Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 125 VS Jixian (Part 1) Toxic Waters

look at other elves

Electric shock beast is practicing fast charging and charging in battle, so that it can inadvertently sneak up and charge once in battle, and make a big burst of moves.

This is an infinite charging tactic that is trained together with the infinite incentive tactic.

Shuangrenwan is still practicing the moves that he learned in the cultivation house before. There are not many moves, such as splitting, water wave knife, holy sword, and provocation. Let's do it again.

For Shuangrenwan, who has a sword talent of max, the first three skills have been initially mastered, but again and provocation is a bit awkward because he is not used to this fighting style, and he is working hard to adjust it.

Since the gymnasium competition is about to be challenged, the training is not intense, but rather like a warm-up, allowing the elves to adjust to their peak state.

Afterwards, Shinji came to the Nohara Gym and applied to start the Gym Competition.

Following the staff, Shinji quickly entered a venue.

Unlike the previous gymnasium venues, the Nohara Gymnasium's arena is a large swimming pool with some white floating boards on it, and everything else is water.

Boy, you are finally here, let me see how strong your elves are.

As soon as Shinji appeared, Yoshiken, who was standing on the opposite side of the venue, spoke.

It will not let you down.

Standing on the other side, Shinji said.

The rules of the game are 3VS3. The challenger can change the elf midway, and if all three elves are unable to fight, it will be judged as a failure.

The referee quickly pronounced the rules.

Ah! The strongest mask is here!

With a roar, Ji Xian flicked the cloak on his back, exposing his upper body with strong muscles, and then threw the elf ball:

Burn it, Gyarados!


A huge Gyarados floated on the water and looked at Shinji.

Is it really a Gyarados?

Shinji was not surprised by the choice of Jixian Fairy, took out the fairy ball and threw it, saying:

Clawtail scorpion, get ready to fight!


The pincer-tailed scorpion, which was much smaller than the Gyaradosaurus, landed on the white floating board, looking at the former with a cold gaze.

It didn't perform well in the battle against Dragon King Scorpion yesterday, that's because it wasn't good at dealing with poison and steel attribute elves, and there was no problem with other attribute elves.

Today, it will let its opponents know how powerful it is.

However, the next second, the Gyarados roared, and a fierce aura was released from its body, which made the Pincertail Scorpion feel that its attack power had been weakened.


Crepper-tailed scorpions, go ahead and attack them with all your might.

Ji Xian said.

Game start!

As soon as the referee finished speaking, Shinji said:

Grind the claws, tap the acupuncture points to intensify the poison!


The two claws of the pincertail scorpion began to rub against each other to strengthen its attack power, a stream of poison was sprayed out indiscriminately from its mouth, and the tail on its back also began to perform acupuncture on its body.

It seems to be three purposes at once, but sharpening the claws is almost instinctive, and you only need to fall into the water to spray the poison. Neither of them need to consume much energy. Only acupuncture is the real operation.

The insidious boy wants to fill the entire swimming pool with poison, but I am not afraid!

Jixian saw Shinji's intention at a glance, and said:

Gyarados, Water Tail!


The Gyarados dived directly into the water and swam towards the scorpion.

The next moment, the venomous Gyarados appeared from the floating board in front of the pincer-tailed scorpion, and its tail wrapped in the torrent swept towards the pincer-tailed scorpion.

At this time, the pincer-tailed scorpion's first acupuncture was also successful, and its defense power was greatly improved!

Grab the kickboard and get out of the way!

After clamping the floating board with its tail, the pincer-tailed scorpion jumped into the water to avoid it, causing the Gyarados's current tail to fall into the air.

Venom Shock!

Immediately after dodging the skill, the pincer-tailed scorpion clamped the tail of the floating board and threw itself into the air with force, and a stream of purple venom from its mouth suddenly sprayed on the Gyaradosaurus.

Venom impact, double the power against poisoned opponents!

The Gyarados wanted to dive to avoid it, but it happened that the first burst of poison on its body affected its movements, and it was successfully hit by the venom on the face.

The stubborn Gyarados didn't let out any cry of pain. After holding back the damage, it looked at the Pincer-tailed scorpion that had landed on the floating board and was sharpening its claws again.

Cross Poison Blade!

After grinding the claws for the second time, the Pincertail scorpion leaped towards the Gyarados without any fear, floating on the purple energy blade at the intersection of its two claws and hitting the Gyarados.

Frozen Tooth!

The Gyarados was also a hardliner, and it went forward without fear, its teeth turned into ice, and it directly bit it.


With a bang, the two elves were bounced off each other.

The scorpion scorpion fell back on the floating board and used its claws to sharpen its claws, and continued to release poison into the water, while the tyrannosaurus fell into the water and caused a splash of water.

Gyarados, Dragon's Wrath!

Turning around in the water, the Gyarados, which endured the poisonous damage, stuck its head out of the water again, and shot out a ball of raging fire from its mouth to hit the pincer-tailed scorpion.

Missile needle!

The scorpion-tailed scorpion, which had sharpened its claws three times, had already got rid of the influence of intimidation. At this moment, it raised its hands and released a large number of missile needles at Dragon's Wrath.

The seemingly powerful Dragon's Fury was like paper in front of the Hida Needle, and after being torn apart easily, it continued to hit the Gyarados.


The entire elf of the Gyarados had just dived into the water and was about to launch a surprise attack, when it was blocked by the missile needle and hit him.

The missiles are not too painful for the Gyarados with flying attributes, but the attack power of the Pincertail Scorpion has been greatly improved, and its power cannot be underestimated.

After enduring this move, the Gyarados panted heavily, and it seemed that it had run out of energy.

No problem, the Gyarados used the Big Bang...how could this be...

Ji Xian was about to let the Gyarados continue to attack, however, the poison in the Gyarados' body exploded again, and it was directly poured on the water.

After all, he is also a veteran pavilion owner. According to Ji Xian's calculation, the Gyarados can at least survive this round of severe poison, right? Why did it just fall down?

The Gyarados lost the ability to fight, and the Pintail Scorpion won.

Gyarados, thank you for your hard work.

Although he didn't understand what was going on, Ji Xian took the Gyarados back to comfort him first.

Your scorpion venom is very special. It is more terrifying than ordinary poisons. It's really good.

After a little thought, Ji Xian understood that it wasn't that he made a mistake in his calculation, but that the scorpion scorpion had an unusual venom, which made him lose by accident.


Shinji said politely.


The pincer-tailed scorpion let out a cry while sharpening its claws.

Then enter the next round of battle, come out, Marsh King.

Ji Xian threw another poke ball.

A cute-looking marsh king stood on the floating board, looking at the pincer-tailed scorpion wisely, as if he didn't care about anything.

At this moment, due to the continuous poisoning of the pincertail scorpion just now, the surface of the water has turned slightly purple at this moment, if the Marsh King dares to enter the water at will.

Within two seconds, you must be poisoned, and within ten seconds, you must be severely poisoned!

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