Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 141 Electric Shock Beast VS Charem, Yoga Meditation Superpower!

Mr. Wusong.

Shinji nodded slightly and said hello. He had met Wu Song during his journey with Lei Si in the past, and Lei Si even challenged Wu Song.

However, Leisi's elves now have all kinds of attributes, but during the travel period, they were relatively more focused on the poison attribute, and the result is self-evident.

At that time, Lei Si challenged Wu Song with gym-level strength and lost miserably. However, Wu Song has a good personality and charm, and it has no negative impact on Lei Si.

Seeing Shinji look at him, Gosong said with a smile.

I wanted to subdue another elf with a steel attribute to cultivate and use it to fight against Ah Liu.

Although Aliu has the worst comprehensive strength among the Sinnoh Four Heavenly Kings, Wusong's main attacking super power attribute is restrained by the insect attribute, and Aliu also has a good research on the poison attribute.

When the two played against each other, Wu Song's winning rate was not higher than that of Ah Liu.

However, if another main force with steel attribute and super power attribute is cultivated, Wu Song's winning rate will stabilize Ah Liu.

I heard that there seems to be a very strong golden monster coming here, but unfortunately, it is a step too late.

A trace of pity flashed across Wu Song's face, and it was rare for him to want to cultivate one more golden monster, but Shinji beat him to the first stop.

It seems that I can only go to Iron Island to find out if there is a family of giant metal monsters with good talents, and take one of them and train it.

Anyway, he has experience in cultivating bronze bells, and it shouldn't take a few years to cultivate another king-level golden monster.

Moreover, the giant metal monster can also mega evolve, which is very good.

Mr. Wu Song, please fight me.

Shinji didn't talk nonsense, and challenged Gosong like Leisi before.

Battle? It's still early, but I can have a fight with you.

Wu Song glanced at the time and nodded in agreement.


Glancing at the elves behind him, Shinji wanted to call him Nine-Tails or Metagross, but...


The Electric Shock Beast, who had stopped to rest, couldn't stand up anymore. After stuffing two orange fruits into his stomach, he jumped out to remind Shinji.

Last time, Shinji said that he would give priority to it when he met a powerful person. This guy can make Shinji so polite, and his strength is definitely not weak, so he must give it a go!

After being reminded like this, Shinji also remembered it, and after feeling that there was no problem with the electric shock beast, he said:

Electric Beast, prepare to fight!


Electric Shock Beast immediately jumped in front of Shinji, looking at Gosong with full fighting spirit.

In this battle, either you die or I live!

Electric Beast... go, Charem.

Wu Song smiled slightly, and threw out his elf ball.


White light flashed, and a Charem with closed eyes and cross-legged floating in the air appeared.

Leaving the poke ball, Charem did not open his eyes, but was still floating in the sky.


Feeling a kind of contempt that was not taken seriously by it, the electric shock beast was a little angry, but it was not impulsive. It knew that this guy was not simple.


Shinji didn't say anything, and directed the attack first.

Hearing this, the Electroshock Beast didn't hesitate at all, and a golden thunderbolt struck towards Charem.

At the same time, the self-motivation strategy was launched, and he began to use skills to strengthen himself, and followed Lei Dong.

Yoga pose, block it.

Charem, who was floating in the air without opening his eyes, activated his skills, and his attack increased in a flash of white light!

When the lightning strike approached, Charem opened his eyes instantly, and punched the lightning with a fist wrapped in superpowers.


Only a bang was heard, and the invisible thunder and lightning were directly exploded by this punch, turning into electric sparks and falling all over the sky.

At this time, the Electroshock Beast also sprinted towards Charem, and punched Charem with a thunderbolt fist.


Wu Song smiled slightly.

There was a slight blue light in Charem's eyes, and his movements were unambiguous. He greeted him with a thunder fist, which was stronger than the electric shock beast, but not weaker.


In the blink of an eye, the two elves had already swung dozens of punches, but no matter where the Electric Shock Beast attacked first, Charem's fist could always reach there first, and then defended with the same moves.

Not to mention Flame Fist, Thunder Fist, Frozen Fist, and Tiles Splitting, Charem is also proficient in absorbing punches, megaton heavy punches and other boxing moves.

The electric shock beast felt inexplicably weak during the whole process, but it was not in a hurry.

Relying on the self-motivation used secretly, as long as he presses down on Charem and doesn't give him a counterattack, as long as his strength is stronger than that of Charem, he will definitely be able to defeat Charem.

As time passed, the power of the Electric Shock Beast was raised to the extreme. When he found that Charem's power could still suppress him steadily, he suddenly didn't understand.

The power of yoga, the poses of yoga...

Shinji outside the field understood it.

As the most representative elf of yoga power, it seems that it is not difficult to fully grasp this power, train it to the extreme, and use yoga postures at all times during the battle.

And Charem's power itself is higher than that of Electroshock Beast, so it is impossible for Electroshock Beast to defeat Charem by virtue of its strength.

After dozens of rounds of fighting, Shinji suddenly said:


The Electroshock Beast, which was constantly moving in its hand, suddenly opened its mouth, and roared at Charem who was approaching. An extremely irritating sound wave came out and landed on Charem.

If it was a normal battle, if the opponent received such a blow, he must have been messed up by the sound wave, and then hit consecutively by the fists of the electric shock beast.

But Charem didn't respond at all, a layer of faint blue light emerged above his body, blocking the harsh sound, without being disturbed at all.

Charem actually used yoga power and superpowers to directly block the harsh sound!

Kick down!

see through!

The Electric Shock Beast was not discouraged either, and decisively lowered its body to sweep across Charem's feet, hitting the latter's legs hard.

When he was about to be hit, the blue light in Charem's eyes lit up, and he instantly saw through the Electroshock Beast's movements, and his feet moved up and down strangely, perfectly avoiding the kick.

Okay, flying knee kick.

Wu Song said.

Charem, who avoided being kicked down, lit up his knees, and kicked towards the Electroshock Beast that had just finished sweeping. This move was so powerful that there was no way to dodge it!

At the critical moment, the Electric Shock Beast immediately created a protective shield in front of it.

hold on!

But it was only blocked for a second, and under the absolute power of Charem, a crack appeared in the protective cover in an instant, and it shattered like a mirror in the next moment.

Charem also followed the trend, and the absorption fist in his hand fell towards the electric shock beast.

Get out of the way.

After countless battles, the Electroshock Beast also reacted extremely quickly. It had already seen clearly that it was defending its defenses, and it resolutely electromagnetically floated to accelerate a tactical rollover, narrowly dodging this attack.


Just as it got up and flew into the sky to distance itself for tactical lightning bombing, it found that Charem, who had missed a punch, did not stop it.

It knew that Charem would improve its attacking moves.

According to the guess, the meditation skill should also be available, but it was not used just now, so the super power should not be able to stop it from being bombarded by thunder and lightning, right?


Thinking of this, the Electric Shock Beast did not hesitate to strike a thunderbolt, and the thunder and lightning completely enveloped Charem, bombing with almost no dead ends.

Seeing this scene, Wu Song was not in a hurry.

If the elf he uses is a bronze bell or something else, he will be worried, but the current ace Charem doesn't need it.

see through!

There was a blue light in Charem's eyes, and he could see through all the lightning trajectories completely. The thunder and lightning that bombarded with almost no dead ends did not touch Charem at all.

But the Electroshock Beast didn't care, and still went all out to thunder and bomb. It didn't believe that Charem could always avoid all the thunder and lightning.


While dodging, Charem launched such a move, giving himself self-suggestion, changing the state of the ability change to the same as that of the electric shock beast.

And the electric shock beast's special attack and attack have already been fully activated by self-motivation, which means that Charem's power is also fully activated at this moment.

not good.

When he heard the name of this move, Shinji felt something bad in his heart.

Sure enough, in the next second, a wave of thought force that turned into substance burst out from Charem's body, smashing all the lightning in an instant, and hitting the electric shock beast with an unparalleled force.

Hold on!

At the critical moment, the electric shock beast once again propped up a protective cover for defense.

But it lasted only a second before being crushed by the mental shock, and the electric shock beast in the sky was also knocked down by this move, going into a free fall.

Before the electric shock beast fell to the ground, Charem moved, and the explosive force rushed out instantly, and an absorbing punch landed on the electric shock beast.



Amid the sound of falling to the ground, the Electroshock Beast's body lay in a large pit, losing its ability to fight.

The instigator, Charem, jumped back to Wu Song's side after a few jumps.

Cross your legs and close your eyes, enter the yoga meditation again, and continue to work hard towards the championship level!

Well, it can be said that after mega evolution, Wusong turned to vigorously cultivate Charem, so now, Charem is Wusong's real trump card after the bronze bell.

Very reasonable!

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