Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 597: The molting of Aberdeen!

When the Aboriginal appeared, Tianji's super power immediately detected the past.

The upper limit can be very high, and the lower limit can also be very low.

In the wild, although Arbo monsters are not as bad as Little Lada, they are quite numerous.

Especially when the fangs, snake skin, snake gall, and snake bones are of high value, it is not easy for Abo monsters to be hunted and killed by humans, and there are so many numbers.

In general, the strength of Abo's monsters is at the lowest level in the average low level, around the middle level, and those who can reach the normal high level are considered the elite in the group.

And its upper limit, Tianji immediately recalled the death makeup technique used by mother-in-law Kikuko, one of the Four Heavenly Kings, in the comics of the previous life!

That is really a terrifying move. Switching a certain form to greatly increase one's ability in one area is just like weakening Saka's Deoxys!

You must know that Deoxys can sit with Lie Kong, the beasts of the first-level gods like Kyogre!

The weakened version of its skills is also the existence of most elves.

"Hopefully it doesn't happen like this!"

After the detection, nothing special was found, so Tianji withdrew his mental power and waited for the order to start the game.

And A Xing, who had been paying attention, saw Tian Ci's eyes light up slightly, but then went out again. He understood that the detection was over, and immediately announced:

"Game start!"

He jumped up and retreated to the edge of the field.

"Above, the big snake stares! Show your opponents your beautiful patterns!"

For some reason, this order came from the mouth of Lu Ye, a bald man.

In other words, both Tianji and Koudouhua heard it, which would give the opponent a chance to deal with it.

It stands to reason that after reaching the elite level, the burden of the spiritual contract is very small, in order to prevent the enemy from spying on the movement, it should be silent on the surface and use the spiritual contract to transmit sound secretly.

Could it be that I was really stimulated by my aggressive method and lost the most basic reason?

Of course, doubts are doubts, and it does not prevent him from responding immediately.

"Close your eyes, keep your mouth shut, and secretly use it to grow!"

The big snake stared, and I had to see it before I could be intimidated, so I just closed my eyes, and I could take this opportunity to strengthen myself.

No matter what you want to do, at least I've strengthened myself, and it's definitely not a loss!

Tian Ci is indeed an elite-level trainer who has experienced hundreds of battles and fought over and over, and made an effective response at the first time.


And the mouth dumb flower who got the order also agreed and closed her eyes directly.

A Xing, who saw this scene, was a little anxious, but due to the rules, as an outsider, she couldn't give any hints at all, so she could only worry secretly in her heart.

As for Lu Ye, the bald man, he showed a proud smile.

"It's right now, the Arbo monster switches the speed pattern!"

He immediately voiced a sentence in his heart.


The Abo Monster, who was standing upright, also showed an excited look in his pupils.

Instead of staring at the big snake that it said at the beginning, it started to shed its skin.

With the shedding sound of "呲呲~", a few seconds later, a monster with a brand new speed pattern appeared on the field, and its body became more petite, only two-thirds of its original size. arrive.

And he was already using the growing mouth dazed flower, because he closed his eyes, even if Tianji saw it, it was too late to remind him again.

That's how Abo Monster completes the change!

"It actually depends on molting to switch forms. It can only be said that it is worthy of being an ancient city specializing in poisons. It has turned an extremely special case into a popular move."

In this regard, Tanji couldn't help but think in his heart.

Under the super perception, he has clearly seen the trick to this trick, that is, molting!

Relying on molting to get new life, so as to switch its own pattern and change itself in an alternative way.

I have to say that this is definitely a core esoteric move. If it can be popularized, I am afraid that Abo Monster will become a weapon in the hands of civilian trainers in an instant.

But Tanji also knew that this was definitely impossible.

Let's not talk about it, why is the light red gymnasium so generous, and selfless sharing of the core secrets that have been studied for a long time.

It is the mystery of this molting move, and it is not something that ordinary Aberdeen can control.

You must know the general molting move, but it is simply shedding a layer of skin, and even because of the new skin, the body surface becomes fragile, not to mention the change in ability.

This is a force at the genetic level.

And the molting used by Lu Ye's Abo monster just now, in Tianci's induction, there are still strands of vitality, life energy is acting, he estimates that he should be forcibly changing his genes, logically speaking, this will definitely be depleted A The lifespan of the cyborg.

But after he made a detailed distinction, he found that the vitality was not from the Abo monster, it was like a masterless energy, but it was guided by the Abo monster.

He speculated that it should be carrying precious items such as the Orb of Life.

If the trainer could be allowed to participate in the battle, Tianji would have interrupted it with superpowers long ago. If this kind of genetic modification is interrupted, it is easy to leave sequelae, but the rules say that it is not allowed, then only Can look carefully.

As for the practicality of this move, there is no need to worry.

Maybe in this kind of formal competition, there is no way to use it in advance, but to create an opportunity to shed new skin.

But in the wild, or in unrestricted competitions, it is completely possible to let the Abo monster shed its skin in advance, and it is not afraid of being interrupted by the enemy.

Returning to the arena, seeing the Abo monster who had completed the pattern transformation, A Xing narrowed her eyes, feeling a little worried in her heart.

Lu Ye has been able to pester her for so long, and he has not been killed by her. Naturally, he has tyrannical strength.

Shadow Snake - Lu Ye, is his nickname!

As the young master of the Light Red Gym, she also has some understanding of the pattern changing moves of the Aberdeen.

This move is carried with the life orb to activate, although there is no sequelae.

But the change of the day after all is different from the Abo monster who can change its form at will.

That kind of talented Abo monster can switch patterns at will, without any restrictions.

But what they developed, they can only be transformed into a pattern in a short period of time, and cannot be changed again.

And Luye's Abo is best at speed patterns, combined with its inherently powerful lurking ability, the prey it targets can't escape at all, and it's not a joke.

Therefore, if you want to fight consumption, circles and other tactics, it will not work for Lu Ye at all, but people are eager to do so.

Can only be defeated head-on!

But as the saying goes, the world's martial arts can only be broken quickly!

How can Abo monsters, whose speed has changed drastically, be so easy to deal with!

Chapter 598

Gu Jing

In this regard, Tianji also saw that this Aboriginal must be a type that is good at speed, and he quickly responded.

"Koudouhua, the seed machine gun shoots all over the map!"

"Moo-moo~" Kou Dianhua, who received the order, agreed, opened his mouth, and the sound of "chu-chu-chu" kept ringing.

Seeds with strange shapes and different colors swept past the Abo Monster.

In this regard, Lu Ye was not worried at all, a confident smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and ordered with a spiritual contract:

"Let them see your speed, Aberdeen!"


Abo, who switched to the speed pattern, was also very confident, and with a promise, the figure swam as fast as a ghost.

All of a sudden, there was a hail of bullets on the venue, and the sound of "bang bang bang" kept ringing!

But the dark purple figure was like a shadow floating on the battlefield, and not a single seed hit it!

Although some sputtered venom and poison powder are inevitably contaminated, as a poison-type elf, Abowei said that this little touch is not a problem at all.

And in this hail of bullets, it is getting closer and closer to the position of the mouth dumb flower!

"Abo, prepare powerful flame teeth!"


Flames had already burst out from the mouth of the swimming Abomon, and at the same time wisps of white general-type energy appeared on his body.

The so-called powerful flame teeth are a combination of bite and gunpowder teeth.

It is a common fusion move after all.

In this regard, Tianzi still seems to be unclear, and still let Kou Dianhua keep using the seed laser gun, and the seeds "sshhhhh~" hit the Abo monster, and then he was dodged again. Eight fallen scattered around the venue.

Soon, the Apocalypse will be very close to the dumb flower! Already a very dangerous distance!

"Hahaha~ Abo, Flaming Fang! Let's end it!"

Seeing that he came to the enemy's side so easily, Lu Ye couldn't help laughing! Feeling that you have a chance to win, let the Aberdeen attack immediately!

I saw that Abo Monster was already extremely fast, and with a "swoosh", it increased sharply again, and with a **** mouth full of flames, it bit into the mouth of the flower!

"Double-mouthed flower, vine field, grab it!"

In this regard, Tianji, who also felt that it was almost the same, finally changed his order.


The mouth that had been thudding, shooting seeds, finally stopped the tired mouth, and the grass element imprint on his forehead emitted a dazzling light, and the grass energy in his whole body was mobilized.

I saw the seeds scattered on the ground all around, and suddenly there was a sound of "puchi~puchi~" breaking out of the shell, and the thick and thorny vines grew wantonly.

And Kou Deng Hua also grew a dozen vines around her body.

Unprepared, Abo was directly trapped in the vine cage.

After the **** mouth full of flames snapped off several vines, it was also powerless and did not break through.

The mouth dumb flower, who was less than a meter apart, looked at this very sensitive snake with a playful expression.

That's right, this is one of the new moves of the mouth dumb flower - the vine field!

Some of the seeds that were shot out were bombs mixed with poisonous powder and venom, but more were seeds separated from Koudaihua's body. As long as they secretly stimulated vitality, they could break out of their shells.

Although limited by strength, it will definitely not survive for a long time, but it is still possible to control the environment of a battle.

The trick of the seed machine gun, after Tianji obtained the profound cultivation secrets of Koudouhua, can be said to have played a flower.

It's a pity that this trick is really time-consuming, and it's still more difficult for Dianhua to spread out.

In fact, if it is shuttlecock cotton, it is easier. Using the energy of the flight system to spread your own cotton spores, you can easily achieve a similar effect.

But now that the vine cage has been completed, the Abo monster has become a trapped beast. It can be said that the balance of victory has already tipped more than half to his side!

In this regard, Tianji naturally let the dumb words take advantage of the victory to pursue!

"Double-mouthed flower, use a tie!"

I saw a flicker of cold light in the mouth that got the order, and those vines were as if they had received an order, and they quickly pulled in, and the Abo monster inside has been destroying the vines with flaming teeth, poisonous tails and other moves.

It's a pity that these vines have grown out of mouth dumb flowers after several mutations, but they are not so easy to destroy.

In addition, the speed of contraction is extremely fast, so the Abo monster did not escape at all, but was tied firmly.

A lot of the thorns on the vine pierced into the body of Abo Monster.

It screamed in pain.

"Just right! Just right~"

Seeing Abaiguai, he was in a predicament in the blink of an eye. The bald man Lu Ye's eyes were red, and he understood that it was because he underestimated the enemy before.

Of course, the top priority now is to get the Abo monster out of trouble first, otherwise he is afraid that he will be trapped alive. He can see clearly that those thorns are still absorbing the energy and blood of the Abo monster!

"Abo, build up your strength first! Be patient for a while!"


The Abo monster who received the order no longer used other moves, but coiled its body as much as possible to reduce damage. At the same time, the muscles on the body were also faintly vibrating, and a white energy appeared on the surface of its body. !

In this regard, Tianji will naturally not miss this opportunity. Isn't it clear that he will be allowed to attack during this period of time! So let the mouth dumb flower increase the intensity, any strong whipping, venom bombs will greet him.

"Bang bang bang~"

The attacking sound of "Papapa~" didn't stop at all.

There are also many scars on Abo's body.

At this point, the outcome can be said to have been decided, even if the Abo monster breaks free, it is definitely a seriously injured body, how can it fight with a dumb flower!

Of course, no matter what, Lu Ye will not give up to break free, he is sure that this little white face will definitely dare to kill!

After all, there's nothing in the rules that says that you can't kill an elves, not to mention that he himself said ruthless words to this little white face before that didn't hide his killing intent!

So now he makes Abogua struggle, not to win the game, but to save himself!

Otherwise, it will definitely be sucked into a snake dry!

And after several times of charging ~www.readwn.com~, the muscles of Abo's body bulged high, and finally used the squirt.

As soon as I heard the sound of "Just!", a figure wrapped in energy broke through the vine cage and fell to the ground with scars all over his body.

Originally, if it was in its normal form, it would not need so many accumulators, but as the saying goes, there are gains and losses. After strengthening the speed, it is much weaker than the normal state in other aspects, so it took so long to come. Break out of this cage.

Koudouhua saw the Abo monster who fell to the ground, and was about to continue to attack, but a red light "swooshed" and took it back, and at the same time, a resentful voice sounded.

"I admit defeat, let's go!"


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