Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 139: Beaten violently, brother in the team

It's okay, it can be used.

After commenting, Shinji pocketed the ball.

Brother, let the sharp-toothed land shark communicate with the forest turtle more, and the forest turtle can gradually teach ground attribute moves to prepare for evolution.

Fang Shark's bloodline recovery plan will trouble you.

In the game, there are naturally not many ground attribute moves that the forest turtle can learn, but in reality, if you learn the evolved moves in advance, as long as they are not too special, the difficulty is actually not too great.

No problem, I will take care of them more.

Reiss smiled slightly and said.

Well, that's it, prepare for training, hang up, brother.


well then, good luck.

Lei Si smiled and hung up the communication on his own initiative.

After getting back the golden monster poke ball, Shinji came to the mountains in the northeast again.

No matter how steep the mountain is, there is always an open space for training. Moreover, there are few people around, so it is convenient to train.

Come out.

After spending some time finding a clearing, Shinji threw all the poke balls.







As soon as the first five elves came out, they stood and lay down in different shapes, but they all set their sights on the golden monster.

The eyes are different but none of them are friendly, which fully reflects the atmosphere of respect and love between brothers and friends in the team.


At any rate, he has been the overlord of the field for a while, and the ferocious and violent giant golden monster is not afraid of any elf here, even if it can't beat it, it won't be afraid!

My name is Shinji, your future trainer, as the weakest existence in the team, must work harder, understand?

Standing in front of the giant metal monster, Shinji asked calmly and forcefully.


After the giant metal monster nodded, he shook his head again, and set his eyes on Shuangrenwan, Dragon King Scorpion and Nine Tails.

Shinji subdued it, and it naturally recognized Shinji as its trainer.

At the same time, in order to become stronger, it is inevitable to work hard.

But... is it the weakest in the team?

What a joke!

Not to mention other elves, the water-type double-edged pill and the poison-type dragon king scorpion don't seem to be his opponents!

Even the fire-attributed Nine-Tails and the Fangtooth Land Shark that were still there before may not be stronger than it!

Feeling the golden monster's unyielding gaze, the three elves felt that they were underestimated.

Dragon King Scorpion, who was already victorious and unwilling to admit defeat, looked a little colder at the giant golden monster, and Shuangrenwan, who was entangled by Nine Tails, silently picked up the scallop.

Even Kyuubi, the most uncompetitive in the team, who was wrapping his tail around the double edge pill, stood up.

People work so hard to become stronger, but you feel that you are very strong the moment you are subdued? Who do you look down on?

For a moment, the crowd was excited, and the three elves wanted to give some physical care to the golden monster.

Since we are partners, we must make progress together and at the same time recognize our own position.

Take turns.

Shinji didn't stop him, and after saying this, he walked to the side, and let the electric shock beast and the circle bear who were watching the play also go to the side to play a game to warm up.


Kyuubi was the first to play.

With a move at high speed, the giant gold monster can't touch it at all, but when he wants to control the movement of Nine Tails with mental force, he finds that Nine Tails' super power is not weaker than it.

Attacks can cause damage to it, but trying to control Nine Tails is undoubtedly a dream.

During the high-speed movement and dodging process, after Nine Tails launched tricks and strengthened several times, it directly killed the giant metal monster in a single move.


Glancing at the fallen golden monster, Nine Tails snorted arrogantly, walked back to Shuangrenwan, trying to pull the latter into the land of tenderness.


It's a pity that Shuangrenwan's eyes are full of metastas at the moment, and there is no nine tails at all. He broke free from his tail and stood in front of the metastas, waiting for Shinji's treatment of the metastases.

Although Nine-Tails instantly killed the Metagross with one move, but the speed was well controlled, the injury wasn't too serious, and the treatment wasn't too difficult.

Spray the wound medicine, eat the orange fruit, rest for two minutes, and the giant gold monster can fight again.

As soon as the battle started, Shuangren Wan entered the Qi-gathering state, instantly seeing through the giant metal monster.


The giant gold monster learned from the previous experience, and the beginning was to forcefully control the double-edged pill to fly into the air with a strong mind.

But before it could make a smashing attack, Shuangren Wan fired a water cannon, interrupting the mental force, and at the same time, the stream of water under its feet burst out at a high speed and rushed in front of the giant golden monster.

Seeing that Shuangrenwan wanted to fight him in close quarters, he was not afraid of eating the nine-tailed giant golden monster, and directly launched a move of the arm hammer to hit Shuangrenwan.

As a result, Shuangrenwan didn't fight the metal monster at all, and when the latter's attack was about to hit, he moved his body lightly to avoid the attack.

At the same time, the dark-colored shell knife in his hand swung quickly, falling on the latter continuously, causing a lot of damage.

Before the golden monster had a strong mind to throw the double-edged pills away, the former was hit consecutively, and the move hit the vital point, and the effective sneak attack made the golden monster lose its fighting ability.

After being healed by Shinji again, the giant golden monster began to face the dragon king scorpion.

This time, the Metagross was more cautious than ever. Without saying a word at the beginning, it burst out with all its strength and directly controlled the countless stones around it with a strong mind to smash it at the Dragon King Scorpion in an attempt to cause damage.

Although the giant metal monster was strong, it was not as suppressive as the Dragon King Scorpion.

Therefore, the Dragon King Scorpion launched a loud roar and missile needle skills to counterattack immediately.

The missile needles flying all over the sky perfectly blocked the stones, and some of them caused a little damage to the giant golden monster.

But the sonic attack from the loud roar successfully reduced the power of the giant golden monster's mental force.

After two times, even if the giant golden monster exploded, the rock controlled by the mental force would not even be able to block the missile needle.

Seeing that strong mental thoughts are useless, the giant metal monster decisively launched a spinning top ball to attack the dragon king scorpion.

However, the Dragon King Scorpion is not afraid of the giant gold monster, it grinds its claws and waits for the top ball to attack, and at the critical moment, it digs a hole to avoid the attack directly.

After re-opening the distance, start acupuncture and claw grinding.

This time, the Dragon King Scorpion was lucky. The first time the acupuncture point was applied, the attack power was greatly enhanced. With the two claw sharpenings, the power tripled.

When the giant metal monster attacked with its comet fist, the Dragon King Scorpion was not afraid at all, it launched its flame teeth and stretched out three large flaming pincers to meet it.

The pliers in his hand stopped the Metagro's Comet Fist, and then the tail pliers landed on the Metagro, knocking it to the ground.

Needless to say, the dragon king scorpion's flaming teeth fell in a row, and the attack also used acupuncture and energy gathering skills to enter the state of seeing through, allowing several attacks to hit the vital point.

After three battles and a break, within half an hour, the giant golden monster successfully recognized the position of his younger brother in the team, arrogantly unable to do so.

The following chapters are fairly compact.

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