Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 621: Show up!

At this time above the sky, Lambda stood on the back of the cross-shaped bat, watching the miserable state below, listening to the screams, the beast was very happy.

"Listen, what a beautiful voice it is!"

Admiring his masterpiece, Lambda said with a sigh.

"Lord Lambda, your poison really surprised us!"

"Your accomplishments in poison attributes can be said to be master-level!"

"so amazing!"


In response to this, while the people in the light red city behind Lambda scolded "inhumanity" in their hearts, their faces showed a flattering look, and good words came out like they didn't want money.

The comparison of the strength of the heavenly king to destroy a city by one person is really no exaggeration in front of this poisonous king!

It's a pity that there are many ordinary people below, these are the basic people who produce good seedlings!

"Who dares to attack my Baibing City!"

When the screams were endless, Bing Niao Li, who was practicing in the secret room, also found out that something was wrong, and immediately rushed out and shouted to the sky.

At the same time, the Poké Ball in his hand was thrown, and a few gym-level Pokémon appeared on the empty street.

They are Sister Milip, White Sea Lion, and Water Arrow Turtle. The three are all elves in the middle of the gym.

"Sister Milip Snowstorm! White sea lion, water arrow turtle cooperate with Milip sister to freeze this poisonous rain!"


She looks like a human, with flaming red lips, and the ice element imprint on her forehead lights up as soon as she agrees, and at the same time, the surrounding ice element energy suddenly gathers towards it.



The other two elves also screamed, and the elemental imprint on their foreheads brightened, and together they mobilized the surrounding ice and water energy.

Soon, a large number of snowflakes blew toward the poisonous rain in the sky, and the extremely low temperature immediately froze the poisonous rain in a radius of 100 meters in place, turning into ice shards. fall to the ground.

And it also spreads all the time around by the moisture of the rainy day, and the rainwater that touches is frozen in a "kakaka".

In addition, this small town was originally slightly expanded on the scale of the town, so for a while, most of the poisonous rain was really solved by it. Looking down from the sky, it looked like it appeared above the white ice city. A small white eggshell is the same. Although there is still a small part of the poisonous rain falling on the edge, the casualties are not too big. It is good to find a bunker in time, it is not a big problem.

Lambda in the air was originally admiring his masterpiece, but found that his poisonous rain was actually cracked by a small gym-level trainer. His face was a little bit unbearable for a moment. This is hitting him in the face!

"Come out, double-bomb gas!"

He raised his hand, and the powerful double-bomb gas floated beside the cross-hatched bat.

"Use the sludge bomb to blow up that layer of ice shell! Then bombard as much as you like! Hahaha!"


Hearing the training order, Shuangdan Gas also showed indescribable excitement in its eyes. After a happy cry, a rich purple light lit up on its body.

"Swish~" One after another, purple sludge was thrown downwards.

As soon as it came into contact with the white ice shell, there was an explosion sound of "Bang!". A large number of cracks appeared on the originally hard ice shell in an instant, and then accompanied by the second sludge bomb, it also made a "bang". With the sound, the ice barrier made by the three gym-level elves together completely shattered with a click.

And this is not over yet. The first wave of the double-bomb gas floating in the air dropped a lot of sludge bombs.

Among them, the guard house where Bing Niao Li is located is still the focus of attention.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Ah! Help me!"

"I don't want to die!"

"Mommy mommy!"

"Come on, help us!"


The first time, Bing Niao Li mobilized the defense formation of the guard house. Unfortunately, even if he added his three gym-level elves, he could barely protect the two streets around the guard house. As for other places, really What's more, I can't help.

The screams resounded again in an instant. This time, even if the elite trainer was bombed, it was a treatment that was seriously injured or even killed on the spot.

After all, this is an offensive move used by the double-bomb gas of the king level. Before, it was just a combination of several people in the light red city who used the rain, and then fused the toxin of the bat under the seat of Lambda. The power is natural. Can't compare to sludge bombs.

Such a big movement also disturbed the elves in the cave of ice below the guard house.

One of them, a roughly red, penguin-like elf, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Boli~Boli~" Lord Frozen Bird, I sensed that there seemed to be a battle of the heavenly king level above, and Lord Qianxia wasn't there, I'll go up and have a look first!

It called twice from the depths of the cave, as if asking for instructions.

After a while, a crisp and loud voice came from the depths of the cave.

"Shiff~" you go~

The permitted messenger bird shook its feathers respectfully, and flew out of the hole with a swish. When it reappeared, it was already in front of Bing Bird Li, who was struggling to support it.

In just one request, it found that the entire city was almost in ruins. Except for the guard house, which was still intact, the rest of the place was in ruins, and there were corroded potholes and corpses. .

"Bo Li! Bo Li!" What's going on! How did our White Ice City become like this!

It angrily questioned Li, the ice bird beside him.

"Ha~" In response, this beautiful woman covered in dirt and no longer graceful gave a wry smile and replied:

"Messenger bird, I'm sorry my sister, Team Rocket raided, and it was a poison-type Heavenly King-level trainer who did it. After two rounds of attacks, our Baibing City was destroyed!

Their target should be Lord Frozen Bird. You should quickly send a letter to Lord Frozen Bird and let it go first!

There must be more than one Tianwang class from the Rockets! "


Just as she was speaking, the other four directions of the town also sounded, "Boom!"

Lambda's action was a signal, and the attackers in several other small towns followed suit!

Hearing Bing Niao Li's answer, the messenger bird immediately looked up at the figure above the sky.

Among them, the cross-shaped bat and the double-bomb gas on the side all showed provocative expressions.

Lambda himself even hooked his finger, signaling the messenger bird to come up and fight!

As for Tianji and the others behind him, they had already fallen back to the ground, ready to wait for the messenger bird and the frozen bird to come out, and then go to the ruined Baibing City to clean up the battlefield.

Although Bai Bingcheng is already like this, there must be no resistance, but if he can survive the double blow, he is not a master at the same level. Lambda is too lazy to deal with these small characters. At this time, they secretly endured the shot It's time!

Chapter 622 Fighting

Tianji looked at the ruined Bai Bingcheng, and couldn't help but have a more intuitive concept of the power of the Heavenly King.

Although he has participated in operations a few times before, even the champion Sakagi has seen them, but they are all marginal characters, and the battles of high-level trainers cannot be seen at all, and at that time, only his three-legged cat kung fu, if he really went to spy Well, I'm afraid there will be no follow-up story.

But this time it was different. As one of the three commanders of Dark Endurance, he was barely considered a gym-level goalkeeper, and he was fortunate enough to follow the golden and silver snakes to perform Rain Begging.

After all, his facade is a fast dragon! This family was a master at calling for wind and rain during the Haklong period. After evolving into a fast dragon, this ability will naturally not be weakened.

And after helping begging for rain, the few of them didn't go down for the first time, and they witnessed how Lambda destroyed Baibing City's actions. It was really two tricks!

With one move of poisonous rain and one move of sludge bomb, the originally vast and prosperous Baibing City has been reduced to a purgatory on earth.

Tian Ci felt to himself that if he was below, he would only be able to rely on the fast dragon to protect himself, and even if several attacked him, he would be seriously injured!

After all, that sludge bomb, even a small one, made him feel dangerous!

Returning to the topic, after hearing Bing Niao Li's words, the messenger bird looked solemn, and immediately passed the situation to the frozen bird deep in the cave.

However, the frozen bird doesn't care at all.

"Schiff~Schiff~" It's okay, you go and fight that Heavenly King first, and lead the others out. I'll show up and catch them all in one go!

As a mythical beast, it still has pride. How could it be possible to face a Heavenly King-level trainer without fighting, let alone one, even if there are a few more, it has the confidence to wipe it out!

After receiving the reply from Frozen Bird, the messenger bird showed such an expression as expected, and ordered to Bing Bird Li beside him.

"Bo Li ~ Bo Li!" You call on the remaining power first to fight against the Rockets on the ground, and I'll hold back that King-level powerhouse!

"Okay, okay!" Not far away, Bing Bird Li nodded and got up to prepare for another battle.

After the messenger bird finished speaking, it flew into the air with a "swoosh". At the same time, it opened its mouth, and the frozen rays of light hit the cross-shaped bat and the double-bomb gas.

"The bat, dodge, and use the air blade!"

"Double-bomb gas continues to use sludge bombs to disrupt its rhythm!"

For the messenger bird's attack, Lambda responded immediately.

All of a sudden, "bang bang bang" explosions sounded everywhere in the sky, Tian Ci looked up, and could only see a red shadow flying around in the night, it was obvious that this was the king-level messenger bird.

However, although he had the upper hand at first, the scene was turned upside down after Lambda called out another Poison Pink Butterfly.

Three Heavenly King-level low-level elves besieged it, and one Heavenly King-level middle-level elf was besieged. Although it had some advantages in terms of attributes, it couldn't stand Lambda, who was still in command, so slowly, the messenger year only had parry left. Power.

On the ground, Bing Niao Li also relied on his gym-level strength and his identity as the sister of the Heavenly King to gather the remaining power of Bai Bingcheng.

There are only about 30 people who can bring her to fight. The worst of these people are trainers with elite mid-level strength, and they are still the best among them.

Of course, there must be other survivors, but they are not strong enough, and staying here is also a death sentence, so Bing Niao Li let them all escape for their lives.

In fact, those who can stay here have a very firm belief in the frozen bird, and come with the mortal determination to protect the totem.

You must know that Baibing City is the center of the Twin Islands, and it is the most prosperous area. Even if it was raided by Lambda and killed most of them, it is not so easy for a master to be killed by such a large-scale attack.

Some of them actually escaped long ago when the city walls were destroyed.

In front of the guarding mansion, Bing Niao Li, dressed in a blue and white uniform and with a beautiful face, stood in front of the twenty or so people and shouted loudly:

"Clansmen, this time the Rockets are attacking, killing my compatriots, destroying my homeland, and even more wanting to attack our patron saint - Frozen Bird!

Tolerable or unbearable! Fight to the death with me! "

Those who can stay here are all loyal and loyal. After hearing the guard's words, they all raised their momentum and responded loudly:

"Fight to the death!"

"Fight to the death!"

It's a pity that morale can't be used as combat power. The gold and silver snakes plus Tianji are two half-do gym-level trainers. There are also more than 50 elite-level powerhouses here. Repressive combat power rule!

If it weren't for the diehard loyalists of the Ice Bird family, who would let the elves blow themselves up at every turn, there would be no such stalemate at all.

The two leaders of gold and silver snakes are besieging Bingbirdli, and the two of them live up to this title. They each have a different-colored Abo monster. The silver snake leads the silver one. The pattern changes are the best at defense. The first to stand in front of his companions, eat Milip sister hard, and the white sea lion freezes the light two or three times, and it's okay.

And the Abo monster led by the golden snake is yellow. Don't ask why it is not called the Yellow and Silver Double Snake.

This Arbo monster is good at attacking patterns. Bing Niao Li has already taken back a Chenglong, and it was the golden snake that used the venom attack to conspire to fall to the ground.

And because the fast dragon was restrained, Tian Ci did not push forward. He only has such a gym-level elf, but he is here to save his life. Naturally, he cannot be injured as soon as possible or even lose the ability to fight. , so I took Xiaoling and A Xing to clean up those elite enemies.

I saw Kuailong's dragon claw "snap", and it knocked out the iron-clad shell and a water arrow turtle in the middle of the elite.

By the time the two of them landed, ~www.readwn.com~ had already lost their ability to fight.

Although the two elves are both defensive elves, but the gap is too big, and it is helpless if they can't take the fast dragon's move.

Of course, in order to hone it, he wouldn't let Kuailong make frequent shots. Just now, it was just those two defensive elves who had blocked their offensive for a while, so there was no way for Kuailong to deal with it directly.

After all, they are still fighting at other people's home courts, and they can't afford to delay the time.

After the fast dragon broke the tortoise shell, the morale of the surrounding dark ninjas was boosted!

Immediately, another series of attacks smashed past, vines, venom, flames, flying around, and soon a few hostile elves lost their ability to fight.


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