Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 155 (Part 2) The Suppression of the Metagross

Woman's fire.

At the same time, ghost lights floated around the remaining Snow Demonesses, and they rushed towards Charem.

Charem was quite experienced, and he knew that his flame fist would probably miss.

At this moment, a strong mental thought broke out decisively, sweeping away all the will-o'-the-wisps, and the strong thought force rushed out towards the remaining Snow Demon Girl.


The snow demon girls dispersed one by one, and finally there was not one left.


A voice sounded behind Charem, and then the will-o'-the-wisp appeared and landed on Charem.


After trying to resist for a long time, Charem was still hit!

Misfortunes never come singly!

This time, the Snow Demoness didn't give Charem a chance, and several purple energy attacks hit the latter one after another, dealing high damage.

The effect is outstanding!

The special defense of fake crying is weakened, the power of abnormal status is increased, and the power of attribute restraint is doubled. With the addition of three overlapping, the power of this move is surprisingly high.


After landing, the flames on Charem's body happened to ignite, consuming the last drop of energy in his body.

Charem loses his ability to fight, and the Snow Fairy wins.

announced the referee.

After winning, Snow Fairy flew back to Shinji.

The attack speed and power have slowed down a bit, and I will train more later and come back first.

Shinji gave a simple evaluation and then took out the poke ball to take it back. Unexpectedly, the Snow Fairy hid behind him, as if she wanted to stay outside for a while.

Two times the training.

After watching the Snow Demon Girl for two seconds, Shinji said something calmly and took out another Poké Ball.


Seeing this, the Snow Demon Girl covered her mouth and smiled indifferently, and waited behind Shinji.

Ah... so hateful! So strong!

Seeing that he lost so easily, Xiao Song stomped his feet unhappily.

Come back, Charem, and rest well.

Fortunately, after a tough battle with the red round face Qiu—every time he felt that he was almost able to defeat the round face Qiu, but was beaten by one and six, Xiao Song's mentality was quite good.

It's up to you in the end, King Blizzard, you must win!

Seeing that it was obvious that Shinji was going to change the Pokémon, Xiao Si, who had regained his confidence, shook his hand and threw the last Poké Ball.


The Blizzard King, who looked like an ice and snow monster, appeared from the ball, standing on the field with both feet, with a fierce face on his face.

As soon as it appeared, the snowy day that was about to subside suddenly stopped, and the snowflakes drifted down again.

Features snowfall, activate!

(According to the version, the hail skill in this book is replaced by snow scene, and the hail weather is replaced by snow)

Mega monster, prepare to fight.

With the throwing of Shinji's Elf Ball, the body of the Metagros reappeared on the field, and Blizzard King had been locked on by the ferocious eyes with wisdom.

Megan monster, spinning top ball.


The giant golden monster jumped up on the spot, spun at high speed in the air, turned into a spinning top ball and flew out.


The Blizzard King strode forward and rushed forward, and smashed the giant metal monster with two hands glowing white.


The two elves collided, and amidst the loud noise, King Blizzard was suppressed by the spinning top and retreated steadily, drawing an ice mark on the ground.

Blizzard King, Blizzard!

Xiao Song said.

Both hands were still exerting force to fight against the giant metagro, but Blizzard King's mouth sprayed out a violent blizzard and landed on the former.

The mallet and the blizzard were superimposed, and the Blizzard King barely resisted the attack of the giant golden monster.

Arm Hammer!


Seeing that the top ball couldn't hold the Blizzard King, the Metagross returned to its original place and landed on the ground, and its two front legs hit the Blizzard King heavily.

Not to be outdone, the Blizzard King greeted him with two fists, and began to wrestle with the giant golden monster.

Comparing the two, the power of the giant golden monster is still superior.


The giant golden monster suddenly exerted force, knocked Blizzard King backwards, and then the arm hammer fell heavily on him.

Grab it, Earthquake!

The attacked Blizzard King didn't admit it, and stretched out his hands to block the giant golden monster's further hammer attack. At the same time, he stomped on the ground and launched an earthquake attack.

In an instant, the ice shattered and the ground shook.

However, the face of the giant metal monster didn't change at all, instead it pressed Blizzard King even harder.

how come?

Seeing that the attack of restraint with this attribute was useless against the Metagross, Xiao Song immediately took a closer look.

It turned out that there was a faint electric arc surge above the body of the giant metal monster, and the body just floated slightly above the ground, out of the attack range of the earthquake.

Electromagnetic levitation!

Psychic thoughts!

Aurora Curtain!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, a powerful thought force turned into a shock wave and rushed out of the giant metal monster, hitting the Blizzard King fiercely, knocking him back, and an arm hammer fell down immediately.

In a critical moment, King Blizzard lay on the ground and activated the Aurora Curtain.

As soon as the aurora curtain appeared, the giant metal monster's arm hammer fell on it.

The effect is outstanding!

This blow pushed Blizzard King back again.

But with the damage reduction of the Aurora Curtain, the damage caused by this blow did not cause the Blizzard King to die suddenly.

Blizzard King, bluff!


Blizzard King, who was lying on the ground, suddenly raised his ferocious face towards the golden monster, exhaling fragrance, which instantly angered the latter.

In an instant, the giant metal monster entered a state of confusion due to anger, and at the same time, its attack increased significantly!

It can be said that Blizzard King and Xiao Siong are betting!

Bet that the chaotic Metagross will no longer attack King Blizzard, and even self-mutilate, and then be defeated by the latter!

Arm Hammer!

Shinji said calmly.

No worries about the state of the giant metal monster.

There are also many kinds of chaotic states. The irritating chaos like bravado appears in a vicious existence like the golden monster, and it is easy...


On the field, the giant golden monster roared loudly, swayed its limbs wildly, and launched a frenzied attack towards the surroundings. It saw the icicles smashing the icicles, and saw the ground slamming into the ground.

Blizzard King, who was lying in front of him, was even more focused on the target, kicking all four legs.

Even if the skill was not activated, it still caused a lot of damage to Blizzard King.

Suddenly, the giant metal monster stopped strangely.


In the next second, the body was shrouded in blue light, and rays of light gathered by thought power were fired in all directions indiscriminately, and bursts of thought power shock waves were sent out, attacking the surrounding things indiscriminately.


During the whole process, before Blizzard King had time to fight back, he was accidentally injured by the attack of the giant golden monster in front of him, and finally fell down with hatred.

The Blizzard King lost his ability to fight, the giant golden monster won, and Shinji won the gymnasium competition.

The referee said.

Oh, what a pity.

Xiao Song sighed, took out the elf ball and took Blizzard King back.

Come back, Blizzard King, thank you for your hard work.

On the other side, seeing that the golden monster was still attacking frantically, Shinji took out the poke ball and took it back into the ball without wasting expression and words.

I leave the Glacier Badge to you!

Xiao Si handed the ice and snow badge to Shinji.

Thank you.

After receiving the badge and thanking him politely, Shinji turned and left without any hesitation.


The Snow Demon Girl followed obediently, very obediently.

Recently, Calvin doesn't want to add more to the truth.

But seeing that the painting of the book friend Keke Rabbit in the comment area has been completed, I am in a good mood, let's add another one!

(I'll see if I can make it into an Easter egg chapter)

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