Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 121 (Part 2) Juye's teachings, the road to the strong

Hippo, let's move the sofa!

In the world of elves, some characteristics of elves can be controlled whether to activate or not. Having the characteristics of Yangsha is equivalent to being born with a sandstorm skill.


The hippopotamus floating in the sky with the tornado roared, its red eyes glowed faintly, and a stream of sand flowed out of the hole on its back and rolled into the quicksand tornado.

Suddenly, the quicksand tornado, which was already quite powerful, instantly became larger and more solid, like a real sandstorm in the desert.

In an instant, the hippopotamus snatched control of the tornado.

The hippopotamus in it filled up the quicksand hell, safely and slowly fell back to the ground, controlled the sandstorm to surround its body, and turned it into a natural barrier, like a different kind of counterattack shield.

Change the weather move into an attack move, and turn it into a move that can be attacked or defended?

Long-range attacks are hard to shake, only melee!

But up close...

After barely understanding this wave of operations, Shinji did not hesitate, and immediately said:

Gather strength in one point, Dragon Claw!

Lee Roar!

During the roar, the Fangtooth Shark stopped the Dragon Dance, and with the help of the scale-reversing power, it launched a high-speed burst. The green light on the claws was extremely solid, like a sword stabbing the hippopotamus.

The violent sandstorm shield was immediately pierced and torn by the dragon claws, and when the sharp dragon claws were about to pierce the hippo beast's head, the hippo beast opened its mouth and bit the dragon claw, successfully controlling the sharp tooth land shark.

This scene is so similar, yet somewhat helpless.

The hippopotamus didn't do anything, just bit the hand of the sharp-toothed land shark, and let the sandstorm that turned into an attack move keep hitting the latter, constantly eroding its strength.

Splitting tiles!

Under the inverse scales, the sharp-tooth land shark raised its other hand to the hippopotamus and then fell down.

Let it go.

The hippopotamus didn't use its skills to block its attack, and turned its head and threw it flying to break the attack directly.

Skills are tangible but also intangible. Don't be too rigid about the form. Weather-type moves may not only be used to summon the weather.

Whether it is in battle or in daily life, we must observe carefully before we can develop some skills into a more suitable and powerful form, and the characteristics are the same.

If you want to become a truly powerful trainer, you can't just use deadly moves.

The sandstorm dissipated slowly under the control of the hippopotamus, Juye's figure loomed, and his voice seemed ethereal.

Moves, characteristics, weather moves, forms...

For a while, Shinji, who was already sensitive to this aspect, had some new ideas in his heart, and said seriously: Be taught.

When the sandstorm subsided, Juye said, Dig a hole.


The hippopotamus lowered its head, and instantly entered the ground as before, leaving only a dazzling cave.

Earthquake works on hippomon, but not on Kikuno's hippomon.

This point, Shinji is very clear.

Sharp rock attack.


With a fierce stomp on the ground, a row of tall crystalline stone pillars rose from the ground.

Dance of the Dragon!

Fangtooth land shark jumped onto the sharp stone, and began to dance on different stone pillars.

At the same time, because there is a certain distance from the ground, even if the hippopotamus comes out suddenly, it still has time to react, at most it can't compete in strength.

Yes, Earth Crack.

A hole was opened in the ground again, and the hippopotamus appeared from it, and stomped in the direction of the sharp-tooth land shark. Suddenly, a terrifying gap opened in the ground, and there seemed to be a great horror below.

In a blink of an eye, the crack reached under the row of stone pillars where Fangtooth Shark was, and devoured the stone pillars one by one.

Even the stone pillar where the Fangtooth Shark was located began to fall into it.

Dragon's dive, rush out.

At the critical moment, Fangya Lushalong's dive was launched, rushing out of the range of the ground fissure from the air, avoiding the end of being killed in seconds.

Just when it was about to be safe, a huge stone pillar suddenly pierced out in front of the sharp tooth land shark, hitting the sharp tooth land shark.

Spike attack!



Accompanied by the sound of the collision, Fangtooth Land Shark felt the world spinning in front of his eyes, pain struck, his vision was gradually eroded by darkness, and the entire elf completely lost consciousness.

I lost.

Watching the sharp-tooth land shark hitting the stone pillar and falling into the ground fissure, Shinji simply surrendered.


The eyes of the hippopotamus shone slightly, controlled the crack to close, and then vomited the sharp-toothed land shark out of it.

Observation, analysis, and judgment are not weak, and they are already better than many mature trainers, but they still lack a little fire.

Remember to combine observation and action, so that you can go more smoothly.

Taking Hippomon back into the ball, Kikuno smiled and walked to Shinji's side.

Thank you for the teaching, I have benefited a lot.

Putting his hands on his sides and bowing slightly, Shinji said respectfully.

I am very optimistic about you, boy, the future is limitless.

Ju Ye praised, stepped into the car, and asked, Are you going to a resort? I'll give you a ride.

I'm sorry to trouble you.

Shinji didn't refuse, took out the poke ball and took the Fangtooth Shark back and sat on it.

The sky is getting late, and this different day has also come to an end.

Shinji has gained experience, Junsha has captured the hunter, and the only loser may be Hunter J, right?

The resort area is very large, and naturally there is an elf center.

After Kikuno sent Shinji to the Spirit Center, he parted ways with him.

See you next time, and I don't know what the two sides will look like.

The next day, Shinji, who planned to go to Nohara City in one go, did not act in a hurry.

He needs to digest the gains from the battle against Juye yesterday.

Aspire Lakeside

On this sunny day, Shinji did not rush to train for training.

Sitting by the lake with the elves, feeling the cool wind blowing on your face, you will feel comfortable physically and mentally.


Fang Lusha communicated with the friends around him about yesterday's battle with the Hippo Beast, what he said was a hype, and the whole Electroshock Beast was itchy.

The circle bear and forest turtle who fought against Dragon King Scorpion were fine, and they smiled knowingly after hearing that.

They don't know if the hippopotamus hasn't beaten them before, but they are confident that they will not be weaker than Aliu's dragon king scorpion in the future.


After thinking about it for a long time, the electric shock beast became more and more uncomfortable.

Theoretically speaking, his comprehensive strength is definitely not weaker than that of Quanquanxiong. As long as he doesn't fight hard, he can fly the latter to death with a kite.

TNND, why don't you let me play?

The ground attribute of the hippopotamus is useless for you to play.

Shinji's reply was as simple as that.

You are strong and can restrain the ground-type Frozen Fist, but so what?

The king of heaven, the ace elf, is not stronger than you?

Watching you fly for a while like a monkey, and when you get tired of watching, look for an opportunity and just make a move in seconds.

How could it be possible to teach something like using a sharp-toothed land shark?


I know my own situation, the electric shock beast can't even beat the Dragon King Scorpion of Leisi, how can it beat the hippo beast?

But it still looked at Shinji with some reluctance, hoping that Shinji would definitely let himself go first when encountering this situation next time.

It also wants to be beaten up by the Heavenly King Spirit, or beat up by itself.

If you perform well, you will have the opportunity to choose you first.

The words are not full, unless the situation is suitable for the rational Shinji, he will not go forward with everything like Xiaozhi relying on his momentum.


Hearing this, the Electric Shock Beast was in no mood to blow off the air immediately, and was eager to invite other elves to train together.

It's getting late, let's eat first and train in the afternoon.

After speaking, Shinji took out the poke balls and put them all in under the puzzled eyes of the electric shock beast.

Electric Shock Beast: Put us in the ball for dinner, do you want to eat alone?

o(メ▼皮▼;)o? !

Shinji did this because he accidentally remembered that there seemed to be a place called Seven Stars Restaurant in this resort.

That place is considered a special place in my memory, whether it is an animation or a game. All diners inside are trainers, and only the winner can enter to enjoy the food.

It's rare that I'm in a good mood today, and Shinji is going to have a look inside and enjoy the delicious food after a long absence.



small theater

Shinji - I work hard every day, can't I still enjoy it? Um?

 ̄へ ̄

Looking back, I found that these two chapters were surprisingly well written, better than the previous ones and the latter ones.


6000+ words tomorrow, 5000+ words the day after tomorrow

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