It was another sun shone brightly morning, and Mo Yan, George and Cynthia got up early as usual.

Mo Yan and Cynthia went out to train unmoved, while George made breakfast with the same Early Bird's Xiaoxiang mother.

As for Mark and Xiaoxiang, they both got up late without any accident.

It wasn't until Mo Yan and the two of them finished their morning training and came back for breakfast that they saw the sleepy three people sipping the white porridge without a mouthful.

"Boss, you are back!"

When Mark saw Mo Yan seated, he was refreshed and he couldn't wait to say something, but he was quickly stared by George on the side. Stopped.

Xiaoxiang's parents are still there!

Mark stopped talking, but after all he endured it, while Xiaoxiang's sister and brother on the other side sat in the corner properly, even drinking porridge appearing cautiously.

Cynthia watched this scene curiously, knowing that something must have happened last night, and then rationally did not ask.

"I heard that something happened in the village last night, and the village chief asked us to go there to discuss the matter. Xiaoxiang, I have been entertaining a few big brother elder sisters. We will go back as soon as we go."

Xiaoxiang’s parents stood at the door, gave a few words at random and left in a hurry, leaving only Mo Yan and they looked at each other in blank dismay.

The movement last night was indeed not small. Now the villagers have been summoned to see if anyone was "killed".

However, the culprit Spiritomb has been subdued by Mark. The so-called Ghost Type treasure is only an illusion produced by Imprison's energy leak.

So nearby Ghost Type Pokémon will slowly disperse, no longer gather around the village, and will gradually become safer at night.

Of course, Mo Yan, they don’t bother to invite this credit, and this small village can’t give any good rewards. Instead, they feel like they’re willing to repay their favor.

Anyway, Togekiss was promoted because of this, and Mark has won the mighty Spiritomb anyway, and this wave is not a loss at all.

By the way, Spiritomb!

After seeing Xiaoxiang's parents leave, Mo Yan and George looked towards Mark one after another, and Cynthia naturally followed.

"Boss, I have taken Spiritomb!"

"Hmm...huh?" Mo Yan was subconsciously nodded, but soon I heard that something was wrong. If I accepted it, I accepted it last night , Why say it again, still so excited suddenly?

Could it be...

"Boss, Spiritomb is very obedient, very obedient!" Mark said excitedly.

Mo Yan and George have a funny expression on your face, expressing their disbelief at all.

strictly speaking, Spiritomb fought many Pokémons for a long time last night, and it was not Togekiss that Togekiss defeated it alone.

In addition to its breakthrough Imprison, Spiritomb's yearning for freedom should far exceed Common Pokémon.

In this case, do you say it is very obedient?

Then Mark released Spiritomb.

Spiritomb threw Mark down.

Spiritomb sticks out his tongue to lick Mark's face.

Mo Yan :(⊙x⊙;)

George :(͏ˉꈊˉ)˖°

Cynthia :(•́_•̀)?

Sister and brother Xiaoxiang: ゙━=͟͟͞͞(Ŏ◊Ŏ‧̣̥̇)


"So, what did you do to it? ?" Mo Yan sent a soul torture to Mark.

"It’s like this. I couldn’t fall asleep after I went back to my room last night, so I took out Spiritomb’s Poké Ball and took a look..."

"Let’s talk about it!"

"Here is here, the point is that I suddenly thought of the sentence Brother George said, good luck and bad luck, it is all luck!"


"So I subconsciously mobilized the special ability in my body and tried to instill it into the Poké Ball.

Speaking of magic, when the Spiritomb in the Poké Ball absorbed part of my special ability, I actually There is a faint sense of relief," Mark said excitedly.

"You still didn't say why Spiritomb was suddenly obedient" George was speechless, but he did not forget to reach out to stop Mo Yan who was hearing about hitting someone.

And Cynthia focused on the four words "special ability".

After so many days of getting along, she has long known that Mo Yan and George both have special abilities, and it is not surprising at all, after all, they have never deliberately concealed it.

But Mark also has special ability, and it sounds very good.

But Cynthia will not be able to ask directly, so she can only act as an audience silently and listen quietly.

"Then...then Spiritomb felt the power of my Mark Mega Amazing, and took the initiative to express the acknowledge allegiance!" Mark raised his head, almost akimbo.

"The son does not teach, it is the fault of the father, please!" George retracted Mo Yan's hand and even motioned him to move quickly.

Mark finally realized what was wrong, blinked his innocent eyes, then picked up Spiritomb's keystone and blocked it in front of Mo Yan.

"jié jié jié!"

Spiritomb began to scream, his grimace doubled suddenly, trying to scare Mo Yan back.

"Tyranitar said that there was no activity during the morning exercise. I believe Spiritomb has the same idea."

Mo Yan gave Mark an unusually friendly look, but in Mark’s opinion This is the threat of Chiguoguo!


Ten minutes later, Spiritomb has once again become a dingy keystone, and Tyranitar patted his belly comfortably, expressing his satisfaction.

Mark stared at the keystone on the ground, slowly said: "Boss, don't believe it... I think there is nothing wrong with being a mascot."

"Well, Go back and pack up, it’s time to go.” Mo Yan gave Mark a student that can be taught expression, and then turned and left with Tyranitar.

A breeze blew by, Mark standing still curled his mouth, forcibly squeezing out two tears of shame.

"prosperity and decline never last, Mo..."


Arbok suddenly shot Mark with his tail staggered, he Rage He turned his head and looked around, and found that beside the battlefield, a crowd of Pokémon of four were looking at him with innocent eyes.

It’s been a long time since Mo Yan has been so serious about (qi) teaching (fu) Mark, and new companions have joined, so Pokémons have come to watch.

Then, Mark quick witted in an emergency, and said sincerely: "prosperity and decline never last, don't be too serious!


The Pokémon didn’t hear the answer they wanted, they looked at Mark with disdain, and then spread out to express their ignorance.

Mark's chest tightness was difficult to calm, looked towards the only one who was still standing here. Arbok on the edge, trying to find the last touch of comfort.

"Quah! "

Arbok spit out the snake. It thought of Mark's indifferent Ako last night, and turned his head and left.

Mark suddenly petrified in place...

As for George and Cynthia, who are also watching, they are already in a heated discussion about Spiritomb's breed, and they have not noticed what has just happened.

After a while, Mark realized that no one was paying attention to him. He could only shrug his shoulders secretly, and sneak back into the room pretending to be careless.

I, Mark, have a clear distinction between public and private, heroic and justice. How could it delay the trip of the whole team because of my own problems!

Well, pack your luggage first...

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