Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 589: mighty hakron

Just because of the exercises that he came into contact with, Koudouhua planted 3 kinds of toxins on King Nido.

That is to say, King Nido is an elite of poison attribute, and his poison resistance is relatively high. Otherwise, there are not only three kinds, but five kinds, six kinds!

In fact, in the perception of Dukkha, those single or even mixed toxins have no effect on King Nido. Only three or even four mixed toxins in one can affect King Nido. .

It can only be said that one side of the water and soil nurtures the other side.

This is the site of Light Red City, a city famous for its poison property. The elves living here are mostly poisonous. Coupled with the cruel laws of nature, the fittest survives, and their poison property will naturally be greatly enhanced.

Originally, according to Tianji's estimation, the toxins of the mouth dumb flower can definitely have a big impact on the middle elite, and also have a partial impact on the elite high.

But it only had a small influence on this King Nido. From this, it can be seen how strong the poison resistance of this King Nido is.

However, even so, under the full set of seed machine guns of the mouth dumb flower, in fact, you should kneel or kneel, after all, the mouth dumb flower can also lock the poison!

Of course, in this battle, it was explained in advance that Hackron was the main attack, so Koudouhua directly launched the poison instead of hiding it.

The shot just now also confirmed the power of the new move.

Facts have proved that mixing different toxins in the seed machine gun will indeed have unexpected effects, and the enemy will be easily attacked, which is a good precondition for locking the poison.

This move was also inspired by A Xing. Although he did not ask A Xing anything about the cultivation of the poison system, A Xing himself gave him a lot of advice, and even solved some key tricks. .

It can only be said that a professional is a professional!

Back to the topic, after King Nido found out that he was poisoned, his eyes were full of anger. He didn't expect this little thing to hurt himself with the poison. Fortunately, it wasn't a deadly poison.


After it was temporarily suppressed with a part of its energy, it roared loudly, a large amount of purple venom in its mouth began to condense, and the elemental imprint on its forehead also lit up again.

Tianji has already recognized it, this move should be a venom shock!

But he wouldn't give King Nido a chance to build up his strength.

"Mouth of flowers!"

"Moo!" Hearing Tian Ci calling him, Duan Hua, who had a tacit understanding, responded immediately, and then a strong green light radiated from his body, and the green element mark on his forehead also flashed brightly.

"Puchi puchi~puchi~" I saw that the seeds that had been knocked to the ground at will by King Nido broke out one after another, and grew into thick vines one by one. Almost instantly, King Nido, who was caught off guard, was tied up. A solid.

The venom bullet in its mouth also twisted involuntarily, and hit the air with a "swoosh".

"Stretch~ stretch~"

Being bound by these vines, King Nido immediately exerted all his strength, the energy of the fighting system lit up on his body, and wanted to struggle out as soon as possible.

It's a pity that there are too many vines, and there are thorns at the roots, which are not so easy to break free, and some of them even pierced its skin and pierced it.

Seeing this scene, Ha Kelong on the side was stunned!

It didn't expect that the dumb flower next to him would be so strong and his moves were so strange.

Although it was taught by Kuailong's father in childhood and adolescence, but those are just laying the foundation, I have never seen these tricks.

"Don't be distracted! Huck Dragon, it's your turn to attack, the full dragon dive!"

At this moment, Tian Ci's order came over.

"Furum!" Harkron, who heard the order, agreed, his eyes sharpened!

The dragon mark on his forehead emitted a dazzling light, and then a mass of rich orange-yellow energy surrounded Huck Dragon, and rushed towards the trapped King Nido with a "swish".

In the face of this power, King Nido became even more impatient. His intuition told him that if he took this move, he would be seriously injured!


As soon as it shouted, the sharp corners of its head immediately lit up with a dazzling white light, and at the same time it rushed forward.

The vines wrapped around it were also broken inch by inch, but no matter what, it still blocked its momentum.

Soon King Nido, who used Super Horn, slammed into Huck Dragon, who used Dragon Dive.

After a stalemate between the two sides, it was King Nido who was knocked out.


Although King Nido is heavier and bigger, he was already poisoned, and the vines with mouthful flowers hindered the performance of his moves. In the end, Dragon's Dive was blessed by the power of elements, so it was still Hakolong. Won.

As for King Nido who flew out backwards, Tianji had no plans to keep his hand, and immediately continued to transmit:

"Hakeron, don't stop, continue with the full power of the dragon's tail!"

Hearing the order, Ha Kelong did not stop rushing down. The orange dragon energy ignited again at the tail, and the dragon mark on the forehead also lit up again. This was the second blessing of elemental power!

With a "snack", Hackron's dragon tail slammed **** King Nido, who was still flying in the air.


King Nido screamed, and his body was beaten directly to the ground.

"Bang", the dust is everywhere!

And Ha Kelong, who used the blessing of elemental power twice in a row, couldn't continue to attack, and the burden of his body made it take a break.

Koudouhua was about to make up for the knife, but Tianci stopped him.

The reason why Kou Duohua was shot before was because that King Nido was in the middle of the elite level. If it was intact, it was not very strong in the lower level of the elite. Hackron, who only had the power of the fourth element, would definitely not be able to compete with Nido. Wang beat.

But now that Hackron has the upper hand, there is no need to let Deng Hua take another shot.

After a few seconds, King Nido stood up with scars all over his body, and it looked at Hackron fiercely!


I saw it screamed, the elemental imprint on its forehead lit up again, and then stomped under its feet!

A large amount of soil floated in midair, wrapped in purple poison energy.

Along with the sound of "咻咻咻~", the sludge bombs blessed by the power of the elements shot towards Ha Kelong.

"Hackron, shadow clone, dodge!"

He still didn't dare to let Hacron resist this kind of move similar to the goddess's scattered flowers, so he ordered him to avoid it.


Hackron agreed, and the wings on its head flapped wildly to speed up itself. Valley

The sludge bomb hit each of the shadow clones and made a "bang bang" explosion, but it hadn't hit Harkron's real body.

However, at this time, King Nido was also full of hatred, and directly hit the mud bombs one after another.

Chapter 590 End

Under the unsparing sludge bomb from King Nido, the power of the elements in his body surged out wildly. In this way, Hackron could hide for a while, but it was impossible to hide all the time.

Soon, after the shadow clones were all broken, the real body was hit by a sludge bomb.

Under the explosion of "bang bang bang~", Ha Kelong also flew out backwards.

When King Nido stopped, the originally gorgeous and lustrous blue-white skin on Ha Kelong's body was already full of sludge, and the color of purple and blue pain appeared on his face.

Obviously it has been poisoned!

However, thanks to the powerful physique of the pure-blooded dragon family, it has not lost its ability to fight.

You must know that the elemental imprint of King Nido just lit up 7-8 times. Even if Hackron used the shadow clone to dodge a few waves before, at least two or three waves of sludge bombs hit him.

King Nido in the middle of the elite level, even if he didn't learn too many moves, was different from the turrets cultivated by human trainers. No matter how he was, he would never be weak.


At this time, King Nido was also gasping for breath. He used the blessing of elemental power many times in a row, which indeed made it a little overloaded, but what it didn't expect was that Huck Dragon actually stood up. Originally it thought that the battle It's over, get ready to take a breath.

"Huckron, it's our turn, the full power of the dragon's fury!"

Looking at Ha Kelong who was able to stand up again, Tianji nodded mentally and continued to order.

"Furum!" Hearing this, Ha Kelong shouted, and an orange light group condensed in front of his mouth!

Its heart is now full of anger towards King Nido! How dirty it got its beautiful skin! Just a King Nido!


Filled with anger, the dragon's anger hit King Nido who was still breathing!

Looking at the flying beam, King Nido's face was full of despair, which perfectly interprets what it looks like when waiting for a CD.

The previous ruthless bombing didn't kill Ha Kelong, and its temporarily depleted body couldn't use any moves to resist the dragon's wrath.

I can only cross my hands to block in front of me, hoping that my rough skin and thick flesh can resist this wave of attacks!

Soon, the scorching dragon's wrath wrapped King Nido!

At this time, King Nido only felt severe pain in his hands, and then his consciousness began to blur.

With the last "Nido!", when the light dissipated, the scarred King Nido fell to the ground with a "bang".

It overestimated itself and underestimated the toxicity of the mouth dumb flower. When the dragon's anger caused a large area of ​​injury again, the toxin in the body also broke out. The combination of the two directly made it lose its fighting ability.

Seeing that the battle was over, Tian Ji also took the wound medicine and antidote and came to Ha Kelong's side.

"Come on, detoxify first."

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuly," he took the antidote twice.

Soon, it felt the benefits of human high-tech products. Under the action of special antidote, the toxins in the body were quickly excreted.

You must know that this elite middle-ranked King Nido is not weak at all in terms of toxicity. Although it is arrogant and powerful, this poison will not kill it, but no matter what, it must be weakened for a period of time and healed quietly.

And that "hiss~" sprayed the wound medicine on his body to make his body recover quickly.

This also made it understand why his powerful father was still captured by human trainers.

I also understand why, although they have more elves and stronger strength, they can't beat the human trainers, but they have been occupying the territory.

Human technology is too powerful!

The injury that was supposed to take a long time to recover, actually recovered most of it in three or two times, and humans can also plunder their elves' children, body materials, and fight to support the war. If this goes on, as long as it is not fatal with one blow, it can be dragged down repeatedly. And the longer it drags on, the stronger the human trainer becomes.

After all, with the development of human society to this point, even those high-level divine beasts that are aloof may not be able to destroy them all with one blow.

But it's useless to think too much now. It has also put itself under the command of human trainers. It is a traitor to the elf world, so why bother so much.

Thinking of this, Ha Kelong shook his head and obediently returned to the Poké Ball.

While stroking Hackron's Poké Ball, Tanji also showed a smile.

He knew that the purpose of this time had been achieved. On the surface, he was using King Nido to test the strength of Ha Kelong.

But in fact, it also means to show the means on his side, so that Hackron can truly return to his heart.

Otherwise, he wouldn't let Kou Deng Hua make a last-minute shot to trigger the poison.

He also had a way to completely defend the previous sludge bomb, but Hackron was not injured, so how could he know the strength of King Nido, and how would he know the methods of human trainers!

For this kind of elite-level elves who have already formed three views, playing emotional cards can not be said to be useless, but it must take a lot of time, and the primary and secondary may have to change positions. , and it is an extremely arrogant pure-blooded dragon, so after a long time, I am afraid that it will really become the appearance of a trainer begging an elves to do things.

But after this battle, Ha Kelong also saw Tian Ci's method. Under Tian Ci's super perception, he also found Ha Kelong's emotional fluctuations. Naturally, he understood that it had an effect. At least Ha Kelong was dumbfounded. There should no longer be high shelves in front of them.

You must know that Heluga is not happy about this. He wanted to fight Hakron for a long time, and taught him that there is energy and only a few tricks.

"Go, Poké Ball!"

After throwing a few super **** and forcibly subduing the incapacitated King Nido, Tianji looked to the other side. The Nido fell to the ground long ago, and his body was covered with traces of burning flames.

Seeing Tianji, Helujia immediately ran over and said:

"Wang Wang!" Tian Ci, I said that I was stronger than that arrogant-looking dragon. I cleaned it up a long time ago. If I don't help that Huck Dragon, there is a stupid flower boss. UU reading www. uukanshu.com also made itself like this.

Hearing this, Tian Ci smiled and touched the head of the black Lujia's dog.

When the team is big, there is naturally a desire to compare and compete. As the leader of the team, he is naturally happy to see it succeed, as long as it is not a vicious competition.

After a while, Xiaoling and Ninghui also came over with a dozen Poké Balls.

"Brother Tianci, the elves of the Nido clan are all here, but I found a good seedling. There is a freshman-level Nidolang with good qualifications!"


Hearing this, Tianji's eyes lit up and nodded.


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