Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 116 Heh, it's really time for you to come!


Seeing that the situation was not good, the forest turtle quickly launched a magic leaf and a strong whip to block it, and a parasitic seed also sprayed out and landed on the circle bear to restrain and interfere.

At the same time, grass-knotted ropes were raised one after another on the road where the circle bear rushed to block.

It is the straw knot-tying skills learned from Luosreiduo!

However, all this is useless!


Relying on his strong body, strong strength and burning flames all over his body, he forcibly broke through all barriers and broke all attacks along the way. Even the grass knot was burned by the flames and his strength collapsed.

In a blink of an eye, the circle bear rushed in front of the forest turtle, raised its arms high and fell down.



At the moment when the fist fell, Quanquanxiong was stunned——

A layer of green protective cover rose from the surface of the forest turtle, blocking the hard support attack of the ring bear with an indestructible momentum.


Under the protective cover, a hint of cunning appeared in the forest turtle's eyes.

It seems that there are many moves it knows, but if you leave out the moves in the growth training method system, it doesn't know many moves.

Therefore, it should be quite reasonable to learn to guard and protect yourself for this purpose, right?

In the sky, the Electroshock Beast fell down like a comet, and landed on the protective cover with a punch.


The indestructible protective cover just now shattered in response to the sound, and the fist of the electric shock beast also fell on the forest turtle.

Afterwards, the circle bear seized the opportunity, smashed the flame fist violently, cooperated with the electric shock beast, and soon successfully knocked down the forest turtle.

BOSS, the strategy is successful!


Soon, the wood turtle woke up, using the growth training method to draw on a variety of strengths, and the injuries on his body were quickly repaired.

But it doesn't understand, I have such a big protective cover, why did you break it?


Can you learn how to defend and protect yourself, so that I can't learn how to feint when I'm bored punching?

Electric Shock Beast folded his hands on his chest, with a look of satisfaction on his face.

Learning to feint is just to learn the skills. After learning it, I thought I would never use it in this life. I didn't expect the forest turtle to give it a surprise so soon.


Looking at these two guys who learned new skills at every turn, Quanquan Xiong said that he didn't want to talk to them.

Why didn't it just learn all kinds of moves in the cultivation house?

The only exception was when I accidentally learned an earthquake when I was stomping on my studies.

Come over and take off the device after the battle is over, and prepare for the bloodline recovery ceremony.

Not far away, Shinji, who had just boiled a pot of dragon tooth soup, called out.




Hearing this, the three elves obediently rushed to Shinji's side to guard, and at the same time took off the training device and power suit and handed them to Shinji for safekeeping.


Hearing Shinji say that the soup is ready, Fang Lu Sha, who was training skills alone, ran over and waited for Shinji to feed him with a smile.


Shinji was not afraid of the flaming fangs and the sharp-toothed land sharks that were hot, so he poured the freshly made dragon soup into the sharp-toothed land sharks' mouths and let him swallow it in one gulp.


After finishing the soup, Fangtooth Shark couldn't help but smack his lips in enjoyment.

It's not that this dragon soup is so delicious, but that it has enough energy and great vigor.

Besides, is this soup?

What you drink is money, what you drink is power!

Go ahead, use Dragon Dance with Ni Lin, adjust it yourself.


Fang Lusha, who had several experiences, naturally didn't need Shinji to say more, he responded with a smile and ran to the side to dance the dragon dance, his body was full of blood and murderous aura.

You also prepare yourself well, build yourself and motivate yourself, grow and strengthen.

Shinji leaned against the wood turtle and said to the three elves.

The wilderness is no better than a breeding house. The conditions are backward and the situation is unknown. We can't let the fangtooth shark vent its power casually, or play a close confrontation with the previous ones, which will cause both sides to be scarred.

It is best to use a weak force, and the three elves take turns or go up together, while stimulating the power as much as possible, while controlling the catharsis power within a certain range.

The three elves also knew this, and they all stared at the aura of Fang Lu Shark together, trying to increase their strength to a stronger level than it.

Finally, Fangtooth Land Shark stopped the dragon dance, stood still with his head slightly lowered, and was using the reverse scale move to stimulate the power in his blood.

The momentum climbed rapidly, and the red blood smoke enveloped the body like substance.


Even if it wasn't the first time seeing this scene, Quanquan Xiong was shocked by it.

This momentum, this momentum, maybe the state of the fangtooth sharks is not as good as their extreme state, but this power has already been fully drawn.


The Wood Turtle nodded in agreement.

Its infinite growth mode is the most comprehensive, but it looks the most ordinary, and at most it glows.

It's not like the fangtooth shark's aura at all, it's enough to scare a newborn elf.


On the face of the electric shock beast, there was a flash of pride and pride——

Fangtooth land shark is powerful, scary!

my little brother!


Reverse Scale launched!

At this moment, Fangtooth Shark is like a waking god of killing, slowly opening those scarlet eyes and looking up at Shinji and the three elves around him.

Despite the attack... Wait, there is a situation!

Shinji nodded slightly, and was about to let the Fangtooth Shark attack, when he suddenly noticed some different voices keenly.



This weird sound is like the sound made by some machinery traveling through the mountains.

Turning around with all the elves, there were a number of armored vehicles driving towards him in Shinji's vision, and they stopped steadily tens of meters in front of him.

The car stopped, the front of the car stretched out and opened, and several strong men in combat uniforms stepped out, looking at Shinji cruelly.

Is it a hunter?

Shinji's eyes turned cold in an instant, and he asked.

In the wild, an inexplicable group of people came to find me, even if they were not hunters, they would not be good people.

So what? Kid, obediently hand over all your elves, and we can spare your life.

A hunter stared greedily at the elf behind Shinji with a terrifying smile.

There are not only the ring bears and wood turtles that the employer wants, but also the sharp-toothed land shark and electric shock beast, which also look quite good.

Heh, it's really time for you to come.

A cold look flashed in Shinji's eyes, and he smiled strangely.

Don't come early, don't come late, but my elves are all in full state before coming back, I really know how to pick the time.

What do you mean, boy?

The hunter suddenly didn't understand, what is the real time?

Don't talk nonsense with him, the arrest operation has begun!



After the leading hunter finished speaking, the people around him hurriedly threw two poke balls, releasing a small forked bat.

After such a short period of time, Shinji was fearless after discovering that the group of hunters did not have the terrifying petrification device on their arms.

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