Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 631: 0 Summer King returns

Because it is a supernatural beast and has human genes, the half-human, half-cat Chao Meng directly uses telepathy to send out a tender human language.

"I am your father, the person who created you, and your trainer, welcome you, my child - Chao Meng!"

For the confusion of Chao Meng, Sakagi immediately stepped forward and said.

The whole person exudes a friendly atmosphere.

"Father? Sakagi? Trainer?"

Hearing Sakagi's words, and feeling the intimacy from his body, Chao Meng was a little confused and overwhelmed.

But because of the secret hand that Xia Bo set up during the manufacture, it still has a good impression and trust in the man in front of him, so he stretched out his hand and held it with Sakagi's right hand.

"That's right, Chao Meng, call me a trainer if you want."

After initially establishing trust with Chao Meng, Sakagi took the opportunity to touch Chao Meng's head with his hand to show his kindness.

And the newly recovered Chaomeng did not reject this kind of behavior. On the contrary, it was also very nostalgic for the human being in front of him who gave him a sense of intimacy.

"Lord Sakagi, it seems that there is no problem during this time. God's will has not affected the consciousness of Chaomeng Chusheng. You should take it with you for training first. It is best to carry it all the time during this time, and it can also increase the number of both of you. bond between them.”

When Xia Bo saw this scene, he breathed a sigh of relief, and secretly sent a voice transmission to Sakagi beside him.

"Okay, I see. When Chao Meng's strength stabilizes at the championship level, we will prepare to start."

After receiving Xia Bo's voice transmission, Sakagi nodded and walked out with Chao Meng.

The vast divine power just now was the result of the first-class priest's first recognition of the master. Now that it has been integrated into the body of the newly awakened Chaosmeng, it is natural to restrain his breath.

Otherwise, with the strength of Chaomeng just in the middle of the king level, he can't afford the bonus of this level of priesthood.

In a strange place in the elf world, a pink elf like a kitten looked at the projection of Chaomeng in front of him.

"Cool cool~" snickered.

"Well, like this, do I also have relatives, Chaomeng, surpass me, I hope you will do your best! My brother!"

That's right, this elf is a first-class divine beast—Dream!

The Rockets can get a first-class god's priesthood so easily, but they have made a lot of effort!

Sometimes standing too high, too lonely is not a good thing!

Even if it is playing in the wild, it must pay attention to holding back some strength, and the several divine beasts it descends, whether it is the phoenix or Lugia, or the three holy birds, the three holy beasts, actually have their own Mission, I don't have so much time to play with it, as an elves, it is also very lonely!

Of course, this matter is not something that an elves can take the initiative to do. I said before that the first-class gods represent the will of God. If they could divide their authority at will, the world would have been in chaos.

So in fact, it was God's will to make it do this!

Humans have a long history in this world. The technology they developed has brought a lot of benefits to the will of the world. The progress of civilization, and the whimsical ideas that collide with technology have brought a lot of benefits to the will of the world.

Then it should also give the human race a place. In this way, the first-class **** fused with human genes, Chaomeng, can be born.

But in the final analysis, this world is still dominated by elves. Under the negotiation of the other first-class gods, human beings can directly obtain the priesthood and become gods.

The technological beast with human genes, Mewtwo, is the result of compromise by all parties.

Of course, I didn't plan to use fantasy genes at first, but to change it to a mythical beast created by pure technology, such as the 3D dragon experimentally created by the Rockets.

The big deal is to secretly guide, and then let the Rockets strengthen the 3D dragon, and then the gods work together, and by chance, the Rockets get a blank first-class priesthood, thus completing the entrustment of the will of the world.

It's just that Dream is willing to devote himself, and the first-class gods in the rest of the region will just let it go.

The so-called will of God is like this. Living under the will of the world, the choices you think are made by yourself are likely to be the result of the guidance of the will of the world.

On the Rockets side, Sakagi took the newly recovered Chao Meng to training, and went to cultivate his feelings. When the camera turned, he returned to the light red city.

The Qianxia King is back today!

After more than half a year, she was seriously injured and still got the Ice Fire Lotus and gave it to the boss.

Fortunately, the ice and fire lotus is really useful, and the old man's injury has improved, but the old man who just woke up told her a bad news.

"She, one of the four heavenly kings of the alliance, the ice king, Qianxia has become an abandoned child! It is very likely that the twin islands have already fallen!"

At that time, Qianxia was stunned in place, but soon nodded again, and replied with a helpless expression.

"I know, but what can I do~"

This sentence exhausted the pain in her heart!

Yes, she knew that the pain that came from the depths of her soul in the extreme arctic ice field made her anticipate the consequences.

However, since she has already come to the Arctic Icefield, she has actually made a choice in her heart.

She has long understood that the increasingly powerful alliance will not allow an elf to ride on their heads, even if the elf is a divine beast!

In the current alliance, apart from needing to worry about the next-level gods, in fact, there is no need to be afraid of the second- and third-level gods.

It's just that she didn't expect it to be so cruel this time!

When she said goodbye to the old man, took a gym-level statue, and flew back to the Twin Islands quickly, what she saw was no longer a familiar scene. The traces of the ice bird family in the past were erased, and the island was full of inserts. With the flag of the light red city, even the newly built towns are not blue and white, but purple.

Look, look, her eyes can't help but turn red!

Listening to others, thinking for yourself, is far better than seeing it with your own eyes!

She, the foundation of the Ice Bird family is gone!


The infinite anger and sadness in my heart were finally contained in this extremely desolate cry!

And hearing this voice, A Ju, who had been waiting here for a long time, flew up on a fork bat.

Looking at Qianxia with tears streaming down his face, he couldn't help but sigh, this is the general trend!

In the face of the general trend of the alliance, he is as strong as the contemporary Four Heavenly Kings, but he can only be incompetent and furious, even if he ends up in a situation where his family is ruined.

Of course, this is also because the other party was born on the side of the beast!

The current alliance does not need two or five children, nor does it need divine beasts to be worshipped as totems.

If it is just a mascot symbol, like the flame bird torch at the Quartz Conference, it may not arouse most people's disgust, but most people in the ice bird family regard themselves as slaves of the frozen bird what!

This is naturally not accepted by most people in the league

Chapter 632 Communication Gu Pan

After watching Qian Xia Wang let out a vent, Ah Ju let the fork bat lean forward and said to her:

"King Qianxia, ​​please also express my condolences! The general trend is the trend. If you don't become a champion, there is nothing you can do~"

Hearing Ah Ju's words, Qianxia turned her head abruptly, her eyes full of sadness!

"I understand, Aju! Legally, this Ice Island belongs to your Light Red City. Now you have no problem taking it back. I don't blame you."

The two sides tacitly did not mention the secret things. Although they both knew that Qianhong City would definitely play a role in this destruction operation, it would be boring to say it, and it would be a feud for nothing!

The Ice Bird clan who have lost their homes and totems can't afford to offend the light red city, and the light red city does not want to be targeted by an ice king, so this matter is just revealed.

"Thank you Qianxia King for your understanding, don't worry, we have arranged your clan very well in Qinghong City, and some of them have even tied the knot with our family! Speaking of which, we are still in-laws!"

Hearing this, A Jue's originally guarded attitude relaxed, and he spoke in a relaxed tone about the fact that he had absorbed a lot of Ice Bird people during this period of time.


Qianxia doesn't believe this kind of nonsense at all. It sounds nice, but it's not because she took the opportunity to absorb a lot of their clansmen!

But soon, she waved her hand in frustration and replied:

"Forget it, living in the ancient city of your light red may be better than following me, the rejected king, I hope your light red city can treat them well!"

She suddenly thought of her behavior of choosing to leave the Ice Island for the sake of the savior. In a sense, she actually gave up her family and clan first!

What qualifications do you have, let them come back and support her incompetent patriarch!

However, she still has to ask her relatives.

"My sister, Bing Bird Li shouldn't be dead, is she okay now?"

Hearing this, A Ju's embarrassed look flashed across A Ju's face. The ghost knew that Tian Ci and A Xing were so bold. Although he had explained that Bing Niao Li would be abolished before he set off, it was not such a waste. Law!

However, everything was done, plus the Anbu report, it was indeed his daughter's attention, so he could only bite the bullet and threw it down for training.

Fortunately, Bing Niao Li, a gym that was built entirely by her sister, is not firm in her will. She has been very obedient for more than half a year, and she has accepted her fate, so even if she confronts Qian Xia now, she is not afraid of any accident!

"What, did my sister have an accident!"

Although the expression on A Ju's face changed only for a moment, Qian Xia kept staring at him. Naturally, she noticed the difference and asked in a cold voice.

The younger sister is her only relative in the world, otherwise she wouldn't have spent so much effort pushing her to the gym. If these resources were saved, she might have already reached the high rank of Heavenly King herself!

So she valued Bing Bird Li very much. If she really died, then she must make Qianhong City look good!

Although Qianxia is just an abandoned child in front of the general trend of the alliance, she can still cause a lot of trouble in front of a single light red market!

I saw a faint cold air emerging from Qianxia's body, and the statuette below him let out a whimper with a "Bi~" sound.

"No, no, Qian Xiawang misunderstood!"

Seeing Qianxia who was about to attack, Aju hurriedly explained.

Just kidding, although he is also a Heavenly King, he is only a first-time Heavenly King. He is not a Qianxia's opponent who has been dubbed the title of the Four Heavenly Kings at all.

And being targeted by such a woman is very troublesome, of course, it must be explained clearly.

"Haha~" I saw A Ju smiled wryly, and continued with an expression that didn't seem to be fake:

"King Qianxia, ​​your sister, we did find it, but whether you believe it or not, when we found her, she had already been deprived of her entire body by Team Rocket, and the elves had all died in battle. In other words, she has now It's a wreck."


Hearing this, Qian Xia exclaimed in surprise, and the aura of her whole body burst out suddenly.

Under her body, Bi Diao was directly frozen by the cold air "Kakaka~".

"Bibi!" Trainer, calm down, calm down!

Biyao shouted in pain, but still called back part of Qianxia's sanity.

She immediately understood that she was too excited, and with a wave of her hands, the cold air was withdrawn from her body, and Bie Diao was also released from the frozen state.

"Bi~Bi~" Huo~ It's so dangerous, I almost turned into an ice sculpture!

Feeling the coldness recede, Bi Diao slandered in the bottom of his heart, and then kept flying obediently without speaking.

It understands that its trainer is still angry, that it is just a riding mount, not the eldest brother in the team, the status is very low, it is better to do your own thing well!

"Take me to see my sister!"

Qianxia didn't fully listen to Aju's words, she had to ask in person to see if this was the case!

"it is good!"

In this regard, Aju agreed immediately, and let the cross-shaped bat lead the way, and then wiped the cold sweat on his forehead!

When Qianxia broke out just now, he knew that the Four Heavenly Kings were not just a title, but a symbol of strength.

He actually felt the threat of death!

You must know that he is also a heavenly king. Although he is only a beginner, the two sides are in the same realm!

But he would feel the threat of death in front of Qianxia. Sure enough, the Four Heavenly Kings, not only the mid-level Heavenly King class is enough, everyone must have the capital to disdain the same level, in order to be crowned as the Four Heavenly Kings Powerhouse title!

Seeing that A Ju was willing to take her to see her sister, the chill on Qian Xia's body also dissipated by three points.

I feel that what Aju said should be somewhat believable.

Next, in the newly-built branch city of Ice Island, Qianxia also saw Bing Bird Li, and after the sisters met, there was another burst of sigh.

Under Qian Xiawang's questioning, Bing Niao Li also explained her "real" experience to him sincerely, which was basically the same as what A Ju told her on the road.

So far ~www.readwn.com~ she also believed the truth that Aju said.

Even because Bing Niao Li repeatedly talked about Qinghong City's righteous help in the process of narration, she also had a little affection for the Qinghong family.

This made Aju, who was eavesdropping at full strength outside the house, relieved!

Fortunately, nothing happened, but it was a matter of course.

You must know that in order to train Bing Niao Li successfully, their Anbu in the light red city did their best, and even used a few of the fine and mysterious treasures. It seems that the effect is still good.

Follow-up with Qianxia and help each other, it should be no problem. You must know that although the island of ice was not far from the light red, there was basically no communication between the two.


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