Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 8: hard training

Tianji, who was daydreaming, returned to his home with a smile on his face. After all, he was also a lower social class in his previous life. How could he touch such a beautiful young lady's hand?

Back home, Tian Ci quickly corrected his mentality and his expression became positive.

"It is still necessary to convert potential into strength as soon as possible so that we can work hard to earn money and improve our status."

"Come out, Hornbud!" Tianji shouted, and let the Hornbud out of the Poké Ball.

"Moo", the trumpet bud that had been suffocated in the pokeball, ran to Tianzi again, hugging his thigh and rubbing it.

"Okay, horn bud, you are now a growing elf, not a child anymore, we are going to do hard training next." Tian Ci patted the head of the trumpet bud, pretending to be serious trumpet bud says

"Moo!" Lou Ya shouted firmly. In fact, when it saw Tian Ci doing morning exercises before, he also wanted to exercise with Tian Ci.

However, Tianji rejected it. After all, elves in their infancy still need to take good care of their bodies. Premature exercise will also limit the future potential of elves. This is all learned from the blood and tears of the elders in the history of elves. iron law.

"That trumpet bud, let's go to the open space at the back to exercise first, and after three or four days, we will set off to the outskirts of the forest."

Tianji's personality is still cautious, after all, although he can be said to be a trainer at the beginning of the rookie stage, (the elf strength level is the same as the trainer level, the elf level just has a slightly different name, it is called the freshman level, and the latter is the same.)

The trumpet bud is the strength of the first stage of the freshman level. Don't look at it as entering the extraordinary ranks, but it is similar to the green caterpillar carp king outside. You must know that this strength is the bottom layer of the elves, and ordinary hunters with rich experience can rely on traps. Kill these elves.

Of course, this is still a risk, you can't guarantee that when you are catching the carp king, the other elves in the river just don't see it or when you are catching the green caterpillar, there are no other elves in the jungle next to you.

Therefore, although this type of people has high benefits, they also have high risks. The experience they have passed down from generation to generation to determine danger is also a secret.

Of course, the ultimate goal of ordinary hunters is to become a trainer, but green caterpillars and carp kings with generally low aptitude are not their goals. After they accumulate enough wealth, they usually buy an elves with at least good and medium aptitude to ensure that they There is hope of breaking through the elite, and then achieving the leap of class.

Therefore, compared with them, Tianji, who has hatched a good and low-quality talent, can be said to have won the grand prize.

"Okay, Trumpet Ya, show me the moves you've learned."

"Moo, moo" I saw the trumpet bud shouted. Two green slender vine whips grow from the hands of the trumpet bud

With a wave of Trumpet Ya's hand, the two vine whips hit the ground with a crisp sound of "crack!", and the scattered dust also showed that the strength of the whips was definitely not weak.

"Well, probably like an adult wielding a whip forcefully." Tianji nodded secretly.

"Is there anything else? Trumpet buds" Tianji shouted to Trumpet buds

"Moo, moo" Lou Ya thought for a while in doubt, then shook her head in frustration.

"It's alright, it's already great Hornya. It's amazing, let's test your limit." Tianzi walked to Hornya and comforted

"First of all, let's test the limit of Hornbud, how many times can the vine whip be used, and Hornbud will wave the whip without interruption."

"Moo!" Louboutin cheered up instantly, only to see the dust filled the open space at the back door, and only the sound of the whip breaking through the air could be heard.

"Two, three, four..." Tian Ci counted silently in his mind, and the whip slowly swung by the trumpet bud slowed down and was no longer powerful.

"Okay, Trumpet Bud can stop now." Seeing this, Tianji hurriedly stopped the still-supporting Trumpet Bud.

"Moo..." Hornja stopped panting and slumped on the ground.

"Come, have something to eat, take a rest, Trumpet Ya." Tian Ji tore open the grass-type elf food he sent and handed it to Trumpet Ya.

"Moo!" Trumpet bud smelled the fragrance, took it immediately, lowered his head and started to eat.

Tianji took a notebook and recorded it

Move: Rattan Whip

Effective damage: 20 times

Evaluation: The moves lack flexibility, and the damage needs to be improved.

"Okay, trumpet bud, let's rest for another hour, and then continue"

"Moo!" Trumpet Ya promised

"Awesome!" Tian Chi smiled and patted the head of the trumpet bud

"It seems that the theory of early childhood education in the previous life is still effective. I didn't expect that the first training, the horn buds would cooperate so well." Tian Ci thought of when he was in the juvenile stage of the horn buds, he showed the trumpet buds to watch the battle video and told him that he was powerful. The benefits, and demonstrating for yourself, the exhaustion of exercising every day, it seems that it's all worth it.

In the blink of an eye, an hour passed, and Trumpet Ya stood in front of Tian Ci consciously, waiting for Tian Ci's order.

"Speaker Bud, you have done a good job in front of you, and the rattan whip is very powerful." Tian Ji first praised

"Moo!" Hearing Tianci's compliment, Trumpet Ya was very happy, and her eyes turned into crescents with a smile.

"However, your moves are too simple, and the strength of the rattan whip can be even greater, and the accuracy and flexibility need to be improved." Tian Ci immediately poured a basin of cold water upon seeing the very happy laughing trumpet bud.

"Moo(?_? Trumpet Ya's mood went down again

"It doesn't matter, we can train together in the past few days to help you improve your strength. You have just entered the growth stage. It can be said that these days are the rapid stage of your strength improvement. I have already made a plan for you. Do you have the confidence to complete it resolutely? ." Tian Chi pretended to be serious and said to the trumpet bud.

"Moo!? ('ω')?" Trumpet Ya stood up straight, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com shouted firmly!

"Okay, then let me talk about your training content. First, get up at 7 o'clock in the morning and run three laps around the garbage station with me in the open space. As a morning exercise, you can also exercise your physical strength, and then have breakfast.

After half an hour of rest after eating, I punched next to you, and you use the vine whip to attack the big tree behind the door. I will set a range for you. You must try to control the vine whip within this range. Then rest for an hour to restore strength.

After the rest, we will continue weightlifting training. You lift rocks with a cane whip, and I do the same. After an hour of exercise, we will go to lunch, and take a two-hour nap at noon.

In the afternoon, you kick the sand with your feet in the back ground. Pay attention to learn how to instill the energy in your body into your feet, and learn the trick of throwing sand as soon as possible. When you are tired, put your roots into the soil to rest. After 3:30 in the afternoon, I will throw stones. , you come to dodge, exercise your dodge ability. Then we eat dinner, rest for an hour after dinner, we lift weights for another hour and we're done. Have no confidence to finish! "Tian Chi read the plan he just wrote to Trumpetya, and finally asked aloud.

"Moo? ('ω')?" Although it feels very complicated, but knowing that Tianji will always be with him, Trumpet Ya also replied firmly.

"Okay trumpet bud, let's start now." Tianji immediately found a tree and drew a large circle on its trunk

"Speaker Bud uses the vine whip to attack the circle"

"Moo ψ('?')ψ" Trumpet immediately used the vine whip

"Clap!" "Come on, Trumpet Bud", the quiet garbage station was also filled with the voices of a boy and an elf.


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