Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 564: Sad tyrannosaurus

After showing goodwill many times, but not getting what he wanted, the mind of the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon also began to change.

Since you don't give it, then I'll find a way to get it myself.

He sensed that Huck Dragon was about to give birth. If he could secretly eat a pure-blooded mini-dragon, he would also be able to grow in strength!

This is true even for newborn-level cubs.

After all, all it wants is blood purification, and swallowing the mini-dragon is no less than getting most of the blood essence of Huck Dragon, which will naturally transform the sub-dragon.

So after the inexplicable disappearance of Hakron, it activated most of the elves in the lake to find clues. Unfortunately, Hakron is experienced and left no clues at all. Speaking of which, he has not seen this supporter for several years. Teacher!

"Roar~" But it didn't take long before the tyrannical carp dragon sensed a familiar aura in another direction.

It's Hackron!

Sure enough, the dragon-type treasure that appeared inexplicably ahead has something to do with this hakron!

After thinking about it, it has an excited look on its face!

"The treasure must be mine!"

With a flick of its tail, it immediately swam forward at a faster speed.

I want to take this treasure as my own before Hackron.

At this moment, Hacron, who was swimming, stopped.

The dragon blood in the tyrannical carp dragon came from it, and the two sides naturally had a weak sense.

The difference is that, as a source, it can actively block this kind of bloodline perception, but Tyrannosaurus can't.

So after several years of sleeping in the underwater cave, this Tyrannosaurus Carposaurus couldn't find them at all.

And now it has turned on the bloodline sensor again, naturally, to convince the stupid fish that this is a dragon-type treasure, and it is also connected to its bloodline, so that the stupid fish can first test what is going on there.

Ha Kelong clearly remembers that his father, a fast dragon that reached the level of the king, fell into the hands of the city's controller, that is, the human trainer of the light red family.

He even promised to serve the family in order to protect it and the newly conceived child in its belly.

Although it inevitably has the extravagant hope that its father will be released, it also understands that with the particularity of their clan and the strength of their father, these greedy humans cannot be so kind!

So, it is very likely that there is a trap in front of it, but it doesn't look at it and can't let go of the hope in its heart.

In this way, it deliberately slowed down and let the stupid fish explore the way.

Otherwise, I really thought that its elite-level speed would be far removed by an ordinary mid-section tyrannosaur!

At this time, the tyrannical carp dragon, who was full of only wanting to get the dragon-type treasure faster, didn't think so much, but just kept on hurrying.

It was originally an elves that were born and raised in the hunting area. In its view, it was almost invincible in this area, and there was nothing to be afraid of, so it was not cowardly at all.

This is also the reason why Ha Kelong thinks it is just a stupid fish. He sits on the well and looks at the sky, and his knowledge is shallow. If he hadn't given him a lot of dragon blood, such a carp king would never have thought of evolving in his life.

In Haklong's eyes, this tyrannical carp dragon can only be called a stupid fish, not the word dragon! Otherwise, it's an insult to "Dragon"!

The huge momentum of the tyrannical carp dragon also made Tianji and Xiaoling alert.

"Be careful, it seems that a dragon-type elves are coming. I don't know if it is the target we are looking for."

Tian Ci's eyes showed a look of excitement. Although he didn't use his mental power to detect it because he was afraid of scaring the snake, he also felt a faint dragon pressure, so he was looking forward to it.


And Xiaoling also agreed, inputting more energy into the light blue shield, and instantly the shield became much brighter and the defense was greatly enhanced.

"Crash~" Accompanied by the violent sound of water flowing, a huge but dark blue figure appeared in front of the two of them.

Originally, he was quite excited when he saw that blue tint. He thought it was a hakron, but he didn't expect to find out that it was an ordinary mid-section Tyrannosaurus.

No wonder Longwei is so indifferent!

But the tyrannical carp dragon doesn't think so. At this time, its eyes have been firmly attracted by the dragon scales in Tianci's hands. It can feel that the dragon scales are of great benefit to it!

"Roar!" Bring me the dragon scales!

Although I don't know what the shield is, just break it and you can get the dragon scales.

The tyrannical carp dragon roared loudly, its tail lit up with white light, and a stream of water hit the two of them.

Because of being in the water, the power of this move has also been enhanced.

But it was the same for the two who had already reached the warrior level.

"I'll come!" Tianji said lightly while holding down Xiaoling who was about to shoot.

After all, whether Xiaoling uses water or ice, the damage to the Tyrannosaurus is actually relatively limited, and he still needs Xiaoling to maintain the shield underwater. If he explores slowly, he is naturally more suitable.

I saw Tianji who took a step forward, his eyes lit up with a dazzling blue light, and an invisible thought force instantly descended on the Tyrannosaurus who was still flicking its tail.

And the tyrannical carp dragon, bound by the power of thought, found that he could not move, and the energy gathered at the tail was slowly dissipating.

"Roar~woo~" It opened its mouth, trying to use its best ability and the greatest power to destroy the death light, but the originally loud threatening sound was quickly cut off in its throat.

Tyrannosaurus found that he couldn't even speak now, let alone mobilize energy!

At this point, its face finally no longer has the unscrupulous, maddened expression of my second child, and the copper bell-sized eyes also reveal the emotion of fear.

It feels that it has returned to the time of the carp king, and it has no self-protection power, so it is frightened!

Seeing this change, Tianji showed a contemptuous smile on his face.

"Heh~ It turned out to be just a tyrannical carp dragon."

After speaking, his eyes lit up again, and his thought power directly pierced into the mind of this tyrannical carp dragon like an awl.

With a "puchi", the tyrannical carp dragon fainted.

The Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon, who has never exercised his xinxing and didn't even participate in the Leaping Dragon Gate, has a very fragile spirit.

Such a Tyrannosaurus carp dragon, which was successfully catalyzed with a large amount of dragon-type materials, is indeed just a worthless waste.

Of course, no matter how wasteful it is, it is still a Yalong species, and the materials on it are still valuable.

So Tianji still threw a hunting ball to capture it, killed it after going out, and sold the materials.

And after easily dealing with the tyrannical carp dragon, he turned his gaze to the position on the right and shouted there.

"Come out, Huckron, I have seen you!"

This is not to deceive the other party, he really "sees" it.

When he controlled the tyrannical carp dragon just now, he simply swept the surroundings and saw a small tail of beads.

Chapter 565 Persuading Ha Kelong

Hearing this human's words, Harkron simply stopped hiding himself.

"Wowla~woola~" Accompanied by the sound of water flowing, a slender blue-white snake-like elf appeared in front of Tianji and Xiaoling.

"It's so beautiful~ It's so elegant~" Xiao Ling couldn't help sighing when she saw this hakron.

Even Tianji, who had seen the picture, was amazed in his eyes.

After all, there is indeed a big difference between the two-dimensional picture and the real one.

The faint luster on the surface of Hackron, as well as the overall nobility and elegance, cannot be replicated by a photo.

"Human, why do you have my father's dragon scales, say! What have you done to my father!"

At this time, Hackron didn't care too much about the eyes of the two, but used telepathy to question Tianji angrily.


She stared at the dragon scales in Tianci's hands with piercing eyes. Now that she felt it up close, she was sure that it was the dragon scales from her father, and it was one of the most important scales next to Ni scales. .

Hearing this crisp female voice suddenly, Tanji thought it was someone lurking!

He suddenly came back to his senses when he heard "Father's Scales", this was the elite Harkron talking to him telepathically.

As a pure-blood dragon family, it has a long lifespan. Even if it is accumulated over time, it can also develop superpowers through hard work, so he is not at all surprised that this Huck dragon can use superpower moves.

Now his brain is running frantically, thinking about how to fool Hacron.

First of all, Hackron said that the scales belonged to his father, and his tone was very bad!

This shows that Huckron definitely didn't come here voluntarily, it should be caught by the people of the light red family.

Among them, the king-level fast dragon was probably forced to obey the order because of his own child.

But now A-Xing from Light Red City has brought the dragon scales, and there is a high probability that something has gone wrong with that fast dragon and needs a successor.

Moreover, after seeing everything on A-Xing's body, he probably understood that A-Xing didn't come here to persuade Ha Kelong with words.

The spirit-breaking dagger and the special poison were all prepared for the Hackron in front of him.

That is to say, the two must have hatred.

Thinking of this, Tian Ci understood how to persuade him. Since there is hatred between Ha Kelong and Qianhong City, he doesn't have to pretend to be a member of Qinghong City.

"Hakeron, calm down! I'm not a member of the light red family, I believe you have seen it just now, I use super powers, not poison attribute spiritual power.

Do you think the people of the light red family will come out with a strong person with a hostile attribute? "

He immediately voiced a sentence.

Hearing these words, the energy that Hackron was secretly brewing was also stagnant, and it seemed too!

Just now it only thought of its father's dragon scales, thinking it was the enemy of the light red family.

However, although the energy has been dissipated, its tone is not very good.

"Hmph~ I don't think you are a good person, so you must also want to arrest me!"

In response, Tanji smiled bitterly.

"Hakeron, don't be so assertive. I actually have a grudge against the people of the light red family. You see, these are the items I took from the young master of the light red family."

As he spoke, he showed the scrolls in the backpack and a few darts engraved with the light red family logo to Hackron.

Seeing this, Ha Kelong's eyes really hesitated, and his eyes towards Tianji softened slightly.

Feeling this change, Tianji immediately struck while the iron was hot and continued:

"This scroll records the mission of the young master of the light red clan. Her mission is to use this dagger to capture you and make you another dragon elf in their clan."

"Bastard! Damn light red family!!!"

Hearing this, Hackron was obviously furious, and the water around him kept surging.

But after so many years, it didn't live in vain. Although it trusted a part of Tianji's words, it also understood that the other party's goal was also itself, so after calming down, it asked aloud:

"So, what about you? You are holding this scale and these things, don't you want to control me?

Don't say it, you came to tell me about this just to show me how kind you are! "

In this regard, Tianji did not argue.

"Yes, Huckron, you're right, I'm also a human who covets your power.

But don't you want to go see your father again? So he didn't even know his father's life or death, and was chained to this barren simulation park?

I can sense that your father should be a Heavenly King-level fast dragon, but even if he is as powerful as him, he is controlled by the light red family, and his life and death are unknown.

What about you, your dragon family has a long lifespan, but you are still at the elite level. You can survive until the king of heaven by relying on time? I guess even a gym is difficult.

If you cooperate with me, I can provide you with a lot of resources to help you improve your strength as soon as possible, at least much faster than your own long wait and accumulation of strength.

With the help of our trainers~www.readwn.com~ you will have the opportunity to determine the life and death of your father! "

After speaking, Tianji stopped talking and waited quietly for Hackron to make his own decision.

And after hearing this, Hacron was also silent.

It had to admit that what this human being said was the truth.

It understands that his father's condition is likely to be very bad.

Otherwise, the Light Crimson Family wouldn't have sent someone to look for it, it was obviously looking for a successor.

Although it lived in this hunting area before and was considered carefree, it was also very clear that it was just that it had a father in front of him, preventing all troubles.

Moreover, although this place is very good, it is actually a cage for her, and resources are very scarce. Even at the elite level, it took decades for it to reluctantly enter by virtue of the dragon bloodline.

Not to mention that his strength has not improved over the years, he has also declined a lot in order to cultivate mini-dragons. Now he is only at the low level of the elite, and his elemental power is only 2 times.

You know, when it was promoted, it had already reached the total amount of elemental power 6 times!

In recent years, she has given the miniature treasures that are basically valuable, and even in order to make the miniature dragon grow without leaving defects, she often uses her elemental power to wash the body of the other party, using her own blood essence nourish.

In this way, the growth of the mini dragon did not fall, but it did lose a lot of vitality, causing its strength to decline.

As for her father, she has been thinking about her all the time and wants to know some news.

It's a pity that no one has come to tell it the real situation, but now this human being is indeed an opportunity!

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