Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 516: inexplicable malice

Hearing the request of the two, Tianji and Xiaoling looked at each other, and then Tianji replied:

"Yes, we are indeed from the gymnasium in Aoki Town, the direct descendants of the Arai family."

As the saying goes, it is necessary to be defensive. After traveling abroad for so long, he is not stupid ~ Que, and naturally he will not tell the truth as soon as they meet.

Moreover, Aoki Town is in the south of Nibi City, 108,000 miles away. It is not an ancient city, and it is impossible for its reputation to spread here.

At most, according to the alliance's internal network, it was found that the gym family in Aoki Town was the Arai family.

As for the family members inside, there is no way to check in this environment where information is lagging behind.

Therefore, it can be said that his statement has no loopholes at all. It is half-truth and half-false. Aoki Town and the Arai family can all be right.

Moreover, this is also an external statement that several people have negotiated for a long time. Otherwise, it would be really troublesome to say something that is backed by the golden market.

With this statement, it can also explain why their strength is so much higher than that of ordinary trainers.

Of course, it can also be said that you have adventures, but you have no background, you are just walking in the busy market with gold!

"Hahaha~ So, we are originally from the main family~ We all came from gymnasiums!"

Hearing Tianji's answer, Yukimura's eyes flashed a strange color, and then he laughed, and at the same time transmitted a voice to his confidant.

"Go to the alliance website and check Qingmu Town. Is the surname of the gym owner Arai?"

On the top floor of the gymnasium, in a monitoring room, a burly young man nodded "yes" and started to operate on the computer.

Soon, I used the gym's real-name account to log in to the intranet and searched for Xiaqingmu Town.

With the sound of "di~", a brief introduction appeared on the screen.

"Aoki Town, located between Nibi City and Joban City...

The current gym owner is Araihara, the gym-level middle-level, the warmaster-level low-level..."

Seeing the surname of Arai, the sturdy young man immediately uploaded a message to his eldest son,

"Brother Yukimura, that's right, the control of Aoki Town is indeed the Arai family."

Yukimura, who was still chatting and laughing with Tianji and others, heard the accurate information and couldn't help feeling excited.

The direct descendant of the Xinsheng Gym, he can still afford it, even if it is stronger than their Lin Ye Gym!

But it is also impossible to send gym-level powerhouses to protect them secretly. Anyway, as far as he knows, among all the new-born gyms in the Kwantung Alliance, there is not a three-door gymnasium, at most a double-door gymnasium.

It is definitely impossible for such a strong person to be sent out to protect the younger generation in the Xinsheng Gym.

As for the gym-level back-up, a wizard with a gym-level combat power will die. You must know that as the eldest disciple of the forestry gym, he is almost the next gym heir. means of life-saving.

If Aoki Gym can put several gym-level combat power on a junior, then he will not have heard of the name of this gym.

Therefore, judging from the combat performance of Tianci and others, although the Aoki Gym is stronger than their Lin Ye Gym, it is also limited. about there.

In this way, even though he has the authority of the agency owner, he can't mobilize the guardian elves in the town, but he can still deal with all the other authority, and he will be able to deal with it. To deal with the two elite low-ranking players, it is still not easy to capture!

Thinking of this, Yukimura, who was chatting happily at first, immediately boiled with the desire and killing intent in his heart.

"Forbearance~ I have to hold back~ I'm trying to find out their strength!"

However, in an instant, he suppressed this killing intent.

It's a pity that there is nothing written about the Taji superpower in the information of the spirit center.

So even though it was only a momentary leak of killing intent, Tanji, who is a superhuman, was born with a more powerful spiritual sense than ordinary people, and still sensed this maliciousness against him.

"What's going on? Why does this guy named Yukimura suddenly want to kill me? Jealous of me being more masculine than him?"

He continued to talk on his lips, but his heart was filled with vigilance!

Tianji believes in the keen spiritual sense of superhumans, this agent named Yukimura definitely has other goals!

"Hahaha~ Brother Tianci, I really hit it off with you! Now that the teacher is not there, I have the final say in the Lin Ye Gym. You also said just now that there is a dumb flower. Although our Lin Ye Gym is not. It is not as long-established as Yuhong Taoist in terms of grass attributes, but on this road, it also has its own unique research.

Otherwise, we will stay overnight in our gym for a few days and discuss with each other. Except for the core inheritance, we can all communicate with each other~”

Yukimura saw that the conversation was almost done, and he couldn't get any other useful information, so he asked Tianji and others to stay, and even offered extremely generous conditions!

As soon as these words came out, Lianna next to her looked at her senior brother in surprise.

"Senior Yukimura risked being punished by the teacher for me..."

Facts have proved that as long as they fall in love, both boys and girls are at risk of losing their IQ.

Up to now, she hadn't realized that her senior brother was just using her as a springboard for contact.

And Xiao Ling, who didn't know the inside story, was surprised to hear that the person in front of her actually said that, and then she looked at Tian Zi with anticipation.

After all, this is the inheritance of a gym. Although it is definitely an equivalent exchange, some knowledge is actually priceless. It is blocked and can be exchanged now. It must be Yukimura's side that suffers a bit.

If we can communicate, it will definitely be of great benefit to Tianji's stunned flower.

So she hoped from the bottom of her heart that Tianji would agree.

As for Tianji himself, if he hadn't noticed the killing intent, he would definitely agree with a hundred willingness.

After all, this is indeed a great benefit!

In Yuhong City, although it can be considered a harvest, it is still far from what he expected.

If you can absorb it in Linye Town, it can greatly increase the background of the flower of the mouth.

Unfortunately, after realizing Yukimura's killing intent against him, he didn't dare to agree.

Live directly in the gangster's base camp, I'm afraid not even a bone will be swallowed.

He still wanted to live, but he wasn't so stupid.

So after a quick weighing in my heart, I immediately made up a reason why I had to leave immediately.

"Alas~ Thank you Yukimura for your love, but these days it really doesn't work!

The task given to us by the owner of the museum will take time to find it in the wilderness area. If it is not completed, we will be criticized by the master and affect our status in the heart of the old man. I am really sorry~”

Chapter 517 Evacuation

"Oh~ I don't know which wilderness area you are going to. Our Forest Leaf Gym still has some knowledge about the nearby wilderness area. Maybe we can help you a little bit~"

Hearing Tianji say this, Yukimura's eyes flickered a few times, and he immediately replied.

"Cough~" In response, Tian Ci coughed and said with a look of embarrassment, hesitatingly said:

"Actually, the few of us don't know where to go. We can only find a needle in a haystack and try our luck in a nearby wilderness area. This is also a test of a teacher."

Yukimura, who understood that Taji didn't want to talk about it, was also sensible and didn't ask any more.

"Okay, if you need our help, feel free to speak up, or ask Lena to show you. She is quite familiar with this wilderness area."

"Okay, okay~"


After politely rejecting Yukimura's kindness, the group chatted for a while, and Tian Chi took the two girls to bid farewell.

After exiting the gate of Lin Ye Taoist Hall and walking another street, Xiao Ling, who was full of doubts, asked:

"Brother Tian Ci, why did you reject the proposal of the Lin Ye Gym? Isn't this a great help to your dumbfoundedness! It's a rare opportunity!"

As for this question, Tianji did not answer the question immediately. Instead, he immediately used his superpower to search the surrounding area to ensure that there were no stalkers, and then placed a soundproof shield around them before replying with a solemn expression:

"No pie will fall from the sky, before that Yukimura had a strong killing intent towards us!

Although he didn't reveal what he said inside or outside, when we said that he was the direct descendant of Arai Gym, he couldn't help revealing a bit of malice, which was caught by my psychic sense.

Xiaoling, if you go back to the previous conversation with this idea in mind, you will find that he has always set our background and strength with a certain purpose. "

Hearing Tianji say this, a thoughtful look flashed across the girl's face, and then the more she thought about it, the more wrong she became, and her face became paler.

"This, this... We have no conflict with Lin Ye Gym, how could you suddenly kill us!

That Yukimura is not only an elite senior, but also an agency owner, how can we resist this, let's run away, Brother Tianji~"

She is not stupid, but she was stunned by Yukimura's enthusiastic appearance and the huge benefits thrown out before. Now that she thinks back, she is indeed full of strangeness, and she can't help but panic.

On the other hand, the fearless Ninghui, who did not know, didn't care too much. On the contrary, she still had reason to think about the reason.

"By the way, why did he want to kill us? Is it because we defeated the person he liked, the one named Lena, and made him lose face?

Or did he have a deep hatred with our Arai family in Aoki Town? "

She was with Tian Ci, and she was someone who had seen the world. Both the gymnasium level and the heavenly king level had seen it in person, so she didn't think a small elite-level high-level could threaten their lives.

Being interrupted by the little maid, Xiao Ling also had a puzzled expression on her face.

"Yeah, why, could it be~"

Before she could say anything, Tianji followed.

"It's the ghost fire. The fire I used in the first battle attracted the man named Yukimura!"

That's right, with just a little thought, Tanji guessed the exact reason.

After all, when they were talking about Aoki Town, whether it was Yukimura or Rina, they all felt like they had never heard of the name, so naturally there was no hatred between them and the Arai family.

As for the nonsense of taking revenge for a loved one, it is impossible at all. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Yukimura doesn't care much about Linna, a little junior sister, and it's just an excuse to approach a few people.

Only Lena herself, a love-minded client, didn't notice it.

Of course, there are other reasons for wanting to kill Tianji and occupying Xiaoling and Ninghui. There is no need to say more about this more nonsensical reason.

Although Xiaoling and Ninghui are both rare beauties, Yukimura, as an elite high-level trainer, is also the senior senior brother with the highest status under the master of the gym. It is not necessary to have any woman you want. .

So after eliminating these factors, the only thing left is to find a reason on Tianzi himself, and the spirit that Tianzi plays, He Luga, is only the ghost fire that is special.

"But it shouldn't. Logically, he should know that after the spirit fire is completely refined by the elves, it can't be absorbed again. Why would he suddenly want to kill a dog to make fire?"

When he first thought of this, he frowned, recalling the task of catching the little fire horse.

"No! Complete refining! Yukimura knows that I have just refined the Nether Spirit Fire, and he still has a chance!"

Thinking of this, the thoughts in Tianji's mind became clearer than ever before.

"That high-cost three-star quest is a quest directly under the local alliance, that is to say, it was released by the local gym, and Yukimura happens to be the agent of the gym and has this authority.

He has long known the news that the Flame Horse family has the spirit fire. It is false to capture the little flame horse. He borrowed a large number of people to find the trace of the Flame Horse family, and it is true to capture the spirit fire!

So in the gym, the challenge application that was submitted not long ago was immediately responded, and a battle was even hurriedly arranged.

Just to test the strength of me and Xiaoling! "

The more he thought about it, the more cold sweat formed on Tanji's forehead.

He found that he was on the brink of life and death at this time!

This is the base camp of the enemy!

Continue to stay in Lin Ye Town~www.readwn.com~ They are afraid that they will die, whether it is the crime of Luo Zhi or the night attack, in black and white, they are at a great disadvantage.

"Let's go, let's leave the Forestry Town now, go to the light red city, take the path in the wilderness area, and avoid their sight!"

"Mmmm, let's go!" Xiaoling also agreed with this.

As for Ninghui's opinion, it doesn't matter. On the way, Tianji will explain it to this self-confident silly girl.

Although it is said that the Pavilion, the King of Heaven has seen it and even participated in the battle.

But this is just like you participated in Taobao Double Eleven, it was very nice, and you participated in a 100 billion-level event.

But in fact, you are just an insignificant little shrimp, and people don't care about your three melons and two dates.

For most people, a million-dollar debt can overwhelm him.

And now Yukimura is the one who brought Tanji millions of debts.

Returning to the topic, the three people who understood their dangerous situation did not even leave the hotel room, so they went straight out of the town gate, which would create the illusion of being out temporarily for Yukimura, and maybe they could delay it for a while.

Second, the people who stayed in the hotel were just dirty clothes, nothing of value or valuable information, so there was no need to go back.


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