Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 605: father and daughter meet

Tuck dragon and Tyrannosaurus were walking down the mountain, and Hakelong was walking up the mountain, so it didn't take long for the two sides to meet.

The two gym-level Yalongs recognized Ha Kelong by their breath the moment they saw it. This should be the child Kuailong said, so they stopped immediately and nodded slightly:

"Roar~" You are the child of Lord Kuailong, the eldest has been waiting for you for a long time, come with us, we are more familiar with this mountain, so we can hurry up.

Hearing this, Ha Kelong did not answer immediately, but became vigilant and asked:


Two seniors, before that, I want to ask a question, is the dragon blood on your body given by my father?

She has been crawling and rolling outside for many years as an elf, and she is also carrying the burden of a mini-dragon. Naturally, she will not be silly and sweet, and she has never let go of her vigilance.

If these two gym-level Yalongs are elves of the light red family, it is self-evident how the dragon blood on their bodies came from!

Although Ah Xing told it what happened, and most of the grievances in Ha Kelong's heart have been resolved, but no matter what, it was the people of the light red family who coerced its father, so that they could not see each other after so many years. It is an indisputable fact, so it still has emotions and ill feelings towards the people of the light red family!

Regarding the question of Ha Kelong, the T-saurus and Tyrannosaurus looked at each other, and the better-faced T-saurus explained it.

"Hoo~ho~" Children, the two of us were actually raised by the old Kuailong adults, so we have the breath of dragon blood on us.

And Master Kuailong is in a cave not far from here, just a short distance away. If you really want to do something to you, Master Kuailong will not let us go.

Do you feel the breath of Lord Kuailong, is it as violent as cooking oil on fire?

When he said this, Ha Kelong closed his eyes and felt it, and found that it was really the case. According to A Xing and the others, his father should have been seriously injured and dying. Why is his breath so tyrannical? Is it? ?

Thinking of this, a sad look appeared on its face.

In response to this, the Tsocosaurus and Tyrannosaurus also showed sad expressions, nodded and continued:

"Roar~roar~" That's right, it's just what you think, Lord Kuailong is returning to the light at this time, using up his last breath, and temporarily returning to the strongest state, in this state it kills both of us It's just a momentary thing, do you think we can be so stupid?

Let's go up with us quickly. Lord Kuailong has persisted until now, just wanting to give everything to you. It won't last long.

"Fuu~Fuu!" Father!

Hearing this, Ha Kelong's tears flowed out again, and he no longer hesitated, and followed the Tuck Dragon and the Tyrannosaurus Dragon to quickly take a shortcut and dare to go up the mountain.

At this time, Tianji and A Xing stopped, and they had been chasing before because they were still looking at Ha Kelong, so naturally they would not use teleportation, there was no need.

But now that he can't catch up with Hakolong, it's better to wait for Hakolong to arrive, and then teleport according to its breath, why bother running up and down by himself.

So the two of them were sitting on a rock to rest at this time.

As soon as the camera turned, Ha Kelong followed in the footsteps of the Tsacosaurus and the Tyrannosaurus, and it didn't take long for him to reach the top of the mountain.

There its father, the old fast dragon, is standing at the mouth of the cave, surrounded by powerful dragon energy, although his face is old and his eyes are cloudy, but at this moment it is still a powerful king, a powerful quasi-god!

"Fuuu~" Father! I finally see you again!

Seeing this scene, Ha Kelong couldn't hold back any longer, so he flew forward and slammed into Kuailong's arms.


My child, father is very happy to see you again.

The old Kuailong also stretched out his paws and stroked Ha Kelong twice.

And at the beautiful moment when Ha Kelong and Kuailong met, Tianji and A Xing moved to the top of the mountain with a "swoosh"!

The bag dragon and the tyrannosaurus dragon who were guarding on the side immediately discovered the abnormality, and two tall elves immediately surrounded them.

"Roar~" Humans, now is not the time for you to disturb Lord Kuailong!

"Hooho~" That's right, leave quickly, otherwise we won't be merciful even if you are members of the light red family!

But Tianji and A Xing, who were surrounded by two gym-level elves, couldn't help shedding cold sweat on their foreheads.

"Hakron, Hakron! Help explain!"

As a last resort, Tianji could only ask Ha Kelong to explain it in his heart!

Hearing Tianci's call for help, Ha Kelong also recovered, raised his head, and shouted at Kuailong:

"Fuu~Fuu~" Father, those two people came with me. That man is still my trainer, so don't make it difficult for them.

Hearing his daughter's words, Lao Kuailong's turbid eyes suddenly glowed with dazzling light, and then he turned his head to focus on Tianji!


Once again under the pressure of the king-level powerhouse, Tianci couldn't help but his bones were crushed, but he still insisted on clasping his fists and bowing to Kuailong.

"Junior Aoki Tianji, I was lucky enough to be recognized by Ha Kelong and became its trainer, and I have seen Lord Kuailong!"

For this kid's attitude, Kuailong also nodded.

It is a happy thing to feel that after he died, someone took care of Huckron.

"Boom~" Well, get up, and go to the side first with that girl.


He agreed, and took A Xing to the side, but the Tsack Dragon and Tyrannosaurus who heard Kuailong's opening did not stop him, but looked at the old Kuailong sadly again.

Both of them are gym-level, and their sense of energy aura is much stronger than that of Huck Dragon.

In their perception, the remaining energy of the old fast dragon, or that tone has already begun to decline, and after a short period of time, it will reach the end, which means that the old fast dragon is really dying.

"Boom~Boom~" Okay, kid, I don't have much time left, you stand up first and come in front of me.

The old fast dragon also knew his own situation. After a little reminiscence with Ha Kelong, he asked Ha Kelong to stand and prepare to accept the inheritance.

"Fuuuuuuu~" Father, I don't want it, father!

At this time, Ha Kelong finally sensed that the breath of the fast dragon was rapidly declining, and it knew what was going to happen, and it couldn't help but feel sad.

Tianji, who saw this scene, suddenly had an idea and took out a drop of the Holy Spring from his backpack.

"Roar!" What kind of treasure is this!

As soon as it was taken out, the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon's eyes were firmly attracted. As a water element, it understood very well how powerful and pure the energy in this drop of water was. breakthrough!

So I immediately asked.

Chapter 606 The Gift of the Fast Dragon


But being roared by the tyrannical carp dragon, Kuailong and Haklong both heard the sound and looked over.

Both are shocked!

Among them, Kuailong's expression is the most abundant, from ecstasy at first, then to calm, and finally to even showing frustration.

"This is the sacred spring, the treasure of the water system, it can heal wounds, and it can also reshape the body of the user!

Lord Kuailong, I wonder if this will do any good to your injury! "

Tianji didn't notice Kuailong's fleeting expression and explained it.

Hearing this, before Kuailong could speak, Huckron spoke anxiously.

"Fuu~Fuu~" Give it a try, father, I can feel the surging energy inside!

Unfortunately, what A Xing said next caused her to fall into the abyss again.

"Tian Cijun, it's useless, although our light red city is a poison-related gym, but as the so-called medicine and poison are not separated, we are also very strong in healing.

Although the Sacred Spring is the legendary treasure of the water system, the old fast dragon's body is already riddled with holes. The energy of this Sacred Spring can only suspend the leakage of its spirit, or replace its original spirit. leak out.

But it is impossible to repair this piece of porcelain that is riddled with holes. Otherwise, no matter how precious the sacred spring is, we in the light red city can take out the corresponding treasure and exchange it with Hualan. We actually don’t want to let the old fast dragon. die. "

Although A Xing whispered to Tian Ci, the weakest people present were all elites, so naturally they could hear it clearly.

"Furum!" Shut up, you must be lying, your light red family is reluctant to bear treasures!

Hearing this, Ha Kelong blew up, and spit at A Xing.

In front of him, there is a gathering of dragon energy, it seems that he wants to let A Xing know that he is wrong!

I never thought that the yet-to-be-formed dragon's anger directly "puchi" and was crushed by the fast dragons.

"Boom~" Well, don't make trouble with Ha Kelong, what she said was actually right.

Facing Ha Kelong's puzzled gaze, Lao Kuailong shook his head and explained.

"Boom~Boom~" My body, I knew it, was indeed dry and exhausted.

Unless there is a special first-level **** like Dream to give me life again, otherwise, no matter what kind of treasure, it can no longer bring me back to life.

The light red family has indeed given me a lot of elixir, allowing me to support until now before I can see you again, my child.

After finishing speaking, it also nodded kindly to Tianji, motioning to put away the sacred spring.

Seeing this, Tian Ji also sighed helplessly.

"Hey~", the Sacred Spring was taken back.

As for the coveted tyrannical carp dragon, he is not related to him, so why give it to him!

Just now, he was also different. The powerful light red city in the ancient city could not do anything. He was a coincidence, how could an elite-level trainer who is backed by a big boss have a solution?

As A Xing said just now, the Sacred Fountain is rare, but the light red city has shown sincerity to exchange it with the weakened Hualan city. I am afraid that it can be exchanged for some. If it is not really impossible, who wants to own it One of the strongest backgrounds, the quasi-god of the heavenly king level is dying!

After this little episode, the old Kuailong and the sad-faced Hackeron stood on either side.

"Boom!" I saw the old Kuailong shouted loudly, the energy, bones, and flesh all over his body burned, and a little rain poured towards Huck Dragon!

This is the inheritance of blood in the dragon family, and it is also a way to quickly shorten the development time of dragon elves!

A dying old dragon has been sublimated to the best of his ability, and he has integrated everything into his younger generation, which will naturally greatly enhance the younger generation's strength.

In fact, the final goal of A-Xing's previous test paper task was to bring Ha Kelong here to accept his father's last inheritance.

"Fuu~Fuu~" Father, father!

Although Huckron's breath is rising steadily, breaking through the threshold of the elite middle class in the blink of an eye, it is not happy at all, because this is all the selfless dedication of its father!

Both are pure blood dragons, let alone direct blood relatives, so the loss of this power can be said to be very small!

As for Ha Kelong's shouting, although the old fast dragon was also very distressed, the speed of burning himself did not stop at all.

"Boo~uh~" Ha Kelong, you have to learn to be strong in the future, and your father will be with you in the future!

Slowly, when the consciousness of the old fast dragon was about to dissipate, it opened the mouth and said the last paragraph.

Then he looked at the bag dragon next to him, the tyrannical carp dragon and Tianji and A Xing.

"Boom~" Come here too, Huckron, a elf, can't handle so much energy from me.

In this regard, the two elves, who understood that what the old fast dragon said was the truth, strode to the side of Huck Dragon.

"Swish~" Soon the originally sturdy beam of light was divided into three, and two waves were given to the Tyrannosaurus Dragon and the Takosaurus.

Seeing this, Tianji and A Xing were no longer polite, and also stood on the other side.

Since the old Kuailong said so, and Hackron himself did not object, then this benefit still has to be taken.

In the same way, Guangyu divided China with a "wow" again, and poured into Tianji and A Xing's bodies respectively.

"This, the dragon energy is really so domineering!"

And as soon as the light and rain entered the body, Tianji felt the improvement of his physique. This was not the kind of vain improvement that only increased the amount.

Although there is a lot of energy from Tian Zishuang's cultivation, it seems to be piled up at random. It looks like a bluff, but it's actually just a fragile paper tiger.

But now this dragon-type ability has really helped him become stronger!

In the blink of an eye~www.readwn.com~ his physique has improved by a full 10%.

"The pure-blooded dragon family is indeed full of treasures. No wonder the novels in the previous life were talking about bathing in dragon blood, what would happen~ It's really not nonsense!"

Immersed in the thrill of strength improvement, Tanji couldn't help but flash this idea in his mind.

As for the safety of the few of them, the two have released the other elves and surrounded them for vigilance.

Of course, the strongest elves of the two of them are in the middle of the elite level. If someone who really has an idea wants to make trouble and seize the legacy of the old fast dragon's death, they will definitely not be able to resist them just by talking.

After all, there are so many elites here, and only the Gym-level can be considered a master's Mysterious Realm of All Poisons!

However, if it was before Ah Ju exited the customs, he would definitely have to worry about some villain secretly instigating the elf to do harm, but now that Ah Ju has exited the customs and successfully promoted to the king, those who are careful, even if they are unwilling, they can only put it away , and honestly follow Aju's orders, not to mention thinking about stealing food from the tiger's mouth and secretly sharing the benefits of Aju's daughter and son-in-law!

After all, for ancient cities, the gym level is actually not that precious.

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