Pokemon: Trainer Shinji

Chapter 103 Miracle Seed Life Power 【Subscription】

Come back, you did a great job.

Although this game was lost, Shinji was satisfied with being able to severely injure Dragon King Scorpion.

After all, if the roles were reversed, he would definitely show the other party what it meant to be truly cruel.

Come back, Dragon King Scorpion, thank you for your hard work.

Ah Liu took back the Dragon King Scorpion, but he felt a little lucky in his heart.

Fortunately, the wood turtle's strength is not very strong, as long as it has the strength of honor level, gymnasium level, etc., he is afraid that he will overturn in the gutter in this match.

Although he won, it is undeniable that this battle shocked him much more than the battle with Daye and Zhulan.

Shinji, right, your tactics and training are excellent, especially the wood turtle...

Speaking of this, A Liu was silent for two seconds, and affirmed:

If you are an expert grass-attribute elf, I think your future is very promising just based on the combat mode and genre just now...

No! The minimum achievements in the future are the four heavenly kings of the grass attribute.

Thank you for the battle, thank you for the compliment.

Shinji bowed slightly to express his gratitude, and said, However, I have no interest in becoming a grass-type king.

With elves such as forest turtles and electric shock monsters, Shinji feels that he will not repeat the cultivation of elves with the same path. Even if he only needs to copy the former path, his future achievements will not be low.

But as an aspiring trainer, Shinji is unwilling to do this.

That's a pity...

Ah Liu sighed, feeling heartbroken for the alliance to lose a grass attribute king in the future.

There is absolutely no reason why he is the king of insect attributes.

Well, that's right.


I will come to challenge again in the future.

After bowing slightly, Shinji turned and left.

Damn it! What kind of monster is this... almost knocked you over.

As soon as Shinji left, Ashan couldn't help complaining immediately.

Logically speaking, this forest turtle is indeed strong, but it is also limited, at least not even the strength of the main elf of the gym trainer.

But it's just such an elf that almost overturned the careless Dragon King Scorpion and A Liu, how is this outrageous?

This kind of fighting method is indeed easy to overturn for the first time, but the main reason is that I was too careless. It is better to be prepared, but it is still difficult to deal with...

As Liu said, he sighed. If he played against Shinji again, he was confident that he would win easily.

But this is not something to be proud of. As the Four Heavenly Kings, it is natural to win against others. Crushing is the norm, and overturning is a big deal.

Come on, kid, you can be considered outstanding among your peers, not even a genius.

After a while, I will fight Zhulan again, so I will go to special training.

Patting Ashan on the shoulder, Aliu left, ready to digest the shock that Shinji gave him today, as well as a little inspiration.

Shinji who left did not go to the spirit center, but came to the river and released all the spirits.







After the six elves came out, they all lay on the ground, and one was in worse condition than the other.

Among them, the most miserable ones are the ring bear and the forest turtle. One was accidentally injured by the excited dragon king scorpion, and the other was injured by the excited dragon king scorpion.

This caused both of them to be unable to say hello when they heard the call of their new companion.

Xanaiduo, heal fluctuations.

After taking out all the berries in the pocket and distributing them to all the elves, and letting them eat to restore some physical strength and state, Shinji said to Xanadu.


Shanaido, who eats the most berries and recovers best, understands, and raises his hands to release healing waves to restore the physical strength of other elves.

Healing Wave healing moves are not a panacea, otherwise there would be no need for an operating room in the Elf Center.

Even if Xanadu tried his best to recover, there were still a few very obvious scars on the circle bear and the forest turtle.

Shinji could only open the remaining good wound medicine to treat the circle bear and forest turtle, spray the spray on the scar, and the scar was quickly relieved a lot, and the rest can only be left to them to recuperate.

The circle bear is not bad, after being sprayed with a good wound medicine, the condition has improved a lot, and it is not a problem to have a good rest for a day and recover the next day.

But the condition of the forest turtle is very poor, so many roots that bind the Dragon King Scorpion are destroyed, it is inevitable that some damage to the source.

We don't arrange the training content today, each of us digests and exchanges the previous battle gains. If we want to train, we have to train our own content before training.

It is rare to challenge the Four Heavenly Kings once, and Shinji decided to let the elves relax and adjust their state.


Quanquan Xiong sat on the ground, and simply communicated with the elves around him about the battle just now, as well as some experiences.


Shuangrenwan didn't leave the training alone. While communicating, he thought about whether he had missed anything in the previous battle, and what he needed to pay attention to...


The Pintail Scorpion was seriously injured by the double blades and did not challenge the Four Heavenly Kings, so he could only communicate with other spirits fascinatedly.


Liuwei was lying comfortably on the back of the forest turtle, when suddenly he felt that the neck of his destiny was grabbed.

Don't lie here, go aside.

Throwing Liuwei aside casually, Shinji stroked the wood turtle's head and checked its injuries.

Can it still take root?

Knowing that most of the tree turtle's roots were destroyed and suffered heavy injuries, Shinji said with concern.


The wood turtle nodded slightly, then shook his head again.

It can still pierce, but can't stick out much.

If you can stab it, then grow it. Sufficient energy and accelerated metabolic growth will help you recover from the injury.


The forest turtle planted its roots into the ground according to the words, used super absorption to absorb energy, and at the same time created sunny days and used photosynthesis to produce nutrients and began to grow.

I planned to let you try this after a while, but now the situation is special, let's go ahead.

Shinji opened the backpack and took out a light yellow seed that seemed to be pregnant with life.


Wood turtles can feel the breath of life on this seed.

The miracle seed contains very pure life force. After carrying it, the power of your grass attribute skills will increase, but... eat it and use its power to make up for the source of the loss.

Although props are precious, they are only foreign objects after all.


The wood turtle didn't refuse, and opened its mouth to swallow it.

Then a stream of pure life force spread out from the abdomen, escaping into the forest turtle's body, making up for the source, healing the injury, and at the same time increasing its strength.

Pay attention to feel this power, and try to distinguish the difference between it and the power you collected when you used the energy ball?


energy ball?

Being mentioned by Shinji, the forest turtle was stunned for a second, and after feeling it carefully, he found that the life force in his body seemed to be similar to the power of the energy ball.

It's just that, compared to the power in the body, the power of the energy ball is more mixed, the quality is far from the same level, and it can be aggressive.

Why did Shinji let the forest turtle feel the power of life?

Why let the wood turtle keep energy balls that are rarely used in battle?

the reason is simple--

Energy Ball: Fires life force collected from nature, sometimes lowering the opponent's special defense.

As long as you master this skill, it is equivalent to mastering the method of collecting life force.

As for the life force, just by hearing the name, one knows that it can definitely become the third realm besides the power of the earth and the power of the sun, which can be absorbed from the outside world and incorporated into the energy of the growth training method.

In the animation, Xiaozhi made the grass attribute spirit swallow the energy ball many times to increase his strength.

It can be seen that life energy can increase strength.

Furthermore, with the harmonization of life energy, the growth training method will be improved qualitatively.

If one can master this power and combine it with other powers, it is entirely possible to create another more advanced growth move in the future.

Thanks to Ailan_Akarali for the reward`

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