Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 645: Haters cooperate?


Soon, each team secretly sat on the water-type elves and began to set off for the Southern Islands.

Although it is said that the Southern Islands are directly south of the light red city, there is actually a long waterway.

In fact, the alliance still has outposts and important towns on the periphery of the inland cities.

Tianshui Pass was the first heavy truck faced by the Southern Islands, and the top person in charge here was actually the Ice King Qianxia.

To be fair, Qianxia stayed on the Ice Island all the year round, such a Heavenly King with a traumatic attribute and a counterpart, it was impossible for the Alliance to not use it, so the guardian of this level was actually her.

However, because of the frozen bird, this border defense heavy truck has not been attacked for a long time. After all, everyone knows that after the Tianshui Pass, the nearest is the Twin Island, and the twin island is the nest of the beast, the frozen bird and the human alliance. But with an agreement, no wild elves dare to take this risk.

After all, the two sides have been in peace for so many years. Who knows if the frozen bird will be the first to help humans after conquering the Tianshui Pass!

Therefore, the status of the frozen bird is actually quite embarrassing. As a mythical beast of elves, it has always lived in the territory of the human alliance, coupled with its arrogant nature, it has no meaning to explain it to other elves.

It also caused all kinds of suspicions about "whether the frozen bird has been corrupted by humans".

Of course, this is not the case. The reason why the Frozen Bird does not leave the Ice Island and does not explain it is actually because the special spiritual veins under the Ice Island can help it slowly improve its aptitude.

I didn't see it, after years and months, it has been upgraded to a champion-level qualification, that is, a god-level qualification!

There is such a good place, how can it be willing to move its nest, how can it explain the reason to others!

If I really explain it, I am afraid that there will be twists and turns. This place is likely to be inserted by other powerful elves, and it will not be its turn.

You must know that the ice-type spiritual veins are also helpful to the water system. The Kanto area and the Chengdu area are very close. When the news spreads, one of the three holy beasts in the Chengdu area, the incarnation of Beifeng-Shuijun , it is not easy to deal with.

Not to mention that there is also a second-level god, the sea **** Lugia! If it wants, Frozen Bird said that he is afraid that he can only retreat in despair, and he is not an opponent at all!

You must know the second-level divine beast, the weakest are basically around the middle of the champion level. This is still without the use of the priesthood bonus. It freezes the bird. Even if the priesthood bonus is used, it is just an empty champion. It's just a fake champion with a low level of power, how could it be possible to beat the real Lugia who is a little higher than it!

Not to mention, its third-class ice-attribute priesthood is still differentiated, and Lugia, who masters the ocean priesthood, can completely suppress its priesthood.

Therefore, if it is reasonable, it will not explain anything to the wild elves outside the customs.

As long as one can break through to the god-level qualification, and then the true strength of the body also breaks through to the champion level, then these rumors will be self-defeating, and it can truly take this special twin island as its own.

You must know that even if they are both champions, even if there is a slight gap in strength, as long as they want to run, even the high-ranking champions cannot just kill a low-ranking champions.

At that time, its frozen bird is the real bird flying in the sky, and no one or elves in the Kanto region can threaten it.

Of course, everything is now in vain. Although the current Frozen Bird has broken through its qualifications, its own strength is still at the high level of the Heavenly King Rank, and it is also controlled by the Rockets.

This time, Team Rocket will open up the southern archipelago, and it will have to help. After that, I am afraid that it will really live up to the name of human lackeys and be ashamed by the rest of the mythical beasts.

Tianshui Pass, at the checkpoint, Tian Ci took out a secret order, and the soldiers guarding the checkpoint let them pass smoothly.

"Sure enough, Qian Xiawang finally chose to help the Rockets..."

Standing on the back of the giant marsh monster, Xiao Ling said in a loss.

When they passed the checkpoint just now, they took out the Rocket Team secret order with the word r printed on it. These soldiers who nominally belonged to the alliance actually regarded this as a pass order.

"Ah~" Shimizu, who heard this, sighed quietly and continued:

"There's no way to do this, even I received insider information that King Qianxia was abandoned by some old monsters from the Alliance.

Although this Tianshui Pass is nominally affiliated with the Alliance, it has been controlled by King Qianxia for many years, so it is actually loyal to the White Bird Family where King Qianxia belongs. "

After she finished speaking, she paused, seeing that her side was quite far away from Tianshui Pass, and there were no other teams around, and then continued:

"I believe that you all know about the previous attack on the Twin Islands.

The family was abandoned by the alliance, and the family foundation was destroyed. The current Qianxia King can only be said to be rootless duckweed. Although it is still very strong, if the foundation cannot be found, it will definitely decline quickly.

In the previous action, the Alliance could actually inform Qianxia King in advance, secretly evacuate the clansmen, and relocate property and resources.

But the alliance did not. Even after the incident, they even discussed the territorial issue again, obviously dragging the Qianxia King and letting her find a way.

I guess it may be that the old monsters at the top of the alliance still don't like to see the Shiratori family as slaves to the divine beasts.

But in fact, from my point of view, the Shiratori clan now under the control of King Qianxia does not have the feeling of being a **** like the whole clan in the beginning.

Although I don't know how many of the Shiratori family are diehard believers of Frozen Bird, but seeing that the king of Qianxia is now willing to cooperate with the Rockets who captured the Frozen Bird alive, the leaders are all like this, and the diehard believers who want to come here must also be Not too much.

If the Qianxia King could be notified in advance, another piece of territory would be placed, and some compensation would be given, I believe that the Shiratori family would not be reduced to the present level.

At most, it should be the Qianxia Xiawang and the family elders who went to death with the frozen bird, which is the right protection of the frozen bird.

From now on, the Shiratori family can get rid of the impression of being a servant of the divine beast and start over.

It's a good ending!

But the Alliance didn't do this, but simply treated the Qianxia King and the Shiratori family as abandoned sons that they didn't care about.

It can only be said that the upper layers of the alliance are indeed rotten! "

Shaking his head and sighing, Qing Qingjing gave his own summary:

"So, what Qian Xiawang hates most is the Alliance, not the Rockets who destroyed their homeland.

In essence, it is the decision made by the league, and the Rockets are just a knife. "

On the other side, hearing Jing Shimizu's analysis, Tanji couldn't help turning his head and thinking seriously.

Chapter 646

Facts have proved that although his strength has quickly caught up, in terms of the overall situation, the analysis of the struggle within the alliance is far less sophisticated than clear water.

No matter what, Qingshuijing is also one of the masters of the eight ancient cities. Some of the methods within the alliance and various situation analysis have been specially trained and understood. In the past few decades, they have been both sides in the alliance. His acuity and analytical energy are far stronger than his.

Originally, he was also very puzzled. Why did King Qianxia cooperate with the Rockets who destroyed their homeland, and the hatred of the country and family can be put down so easily?

It is even superficial that the Rockets may have threatened the Frozen Bird, or it may be the Shiratori family that has lost its foundation and desperately needs a resource-rich territory to recuperate, so they have to endure the hatred in their hearts and take advantage of this. Opportunities to open up new areas and occupy a territory for your family.

But now after listening to Qingshui Jing's analysis, he suddenly realized.

The destruction of the Shiratori family was actually a decision made by the alliance. On the road to the alliance, the Qianxia King and the family behind her had actually been cut off.

Don't talk about any official positions within the alliance, I am afraid that the title of Qianxiawang's four heavenly kings will also be removed in the next heavenly king competition.

In this way, the league can't count on it, and the Rockets are the ones who can rely on it.

After all, compared to relying on other ancient cities, the newly born Rocket Team, who is forging ahead, has the opportunity to earn greater merits and climb to high positions more easily. Even Team Rocket itself casts for a king-level powerhouse like her. , will also give a return far exceeding its worth.

The so-called Qianjin buys a horse, nothing more than that.

In comparison, even if Qianxia Tianwang went to seek refuge in the now prestigious Golden City, at most she would be trapped in a corner, working hard for the Golden City. As for the Shiratori family, she must have been an affiliated force for the rest of her life.

Of course, she can also go to Hualan City, which has already declined. I believe that it has already declined, and Hualan City, which was hit hard by the Rocket Army's attack, definitely needs her as a strong person.

Besides, Shui Bing, regardless of family, Hualan City, which is famous for its water attribute, is definitely a good place for her and the Shiratori family behind her.

Even Qian Xiawang secretly thought about whether she could occupy the dove's nest and occupy Hualan City!

It's a pity that I only dare to think about it. She is the strongest in the White Bird clan. She is the Ice King in the middle of the Heavenly King class. As for the background, Frozen Bird is barely one, but unfortunately it will only appear in life and death. Crisis will only appear when it disturbs Frozen Bird's practice.

Of course, it has now been captured by the Rockets, so the background is really gone.

After all, you can't expect a family that has inherited only a few hundred years to consecrate the best ice-type spirits on the island to the Frozen Bird family.

But Hualan City is different. This is an ancient city that has existed since the beginning of the alliance. It has been inherited for thousands of years. Who knows how many backends have been hidden. It is impossible for non-king-level masters to break through.

(Before the fall of Hualan City was because he was forced to leave the city and went to Hualan Cave)

This is just a big formation on the bright side, she thinks there must be other means.

Besides, she blatantly attacked the ancient city of the Alliance, fearing that she will be wanted soon. The Alliance now wants her to make mistakes, so that she can directly smash her position to the end without leaving a word!

As for joining Hualan City and working hard to help Hualan City revive, this idea is really thankless.

At that time, it will be her who will do the best, but the Qingshui family will be revived. The best result is that she and the orphans of the Shiratori family behind her are all integrated into the Qingshui family.

Never doubt the ability of a thousand-year-old family to fuse other bloodlines under local circumstances!

So, no matter how you think about it, in fact, joining the Rockets and fighting for a future for yourself and the family behind you while exploring new areas is the best way out.


Returning to the topic, after thinking about this, Tanji felt that he really did the right thing when he came to the Rockets' side of the Kenjima family.

The alliance has existed for a long time, and the positions of power up and down in it are controlled by someone, and the relationship is very complicated!

If you want to be in a high position, you are afraid that you can only integrate into them, or you can only be a champion with superior strength and become a champion like Sakagi.

(Of course, Sakagi disdains to stay in the alliance, intrigues with a few old guys, and seizes the interests of one party)

The newly developed places are different. As long as you have the strength and dare to fight, you can always occupy a territory and develop.

After all, the new dynasty needs people everywhere, and the whole is a blank area of ​​interest!

"It's better to do it from the Dragon Minister!"

Sitting on the back of the water arrow turtle, he shook his head and sighed.

Comparing the two sides, it is actually the two stages of the ancient dynasty in the previous life. The Rockets are in the process of founding a country, and the alliance is a court that has developed to the later stage of the family and the emperor.

"Lord Tianci, this sentence is right! Otherwise, we wouldn't have to pay for it!"

On the other hand, Shimizu Jing's eyes lit up after hearing Tianji's sigh, and nodded in agreement.

"Okay, let's not think too much about the big man. It is also our luck that we can catch up with this opportunity. Let's talk about getting the determined benefits!"

Hearing Qingshuijing's approval, he waved his hand and motioned for the team to speed up!

In his opinion, the Southern Islands can definitely be won, otherwise the Orange Alliance would not exist.

After staying in this parallel world for a long time, he also discovered some laws, and some general trends will not change.

It's just that I don't know whether Mewtwo will turn back in the end, which is a point of concern.


Seeing this, Xiaoling and Qingshuijing agreed, and ordered the teams on the left and right to speed up.

"Wowla~woola~" For a while, there was only the sound of fast flowing water on the ocean.

Because the weakest are ordinary high-ranking, and gym-level leaders, so even if they have left the alliance map~www.readwn.com~ and come to the original area, but along the way, there is no dare to attack the team. attack.

Even the weak elves in the surrounding waters have already begun to migrate.

Elves and humans are also races with high intelligence. Recently, so many high-level human trainers have come this way, you don't have to think about it, there must be something big happening.

They are only a few elite-level weak ethnic groups, how dare to mix this kind of thing.

On the contrary, those big clans with gym-level towns ran to the largest surrounding islands one by one and gathered together.

At this time, on the largest island in the west of the Southern Archipelago, the surrounding elves called Xilongwang Island, a group of elves with strong breaths were arguing.


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