Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 161 Futaba Memorial, Xiaoguang

Shinji didn't stay in the forest for long, and left after training for a few days, heading towards Futaba Town while traveling.

Finally, on the penultimate day of the Futaba Festival, Shinji, with the help of transportation, came to live in the spirit center of Futaba Town.

At this moment, the town already has a festive atmosphere, and there are already many food stalls and toy stalls on the streets. Trainers from all over the world gather here to enjoy this festival together.

On such a day, Shinji naturally did not train. After giving the elves a day off, after resting in the ball, they came to the street to fill their stomachs.

Of course, in the eyes of most people on the street, there is no shadow of Shinji.

Hello, two glasses of orange juice.

Suddenly, Shinji's figure appeared next to a cold drink stand out of thin air, and said politely to the stall owner.

Rely on it.

The stall owner who witnessed Shinji's appearance out of thin air stammered, thinking that he had encountered a ghost in broad daylight, swallowed secretly, then began to cut oranges and squeeze the juice with trembling hands.

When he noticed the snow demon girl beside Shinji, he was relieved.

Keep practicing.

Soon, Shinji, who took the orange juice, handed a glass to the Snow Fairy next to him, and then continued towards the nearby booth.


There was a mysterious light in the eyes of the Snow Fairy who was tasting the orange juice with both hands, and the illusion was activated.

The next moment, the figures of Shinji and the Snow Demon Girl disappeared and disappeared.

Originally, at the beginning, Shinji just wanted to let an elf go out with him, but after choosing the Snow Fairy because of the size problem, Shinji discovered the great use of the Snow Fairy's illusion - invisibility.

It can not only avoid being disturbed, but also practice the illusion of Snow Demon Girl by the way, killing two birds with one stone.

Unfortunately, it was finally discovered——

Eh? Why do you feel that something is wrong here?

On the street, Minghui, who bought food and was tasting with his childhood friend Xiaoguang, suddenly noticed that there seemed to be something wrong with the light in a certain place, and subconsciously stretched out his hand.

What's up?

As soon as the hand touched it, the illusion of the Snow Demon Girl broke down, revealing Shinji and the Snow Demon Girl who were eating.

Xiaoguang and Minghui: ?!

Is... is it a ghost...

Xiaoguang pointed at Shinji with one hand, and stammered, hiding his body behind Minghui.

His name is Shinji, he's from Curtain City, he's a very strong trainer, and he's my opponent with Ah Xun.

Minghui gave a brief introduction, which made Xiaoguang calm down.

Phew, it's fine if it's not a ghost.

Xiaoguang patted his chest lightly, heaved a sigh of relief, and walked out from behind Minghui again, saying:

Hello, my name is Xiaoguang, a native of Shuangye Town, and my goal is to become a top coordination trainer.


Shinji still ate the food in his hand self-consciously, looked at Xiaoguang for a few times, then nodded slightly, and didn't intend to make any more introductions.

Perhaps Xiaoguang is a popular heroine in memory, but does this have anything to do with Shinji?

Xiaoguang: (ー△ー;)!

Why is Shinji so strange...special?

Xiaoguang asked Minghui secretly.

Shinji has this character, there is no way, he is rather cold.

Minghui whispered back in embarrassment.

Hey! Hey! Hey! Why are you here, Shinji?!

Suddenly, a little yellow hair came running from a distance, shouted and ran over, saying:

I have been waiting for you in Shuangye Town for many days! When did you come! You will be fined for coming so late!

So, you have wasted a few more days.

Shinji didn't answer, just threw the garbage in his hand into the trash can, and glanced at A Xun.

Ah!? What, I've been working hard every day, just to beat you hard in the future, and to avenge my shame!

Ah Xun couldn't hold back and shouted.

He is so eager to see Shinji because he wants to wait and defeat Shinji as soon as possible, so he is not waiting for Shinji like Wangfushi!

Glancing at A Xun, Shinji said with a poisonous tongue:

Oh, that's good, so as not to lose too badly like before.

Who do you think can't bear it! Ah Xun shouted.


Suddenly, there was a laugh next to him.

Minghui, what are you laughing at?!

A Xun quit and asked.

I thought of happy things.

Minghui tried his best to maintain a dignified appearance.

What a happy thing...

My old... Mom wants to invite Aunt Caizi to come to her house as a guest.

What, you are just laughing at my family's Yuanshi!

We are young, I won't laugh at you unless I can't help it.

As he said that, Minghui suddenly pointed behind Ah Xun and said, Shinji is gone.

What!? I'll leave after laughing, damn it.

Ah Xun couldn't help but chased after him and ran into the distance.

But what he didn't know was that Shinji just let the snow demon girl cast an illusion and leave invisibly, and she didn't go far.

Xiaohui, what happened to Ah Xun in Jiayuan City, what's so funny?

Xiaoguang asked curiously.

Because it took a while after Minghui and Ah Xun to pick up the elves and set off on the journey on a bicycle alone, Xiao Guang didn't know Ah Xun's situation very well.

When I was in Jiayuan City, the six spirits of Ah Xun were easily defeated by Shinji's Electric Shock Beast without any command.



In a blink of an eye, it was the next day.

After a brief training and warm-up, Shinji signed up for the Futaba Matsuri Battle Conference.

Everyone in Futaba Town, the Futaba Festival, which is held according to the usual practice, has come to the last day, so let us have fun till the end!

Thanks to everyone, this celebration is so wonderful...

Now, the long-awaited finale event is about to begin.

Dressed in costumes, Ayako, who served as the host, began to hold the final event.

First of all, let's welcome the special guest of this competition——Sinoh, the leader of the battle frontier area, and the king of the tower who stands at the top of the battle tower, Mr. Guanglang!

Amidst the cheers, a yellow-haired man in a green windbreaker waved out.

The rules of this battle competition are very simple. Trainers who think that the qualification to challenge Mr. Sugar Palm is none other than him can participate in the 1VS1 battle, and the winner will be determined by knockout.

The winner will have the right to challenge Mr. Sugar Palm.

Then the game begins!

As Caizi's voice fell, the game officially opened.

Shinji walked forward silently and had the first match. After the referee announced the start of the game, he threw the poke ball immediately.

Nine Tails, prepare to fight!


Nine Tails jumped out lightly, and sat gracefully on the ground, with a proud and confident smile on the corner of his mouth.

I won't be soft-hearted, come on!

A young man in a green T-shirt saw that Shinji was so decisive in releasing the elves first, and decisively targeted him, releasing a water-attributed raccoon.

Go, big-tailed fox!


The big-tailed raccoon with wise eyes appears.

Big-tailed raccoon, water gun!

Nine Tails, magical powers.

The big-tailed civet was the first to shoot out a strong stream of water.

Kyuubi sat and stood without any panic, and when the water gun flew in front of him, he burst out with powerful thoughts, smashing it, and at the same time, the mysterious force controlled the big-tailed fox's movements, and beat the ground continuously.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

After several attacks, the big-tailed civet fell to the ground, motionless.

The big-tailed raccoon loses the ability to fight, and the nine-tails wins.

Said the convenience store owner who served as the referee.


Returning the ball to Kyuubi, Shinji silently turned and left, waiting for the next round.


Is this the end?

Why is this guy so strong?


The pure passers-by and trainers watching were shocked. They thought they were strong, but the gap was too big to solve the battle so quickly and easily, right? !

What, Shinji, he won so easily!

Ah Shun was shocked to see Shinji win so easily.

This Nine-Tails has become stronger again!

Minghui focused on Kyuubi.

It hasn't been too long, but the strength of Shinji's elves has improved rapidly. Obviously he has not wasted time and has been training hard, but it is difficult for the elves to catch up with Shinji's improvement speed.

Soon they played one by one, and the first round ended, and Minghui and Ah Xun naturally also entered the first round.

Even Xiaoguang, who entered the competition out of fun and curiosity, successfully entered the second round.

However, it is only the second round, because...

The second round, Shinji VS Xiaoguang!

What, met so soon.

Knowing that Xiaoguang met a powerful trainer, he was a little flustered.

Come on! Do your best!

Minghui encouraged.

That's right, anyway, the result has been decided, so don't think about it so much.

Ah Xun nodded and echoed, Shinji and Dad's final opponent will only be me!

If you can't speak, then don't speak!

Temple of Light is furious and small universe erupts jpg.

The setting of this book is that Xiaoguang, Minghui, and Ah Xun are young.

Minghui, the protagonist of the fourth generation game.

Xiaoguang, the heroine of the fourth generation game, the heroine of DP animation.

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