Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 520: race against time

The latest website: In other words, when the elves with the leader qualifications are promoted to the gym, the difficulty will be really reduced.

This is the real hope of a gym!

The initial qualification is the elite qualification. The seven elite-level trainers here are all gym people. With their backs to the gym, they are still confident that they will use a good evolution plan for both evolutions.

With the evolution of two big prices, they are also sure to improve the qualifications of the three families, from the elite to the leader, so that the gym level does not seem to be so out of reach!

As long as one elf becomes a gym, they will have the original capital. As long as they work hard and are willing to endure hardships, there will always be a second, or even a third!

This is the same as yearning for the elite level at the normal level.

When they were at the ordinary level, they yearned for the elite-qualified Yusan, which felt very expensive. With the Yusan, they would definitely be able to advance to the elite.

But when it came to the elite, it was discovered that the ordinary Yusan, which used to be very expensive and cost nearly 10 million yuan, was just like that.

Therefore, these rewards are fatally attractive to any trainer present!

That is to say, Yukimura himself has crossed the gym level with half a foot, and the only goal is to get the spirit fire and advance to the gym!

Just give up on these!

Although these are very precious, no matter how precious they are, they cannot compare to the temptation to be promoted to a gym immediately!

"Yes, I, Yukimura, can swear that as long as I can do it, whether it is to provide clues or capture it, I will definitely fulfill my promise. Later, I will issue a bounty task to nearby trainers through the gym, and the condition is still this condition. !

The black and white alliance mission, I believe that everyone does not have to worry about our Lin Ye Gym being cheated. "

Yukimura also expected the comments from the crowd, and immediately added a sentence.

"Okay! Let's go now!"

"Walk around, we can't beat it, as long as you find the trace, you can report it!"

"Let's form a team together, boss Fujikura!"


After getting the exact guarantee, a group of trainers immediately began to act.

Ordinary high-ranking members have insufficient self-knowledge, and some find elite-level bosses who are present and are willing to be vassals, while others find a team of the same level to act together.

Soon after getting some clues provided by Yukimura, a small team set off.

The lowest is an ordinary high-ranking team of 5 people, and this power is not weak in the wilderness area.

After all, if one person has 3 high-level elves, 5 people also have the combat power of 15 ordinary high-level elves.

After all the trainers under his command had left, Yukimura returned to the liaison room and released such a task at the Elf Center through the gym channel.

Task number: 100000

Mission Level: Three Stars

Mission description: Catch the gang of thieves who stole the treasures of the gym! The strength is the elite low level, with photos.jpg

Mission time limit: 2 days

Task reward: Provide real clues to the thief gang, trackers, and reward a core high-level extraordinary cheat!

Arrest the thief gangs and bring them to justice, reward the elites with high-level qualifications and one of the three families, with an elite-level customized cultivation cheat book, plus a core high-level extraordinary cheat book!

Mission Failed: No Penalty"

As soon as this quest came out, it instantly detonated the surrounding trainer circle. The 3-star quest only corresponds to the ordinary high-level level, but in fact, as long as you have the strength of the ordinary middle-level, you can take the 2-star and 3-star quests.

The richness of this reward is completely beyond the scope of the ordinary level, and even many 4-star and 5-star elite-level tasks can’t keep up with it!

Although these ordinary trainers of the commoner class know that it is impossible for them to catch elite thieves, they do not expect the rewards of the second level!

As long as you report the real clues, you can get a core high-level extraordinary cheat book, what they want!

Although they are limited by their knowledge and do not know what the core high-level extraordinary cheats mean, it does not prevent them from having a rough estimate of it.

After all, on the exchange list of the Elf Center, the price of high-level extraordinary cheats is there, and it takes a full 10,000 points of contribution to exchange, and the word "core" is added, no matter what, it is more expensive than the Elf Center.

As long as you are lucky enough to find the traces of the group of thieves in the wilderness area and report back, you will have everything!

More than 10 million alliance coins in return! Elite level doesn't seem to be out of reach!

This made those civilian trainers completely crazy. As long as the trainers who saw this quest, they all chose to accept it, and then set off to the wilderness in two or three teams!

Among them, there are even ordinary low-level existences, which are completely for money or death!

Of course, the Lin Ye Taoist Hall also knew the news, and even the elite disciples who stayed behind helped go out to find the thief.

But the youngest junior sister Linna didn't, she was full of doubts at this time.

"Isn't Yukimura-eldest chatting nicely with Tianji and the others before? Why did you place a bounty on them after you haven't seen each other for two days?"

Doubts are doubts, but she has no plans to stop Yu Gong and privately. Yu Gong, she is a member of the gym, so naturally it is impossible to question the decision of the gym.

Yu Si, Tian Ci and the others were just nodding acquaintances, and they even defeated her neatly without saving any face.

But Yukimura was her senior brother and the person she admired, so how could she possibly sing the opposite.

However, no matter what, she still has a little conscience.

As for the reason for Yukimura's reward order, after calming down and thinking about it carefully, he roughly understood.

So in the end, she chose to retreat and keep her ears out of the window!

Anyway, she had been giving special training to the vine monsters before, but now she is just continuing.

After Linna, the only insider, chose to remain silent, in a short period of time, with Lin Yezhen as the center, countless trainers launched a frantic hunt for Tianci and several others, and their reputation also plummeted.

Originally just a passerby, but now he has become a rat crossing the street, and everyone is shouting and beating!

Of course, this mouse is a golden mouse. If caught, it can be exchanged for a lot of money regardless of life or death!

At this time, Tianji and others, who were far away in the wilderness area, did not know that a big hunt for them had already begun!

Because they were unfamiliar with the terrain and had to avoid the elves in the wild, they walked very slowly. After half a day of the world, the progress was not even half of what they were before.

As we all know, the closer the wilderness area is to the central area, the more dangerous it is, and the more careful they must be!

In this half-day journey, they actually encountered three elite-level wild elves, one of which was an elite-level mid-section!

What's worse, at this time, they found that they seemed to have reached the territory of a gym-level boss.

Fortunately, it is still only on the edge, they are going back, and they are going to go on another road, but it is a waste of time.

But compared to life, a little time is wasted.

Chapter 521 Pinch each other!

But in contrast, the mighty search army is already approaching rapidly.

Not to mention those ordinary low-middle-section trash fish that have never even entered the wilderness area, most of them are buried in the wilderness.

What is really chasing is the elite squad based on the ordinary high section!

As locals, they have been to the wilderness area several times, and the best of them have been honing themselves in the wilderness area all the year round, and they are very familiar with the terrain here.

In this way, their progress on the road is naturally much faster than Tianji and the others.

It took only half a day to catch Tianzi and the others for a day's journey, and even traced a few traces of the elite team.

I was unfamiliar with the terrain of this place, let alone fleeing for his life, so Tian Ci naturally wouldn't waste a lot of time dealing with the traces he left, so he could only cover it up carelessly.

After all, he just needs to escape. If he carefully handles the traces, not only will the time be greatly prolonged, but it will also be easy to cause complications. After all, he is very unfamiliar with the distribution of elves here.

Just like that, another day passed. On a mountain path overgrown with bushes, the Beagle, which was flying at a low altitude, suddenly gave a warning!

"Bi~Bi Diao!" Tianci, Tianci, two waves of human trainers appeared behind us!

A wave is in the west of us, and the leader is sitting on an elite mid-level Duduli!

Another wave is to the east of us, with a mid-elite armored tyrannosaurus beside the leader!

There are several people in their team, and there is an elite low-level trainer on the west side!

In order to guard against the elves in the wild, and even the chasing enemies, Tianji arranged vigilant elves in all directions, and the most important position in the rear was naturally given to the Beagle with sharp eyes and the strongest mobility.

But when he heard Bi Diao's warning, he had a solemn expression on his face, and he understood that the thing he was most worried about had happened.

"Speed ​​up, after crossing this trail, we sit directly on the eagle and fly away at a low altitude!

Since they won't let us go, then they will mix the water, I don't believe that the elves in the wilderness area are also a group with them, and they will live in the dead! No matter what, the wild elves can hold back some people! "

He immediately said something to Xiaoling and Ninghui beside him.

"Okay!" As a trainer who came out with Tianji in the wild, although the girl is a girl, she is not a person who is greedy for life and fear of death. When she heard the words of her sweetheart, she agreed directly.

And although Ninghui looked terrified, she didn't say anything, she just clenched the Poké Ball with the hot monkey in her hand.

She is the weakest among the three. If she wants to survive in this wilderness area, no matter whether it is an ordinary high-ranking big milk tank or Pippi, she can only rely on the elite-level hot monkey that has been added halfway.

Next, the three of them quickened their pace. Even if they encountered wild elves, they adopted a strategy of swarming them and quickly eliminated the enemy.

"Koudouhua, seed bomb!"

"Swimming frogs, freezing fists!"

"Bidiao, air blade!"


The wild elves fell to the ground at the speed of light, but the three of them didn't even harvest the spoils.

Even if there is an elite-level mountain king who has fallen to the ground, as long as he is subdued, he will earn millions of dollars.

No matter how important money is, it is not as important as life!

And these wild elves who fell to the ground might buy them some time!

After all, the trainers who can come to hunt down are all for profit, and how many people can resist picking up this kind of money that has fallen on the ground!

In fact, very few people can hold back.

The team in the west is one step faster than the team in the east because the means of transportation are Duduli.

"All speed up, it's already very close, keep up with the speed!"

The man sitting on Duduli's back shouted loudly to the surrounding players!

This is a moving gold mine, right in front of you, if you don't hurry, it will be picked up by others!

"Boss! Look ahead, look ahead!"

"A lot of elves who have lost the ability to fight, the weakest are the ordinary middle!"

"My God! That mountain king is elite, and it has an elemental imprint on its forehead!"

Accompanied by the exclamation of a small minion! Everyone turned their attention to the mountain king who fell under the cliff.

I saw the mountain king, with scars all over his body and two broken claws, but there was indeed a dim elemental mark on his forehead!

This is indeed an elite mountain king!

The leading man was overjoyed, but he didn't expect to have an unexpected harvest!

"You go and deal with the other elves, except this one, you can share the rest!"

As he said that, he urged Duduli to walk down the cliff, and at the same time, when he flipped his palm, a super ball appeared in his palm.

Seeing this, the other team members were unwilling, but they could only nod their fate, then turned over and started to deal with the other elves.

By the time they had packed up, the wave from the east was long overdue.

"Kishida, what a coincidence!" The visitor sat on the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus and greeted with a sneer.

"Yeah, it's a coincidence, Yicun~" The young man who sat back on Duduli's back also replied.

"It seems that our two inferences are correct. Those hairy thieves walked this way, and they haven't left for a long time~"

The burly man named Yicun looked at the elf wreckage in one place. Although most of them have been disposed of, there are still traces of water elf shots.

Both sides were working in Lin Ye Town, and they knew the bottom line. There was absolutely no water elves in Kishida's team, so he speculated that these little thieves had defeated them. After all, they had all read the detailed information. , is a trainer specializing in the water system.

"That's right, that's right, but in a village, there can only be one place to receive a reward, and we have two teams!"

Hearing the words of Ichicun, the young man named Kishida waved his hand secretly, and a group of his subordinates gathered around, and then looked at the team of Ichicun with malicious eyes.

In response to this ~www.readwn.com~ Ichimura let out a cold "hum" and directly let the iron-armored tyrannosaurus who was secretly accumulating power take action.

"Sha ~ Hey Duo ~" I saw the elemental imprint on the forehead of the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus suddenly shine brightly, and then stepped on the right foot heavily, with a "bang"!

The whole ground trembled in an instant, "bang bang bang", plus this was a mountain trail, and there were many falling rocks "bang bang bang".



Unprepared, the mounts in Kishida's team were injured and frightened a lot.

"You're crazy! One village! This is a valley road in the mountains, and you are using earthquakes here!"

------off topic-----

Thank you for your friend Saohua Wang Zhangwei's reward of 10,000 points yesterday, thank you~


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