Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 93: real alliance mission

Soon, they concocted several times according to the law, and when it was noon, they felt that it was almost the same, so they exited the inner circle and came to the outer circle.


"3 iron-shelled kun and 4 iron-clad pupae, not bad."


Tianji, who was having lunch under the big tree, was very satisfied looking at his harvest in the morning.


He doesn't plan to sell the poison sac and worm meat. The 30-pound ordinary worm meat is just right for Trumpet Ya and Bobo to eat.


Bobo eating this can also accelerate the accumulation of energy and speed up the pace of evolution.


Ordinary-level poison sacs are also helpful for Trumpet Bud to learn the Dissolving Liquid move as soon as possible.


"Even if you don't sell these, the shell and the wire bag alone can sell for 21,000 to 20,002, and there's that Aberdeen snake! It's very, very beautiful!"


He was eating meat patties, looking at the blood-stained materials in his backpack, he didn't feel nauseated at all, instead, he had a big appetite, and he ate half of the patties at noon today.


"Speaker Bud, Bobo, let's go back after lunch and go to the Elf Center to complete the promotion task first."




"Boom~" The two little ones nodded. Anyway, they just had to follow Tianci. They didn't know what the promotion task was.


Soon, the three people who had finished eating and packed up set foot on the journey back.


On the way, I encountered a few waves of bugs, as well as Little Lada. Of course, Tianji, who had experienced the ups and downs of life, never let it go.


As long as they come across, it's not too far away, and they all pack them into their backpacks.


He came to the elf center without incident all the way. When he delivered the promotion task, he originally wanted to hand over a pound of iron armored chrysalis shell.


In this way, instead of 200 yuan, I get a bonus of 6,000 yuan (*`?з?)??


However, the task transfer officer of the Elf Center ruthlessly rejected Tianji's request, saying that the materials must be all complete materials on an Elf.


"Sure enough, the Elf Center has been established for so many years, and so many branches have been opened, and some common loopholes have been plugged."


With tears in his eyes, he handed in all the materials for an iron armored chrysalis, exchanged 3,500 for 6,000 yuan, and 1 point of alliance merit.


Then the staff immediately upgraded the authority of his ID card, and he was finally able to do real ordinary tasks.


Can't wait to insert the ID card into the self-service computer in front.


"Di~Identity is being read...


Name: Aoki Tianji


Sex: Male


Age: 15 years old


Rank: Ordinary low-level trainer


Alliance Merit: 5


Available missions: 99+”


He immediately clicked the button to access the task, and the interface changed again.


"One-star mission, two-star mission, three-star mission"


"Huh? It's still graded, so I'll take a look at it." After speaking, he started to read from one star.


After he flipped through it for a while, he found that the one-star level seemed to correspond to the freshman level. From the description of the task, it could be seen that the strength was not strong, but it was cumbersome and time-consuming. Among them, the highest reward was the following one.


Task number: 00024


Mission level: one star


Mission description: Cooperate with the security team to sweep the wild little Lada that appeared in the underground pipeline


Mission time limit: 3 to 5 days


Quest reward: 10 points of Alliance Merit


Union currency 5000 yuan


"Is the little Radha under the town flooded again? Fortunately, these little Radha are not strong, otherwise the ordinary people in the town would be in danger."


Seeing this task, he remembered the little Radha he had seen around his house more than once.


Fortunately, these little Ladas basically grew up eating garbage and ordinary food in the town for a long time, so they basically have no fighting ability.


At best, they are the low-level freshmen, and that's even considering the poor energy in their bodies.


Therefore, the meat and materials of these little Ladas are worthless at all, and no one is willing to waste time and energy to clean up these little Ladas, which are already ordinary mice.

Only the alliance will clean up the town regularly for the stability of the town. After all, if the base is large, even ordinary mice can cause a lot of losses, and it is very likely that there will be some mutants, and their strength may reach the high level of freshmen. , or even ordinary level, it would be a nightmare for ordinary people who encountered it.


"Then let's take a look at the two-star ones." After browsing the one-star level, he immediately quit and clicked on the two-star task next to him.


Task number: 00157


Mission level: 2 star


Quest description: Capture a walking grass whose aptitude is at least ordinary and superior


Mission time limit: none


Mission reward: Alliance Merit 15 points


Alliance Coin 14,000


Task number: 00174


Mission level: 2 star


Quest description: A pair of fangs and a pair of poison sacs are needed.


Mission time limit: none


Mission reward: Alliance Merit 18 points


Union currency 5000 yuan




"En" Tianji touched his chin. After reading a few, he found that the two-star tasks corresponded to ordinary, low-middle-level trainers.


The reward setting of this alliance currency is also very interesting. It must be a little more than what you sell yourself, but it will be a lot more expensive than the sales price in the store.


And from the point of view of the task of capturing elves, this alliance task must have been released by other people or families. After all, the alliance has a family of elves, and there are basically all kinds of elves that are common in it. There is no need to ask outsiders for help. catch ah.


"It seems that if I need to find something in the future, I can also issue a task, but I don't know what conditions are there?


Merit points should be a must, it is impossible for you to take things and the alliance will pay for you! "


Immediately, another way to obtain resources appeared in his mind.


After reading the 2-star quest, he took advantage of the situation and clicked on the 3-star quest. According to his inference, this 3-star quest should correspond to the ordinary high-level or even the elite level.


Task number: 00259


Mission Level: Three Stars


Description of the task: Capture a large armor with ordinary aptitude and above


Mission time limit: none


Mission reward: Alliance Merit 40 points


Alliance Coin 50,000


Seeing this task, he understood that this three-star task was really aimed at ordinary high-level trainers.


Don't look at it, they all capture an ordinary high-level talent, but one is a walking grass that can be seen everywhere, and the other is a large armor with powerful attack power.


These two are no longer at the same level! In addition, the ethnic group of Dajia is still going inside~www.wuxiamtl.com~, the danger is even greater.


If this quest is accompanied by a remark that requires the strength to be freshman level, then it is an elite level quest.


You must know that elves with good qualifications generally do not come out to wander around before the ordinary level, they are generally confined within their own territory.


If you want to obtain freshman-level good qualification elves, you can only venture into other people's territory and poach.


Go to Dajia's territory, this task, if you are not elite, you may not be able to come back.


He continued to look down and found another one that he was interested in, but he didn't want to pick it up, but he also wanted it.


Task number: 00675


Mission Level: Three Stars


Mission description: Long-term acquisition of stingray honey


Mission time limit: none


Mission reward: Alliance Merit 10 points/catties


Alliance currency 3000/catties


The honey of this hornbee is also considered a natural treasure in the wild, and long-term use has the effect of improving the qualifications of elves!


There is basically no sale in the store, but the official price is 2000/jin, but ordinary people can't buy it at all. As soon as it appears, it seems to be bought by the big people in the town.


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