Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 593: Roadblockers! ! !

This is also the reason why Tianci kept this poison-purifying stone and did not use it for Koudouhua.

It's really too wasteful to use it for mouth dumb flowers now. You must know the high-level poison-free stone, but you can't buy it with money.

The current mouth dumb flower has some guidance and resources from A Xing's side in exchange, the poison attribute has been rapidly increased, there is no need to waste this stone.

Moreover, using a medium-sized poison-purifying stone will also have an effect on the mouth flower, so naturally it cannot be wasted.

Now it is appropriate to use it as a greeting gift for Aju.

After all, although there are high-grade poison-purifying stones and light red gymnasiums, there are not many, and it is impossible for every gym-level clan elder to have them.

And Tian Ci sent this out, which is definitely useful to the light red gymnasium, and it is enough to show sincerity.

After deciding on the gift, A-Xing took Tian Ci to the Light Red Gym.

As for Xiaoling and Ninghui, of course they wouldn't follow, who would go to see their parents and bring their other women with them!

Of course, I still bring Huck Dragon and Mini Dragon, after all, I have to meet the fast dragon this time!

They walked quickly through the streets, and soon they came to the light red gymnasium. The scarlet fonts made people feel like killing intent, and on the side of the logo of the Elf Alliance, there was a huge purple spider web. logo.

This is the emblem of their light red gym.

Crossing the gate and walking through the bright corridor, ignoring the curious staff along the way, they came to a small door.

"Tian Cijun, you have to follow my steps next, this is the hinterland of our light red family, and various mechanisms are set up. If you go wrong, the mechanism will be triggered. Even if you are a superpower, you will move instantly. guilty."

"Oh, okay, don't worry, A-Xing."

As for Ah Xing's kind reminder, Tian Chi agreed.

He also understands that after entering this gate, the real difficulty will come.

He didn't believe that his ruthless ninja father-in-law would greet him as soon as he opened the door.

I am afraid that there will be various tests waiting for him!

Although the ordinary staff before, all had A Xing and him, but his super perception still heard some whispers, and also sensed some schadenfreude.

"That man is the man who is rumored to be having an affair with Young Master Ah Xing!"

"I don't know Young Master A-Xing, what do you like about him, he's not handsome at all!"

"It seems that you rescued Young Master Ah Xing on a mission in the wild, right?"

"He is miserable. I heard that in order to welcome this son-in-law who suddenly appeared, many elite gymnasium disciples are gearing up for it!"

"Ah! If so, can the master of the gym agree?"

"Of course the gym owner acquiesced. Our gym owner has been promoted to Heavenly King. Without his permission, how dare those elite-level adults dare!"


Recalling these discussions, Tian Chi's eyes flashed, and he touched the Poke Ball at his waist, ready to fight.

With a "squeak" sound, the door opened, and instead of dazzling lights, it was illuminated by the faint light of candles.

"Tatata~" A-Xing walked in front of her according to a certain pattern. It was obviously the same floor tiles. Sometimes she crossed two squares, sometimes she went left, and sometimes she went right again, there was no pattern at all.

Tian Ci followed behind her and walked "tatata". He didn't dare to take risks. Judging from some of the organs perceived by his superpowers, there are really poisons everywhere here, poisoned. The hidden weapons are countless.

"A-Xing, you have to walk here every time you come back?? Isn't that dangerous?"

After walking through this corridor, Tanji asked in surprise.

Hearing this question, Xing nodded as a matter of course.

"Yeah! When I was 7 years old, no one took me away and I remembered the route by myself.

According to the standards of our light red city, if you can't even remember your own route, you deserve to be killed by the authorities.

People like this don't deserve to be ninjas at all! "

"Junior Sister Ah Xing is right! Next, let me, Imura, measure your strength!"

But just as Ah Xing's voice fell, a male's slightly feminine voice suddenly rang.

And next to the pillar in front of them, a white light suddenly lit up. Under the white light, a thin man in a green ninja package and a mask walked out.

It can be seen that the voice just now came from him.

"Senior Imura, what did you mean just now?"

Seeing this man, A-Xing was surprised.

"Ha~" In response, the man named Imura shook his head, chuckled lightly, and replied:

"Junior Sister A-Xing, it seems that if you care, you will be confused!

Didn't I say it before, but this person you brought must be tested.

This is what the owner of the Aju Taoist Hall promised.

If he can't get our approval, he can only die here! "

After speaking, Imura's eyes revealed cold killing intent!


In this regard, Tian Ci naturally would not be overwhelmed by his aura, he snorted coldly, and returned the same viciousness!

"Tian Cijun, I can't help you here, come on!"

Hearing what Imura said, A-Xing nodded and stepped aside.

She was really wrapped in joy before, and she forgot about it for a while, but now someone blocked her way and reacted.

When Aju had signs of leaving the customs before, she once told Tianci that people who wanted to marry their light red gym would definitely have to be tested.

Now comes the test.

"En~ it doesn't matter, A-Xing, look at it!"

Tanji, who took out the Poké Ball, also nodded as a matter of course.

In his perception, the strength of the person named Inimura on the opposite side was around the middle of the elite level, and he was on the same level.

And it's right that there are roadblocks in this family, otherwise, it will be taken away easily, and it will not be taken seriously!

The reason is the same as his previous marriage.

"Okay! Then I'll start!"

Seeing that Tianji agreed so readily and assumed a fighting stance, Imura nodded, and stepped on a certain mechanism with a "smack" under his feet.



I saw that the floor suddenly moved slowly, and the distance between the two gradually increased.

"Aoki Tianji, what you have to face next is the first stage, your opponent is me, the elite disciple of the light red gym, Inimura!

This game adopts the 1v1 mode, no first attack right, adopts the rush attack mode, and the trainer is not allowed to use the combat ability. "

When there was a normal playing field between the two, Imura spoke slowly.

In this regard, Tianji, who was on guard, nodded, expressing no objection.

"Okay, then I'll trouble Junior Sister Ah Xing to be a referee!"

Seeing Tianci nodding, Imura said to A Xing who was beside him.

"Understood!" A-Xing agreed, and with a swish, she came to the center of the arena.

Chapter 594 The first scene

"Next, please send elves from both players at the same time!"

When she came to the center of the venue, Xing immediately said something.

"Go, stinky mud!"

"It's up to you, Bidiao!"

The two Poké Balls opened with a "pop" in the air, two red lights flashed, and their respective Pokémon appeared on the field.


The statue was flying above A Xing's left, while the dark purple stinky mud was paralyzed on the floor tiles on the right.

What is terrifying is that with the terrifying toxicity of elite-level stinky mud, the floor tiles made of ordinary marble are not corroded at all.

In this case, there are only two possibilities. One is that the material of the floor tiles is not marble at all, but a very high-grade and expensive strange stone.

Of course, this idea just surfaced, and it was snuffed out by Tianji himself.

That kind of stone is very expensive, and it is also the main material for making all kinds of treasured props. It can also be used as a training resource for rock and ground elves. He does not doubt that the light red gym will not be able to buy it, but let the light red gym take this kind of stone. Stones are used to pave the way, and I am afraid that the golden city, which is the most prosperous, cannot do it.

So there is only the second possibility left. The stinky mud in the middle of the elite level has already reached the level of meticulous control over himself.

You know, he was so close, but he didn't smell the smell of stinky mud at all!

Controlling oneself is something that every trainer who conquers stinky mud must do, but it is definitely more than two realms to keep oneself from emitting a stinky smell.

"It's not easy to fight. Fortunately, I let Bi Diao play first, but it's still too short here, and the height is not enough, otherwise the advantage will be even greater."

As a superhuman, in an instant, he thought a lot in his mind.

Originally, I was going to send Kou Dian Hua, because Kou Dian Hua has strong poison resistance, but after thinking about it in the first round, it is better to be a little more stable and not to play with axe.

So he still sent a flying Bibi Diao, and he was also the strongest on his side.

The first game must be won!

On the other hand, Ah Xing didn't think so much. Seeing that both sides had sent elves, she immediately announced:

"The game officially begins!"

Just when she finished speaking, the order of the two was also conveyed.

"Smelly mud, emitting poisonous gas!"

"Bidiao, lift off!"

The two elves who received the order also acted independently, and Bi Diao "huhu" twice flew to the highest altitude.

The stinky mud is a flash of purple elemental imprint, and an invisible odor is instantly emitted.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the entire corridor was filled with this stench.

How to describe it, it is equivalent to the mixed taste of canned herring, stinky tofu and cesspool.

Unprepared, Tian Chi also "vomited", his stomach churned, and at the same time he felt slightly dizzy.

He understood that this was poisoning, and quickly used his superpower to expel the toxin. At the same time, a faint superpower barrier appeared outside the body, isolating the ubiquitous and pervasive poisonous gas.

Tian Ci is like this, and the Bidiao in mid-air is not very good. He smells this smell, and he staggers, and his body swayed twice.

Fortunately, it has the experience of being a drug tester, plus its stronger physique, so it is not poisoned, but simply feels sick.

And this kind of opportunity to reveal flaws, Imura will naturally not let go.

"You're still young~ If you can't stand the smell, what kind of ninja are you!"

He sneered, and although he smelled the extremely disgusting stench, his expression remained unchanged.

Not only him, but also A Xing, who acted as the referee on the side, did not change. Instead, he turned his head and looked at Bidiao worriedly.

She knew very well that this was Senior Brother Inimura's forte.

It seems to be a rush attack mode, but this move emits poisonous gas. Almost every time, Imura's side will attack first. Even if the poison resistance is not strong, it will poison the opponent and give himself a great advantage from the beginning.

But Bidiao has no poison resistance.

"Smelly mud, right now, block it with poisonous rocks!"

"Bai Duo~" has long had a tacit understanding of the smelly mud, and the purple element imprint on the forehead flashed again, and at the same time, the body surface lit up with the intertwined light of purple and khaki.

A large number of purple-black rock blocks appeared out of thin air, and then "咻咻咻~" attacked the still dangling Bidiao!

This is a fusion of Rock Blockade, Sludge Bomb, and Sludge Throwing!

As soon as he came up, Jingmura used the three-stroke fusion of the bottom of the box, preparing to defeat Biziao with one blow, and no matter how bad it was, he would be seriously injured and landed!

At this time, Tian Ci, who had suffered a dark loss at the beginning, looked at the large number of purple rock blocks that had come to Bie Diao, and his face darkened.

Hastily used telepathy to command:

"Feather Dance and Shadow Clone to hide, and then use the manned shield during flight to let the air flow!"


Bidio, who received the order, immediately agreed. The elemental imprint flashed on his forehead, his wings were waving, and a large number of feathers stopped in front of him. Beagle avatars appeared all around.

These purple-black rocks quickly hit each of the shadows, and the moment they collided with the feathers, they exploded "bang bang bang", and a large number of highly poisonous small gravels shot around!

Even the Bidiao who used two defensive moves couldn't block all the gravel.

In Tianji's super-sensing, a part of the gravel hit the statue.

In the smoke, the painful cry of "Bi~Bi~" could be heard clearly.

The only good news is that because of the poison resistance cultivated since childhood, Bi Diao has not been poisoned yet.

Looking at Imura smiling across from him, Tanji had to admit that the poison type is really difficult to deal with, and the poison type ninja in the light red gym is even more difficult to deal with!

But it's time for color!

"Bi Diao, Wind Blade Dance!"

In the smoke, Bibi Diao, who had many tiny scars on his body, also had a fierce look in his eyes while maintaining the manned shield.

It was unfavorable in the apprenticeship, and its heart was full of anger. After receiving Tianji's order, the flight element mark "sho" on its forehead flashed again, and its wings were like knives, waving quickly.

"Swish" a large number of invisible wind blades flew towards the stinky mud on the ground.

This is a modified version of the air blade, combined with the wind, the air is divided into small wind blades, the focus is to expand the attack range.


And seeing Bibi Diao in the smoke can still make such a fierce counterattack~www.readwn.com~Imura was also surprised.

I originally thought that Biediao would have to take a breath after this move, but I didn't expect to fight back so quickly. It seems that the move just now didn't cause much damage.

"Smelly mud, get smaller!"

Although he couldn't see the air blade, it could be seen from the suddenly sunken body and the painful expression of the stinky mud, it must have been attacked in a short period of time, so Imura immediately let it dodge.

------off topic-----

I recommend a seedling book, "The Guardian of the Beasts". The world view is quite complete. I feel that if I write about this later, it will give me a lot of inspiration.


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