Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 54: choose

Trumpetya finally learned another skill, and Tianji expressed that she was very happy.

In order to master it as soon as possible, he still let the trumpet buds brush the proficiency again and again.

This poison powder skill was mastered very quickly by the trumpet buds. After all, it was basically no different from the hypnotic powder.

After dinner at night, the trumpet buds can basically release the poisonous powder proficiently.

Originally, during this evening, Tianji was going to tell Louboutin about numbing powder.

After all, the more poisonous poison powder has been learned, this paralysis powder is just different in emphasis, and it should be simple for the trumpet bud.

But a surprise news interrupted his plan. Uncle Sam said that they had basically packed up the outer flight elves after a day of hunting in Canada and today.

Let Tianji go to his house to choose his own reward.

Surprised, Tianji hurriedly took a shower, making sure that he didn't have the stink of sweat after training.

Then he took the trumpet bud to Uncle Sam's house.

"I didn't expect it to be so fast! But yes, after all, although the members of the guard team are not as good as the pioneer team, their strength is also the master of the ordinary training family.

It can be said that it is very easy to deal with a small group of flying elves who have only reached the freshman level. "

Thinking that he will soon have another flying elf, Tanji couldn't help but have a bright smile on his face.

"Well...what should I choose? Is it the Fiery Sparrow, the Bobo or the Supersonic Bat, I wonder if Uncle Sam will tell me the qualifications!

After all, Uncle Sam has the elf picture book in his hand, so he will definitely test his qualifications first. "

Tianji was moving quickly through the dimly lit street, and he couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

He was a little scared, would Uncle Sam hide the good elves first, and then let him pick one of the poor ones.

After all, Uncle Sam only valued him a little, and he was definitely not as important as his own family members.

And if the members of the guards ask for it, they must also consider their own subordinates.

Soon, Tianji, who was running fast, left the dim street and came to a splendid urban area.

The bright street lights shone on Tian Ci's cloudy face. The more he thought about it, the lower his chances of getting a high-quality elves.

"Moo?" Hornja next to him looked at Tianji worriedly, and called out softly.

"Hey! What am I worrying about, I already have hornbuds with good qualifications, and there are still three elves in my hand who don't know their qualifications. Compared to others, they are already very profitable!

Then let's see what Uncle Sam has to say. If there are only a few Liao Liao for me to choose from, they must have been selected first, so I will take the one with the highest selling price!

In this way, I can also buy a flying elf with good qualifications at the elf house. "

Looking at the trumpet bud, thinking that there are more than 100,000 elves in his backpack, Tianji smiled and continued to move quickly towards the target location.

Soon, they arrived in front of a villa in the center of the city.

"Ding dong!" Tianji rang the doorbell.

"Hello, please hold your name." Soon a pleasant female voice came from inside.

"Hello, I'm Tianji Aoki, and Uncle Sam called me here."

"Squeak!" The iron door opened, and a beautiful girl in a maid costume came out.

"It's Mr. Tianci! The master has explained, please come to the study." After speaking, the maid bent down to Tianci and made an inviting gesture.

"It's no wonder that elite-level trainers have truly stepped into the center of the alliance and into the upper class." Tian Ci followed behind the maid, still reminiscing about the beautiful scenery on her chest when she bent down just now.

"This maid is only in her 20s. This figure is comparable to that of Ninghui, but Ninghui seems to be only 15 years old!"

"md, I have never had such a beautiful woman in my two lifetimes. I didn't expect Uncle Sam, a middle-aged uncle, to have a maid post because he broke through to the elite level!

I must also break through to the elite! "Looking at the maid who was leading the way in front of him, Tian Ci's heart began to churn, jealous, envious, sad, struggle and so on.

He knows that this phenomenon is normal in this world. After all, the elites are the real superhumans, and their strength and lifespan are far from the ordinary ones. There will definitely be beautiful women from small families or common people who are willing to post it.

As long as he gives birth to an offspring for this elite-level trainer, then the mother will have a real support in this dangerous world.

Or take a step back and say, as long as they serve elite-level trainers for a few years, even if they are not as expensive as mothers and children, some rewards in the middle can make these ordinary people live the rest of their lives comfortably.

After all, elite-level trainers are like real wealthy people in Blue Star's previous life. Even if they leak a little bit, they can create a few Internet celebrities and ordinary people with millions of net worth.

"It's here, Mr. Tian Ci, go in, the master is waiting for you inside." The maid in front stopped and said to Tian Ci.

"Oh, alright, thank you!" Tianji, with all kinds of emotions intertwined in his heart, was awakened by the sweet female voice, and nodded quickly.

"Dong dong!" Tianji stepped forward and knocked on the door

"Come in!" A low male voice sounded from the door

"Squeaky." Tian Ci opened the door and walked in, and closed the door.

"Tianci boy, it's coming so soon, can't wait, haha." The burly man sitting in the chair immediately laughed when he saw Tianci.

"Cough, let Uncle Sam make you laugh. I am indeed a little anxious. After all, having a flying elf is much more convenient for me."

Tian Chi touched his head and said honestly.

"Okay, let's not talk too much nonsense, you can just pick one, say it first, you are the first one to choose,

I have tested the qualifications of these elves, the best of which are good and medium qualifications, and the worst are ordinary inferior qualifications. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

For the sake of these few well-qualified flying elves, but many people came to me, it's not good for me to refuse anyone! "

After speaking, Uncle Sam took out more than 40 Poke Balls from the space backpack and placed them on the desk one by one, and then said to Tianji.

"For the sake of fairness, let them all blindly pick one, so it depends on their own luck.

You are the first to come, so you can choose first. "

"Okay, thank you, Uncle Sam." Tian Chi was very grateful to the people who came to Uncle Sam to ask for elves. If it weren't for the large number of people who wanted to ask for elves, he should not have seen such well-qualified elves.

"Well...so many supersonic bats? Forget it, let's go! I still have two in my backpack, and the lower limit of supersonic bats is too low, picking an ordinary inferior is not a blood loss!

Is that Lie Que or Bobo? Choosing Lie Que is the most cost-effective choice. After all, Lie Que has the highest value, but Bobo is only 10,000 lower in price than Lie Que.

Do you want to block it? I still have a fiery bird in my hand, but there are 15 Bobo here, so the probability is not high."

Tianji began to check Bobo and Lieque's Pokeballs one by one, trying to find something.

Captain Sam, who was sitting next to him, did not say a word, silently watching Tianji selecting.

Finally, after a long time, Tian Chi picked up a Poke Ball and said to Uncle Sam.

"Uncle Sam, I've decided, just choose it!"

"Okay, then take the Poké Ball and go! Check your qualifications yourself, this is the rule of free choice. It's up to you whether it's good or bad!"

"Thank you Uncle Sam, then I'll go." After bowing to Uncle Sam again, Tian Ci left the luxurious villa under the guidance of the maid.


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