Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 635: training lalu drawing

This kind of mysterious power naturally has a limit. Tanji found that when he used his strength around the middle of the ordinary, he could ignore the interference of the mysterious power and forcibly attack the key point of Laluras.

And this interference force is also a one-time interference, so it is a little less. If you use ordinary low-level strength, after about 3-4 times, the silver brilliance will all dissipate.

Of course, what surprised him the most was that this mysterious power was not Lalulash's own, but seemed to be given back to it by heaven and earth.

That spell is like a password that triggers a certain mechanism. When the law of heaven and earth receives this command, it will drop a layer of special power.

Tanji plans to let Lalulas teach this spell at that time, and see if other elves or human trainers can learn this move.

After all, this can reduce the opponent's ability to attack the head, which is quite good.

And the power of prostitutes, don't do it for nothing.

After letting Laluras show the next move, Tianji put it in the Poké Ball again, and used the illustrated book to test its aptitude.

Although Nazi had told him a long time ago, but after seeing it for real, Tianji was still surprised.

Elf: Laluras

Attributes: Superpower / Fairy

Feature: Sync

Category: Feeling sprites

Height: 0.52m

Weight: 7.2kg

Description: Laluras can keenly capture the feelings of people and Pokémon with the red horns on her head.

Qualifications: The leader is inferior

Strength: Freshmen High Section

Status: intact

Cultivation plan: This is the elves that are closely related to the trainer and grow with each other, make it feel warm, and increase the cultivation of super powers...

The leader's inferior qualifications! ! ! This is Laluras who is still in the puppy stage!

And it can still evolve twice! ! !

You must know that in Tianji's team, in addition to the fast dragon who joined halfway, only the final form of Heluga and the water arrow turtle aptitude are inferior to the leader.

This is because they used a lot of cherished resources to successfully improve with the power of evolution.

And Lalu Lasi's initial form is that the leader is inferior. With the power of evolution, the leader's high-level qualifications are not appropriate.

If there is another opportunity, is there such a glimmer of hope in breaking through the qualifications to the king level!

Excited just thinking about it!

"You are amazing! Rem!"

Put Laluras back out of the Poké Ball, he picked it up and said excitedly.


Laluras is still a little embarrassed to be praised so loudly by the trainer. It doesn't know why, but she is so powerful~

The next day was another day of hard work.

The same is true for Lalu Lasi. Although it is said that it has fully met the requirements of evolution, because it has just arrived, in fact, Tianji and it do not have too deep fetters.

He has the low-level initial qualifications of the leader, Tianji, but he has high hopes for Lalu Lasi!

And the growth of the Lalulas family, because of its racial talent, has a lot to do with the trainer's own feelings of fetters, so during this time, Tianji put most of his energy on Lalulas. Eat, sleep, and train.

The dignified gym-level trainer, with a ticket of high-level elves, accompanies Lalu to abuse vegetables in the grass near the light red city, and fights some freshman-level, ordinary-level low-middle wild elves.

In this regard, Koudouhua and the others have no opinion. Originally, at their stage, the elite-level high-level requires a long period of accumulation and cultivation. As long as the resources are sufficient, where cultivation is not cultivation.

Not to mention that you can go to the wild to watch the wind and relax, which is very good.

Suburbs around Light Red City.

In front of Lalulas, two common-level and low-level giant stingers were flying.

"Buzz ~ hum ~" Little thing, dare to provoke us, it's really courting death!

The two big needle bees were waving their spears, and their faces were full of hideous expressions!

It's a pity that what they saw was not Lalu Lasi, who was shivering with fear, as expected, but Sister Lalu, who was akimbo, with a contemptuous expression!

That's right, since Tianji and it tried the super power together, thanks to the super power of the trainer's warrior level, the current Rem-chan has exploded.

Although it is still in the realm of the high level of the freshman level, it can't stand the power that can be borrowed, and the quality is too pure. It can now compete at two levels, and the elves in the middle level of the ordinary level are not necessarily its one-on-one. opponent.

So now Tianji, let it find its own opponent, it is all about 1v2, and it can't be lower than the ordinary low stage.

Otherwise, for Laluras, there is no pressure, and the fight is too easy.

You must know that the reason why Tianji and Lalu Lasi superpowers share the same frequency is mainly to deepen the bond between the two, not to let Lalu Lasi abuse the vegetables.

"Lalu!" Take the call

I saw Lalu Lasi let out a soft cry, and a dazzling purple light appeared on her body, and an energy that made the two big needle bees tremble with fear radiated out.

"Buzz~" How is it possible, how can a newborn cub have such a powerful mental power!

Unfortunately, they only have time, and after a cry, they were controlled by Lalu Lasi with her mind power, and their bodies began to tremble uncontrollably.

It was caused by the severe pain caused by the erosion of restraint attribute energy.

Thanks to Lalu Lasi's super talent, when controlling this power that does not belong to him, it really couldn't apply it freely at first, but after a few battles, he quickly became familiar with this power .

This made Tanji slightly shocked again.

Of course, even with the help of the trainer, it was still too much for Laluras to forcibly control the two giant stingrays.

After enduring the most severe pain, worm-type energy also began to emerge from their bodies, constantly fighting against foreign superpowers.

One of the stronger ones, with a "bang", broke free from the shackles of mind power, and then pointed with two needles, "咻咻咻~" A few poisonous needles were shot towards Lalu Lassi.

In this regard, Lalu Lasi can't do anything about it. Although it can barely control this mental force far beyond its own strength, after all, its physique is only a newborn cub, and it can't move when using this power.

So I can only put away my mind power, and then teleport to the back of another weaker large needle bee with a "swoosh".

A blue-purple coquettish flame appeared in his hands, and it slammed into its body with a "bang".


After being freed from the shackles, the large needle bee, who had not had time to be happy, screamed directly, and fell to the ground in a charred black, losing its fighting ability.

This is a ghost fire move, which Heluga taught it, and even in order to make it comprehend as soon as possible, Heluga also gave Laluras a trace of the fire element.

And Lalu Lasi is also very competitive, and soon used it in a decent manner.

Chapter 636 Maid Uniform ─ Chirulian

This big stinger was first hit hard by the restrained superpower, and then suffered a fire-type move, and naturally lay down directly.

And the other big stinger who saw this scene, "Buzz~" wanted to run away directly!

It can be seen clearly, this freshman-level Lalu Lasi is simply pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. He is a pervert who can leapfrog challenges.

As for the companions who have fallen to the ground, dead Daoist friends are not dead poor Daoists!

Preserving useful bodies and continuing the race is the truth that their weak Zerg elves have been pursuing.

But in front of Lalu Lasi who can move instantly, is it a good idea to want to escape!


I saw Lalu Lassi again "swoosh", and teleported directly to the big needle bee who was running in a panic.

The eyes glowed purple, directly controlling the still frightened Big Stinger in place.

"Buzz~" Pain! Let go ~ let me go!

The giant stinger, who was controlled again, even begged for mercy from the freshman Laluras.

"Get rid of it quickly, Rem!"

But Tianji didn't want to waste too much time, so he gave an order directly.

Originally, Lalu Lasi, who was still thinking of showing off her power for a while, nodded when she heard the words, and her thought force rushed directly to the head of the big needle bee.

"Boom!" The wings of this giant stinger shook violently a few times, and the whole body seemed to have lost its strength.

Just now, Lalu Lasi was able to condense all the thought power to attack the sea of ​​consciousness of this big needle bee, how could it be blocked!

"Excellent, Laluras!"

And after solving this battle, Tanji also praised.

Then he picked up the dagger and began to process the materials of the two giant stingrays.

Although this material money may not be enough for Lalu Lasi's meal, but years of habit still make him reluctant to waste it.


In this way, the road of fighting monsters and upgrading is repeated day after day, oh no! Lalulas can't be upgraded anymore, it should be the way to deepen the bond between monsters.

After more than two months, the invariant stone on Laluras couldn't hold back its extremely pure energy, and Tianji was finally ready to let it evolve.

In the No. 3 training ground of the Light Red Gym, Laluras was standing on the ground, her face full of excitement.

It can finally evolve. You must know that it has felt the opportunity for evolution as early as in the Fangyuan area, and then it has been suppressed until now.

On the other hand, Tianji was also holding pieces of super-energy treasures in his hands, ready to allow Lalu Lassi to evolve perfectly.

"Take off the invariant stone, Rem!"


I saw Lalu Lassi, with a "swoosh", and throwing away the Lauren stone, a rich evolutionary white light immediately emerged from the whole body!

At the same time, Tianji's eyes also turned blue, and one after another mental force began to be transmitted to Lalu Lasi.

"Lalu~Lalu~" It's so comfortable, Tanji, I feel warm~

Tianji, who was fully prepared, did not feel any pain in the evolution of Lalu Lassi. All kinds of treasures seemed to be free of money, so Lalu Lasi absorbed them in order, and he even took out a drop of holy spring to give. it.

As the top treasure of the water system, the Sacred Spring can be said to have the effect of washing the body of any type of elves, but the difference is that the effect is good or bad.

You must know that the previous Heruga, as a fire-type elves, all absorbed the Holy Spring and got benefits. The attributes are relatively good, and Lalu Lasi naturally can also.

Because its initial qualification is the leader level, Tianji will not miss any opportunity to evolve. When he wants to evolve it, he can do his best and be the most perfect!


As Lalu Lasi's body gradually grew larger, for a while, the entire training ground was filled with fluctuations in super power attributes.

In the end, the light dissipated, and the ultimate evolution process has been achieved, and naturally there will be no accidents.

A blue-and-white Kirulian, as slim as a human girl, appeared in the center of the field.

Its body is white, it looks like wearing a tutu, and the blue legs are very slender. After this evolution, Chirulian's hair did not completely block the eyes as it did when Lalu Drawing, but had The shoulder-dropping bangs look more like Rem from the previous life, and the two red horns on its head have also changed positions, like embellished hairpins, which are very beautiful.

"Qilu~" Tianji, Tianji, am I good-looking?

After the evolutionary completed Chirulian, after getting familiar with her new body, she trotted to Tianci, eager for praise.

"Good-looking, good-looking, Rem, you are very good-looking!"

In this regard, Tianji touched its hair and praised it with a smile.

"Qi~Lu~" hehe~

With the trainer's approval, Kirulian laughed happily.

Then, with a "swoosh", he teleported to the backpack that Tianji had not yet closed.

Because I want to get evolution resources for Lalulas, I didn't turn it off.

"Rem? What do you want?"

Seeing Kirulian groping for something in his backpack, Tanji asked a little puzzled.

And Kirulian didn't answer immediately, and both hands were still groping for something in the backpack.

Soon she took out a black and white maid uniform!

"Chiru!" That's it!

And seeing this scene, Tianji couldn't help but turn pale.

"Rem, you, what are you doing..."

At this moment, Tianji couldn't help but think of the rumors in the elf world, the legendary strange power, Shanaido and other humanoid elves. In fact, when humans first arrived, they were born after intermarriage with elves in order to gain a firm foothold.

Even some dignitaries now secretly keep some humanoid elves in captivity. In fact, to their level, there are as many beautiful women and handsome men as they want. .

If nothing else, in the light red family, there is an old lady who keeps a strange force in human clothes, and that muscle is really strong!

As for why there is a maid outfit in his backpack, cough~ This is all about cultivating the "Fengfeng Playing in the Water", and it still needs some foreign objects to help stimulate it~www.readwn.com~ So this kind of clothes consumes a lot, he Of course let it go.

And Kirulian, who took out this maid uniform, didn't think so much, she just heard Taji say it in her sleep.

"Rem is wearing a maid's uniform, and Rem in a maid's uniform looks the best!"

So it must wear maid clothes and become a good-looking Rem.

I saw that Chirullian, who used super powers, changed the much larger maid uniform with a "swish swish", and then put it on her body.

"Chiru~Chiru~" Tanji, don't I look better now!

A blue-haired, black-and-white maid uniform, Kirulian asked with a smile.


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