Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 617: intelligence

Speaking of this, Bing Niaohui's face was full of anger!

In fact, Tianji felt the same way. In the hinterland of the Human Alliance, it was even given over to autonomy by a low-level divine beast. I have to say that this seems a bit too much!

In the past, it may have been that the strength was really insufficient, but now, in this situation, the strength of the alliance is getting stronger and stronger, how could it be possible to let a divine beast stay in the hinterland of mankind.

He even suspected that Sakagi might have reached a consensus with some high-level leaders of the alliance. Otherwise, as the four kings of the alliance, how could Qianxia be led away so easily and spend a lot of time doing tasks.

The leader of the Rockets, Sakagi, is now also a top-level champion trainer. Coupled with such a huge force as the Rockets, the dark side of Kanto, it can be said that he is qualified to negotiate with the Alliance in an open and fair manner.

The Rockets need to study the priesthood, and the Alliance also wants to pull the nail out of its own territory. The two sides hit it off. Isn't this a very normal thing!

"Hey~" Tian Ci couldn't help but sighed in his heart when he thought of this. He felt that the higher he climbed, the more complicated the relationship became. However, he had already joined in and had no chance to escape, so he could only rush forward.

On the other side, Bing Niao Hui didn't notice Tianji's psychological changes at all, and continued to talk to himself:

"Our Ice Bird family is now divided into three main factions, the strongest of which is naturally the main vein where the Qianxia Xiawang is located, which is commonly known as the big house.

They actually control the 3 towns on this island, but there are actually 5 towns in the whole island that have their stations, and each station has their trainers.

Of course, in the other two veins, that is, the town controlled by our third room and the second room, their resident person in charge will be weaker, there are no gym-level trainers, and the highest person in charge is the elite-level high-level section. trainer.

A small town like Yunbai in the southwest is our three-bedroom site. The person in charge of the station is an elite-level high-level, and there are ten elite-level low-level and middle-level trainers.

5 of them have already been drawn by us, and the rest are their diehard loyalists. In order to avoid suspicion, we can at best not do anything. It is you who get rid of them.

In addition, some small villages also have trainers stationed on the main roads. This is the list. "

After a brief introduction, he took out a list with details from his arms and gave it to Tianji.


Tianci agreed and opened it directly.


After watching for a while, he also had a general understanding of the situation of the Ice Island. The area of ​​this small island is quite large.

There are five human towns in total in the southeast, northwest, northwest, and center, and then there are more than a dozen villages scattered sporadically in the center.

The most central town is not so much a town as a small town. The people here are generally called Ice Bird City, which is controlled by the big house.

And because of the presence of Qianxia, ​​the four ice kings in the big room, this generation has already controlled 3 towns including Ice Bird City, while the second room controls Bai Bingzhen in the south, and the third room is the ice in front of them. The branch where the bird Hui man is located controls the Yunbai Town in the west.

It can be said that it is completely dominated by the big house. Usually, only the second and third houses can unite to win some benefits for themselves.

However, in the past few years, the big house has expanded rapidly, and there is also the idea of ​​unifying the power of the family. After all, there is a four kings of the alliance!

You know, although because of the care of Frozen Bird, their Ice Bird family can also become a gym-level powerhouse from generation to generation, and they can also pop up a Heavenly King-level trainer from time to time, but they can hold the seat of the Four Heavenly Kings in the alliance. There really isn't even one of the Heavenly Kings!

This is not only a recognition of Qianxia's strength, but also allows the Ice Bird family to get more substantial benefits. Among them, the big house from Qianxia is naturally the one who benefits the most.

Only then did the whole island have three-fifths of the big house alone.

At the same time, it also gave the big house the idea of ​​​​integrating the power of the family.

The second and third rooms are naturally unwilling. Hundreds of years have passed. Even if the three veins have kinship in the beginning, the relationship is relatively good, but now they have already released five servers, how can they be willing to be subservient to others.

That's why the act of selling Frozen Bird this time came. The main contributor to this was Sanfang, whose behavior was the most radical, and the information in their own territory was very detailed.

On the other hand, the second room is a bit worse. Some places are not clear, and they have not done anything about the garrison in their own territory.

It gives Tianci a feeling of two-headed grass, but overall it is still biased towards the Rockets side.

Of course, Tian Ci also understands that the second room is clearly hiding behind the scenes, preserving his own vitality and letting the third room block in front, and he, an outsider, can see it, and I believe the third room is also clear.

However, for Sanfang, they also had no choice, because from the information collected by Anjin, Sanfang seems to have gone wrong in the ceremony where the frozen bird was present decades ago, and was disgusted by it!

And in the island of ice, the frozen bird is heaven!

Being hated by it, it can be said that there is absolutely no way out in the past two hundred years, and even the big house can blatantly place chess pieces in Yunbai Town to win over the surrounding small villages.

In this way, Sanfang is naturally forced to a desperate situation. Either he will endure the humiliation and bear the burden for the past two hundred years, or he will take the initiative to join the big room!

But in fact, these two choices, what really put in front of the third room is the second one to join the big room!

In one or two hundred years, with the strength of their three-room and a gym-level mid-level trainer, coupled with the disgust of the frozen bird, if they can't last, they will definitely be eaten up by the big room.

So instead of resisting to the end and reluctantly blending into the big house, it is better to take the initiative to blend in, maybe, and still save some of the benefits!

This is the idea of ​​some people in the third room. Even if there is no Rockets' plan to catch the frozen bird, the rest of the people will be persuaded by this group of people and join the big room.

But now that the Rockets have contacted them, it is natural to stop thinking about this idea!

Since the mythical beast Frozen Bird no longer takes care of their lineage, then I will change my backing, and you, the Frozen Bird, don't think about it any better!

After all, Sanfang has been targeted a bit hard over the years, so without hesitation, he chose to cooperate with the Rockets and Light Red City.

"Okay, I almost understand the situation. Brother Hui, you should go back first, and let your people in the third room prepare first to avoid major financial losses."

After closing the detailed information, Tanji said something to Bing Niao Hui.

"Okay, okay! Then I won't bother you much. This cave can also be used as a hiding place for all adults. It is absolutely safe, please rest assured!"

Hearing that Tian Ci started chasing people, he also got up and walked out. Since A-Xing already has a famous flower and owner, and their three families are asking for others, naturally they have to be more obedient.

Chapter 618 Probe

After Bing Niaohui went out, A Xingcai said:

"Tian Cijun, we can only use this information as a reference, and we still need the people under my command to verify it!"

As a ninja-trained trainer, she would never trust unexplored information.

"Well, that's what I thought too. Originally, the second room didn't give enough details. We need to make another trip by ourselves, and it's not too much trouble to find out about the third room."

In this regard, Tanji also nodded in agreement.

Then the two went out of the cave, and when they saw Tianji and A Xing coming out, the members of the originally scattered insect team also gathered together again with a "crashing".

"Zhongyi, you take a 5-person team to Baibingzhen in the north to inquire about the situation.

Insect Er, take the rest of you to the Baibing City in the center to explore. "

Facing his subordinates, Tanji quickly issued an order.

Bai Bingzhen is the place of the second room, the second room is still biased towards the Rockets side, and also gave some information, the difficulty of detection will be much less, so send a team of 5, from the elite middle section of the insect team should be enough.

And Ice Bird City is the core of the entire Ice Island, and the base of the big house, so Tianji directly asked all the rest of the team to explore that place.

As for the three-bedroom base where they are now, Yunbai Town, he felt that with Xiaoling, A-Xing and himself, three people were definitely enough.

As for the remaining two small towns, because they belong to the big house, as long as the main base of Ice Bird City is investigated clearly, in fact, information on the other two small towns can be obtained.

And the ice bird family is not so deep after all.

In a well-developed ancient city like Light Red City, this generation, including Anbu, has only 5 gym-levels within the family. Of course, the Ice Bird family is certainly worse than Light Red City.

In fact, according to the information given by Bing Niaohui, in addition to Qianxia, ​​the four ice kings, there are only two gym-level trainers in the big room.

They are the lower section of the gymnasium and the middle section of the gymnasium, which are directly faulted. This information is exactly the same as what the light red family secretly collected.

The trainer in the middle section of the gym was transferred from the small town in the south to Ice Bird City after Qianxia went out, and the two bases in the east and south were actually handed over to the trainer in the lower section of the gym to guard.

And when Bing Niaohui was chatting with them before, his super power has been sensing the emotional changes of this person. In his perception, the emotional ups and downs of this person are still normal, and most of what he said should be true. .

In this way, there is a lot of information in hand, and it is easy for the three of them to go to Yunbai Town to verify, and there are absolutely enough people.


"As ordered!"

Hearing Tianci's order, the two elite mid-level captains, code-named Bug One and Bug Two, also agreed.

"Remember, you must not scare the snake, and try to avoid fighting!"




After the order was given, the team was divided into three parts, each rushing towards its own goal.

They landed on the island one day in advance, and they had about 12 hours to inquire about the information. The follow-up people will land on the island one after another around 9:00-10:00 in the evening, so the time is still relatively urgent.

Because Tianji had never done any inquiries about intelligence, A-Xing took the two to do it, but it helped him learn a lot.

At 5 o'clock in the evening, thanks to Tianci's status as a superpower, and most of the information given by Bing Niaohui is true and detailed, so although the three of them are a little less, it is also the first time. A team that completes intelligence searches.

At this time, the three were eating in the cave, waiting for the return of the other two teams.

While eating, A-Xing suddenly took out two jade talismans from her backpack and handed them to Tianci and Xiaoling respectively, saying:

"Tian Cijun, Sister Xiaoling, this is a protective jade talisman made by my father. Although due to wear and tear, it can't resist the attack of the heavenly king-level elves, but it can be blocked by the heavenly king and below. You can take these two closely. The danger is immediately crushed!"

As he said that, he put the jade talisman into the hands of the two of them.

"Here, A-Xing, do you have anything else on your body?"

Holding the jade talisman in his hand, Xiaoling was in a dilemma and wanted to accept it, but he was afraid that A Xing would not be enough, so he asked.

"Yeah, A-Xing, you won't give what your father prepared to you, just give it to us!

In fact, we have prepared some protective props ourselves. "

After Tianji heard it, he also asked.

For this question, A Xing smiled brightly and replied:

"Of course I still have, Nuo, these are all, if you run out, ask me for it, or come to me, this jade card can block the low-level attacks of the Heavenly King, and if it is broken directly, it can even block the Heavenly King. A high-level attack!"

After she finished speaking, she showed her own sachet, and there were 3 identical jade talismans in it, in addition to a jade card with a brighter luster.

Tianji recognized that this was a different item from a one-time jade talisman, and a jade token that could be used multiple times.

The only downside is that A Ju seems to have a bloodline imprint on it, which means that it can only be used by A Xing.

"It's really worth it!"

Seeing this great work, Tian Chi couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Naturally, they also have life-saving props on their own, but what they can buy is almost the same as in the middle of the gym.

And it's the kind of jade talisman that can only be blocked once. In addition, Tian Ci also has a life-saving doll given by Nazi, but unfortunately its power is only at the high level of the gymnasium.

Now the jade talisman given by A Xing is undoubtedly a very precious life-saving tool for them, so seeing that A Xing still has it, it is not hypocritical.

"Okay, then we'll accept it, thank you, Xing!"

"Thank you, Sister A-Xing!"

Seeing Tianci accept it, Xiaoling also smiled and thanked him.

"What are you talking about, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com we don't need to say thank you!"

Hearing the thanks from the two, A Xing's face sank and she made an unhappy gesture.

"Hahaha~ too!"


After the three of them had dinner, at around 8 pm, the two elite mid-level captains of Insect One and Insect Two also led their respective teams back here.

The few people on Insect One's side were okay, but there was more soil and leaves on their bodies, but Insect Two's team of ten or so people was in a lot of embarrassment.

Several members of the common-level high-ranking team were even paler and had special effect bandages on their bodies. It was obvious that they had encountered a battle, and even suffered a bit of a loss!


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