Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 49: leaks and plans

Tian Ci, who quickly returned to the town, went to deal with the receipt of the goods this time. It was similar to his own calculation, and he received 12,100 yuan.

"Go to Li Bo to buy a few bottles of wound medicine and expelling spray. It seems that the flying knives will be replaced." Tianci looked at the five flying knives he could still use, and decided to upgrade himself.

Quickly ran to the second-hand street, entered the store, took 5 bottles of wound medicine and 6 bottles of repellent spray to the counter and lined up to check out.

At this time, a teenager about his age in front of him caught his attention.

This boy looks ordinary in appearance, with a Bobo standing on his shoulders and a Poké Ball at his belt, but what he is holding in his hand is actually an intermediate protective suit with high-definition night vision.

"Speaker Bud, can you feel what grade that Bobo is?" Tatsu, who felt a little wrong, asked the speaker bud next to him in a low voice.

"Moo? Moo moo" Horn Bud was a little puzzled, but he felt it with his heart, and then told Tianji that this Bobo should only be the strength of the freshman's middle stage and close to the high stage.

"Since it's only a rookie trainer, and buying things here should be a civilian class, how can you buy intermediate protective clothing, don't you?" Tianji, who was a little hard to guess, began to pay attention to this young man.

"Hey, why do you want to buy intermediate protective clothing?" Li Bo was obviously surprised and asked.

"Uncle Li, I'm more afraid of death, I just cherish my life." The young man obviously didn't want to say more, so he returned perfunctorily.

"By the way, you said yes, is there a rookie trainer who bought an intermediate protective suit?" The boy immediately asked back, looking a little nervous

"Ahem, a kid bought it yesterday, but he was bitten by the little Rada's front teeth, hahaha"

"Oh, that's it! I'm also afraid of the little Lada. After all, one is fine. If there are several, I'm afraid that the low-level protective clothing will not be able to carry it."

"Oh, well, then you have to be more careful." Li Bo smiled kindly.

"Sure enough, someone else found out so soon. It seems that the news won't be kept for long. It seems to be..." Tianji, who noticed the content of the conversation, looked a little gloomy and was thinking about something in his heart.

Tian Ci, who was worried, didn't talk to Li Boduo. He went to the blacksmith shop immediately after paying the money.

"Welcome to our guests again!" The brawny uncle with a good memory clearly recognized the bullying last time, and greeted him with a smile on his face.

"I said boss, didn't you say last time that you can hurt ordinary-level elves! This time I encountered a snake that just broke through, and it didn't even rub off its skin, so I almost couldn't come back!" Seeing the boss's smile, he questioned very unhappily.

"Cough! This guest, I should have reminded the non-defensive elves!"

"Abo Snake is a defensive elf? Shouldn't it be a small fist stone, an iron armored rhino?" Tianji raised his voice!

"Cough! Abo Snake has snake skin, so of course it has defenses. It seems that the two of us have a bit of a misunderstanding of defensive elves." The brawny uncle showed a little embarrassment on his face and explained.

"wc, there's an explanation for that! I don't care, I want to return it!" Tian Chi shoved the remaining 5 knives into the boss's hand

"Cough! Customer, our store does not support returns. Besides, you have used it for so long, let alone 5 less?"

"Then what do you say?"

"Moo??(◣д◢)??" Tianji and the speaker next to him looked at the strong man angrily.

"Calm, calm! Like this, if the guests have other needs, these 5 flying knives can be deducted 200 yuan, how about it?" Watching the horn buds raise the vines covered with thorns, the boss wiped them With cold sweat on his forehead, he said.

"400!" Tianji returned

"This is not possible, this is absolutely not possible"

"Crack!" Seeing the boss's refusal, Tianji gave Hornya a look, and Hornya immediately slammed the vine whip to the ground.

"At most, at most 300", the startled boss immediately changed his words.

"Okay, then 300, I need a higher-level flying knife, do you have it?" Tianji, who understood that he had reached his limit, agreed.

After all, he couldn't really command the elves to attack ordinary people in the town. At most, it was to scare the shopkeeper who had no alliance background.

If he bought something in a shop with an alliance background, he wouldn't dare let the trumpet bud threaten the shopkeeper.

"Yes, yes, what grade do you need?" Hearing that there was another business coming, the shopkeeper immediately forgot his fear and asked eagerly.

"Uh... I need a throwing knife that can surely hurt ordinary-level elves."

"Then we'll use alloys. There are low-grade and medium-grade alloys in the store, respectively, which means that ordinary low-grade and ordinary-grade alloys can be injured." The strong man took out two display alloys from the cabinet at the back.

"How many flying knives do you have with intermediate alloys?" Tian Chi thought about whether intermediate alloys were better for long-term considerations.

"Cough! This customer, because there are relatively few people using flying knives, so there is no ready-made in the store, and it needs to be customized, so the price is more expensive 600 for a medium alloy, plus 1,000 for the customization fee" The boss of the strong man Immediately quoted the price and looked at Tianji expectantly.

"You won't trick me again!" Tian Chi narrowed his eyes~www.wuxiamtl.com~ took out the dagger and inserted it into the wooden table.

"No, no! Little brother put down the knife. You can check it with the computer in my shop. The price of alloy is several times that of ordinary fine iron. I can give you a little less for this customization fee."

"Okay, bring the computer."

"Here, here." The scared shopkeeper handed the computer to Tianji.

"Looks like you didn't lie to me, how much is the customization fee?" Tianji's expression softened after checking the quotation.

"Little brother, how many flying knives do you need?" Seeing that Tian Ci's expression was relieved, the strong man hurried up and asked

"It's still 10!"

"The customization fee is 800. We are also a small business. Every time we reopen the mold, it is very expensive, so we add the deduction fee to make up the whole 6500."

"When will this price be fixed? Will it work today?" Tian Chi glanced at the boss with a half-smiling smile.

"About two hours, it's around 3:30 now, and guests can come and pick it up at around 6 o'clock." The brawny man, who thought he was seen through, quickly changed the time to his lips.

"Okay, then I'll pay you a deposit of 3,000 yuan first, and I'll come and pick it up at 6 pm." He took out 3,000 yuan from his backpack and put it on the table, and Tianci walked out with the trumpet bud.

"Slow down, guests!" The smiling boss hurried to the door of the store to send the little God of Wealth off.

Hey, hey, another big profit! That quotation is just an official quotation. As a blacksmith shop, how could I follow this, and the previous molds should still be in the warehouse, so I just need to look for them.

"Well, it seems that the negotiation methods from the previous life are quite useful." On the other side, Tianji, who was also happy to save a few hundred dollars for himself, also returned home with a smile on his face, ready to take a nap. for a while.

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