Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 560: assassination plan

I saw that Tian Ci brought Xiao Ling and Ning Hui with a "swoosh" and instantly moved to widen the distance.

At this time, A-Xing also threw out another dagger, and it slammed into the ground with a slap.

As far as speed is concerned, the super power that moves with one thought is indeed much faster than other moves.

Therefore, her dagger fell into the air without a doubt. As soon as the venom on the dagger came into contact with the weeds on the ground, it made a "sizzling" corrosive sound.

After the naked Tianji pulled away, his eyes lit up, and the blue light came out again.

An invisible power instantly enveloped A-Xing, who had failed in the assassination attempt.

Because he was afraid of attracting the attention of the staff in the hunting area, after thinking about it, he still didn't use the power of the general level, which is also the limit of the ordinary level, to trap A-Xing.

After all, Ah Xing is their young master. Elite-level battle fluctuations have happened many times. He is sure that it will definitely attract the attention of the officials. Whoever will help at that time will know with his toes...

So he didn't dare to fight with elite-level energy.

And with his super powers, he also has the confidence to control this woman.

After all, a ninja is not strong just by virtue of his physical body!

But at the moment when the power of thought came to her body, a prop on A-Xing's body shattered with a "snap", and then was teleported away with a "squeak".

"Bastard~ I will definitely find an opportunity to kill you!"

The girl who failed to assassinate, finally came the voice of gnashing her teeth.

In response, Tian Chi sneered and said nothing.

Actually, the thought power just now was not without gain, at least I received some breath from A-Xing up close.

And these breaths are the most accurate coordinates for superpowers.

"When the time comes, you won't kill me, but I will chase you~"

After muttering to himself in the bottom of his heart.

He put on his clothes first, and at the same time went to see the little Kirby beast with Xiaoling.

At this time, the little Kirby beast had already turned black, and his breath was weak. It was obvious that he had been poisoned.

"Little Kirby~ cheer up a little, take the medicine, be good!"

Xiaoling held several bottles of special effect brother-in-law's potions in her hand, and poured it into her mouth desperately.

However, it only controlled the toxins, and did not completely remove them.

This is a toxin that can break the powerful defenses of dragon elves. It was used by A-Xing to deal with Hakolong. Naturally, it is not that simple.

Seeing this, Tianji stepped forward and took out two bottles of antidote that he developed by himself.

Because he has always cultivated the poisonous property of stunted flowers, he naturally has his own research on toxins. This antidote is a slight improvement on the special antidote that is commonly used on the market.

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After reaching the elite level, you will find that the effects of the things circulating on the market are basically a little worse. If you want better, you can't buy it with money. Everyone is hiding!

After pouring "Gulu ~ Gulu" twice, its complexion finally recovered slowly. In addition, Xiaoling used special wound medicine to treat the wound, and it was finally out of danger. .

"Kafu~" The little Kirby who woke up, although weak, still showed a smile to Tianji and Xiaoling, saying that he was fine!

In response, Tianji also touched the belly of the little Kirby and comforted:

"Don't worry, little Kirby, when you get better, I'll let you eat something good and fill up!"

After this battle, the little Kirby beast has truly gained his approval.

You know, just now, you really sacrificed your life to block the sword!

Hearing the food, the little Kirby's eyes lit up and nodded again and again.


"You foodie~ take a good rest first." Xiao Ling scolded with a smile and put it back into the hunting ball.

Immediately afterwards, the two women quickly packed up and came to Tianci's side.



To this question, he gave a positive answer. Just now, his life was on the line, and now he is afraid when he thinks about it.

Playing with the broken spirit dagger in his hand, his eyes were full of anger.

I have to admit that my previous policy was indeed a bit too big. I didn't expect that A-Xing to have such a weapon from the ancient ruins in hand.

If the little Kirby beast hadn't tried his best to block it, he wouldn't have died, but he would definitely need another trump card to save his life.

You can't ask Nazi for it every three to five times. It's really inappropriate.

But now, the offensive and defensive sides are going to be swapped!

He caught A Xing's breath before, and now he is closing his eyes to perceive the woman's position.

Since he already has the coordinates, he doesn't care about a few minutes, so he didn't care about cleaning up the mess on his side.

After a while, Tian Ci opened his eyes with a "swoosh", a cruel and dangerous smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and muttered to himself:

"I found you! How dare you!"

That's right, according to his perception, A-Xing is still hiding in this forest by the water.

Originally, he had done it all, vaguely sensed, and planned to chase slowly, but he didn't expect that this woman would dare to stop near here.

At this time, A-Xing was actually annoyed.

"What's wrong with that little Kirby! Just subdued, so obedient!"

She was sure that if there wasn't that little Kirby, she would have succeeded.

Elite-level trainers all have life-saving means, she is clear, so her real killer move is not the dagger she shot at the beginning, nor the dagger thrown for the second time, but in the hand around her waist. sword.

The first shot of the dagger broke the extraordinary barrier, the second shot of the dagger broke the life-saving trump card, and the third shot of the shuriken was fatal!

She had everything planned, but she didn't expect to kill a little Kirby beast halfway through. She was in the high-level freshman class when she watched it yesterday, but today it's an ordinary class, and she is willing to die. Calculate!

In this way, she gave the stinky man a chance to teleport away. If the second dagger didn't hit, she knew she had failed, so she teleported away.

Although she has never played against superpowers and lacks experience in this area, she still knows some basics. She asked herself that she had made three-handed preparations, and she had a means of escaping, so she started.

But I didn't expect to underestimate this superhuman!

"Forget it~ As long as they leave the hunting zone, I will be the only one left in this area. I will get the mini dragon first, then go out, and then let the ninja at the gym take action and kill all three of them. It's gone!"

Leaning on the stone, A-Xing gave up her plan to assassinate again. The most urgent task now is to complete the trial task.

This is the trial task that her father, A Ju, gave her before her retreat. She also took out the dragon scales that the family treasured. If she didn't finish it, she would go out, for fear that she would be blamed by the clan elder!

Chapter 561

But just when she was about to take a break, Tianji quietly appeared behind her with Xiaoling and Ninghui.

With teleportation, precise coordinates, and a short distance, he naturally landed wherever he wanted.

And A-Xing is indeed a ninja who has undergone strict training. The moment the three of them appeared, they noticed something abnormal.


She let out a loud shout, and at the same time she swiped her right hand to her waist. "Huuuuuu" means three poisonous darts shot towards the back.

"Be cautious!"

In response, Tian Ci let out a cold "hum", and his psychic power was activated directly. It was also the limit of normal-level high-level psychic power, which also instantly descended on A Xing's body.

The difference is that at this moment, A Xing has no life-saving trump card.

Just ask, who would bring so many life-saving props in their own property!

Moreover, she is here for a life-and-death trial, and Aju won't give many life-saving props. Otherwise, it's called a life-and-death trial, so just call the park for a seven-day tour!

The real trials in the Light Red Gym have always been cruel and real. Even Aju himself has been through life and death many times, and he has been tempered. Naturally, he will not give too much care to his descendants.

If the ability is not enough, at least by virtue of his identity as the master of the gym, he can still keep his life safe, and he will not be unmatched in virtue, which will lead to a faster death.

After all, the hunting area is your own territory. You must have a nanny-level configuration to complete the trials on your own territory.

Going back to the topic, when the superpower came to the fore, A-Xing noticed something was wrong and struggled desperately!

"Bastard~ bastard!" Unfortunately, with her physical strength, she couldn't break free from this bondage.

Ninjas are not warriors. In order to be agile, they sometimes deliberately reduce the weight of their muscles and only focus on exercising the parts they need, such as wrists and legs.

As for the three darts that Ah Xing fired, Xiao Ling naturally responded.

I saw that she raised her hands lightly, and three water arrows shot out in unison.

"Ding ding ding ~" collided with the dart precisely, and both perished.

"Go and search around to see if there are any other enemies!"

He caught A-Xing so easily, he still couldn't believe it, afraid that he was hiding something behind, so he still said something to the two women beside him.



Ninghui and Xiaoling agreed, and with a "swoosh", they ran to the left and right respectively.

As for Tianji himself, his eyes were glowing with blue light, trying to defeat A-Xing's consciousness, trying to knock her into a coma!

And when the two women were both light-hearted, they quickly explored the surroundings.

Everyone understands that the stakes are very important, so even Ninghui has carefully probed the surroundings.

When he came back, his body was inevitably stained with a little dust and leaves.

"Brother Tian Ci, I didn't find anything unusual over there."

"Master, I'm here too, all I see are freshman-level elves, and the strongest ones are only ordinary middle class."

After Xiaoling finished speaking, Ninghui also gave the same answer, but she also added a sentence.

"But master, I found some small devices in some places, which seem to be shielding."

What Ninghui said also aroused Xiaoling's agreement.

"Brother Tianji, I found it too, but I thought it was a monitoring device put up by the staff in the hunting zone, so I didn't bring it here."

After listening to the words of the two, Tianji frowned in doubt, and glanced at A-Xing who was still stubbornly resisting.

At this time, the girl was about to lose consciousness, and her face was pale.

"Forget it, let's get dizzy first!"

Thinking of this, he didn't hold back any longer, and his mind power directly "banged" the girl's last line of defense.

"Ah~" A Xing screamed miserably, and she collapsed to the ground as soon as her body softened.

Originally, he could have fainted a long time ago, but he was afraid that there was A Xing's hidden back-hand around him, and he would knock out the owner of the young restaurant on other people's grounds. This can't be explained!

That's why he left a little extra energy!

Now that I'm sure there's no backhand around, I'll just catch it first and then talk about it.

"Ninghui, go and search her body to make sure she doesn't have any dangerous objects on her body."

After fainting, Tanji asked the little maid to search her body.

Doing this is naturally not to avoid any distinction between men and women.

Jokes, they are fighting for life and death, who cares about this!

He asked the little maid to search her body, in fact, because Ninghui was very good at this, and she had found out a lot in Hualan City.

After all, at that time, Hua Lan had just fallen, and there were always some girls who couldn't think of it, couldn't stand the insult, and wanted to commit suicide.

"Okay! Master!"

Hearing the body search, the little maid's face flashed an excited look, and she walked towards the ninja with great interest.

As soon as he heard "Tear-pull~", the tight-fitting ninja suit was cut by Ninghui with a special dagger, and the bizarre bottles and jars fell directly to the ground.

Some fragile bottles fell on the ground, and the liquid and powder in them directly corroded the weeds.

The sound of "Zizi" was also the little maid who was inexplicably excited. She was startled~www.readwn.com~ The movements restrained a little.

Only then did she remember that this eldest lady is a good player in the poison department.

So I immediately took out the special isolation gloves from my backpack and continued to search.

The inside of the body is the easiest place to hide things.

She first gave a "swoosh" and pulled down A-Xing's mask, and a beautiful and delicate face appeared in front of the three of them.

However, Xiaoling and Ninghui are not bad themselves. They are both women, so naturally they have no feelings. As for Tianci, he has too many outstanding female elite disciples in Hualan City, so at most it is only a bright spot. Too much feeling.

Then the little maid directly put her hand into the small rosy cherry mouth, groping "Shasha~" without pity, as expected, a poison sac was found in the gap between the teeth and under the tongue, and there was another A clever mechanism that fires poison needles.

Next, she turned her eyes to her ears again. She carefully explored the places where there were holes in her nose, and really found some small parts in her ears.

Immediately afterwards, he stabbed her with both hands, violently turning A-Xing into an Aries cream. She went up and down, inside and out, and carefully groped and checked.

Poor A-Xing, as the owner of the young pavilion in the light red city, with her beautiful face and a well-trained figure all the year round, it can be said that there are countless admirers, but now she has been randomly thrown on the grass in the wilderness.

After ten minutes of searching, Ning Hui also lived up to expectations and found a small pile of things on A Xing's body.

I have to say that these ninjas really have a way of hiding things. If they hide so many things in their own bodies, they will really be turned over by them if they are unexpected.

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