Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 77: physical ability

"Uncle Sam, this is your reward, I hope it's not too small." As soon as he returned to the living room, Tianji took out a prepared card from his pocket and handed it over respectfully.

"Hey~ I can still charge you. I don't miss you tens of thousands of dollars. You should keep the evolution resources for your elves. I remember that Bobo and Trumpetya can evolve at the ordinary low level."

Uncle Sam waved his hand and returned the card. If it was before, he might have accepted it. After all, he just wanted to grab a hand and take it as soon as he accepted it.

You must know that the elves of the elite trainers come to teach, if he only charges tens of thousands of dollars, those who are willing are afraid that they will go to another street.

But when he found out that Tianji had broken through to the ordinary level, and that he had figured out the correct cultivation method without a teacher, he decided to give this boy a hand.

If they break through the elite, those two people will also have a support in the alliance, and even if their strength surpasses him, then the future may depend on this young man.

His family knows about his family affairs. Although he himself has broken through to the elite before the 55-year-old limit, in the eyes of outsiders, he is already considered infinitely beautiful.

But the breakthrough was too late, and there was no backer in the alliance, and all that was obtained was the entry-level cultivation of 6 elves. If you want to go further, you have to fight with your life! Go and earn merits in exchange! It is estimated that this life will also be in the middle of the elite.

So, it is better to simply be a good person. Even if he can't break through, he believes that Tianji will be a top master at the ordinary level, and he will also be a general in the guard team when he receives it!

"Then how can it be done! You must accept it!" As he said that, Tianji pushed back with a false pretence. He had practiced this kind of polite speech very well in his previous life.

Sure enough, after a few rounds of politeness in the end, this card was returned to Tianji's pocket, and Captain Sam felt that this young man was very good, very real, thank you!

In the end, the two chatted in the living room for a while. Tian Chi checked the time and said goodbye to Uncle Sam.

"Uncle Sam, then I won't bother you anymore, Bobo will bother you too!" After saying that, Tianci bowed, turned around and walked out of the door under the guidance of the maid.

"Hey ╯﹏╰ boy, I hope you won't let me down, let's go, let's go back to the room, we have to work hard (?ω? Uncle Sam looked at Tianci's back and sighed, and finally put his arms around the two The maid went upstairs to the bedroom.

Returning to his home, Tianji looked at Trumpet Ya, who was still training hard, and nodded.

"Moo? ω?" Louboutin noticed that Tianzi was back, and immediately told Tianzi that he was not lazy, and that he was practicing hard!

"Okay, I know Trumpet Ya. I really approve of her seriousness, don't worry!" Tian Ci touched the head of Trumpet Ya and praised it.

"Moo?" Hornya noticed that there was no Bobo on Tianji's shoulders, and the Poke Ball around his waist was also empty, and asked in confusion, where did Bobo go?

"Cough! It's like this, Bobo wants to learn new skills, didn't I visit Uncle Sam, he agreed, so I let Bobo stay there to study." Hearing the question of Trumpet Buds, he immediately explained .

"Moo, moo?" Trumpet Ya nodded and asked again how many days?

"It's hard to say, the two of you are going to compete now, let's see if you stabilize your strength first, or Bobo first understands new moves?

Come on, trumpet bud, as the big brother in the team, don't wait for Bobo to come back, you are still there to stabilize your strength! "

"Moo (???_??)?" Trumpet Ya, who was shocked by Tian Chi's words, immediately continued training with fighting spirit.

"Well, then I should also get acquainted with my growing physical fitness." Looking at the fighting trumpet bud, Tianji nodded and started his own control training.

"Huchi~huhu~" First of all, of course, running. Although this is the most basic and simple exercise, it is also the best way to detect his current physical fitness.

Of course, it is definitely not as good as going to the gym for testing, where the equipment is more professional and the data obtained is more accurate.

"But I don't want to fight melee elves myself. I'm just an assistant. It's fine to put the cold knife away, so I just need to have a basic grasp of my body."

Tianji was running, counting the laps in his heart.

"Hu~huchi! I'm exhausted, I didn't expect that I've improved by almost one-third of the original!

This is just the first promotion that Trumpet Bud brought me. After breaking through to the middle stage, although there will be less in the high stage, there will definitely be improvements!

It is estimated that the trumpet buds alone can improve my physical fitness by half when I am at the ordinary level! "

After he finished his run, he walked slowly in the open space to rest, feeling a little excited in his heart. He kind of understood why an elite-level trainer would break through to become an extraordinary person. If he made such a cumulative breakthrough, his body would definitely surpass the limit of ordinary people.

You must know that there are 6 times of improvement in a major stage. Although each time is weaker than each time, it can't stand the number of times.

"Then I can't let go of 6 chances at the freshman level!

But it doesn't seem to affect my ability to capture the ready-made combat power. If the strength is stronger and the resources are more, I can also choose my favorite new-level elves and make up for the poor times.

Of course, if my favorite elf met in the wild, it happened to be a freshman! That's even better!

After all, cultivated from the freshman level~www.wuxiamtl.com~ the emotional bond will be better! "

Tianji has made a move, and has a direction for his future planning in his heart.

Although the feedback of the freshman level is obviously less than that of the ordinary level, no matter how small the mosquito is, it is still meat. Since the law of this world stipulates that there are 6 times, it must be used up.

"Recovering so quickly! This body's resilience has also been greatly improved!" He nodded with satisfaction, the recovery time was shorter, and then his training time increased in disguise.

"The next step is to practice flying knives. Eyesight and wrist force must be familiarized again!"

As he spoke, he started to project throwing knives at the previous distance.

"Xuuuu! Huu!" Undoubtedly, after his physical fitness has been enhanced, his throwing knife power and hit rate have been significantly improved.

"Yeah! It seems that we still need to test the limit range one by one meter by one meter!" Tianji nodded with satisfaction, and he broke through the previous limit range with ease.

Then he started the test of adding one meter at a time.

The final test result went against his opinion. It actually reached a range of about 18 meters. Originally, he thought it should have increased by one-third.

"It seems that the bonuses with skills are different. If I know some martial arts secrets, the improvement should be even greater!"

Tianji was a little annoyed. When he had a little money in his previous life, how could he pretend to be a big money all day long and contribute to others!

I didn't even think about going to a martial arts gym or taekwondo to learn. Although they are definitely some superficial grips, they are still better than having a strong body now.

"Oh ╯﹏╰ But there should be some in this world, so ask Uncle Sam when that time comes!"


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