, and the love in his eyes flew out and landed on Shuangrenwan, fascinated!


Female, it will only affect the speed of my swing!

Trying hard to suppress the influence of fascination, Shuangrenwan was firmer than ever before, relying on will and sword intent to forcibly suppress the influence of fascination.


The corner of Jiuwei's mouth raised, and a faint hypnotic wave fell on Shuangrenwan.

Cha! Cha~ Cha Cha...


In the next second, Shuangrenwan fell again and fell under Nine-Tails' Nine-Tails.


The elves are more sure that females are dangerous creatures, and they should stay away from this point of view.

Look at Shuangrenwan, the most determined fighter among our brothers, becoming so unsightly under the charm of females.

Females are dangerous creatures!

Brothers, promise me that you will never approach a female except for a fight!

Several elves looked at each other, nodded seriously, and made a wish to be lonely.

Time passed slowly during the training, and in a blink of an eye it was already the day of the battle.

Shinji didn't have the slightest sense of urgency for the decisive battle with Ah Shun, and he was still letting the elves exchange warm-up training.

I believe everyone should be clear about the following content?

Chapter 167 The Xinqi Lake Tragedy (Part 1)

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