Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 151 Shinji vs Crimson, Electric Shock Beast vs Round-faced Hill!

When Miss Junsha asked the three people present to understand the situation, Shinji and Dick were fine, but in the red place...

Junsha: Excuse me, trainer, what's your name?


Junsha: Where are you a trainer from?


Junsha: Can you describe what happened just now?


Junsha: Excuse me, can you talk?


Junsha: Excuse me...


As the questioning progressed, the situation became——

Junsha: ...


The two stared at each other, without saying a word, and fell into an inexplicably awkward silence.

Fortunately, in the end it was Dick, a local, who made it out of the siege and took on everything. He was taken into the police station by Miss Junsha and the police alone, so that he could get a good understanding of what happened.

Something happened, and in the eyes of many elves, Shinji took the initiative to challenge Chihong.

I am Shinji of Curtain City, please fight me.

At this moment, Crimson and its elves have made progress in the battle with Regichkas just now. I am afraid that the Four Heavenly Kings like Aliu will be killed by Quack, but Shinji still does not give up his challenge.

Fighting against the strong, even if they are crushed or instantly killed, can still arouse the spirit of the elves.


Chi Hong stared at Shinji for a few seconds, then turned her head and nodded to the round face on the shoulder.

Mill? Mound!

The round-faced mound froze for a moment, then jumped to the ground, his cheeks on both sides were sparkling, and he was energetically ready for the battle.

From this appearance, it seemed that what he was about to face was a powerful enemy that was difficult to fight.

Electric shock beast, ready to fight!

Shinji understood what Chi Hong meant, this was just a single challenge, and decisively sent out his current trump card, the electric shock monster.

Ah Kelu~

The electric shock monster who walked forward knew the power of this electric mouse well, and dared not be careless in the slightest.


As soon as the battle, the electric shock monster started the self-motivation tactics, and at the same time, activated the charge to enhance the power of the special defense and the next electric attribute move.


The round and mounded face was extremely confident, but at the same time, it was ready to fight, not daring to be careless in the slightest, but the body remained motionless, leaving time for the electric shock beast to recharge.

A flash of lightning!

At the moment when the Electric Shock Monster finished charging, the round-faced mound figure disappeared, turning into a golden lightning bolt and hitting the Electro Shock Monster's chest.

It was such an unpretentious blow, but the Electric Shock Monster felt his eyes go dark, and he was a little stunned by the hit.

Grab it!

Shinji's words made the Electric Shock Monster regain his composure, and the moment he grabbed the round face mound with both hands, the two cable-like tails also moved.


Relying on his agility, the round-faced mound successfully evaded the capture of the two hands of the electric shock monster, but was caught by two tails that came suddenly.

The first time Pikachu was successfully controlled, the Electric Shock Beast decisively launched Thunder.

With the help of the increase in charge, the double-power thunder erupted from the tail, and passed into the round-faced mound at zero distance.


Pikachu screamed when he was attacked by thunder.

Splitting tiles.

Iron Tail.

The electric shock monster's right hand emitted white light, raised it high and smashed it towards the round face mound.

But the round-faced mound who was screaming from the electric shock did not sit still, his eyes changed and his body twisted, and the metal-colored iron tail swept out.


The two phases collided, and the two attacks were evenly divided.

A flash of lightning.

As soon as the confrontation ended, Pikachu's body surged with electricity, and he stepped out of nowhere, and bumped headfirst into the head of the electric monster.


Suffering a head-on blow, the Electric Shock Beast immediately backed away dizzily.

Ah Kelu~

After the electric monster cheered up, it was discovered that the electric mouse was flying in the air and looked at it proudly.


The bond between Round Face Hill and Scarlet might be worse than Zhipi, but his strength and talent are definitely stronger than Zhipi.

It was true that the round-faced mound couldn't fly before, but after seeing the electric shock monster fly with electricity to create a magnetic force, and after being carried for a while, the round-faced mound, who is an electric mouse, realized it.

Self-taught electromagnetic levitation skills!

And just now, it was used in actual combat.

It can be said that after using the electromagnetic levitation proficiently, the strength of the round-faced mound is no less than that of the champion!

Infuriating bomb!

Immediately, the electric shock monster was surprised, happy and very angry. A zhenqi bullet condensed in his hand and smashed it. At the same time, the power exploded and rushed out.

Splitting tiles!

The round-faced mound with the max evasion ability was not afraid at all. After landing, he rushed towards the electric shock beast. After slightly twisting his body to avoid the zhenqi bomb, a white light came out of his tail and fell.


The two strokes of splitting tiles collided at the same time, and the air flow rushed in all directions.

Ah Kelu~

Looking at the round-faced mound facing away from him in the air, the electric monster's eyes flickered, and the other one launched a split tile and hit the former fiercely.

Famous scenes reenacted!

Electric shock beast has two hands, but Pikachu has only one tail.

According to common sense, Pikachu must be hit.

Objects, however, are quite different.

Facing the sudden attack of the electric shock monster, the round-faced mound did not panic at all, with white light shining from his delicate little fist, he hit the electric shock monster.

Split tiles!


The two phases collided, and the round-faced mound was sent flying, but with the help of electromagnetic floating adjustment, it landed on the ground safely.


Round-faced mound looked at the electric monster confidently, just like before the battle started.

For a moment, Shinji realized something——

The same tactic, effective this time, does not mean that it will take effect next time.

For the same kind of elf, one is only useful, not the other.

Don't judge by appearance, especially elves!


Frozen Fist.

The electric shock monster appeared in front of Round Face Qiu in a flash of lightning, and its fist as big as a casserole slammed down with a frozen fist.


The petite body bounced a few times, and the round-faced mound easily avoided the attack of the electric shock monster.

No matter how fast his punches are and how tricky his angles are, Round Face Qiu can barely dodge every attack.

Psychic thoughts!

Suddenly, a powerful force of thought surged out from the electric monster, and successfully grabbed the round-faced mound who was jumping and dodging, and then punched out Frozen Fist mercilessly.


The round-faced mound, who was not aware of it for a while, was controlled for a moment, and then lost the best time to dodge, and was sent flying far away by this punch.

But the electric shock monster didn't give it a minute or a second, and rushed out following its body.

At the same time as a Zhenqi bomb was thrown, Frozen Fist followed closely behind.

Iron Tail.

The crimson voice cheered up the round-faced hill in an instant, even the electric levitation was useless, and he forcibly changed his movements in the air.

With a flick of the metal-turned tail, the zhenqi bomb was cut in half.

Afterwards, he swung his tail one after another, using his tail like a sword, constantly colliding with the electric shock monster's freezing fist.

The two sides are coming and going in the air, not giving in to each other. No matter who watches this scene, they feel that the two sides are 50-50.

After another round of competition, there was a sudden surge of electricity on the body of the round-faced mound, and he used the power of the electric shock monster's freezing fist to distance himself from it.

In an instant, a large number of high-speed stars were created and flew towards the electric monster.

The sky full of stars blocked all vision.

The electric shock monster was also very decisive, and immediately moved in all directions, smashing the darkness with thunder!

Forcibly smashed all the stars.


Iron Tail.

Just when the stars were shattered, a lightning-shaped metal tail fell from the sky, landed on the chest of the Electric Shock Beast, and instantly knocked it flying dozens of meters away.

Ah Kelu~

After getting up from the ground, the electric shock monster looked at the round face mound panting heavily, its body trembling slightly.

Don't look at the fierce battle between the two sides, but in fact, the electric shock monster is getting more and more angry, and the more it fights, the more scared it becomes.

It has tried its best during the entire battle process, using self-motivation to strengthen itself all the time, and at the same time, it has been bursting out with all its strength.

But the strength of the round-faced mound is like a bottomless abyss, no matter how much it improves, the round-faced mound can always be slightly stronger than it.

Moreover, this battle experience is extremely terrifying.

Obviously the strength displayed is not much stronger than it, but it is able to deal with all situations freely and find opportunities to launch a powerful counterattack.

Okay, I admit defeat.

Glancing at the slightly gasping electric monster, Shinji said.

Electric Shock Warcraft still has the power to fight, but it's meaningless.

In such a short period of confrontation, the gap between the two sides has been clearly revealed, and it is not very meaningful to continue the fight.


Qiu, Qiuqiu!

Chi Hong gave Round Face Qiu a look, and the latter ran back immediately, jumped onto Chi Hong's shoulders and lay obediently on his stomach.

It looked like a cute little pet, not a powerful elf.

Round-faced hill: I try my best in every game, show a 55-50 trend against any opponent, and then win with difficulty!

Ah Kelu~

Although he knew that he couldn't beat his opponent, but he was not killed by his opponent, the electric shock monster was still a little upset.

Of course, it knows, this hill, it is really not an opponent now.

He could only secretly make up his mind, work hard to become stronger, and defeat Qiu later.

After I become stronger, I will come to challenge again.

Shinji bowed slightly, took out the poke ball and took back the pokemon one after another, and left peacefully with his hands in his pockets.


Chi Hong didn't respond, and looked at Shinji who was going away, as if she saw a shadow of herself in him.

Perhaps... you will be a formidable opponent in the future.

Looking forward to fighting with you in the future.

Thanks to Blue Collar? Xiaoxiaosheng for the reward (`)

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