Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 601: thrilling

I have to say that Aju, who was born in a ninja, thinks a lot, and his brain supplements are also very reasonable and well-founded.

Moreover, he was also very skillful in questioning. He didn't reveal what he knew, but directly stated the connection between Tianji and Nazi, and let Tianji scare himself, and he was not sure that he would get other useful information.

And Tianji, who couldn't raise his head under the pressure of the Heavenly King-level aura, was panicked for a while!

How did he know about my relationship with Nazi?

What to do, if he discloses it to the golden family, it doesn't matter if I die, what about Nazi!

Don't panic, don't panic, only a few of us know about my relationship with Nazi.

Na Zi will not take the initiative to say that Xiao Ling and Ning Hui are both under my nose and will not betray me!


His brain worked frantically, and he ruled out the suspect first.

Yes! I used to follow Ma Zhishi's team in the cave in Hualan City, and Nazi also appeared there and called me over!

According to Nazi, Aju and Ma Zhishi have been in touch for a long time, and it is not difficult for him to know the news from Ma Zhishi's mouth.

So it must be inferred from this that I am Nazi's dark child!

After understanding all of this, Tianji's thoughts became clearer, and he was less panicked.

Just now, I was really frightened by A Ju's words, "You are from Nazi".

At this time, when Aju, who was sitting upright in the seat, saw that Tianci hadn't replied yet, his momentum increased again and he suppressed it.

"Why, are you planning to say nothing? Even if my daughter likes you, but even if I kill you directly, she will hate me for a while at most, but she won't fight with me for you.

And my Aju's daughter, even if she's not perfect, she doesn't have to worry about getting married! "

Tanji, whose bones were pressed by this momentum, made a "kaka~" sound, and finally opened his mouth at this time:

"Lord Aju, I admit that I am a trainer under Lord Nazi!"

He first admitted this identity!

Hearing this, Aju really became interested.

"Oh~" he said, signaling him to continue.

"However, the encounter between A-Xing and I was really an accident. I'm not a trainer prepared by Lord Nazi, and I'm still traveling abroad to improve myself.

In the light red city, it was because of a misunderstanding with A Xing that they met, and then they fell in love with each other. "

That's right, Tianji directly killed the fact, but A Xing had already helped him cover it up anyway.

In addition, Aju was in retreat at the time. According to the clues, the facts relayed by others will naturally be different from what he saw with his own eyes.

He can't really say that your daughter was tamed by me and Nazi.

If he really said this, he was afraid that he would be killed on the spot, and then he would directly attack the Golden City.

The dignity of an ancient city cannot be offended, Nazi's behavior is too shameful!

Hearing this explanation, A Ju's eyes twitched twice.

He is not a hairy boy who has not experienced strong winds and waves. His rich life experience tells him that there must be something hidden from him in front of this man named Tian Ci.

However, it doesn't matter anymore, it doesn't matter if he thinks of the life and death Gu that he took out from the family treasure house in his arms.

So he chuckled lightly, "Ha~", took out the Gu worm, and said to Tian Ci:

"I have no objection to whether it is true or false, and I will not trust you so easily.

But if you can take this life and death Gu, then I will treat you as the real son-in-law of our light red city, and the profound secrets and precious treasures of heaven and earth can be opened to you! "

After speaking, he put the life and death Gu on the desk in front of Tian Ci, waiting for Tian Ci's decision.

He believed that the people who were trained by Na Zi must know the role and power of Life and Death Gu, and he didn't need to explain it at all.

In fact, when he heard the three words "Life and Death Gu", he was indeed shocked.

Life and Death Gu, also known as Life and Death Gu, belong to two groups. The two people who are planted with Gu are almost in a state of living and dying together, and if one party is seriously injured, it will also cause serious backlash to the other party. It's not that it's just normal.

It is also a creation left by the ancient extraordinary, and the current technology cannot produce it at all.

Tian Ci was sure that this other life and death Gu was definitely handed over to A Xing by A Ju, that is to say, after taking this life and death Gu, he would live and die with A Xing in the future!

For him, this is still reluctant, after all, Xing is a ninja! The most lethal ninja!

Not to mention, he has already made A Xing surrender. In terms of real status, he is much higher than A Xing. A Xing is very attached and obedient to him!

The most important thing is that he actually doesn't have any feelings for A Xing at all, and he may have more carnal pleasures.

Now let him be forced to live and die with him, which is really hard for a strongman.

However, even if he is unwilling, he understands that there is no choice at this time.

As for asking Na Zi's opinion, he doesn't think that his mental fluctuations can be hidden from the eyes of the king. Even if Na Zi comes, I am afraid that he will not be able to protect him in front of the king-level Aju. Light Red Gym!

So he had no choice, so he took the life and death Gu directly, glanced at the hideous little worm in the amber stone, Tian Ci closed his eyes and ate it with a "Guru".

It's cold and a little sweet, and this amber is delicious~~ What a ghost!

Who would want to eat this if it wasn't being watched by A Ju with murderous eyes!

But it didn't take long for Tianji to notice the abnormality. He could vaguely sense the appearance and physical condition of A-Xing outside the gate.

And in the dark, he has a feeling that he is connected with his life, which is a stronger connection than any blood relatives!

"This is life and death together~ It's really amazing!"

Perceiving this situation, Tianji could only sigh with joy in the bottom of his heart.

Fortunately, this life-and-death gu still respects the right to privacy, and the psychological changes and emotional changes of the two will not be perceived by the other party.

At this time, A Xing, who was outside the door, also had a morbid smile on her delicate face.

"Hehe~ Tian Ji-kun, so we can be together forever~"

Although Nazi's spiritual imprint has helped a lot, how can a person's spirit be completely at the mercy of her!

I haven't seen the Qingshui family in Hualan City, even if they were placed on a championship-level contract, they all have their own careful thoughts.

And under the influence of this spiritual imprint, there is also the dark influence of Ah Xing's own heart, she can be said to be very concerned about Tianji!

Even if she dies, she will die with Tian Cijun!

This is also the reason why Ah Ju did not pursue too much, but directly took out the life and death Gu.

Before He Tianci said that A Xing would never die or live, that was all a lie, if it wasn't for A Xing, he would not have taken out the life and death Gu, and recognized this son-in-law who suddenly appeared!

Chapter 602 Temporarily stable

And after Tian Ci took the life and death Gu, A Ju's originally revealed aura was suddenly withdrawn, a smile appeared on his face, and he said to Tian Ci:

"Okay, let's get up first, we will be a family from now on, we don't need to see outsiders like this."

In this regard, Tian Ci sighed in his heart, but he stood up with gratitude on the surface, and thanked Aju:

"Thank you Aju for your understanding."


"I won't say more about the extras. I hope you can treat A Xing well. If you need anything, you can take this token and ask A Xing to take you to the family's treasure house!"

After speaking, Aju threw a token to Tianci.

Taking this purple-gold token, Tianci's originally forced emotions also dissipated a lot. Judging from its texture and the light red badge on it, this must be a very high-level token inside the gym. There are definitely many benefits.

And seeing Tianji's smiling face, Ah Ju shook his head and explained:

"Tianci, although this purple-gold token is the highest level token, it allows you to read any kind of secret manuals except the "Hundred Poisons", but the knowledge from the core secrets and upwards requires you to take the corresponding Merit or items of similar value to exchange.

The same is true for treasures. Starting from the elite level, you have to exchange for things of similar value, or exchange for merits.

Our Light Red Gym does not raise and eat empty waste, even if it is me and A-Xing. Some unimportant secret manuals or treasures can be provided to us by the family for free, but if we go further, we need to contribute. "

Hearing this, Tian Ci's heart couldn't help but "squeak", feeling that this life and death Gu was really eaten!

Of course, he also reacted very quickly, this is very in line with the style of the light red gym, the survival of the fittest, and fight for yourself!

This is also the reason why the Light Red Gym can always produce elite soldiers!

And if you are dissatisfied, you can't show it in front of A Ju!

So he still bowed to Aju solemnly and thanked him.

"Lord Aju, what are you talking about, how can I, Tianji, be the kind of trainer who relies entirely on women to eat soft meals! I am very grateful for this token for providing me with a channel!"

Looking at Tianji who didn't seem to be fake, Aju nodded with satisfaction.

I feel like this kid is still a good guy!

Then another thing came up.

"Tianci, I heard from A Xing, Ha Kelong followed you, right? I asked you to come here this time. Besides I want to see you, there is actually another matter. That king-level fast dragon also wants to Goodbye to see my child, there are some things to explain, you go out, A-Xing will take you to find Kuailong."

Hearing that Aju started chasing people, he felt uncomfortable staying here, and Tianci, who was behind him, also pleaded guilty and withdrew.

With a "squeak" sound, after the door was closed again, Ah Ju, who was sitting in his seat, muttered to himself:

"Nazi, Golden City... Hehe~ No matter what you're calculating, but after taking Life and Death Gu, why do you have to give me a light red share!"

As the master of the gymnasium in power, and the master of a powerful ancient city, he is naturally not so easy to fool.

Even if his daughter A Xing was trying his best to cover up, even if he was in retreat at that time, he didn't know the reason for what happened, but his rich life experience and keen intuition told him that there must be some unknown secrets.

With the cover of Nazi and his daughter, he wouldn't be able to explore too much, but no matter what, as long as Tianji also became his person, then he would also enter the game. With the strength of the king, it was impossible. Become a pawn!

On the other side, Tian Ji, who didn't know that A Ju was madly making up his mind, was following A Xing, who didn't know what to say, to the secret realm of the family.

"What should I do, will Tian Cijun feel bad about me, after all, my father forced him to live and die with me!"

"Am I going to explain to Tian Cijun, if I don't explain, will the misunderstanding get deeper and deeper!"


Thinking of this, A-Xing's brain became more and more muddy, and finally she raised her head and said to Tian Ci who was beside her:

"Tianji-kun, I..."

But as soon as she opened her mouth, she was interrupted by Tian Ci waving her hand.

Tianji, who understood what the girl was going to say, naturally wouldn't let this chance to gain favor.

"A-Xing, needless to say, I voluntarily took the life-and-death Gu, and our development is indeed a little too fast.

It's normal for Aju-sama to be worried, but my feelings for you are also very real, so I don't have any resentment about taking this life and death Gu, you can rest assured, don't worry! "

After he finished speaking, he gave the girl's delicate face, "Hey", and gave him a kiss.

Since Life and Death Gu has been taken, and it is integrated with his heart, it cannot be removed, so it is natural to say something nice to make A-Xing feel more favorable towards him.

Sure enough, when A Xing heard this, her eyes were full of tenderness and sweetness, she leaned into Tian Ci's arms and said "en".

In this way, the matter is over.

In fact, when A Xing was tangled just now, he Tian Ci was not entangled, how to tell A Xing about this matter gently, but fortunately A Xing took the initiative to speak, and he was still able to make waves.

I have to say, Nazi's super power is really more and more terrifying.

The spiritual attainment of Golden City is also really powerful!

"I don't know if Nazi will have the ability to turn people into dolls after she breaks through the heavenly king. I remember it seems to have been in the anime in her previous life."

For some reason, this thought suddenly flashed through his mind.

Then he shook his head again, no longer thinking about it, after walking through the streets, showing the token again and again, and correcting the password again and again, they finally came to the secret entrance of the light red city.

After the guard opened the ordinary wooden door, what appeared in front of him was a vortex emitting a multi-colored light and slowly spinning.

Tianji, who is no longer a muddy leg, understands that this is a teleportation entrance.

In fact, except for Hualan City~www.readwn.com~ because the core water veins cannot move, most city masters will protect their secret realms very well, except for the contemporary family masters and a few clan elders , other people can only know where the portal is, but not where the real secret realm is.

This is also to protect the most important resources of the family. After all, a secret realm can be said to be a guarantee for the longevity of the family.

Now that the Hualan Caves are all occupied by Nazi, it can be said that the hope of Hualan's revival is extremely slim.

Returning to the topic, before stepping over the teleportation light array, Xing took out two bottles of medicine from her arms, handed one of them to Tianji, and said:

"Tian Cijun, drink this special antidote first. The Mysterious Realm of Myriad Poisons in Light Red City is full of poisonous miasma. Let alone ordinary people, even elite trainers are defenseless and won't last long."


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