Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 107 Must hit, leisure, reverse scale, rustle!

What move did the electric beast learn to surprise Shinji so much?

Is it the explosive punch that only genetics can learn in the game?

Or is it the final shock and light destruction of the big trick?

Or is it unimaginably charming?

No, neither!

That skill can be regarded as a common powerful skill with super power attribute - mental force!

It is actually very simple for the electric shock beast in the game to learn this move. A corresponding move learner would be fine, but the reality...

Conservatively speaking, 99% of electric beasts do not know this skill.

More than 90% of the trainers asked him if the electric shock beast can use superpowers and learn mental force? would answer no.

For the cultivation of the electric shock beast, people focus on strength, speed, lightning, etc., and they will not imagine the fierce and powerful electric shock beast in the direction of weird superpowers.

Therefore, Shinji was surprised that the electric shock beast inexplicably learned to force the mind.

Of course, you can learn it, but Shinji never thinks that this move will be more powerful than Flame Fist and Thunder in the hands of Electric Shock Beast in reality.

Why did you learn this move?

It's meaningless to ask how to learn it. Shinji is more interested in why he spends energy learning this?


Electric Shock Beast answered Shinji with actions.

First, he released a small bolt of lightning to attack a stone not far away, but missed once; after controlling the stone with mental force, the lightning hit.

After this kind of demonstration, the electric shock beast released a small ray of lightning that was obviously crooked, and changed the direction of the lightning attack through mental force, making it hit.

Use mental force to control the opponent's attack, or correct the direction of the lightning to increase the hit rate?

There is no need to think about controlling the enemy. It is very difficult to control or influence the opponent with superpowers. With the mental power of the electric shock beast, Shinji has no hope.

But the latter idea is quite genius, I can't control you, so I can control the direction of the lightning that I send out to the head office, right?

Nice idea!

Shinji understood, and after a compliment, he asked:

But why don't you try to combine high-speed stars or electric shock waves? Try to apply the principle of the must-hit technique to thunder? In order to achieve the effect of tracking?


Hearing this, the Electric Shock Beast was stunned for a moment.

Co-authoring the spiritual force that I learned after working hard for a long time, can this effect be achieved by directly learning a high-speed star and electric shock wave and modifying it with reference to it?

Electric Shock Beast was inexplicably autistic. He thought he had come up with a great idea, but the trainer directly said an easier way.

It's also good to learn how to mentally force thoughts, but the high-speed stars and electric shock waves may not necessarily be able to do this.

Shinji is very clear that there is no pure melee must-hit skill in reality, and the principles of long-range must-hit skills are nothing more than mental power control, mental power marks, extremely fast speed, etc.

Without some proficiency in the use of mental power, it is really impossible to add must hit to other skills.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be possible for a powerful trainer to have high-speed stars, magic leaves, and all long-range skills must hit?

However, the electric shock wave is a bit special, and it can only be regarded as half a must-hit skill in reality. After all, its principle is lightning that is faster and easier to control, and the locking effect is not very strong.

That's it, one will simplify the dragon dance after proficiency, and the other will hit the mark after learning. After that, I will let other elves assist you.


Electroshock blinked, feeling that he and his little brother shouldn't usurp the rare rest time of other elves.

If not, they can practice on their own.

It makes sense...

Shinji nodded thoughtfully. It seems a bit wrong to increase the assistance tasks just after he finished talking about reducing training tasks.


The Electric Shock Beast hastily echoed a few words, and before it could be happy, Shinji's voice came again:

Then I'll let the big-tailed raccoon, the poisonous skeleton frog, the Mookhawk and the devouring beast help you train.

Electroshock Beast: ?

Are you unable to afford it?

Start training! Shinji



As soon as the order was given, the electric shock beast and the round land shark immediately responded obediently and began to train.

A few days later, at the edge of the woods outside the courtyard of the cultivation house

Shinji, who is wearing a breeder's costume, is holding a pair of large scissors in his hand, sitting on the back of the forest turtle to help him trim the small trees on his back.

With the sound of scissors click~, some messy branches were subtracted by Shinji, leaving a good shape gradually.

Six Tails, Watering Can.

After the pruning was over, Shinji let out a cry and threw the scissors aside.

While Liuwei took over the scissors with his supernatural powers, he sent the watering can aside to Shinji's hands.

Use a watering can to spray water on the small tree to make the small tree look more lush and full of vitality.

After the spraying was over, Shinji took a special brush and brushed the wood turtle around to remove all the dust.


Enjoying Shinji's service, the forest turtle let out a comfortable cry.

Next, come on, Liuwei.

Gently stroking the wood turtle's head, Shinji turned his attention to the elf beside him, seeing that Liuwei was lying flat for the time being, he designated it.


Knowing that today is pure enjoyment time, Liuwei screamed with joy, and threw himself into Shinji's arms.

He walked to the side with Liuwei in his arms, sat down and took out the brush and began to smooth Liuwei's hair, and then used other tools to trim off some hair, and then began to massage it.


After enjoying the sticking massage of Roseletto and Dragon King Scorpion, Liuwei felt that Shinji's massage technique was so comfortable that he relaxed his whole body and mind, relieved his fatigue, and gradually fell asleep.

After the massage was over, Shinji picked up the sleeping Liuwei and put it on the back of the forest turtle, letting them bask in the sun together.

Glancing at the electric shock beast and the round land shark enjoying the training service of the four top elves in the distance, he set his sights on the circle bear again.

Use lazy moves to relax and lie down.

Patted the big guy, Shinji said.

The circle bear can't learn moves like self-regeneration, because of the perseverance characteristic, learning to sleep and other moves is not very useful, so Shinji focuses on the lazy moves that can also restore physical strength.

Although the circle bear can't learn it in the game, but in reality, some elves who can't teleport can learn to teleport. What's wrong with the circle bear being lazy?

Although it is still far from learning to be lazy at this moment, it is not a problem to learn from the pattern of moves to relax.


Yawning and replying to Shinji, Circle Bear lay flat on the ground.

Shinji didn't choose to smooth his hair or something, but started to massage directly.

With Huanquan Xiong's rough skin and thick flesh, it is naturally impossible for Shinji to massage his whole body, which would take a lot of time.

So he mainly relieved the muscles of the limbs for the circle bear, and massaged the head to relax, and then handed over the body to the dragon king scorpion.

Shinji and the elves have a peaceful time here, but the electric shock beast and the round land shark in the distance are fighting bloody battles.

There are four elves around, all of them are honor-level, and they can't beat any one of them. Four of them come to help practice at once. I have to say that these elves really give Shinji face.


A group of dogs, if you have the ability to let the uncle rest for five minutes, and then fight with you for three hundred rounds.

Bending over and gasping for breath, the Electric Shock Beast shouted angrily.

The four elves looked at each other, nodded at the same time, and then launched the air cut, seed machine gun, water gun, and poisonous needle at the same time, and hit the electric shock beast together.

The power of the moves is very small, and the power used is also very small, but it is not a problem to hurt the electric shock beast.

Besieged by four attacks, the Electric Shock Beast had to move again to resist.

This movement achieves the training effect.

Sand! Sand! Sand!

Next to it, the little thing Yuanlu Shark was not in much better condition. Every time he rushed out, he was easily beaten back by other elves.

Being bullied terribly, his eyes turned scarlet, and he was killing there like a madman!

The whole body emits red light, and after the power surges, it attacks other elves.

Reverse Scale!

After a simple and unpretentious training, Yuan Lusha learned to reverse the scales.

The dragon has reversed scales, and you will die if you touch it!

The blood of the dragon, give me strength!


Rushing in front of the poisonous skeleton frog, the round land shark opened its scarlet mouth and bit down with all its strength!


The poisonous skeleton frog's face remained unchanged, and its purple-glowing hand first landed on the round land shark, causing it to fall directly from the air.

The round land shark, lost the ability to fight.


The poisonous skeleton frog greeted the other elves, then dragged the round land shark's feet to find the elves for help in treatment.

Alas! Alas!

Not far away, the Electroshock Beast, who was knocked to the ground again, roared loudly as he watched the Yuanlu Shark gradually go away.

Round land shark, where are you going!

No, don't leave me alone!

pain! It hurts so much!

Round land shark, why are you!


Seeing the appearance of the electric shock beast, the elves around were all moved by their affection for the round land shark.

After they all sighed, they attacked the killer one after another.

The blood of the dragon, give me strength!

sand! sand! sand!

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