Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 510: Seizures and Fraud

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Seeing the strange flame, Tian Ci's eyes flickered. He knew that it was the Nether Spirit Fire. Now that he is firmly standing on the elite level, he already has the capital to show his strength.

Although the spirit fire is very precious, it has been refined by Helujia, and no one else can take it away. He can also keep it by virtue of his status as an elite trainer.

However, thinking of the high temperature killing, he still asked Heruga.

"Heruga, can you still use the normal, high-temperature ordinary fire before?"

Hearing the trainer's question, Heluga closed his eyes and mobilized the fire energy in his lower body, and then opened his mouth to "snort".

"Okay, okay~" Seeing that He Lujia could still use ordinary fire normally, he couldn't help but happily touched the dog's head beside him.

Although the Nether Spirit Fire is much stronger than ordinary flames in any way, the high-temperature ordinary flames are not useless, at least in the low temperature environment, they can still keep warm!

This is no joke. As trainers traveling abroad, the environment they will encounter cannot always be sunny and breezy. On the contrary, in this kind of wilderness area where the alliance is not standardized, the lack of various living materials is the norm.

Returning to the topic, after seeing that Heluga can switch between the two flames, he asked again:

"Heruga, have you comprehended any new moves?"

"Wang! Wang Wang!" Some, some, I'll show you Tianji!

It promised, and looked at the nearest sister Kamui, wearing a beautiful and mysterious water droplet on its neck.

I saw a flicker of evil energy in Heluga's eyes, and a black shadow enveloped the mysterious water droplets on Kamui's neck with lightning speed.

"Kami! Kamikami?" What, what's going on, why isn't my mysterious water droplet sending energy to me? ?

And Kamui, who just reacted, immediately looked at the necklace he was wearing with a look of panic.

Then it turned to look at Heluga, the initiator, the boss with his eyes widened, and the tears began to condense...

"Kami! Woohoo! Cammy! Wooooo~"

Tanji! Woohoo~ Brother Helujia broke my favorite necklace, woohoo~ I want it to be compensated! Let it pay me!

Looking at Kamui who was crying and making a fuss, both Tianji and Helujia were all embarrassed.

"Heruga, look at what you've done, don't coax him!"

No way, Tianji, you can only kick the football back to the initiator.

He has already seen that this move is an evil-type move - seal, which can seal the opponent's props for a long time.

Of course, this must show the strength of the enemy to see how long it can be sealed.

For example, Helujia is now at the elite level, while Kamui is still a common high-ranking player.

On the other side, Helujia walked to Kamui Turtle with a headache, and absorbed the black mist back with a "hush".

"Kami? Kami?w?" Okay, my necklace can be used again! Very good!

Kamy Turtle reacted quickly after being happy for two times. Brother Helujia hadn't apologized to it, so he slapped his face again and hummed.

In this regard, the face of Heluga's dog was full of helplessness. He really didn't think about it that much at the time. He just watched Kamui recently, and the props he was wearing were the most conspicuous, so he took it as a demonstration, it was not dangerous anyway move.

"Hey! It's really only women and villains who are difficult to raise~ Tianji said this sentence is really true~ I'd better be dumb-mouthed brother, don't care about gender."

It sighed in the bottom of my heart, and silently walked to Kamui.

"Wang Wang ~ Wang ~" Sister Kamui, I'm sorry, it's because my brother is not good, and my brother is wrong.

Hearing He Lujia's apology, Kamui's face improved, but he still turned his head arrogantly, indicating that his anger had not disappeared.

Seeing this, Helujia's face became bitter, and he was about to lie down and let Sister Kamui ride for a while to calm down, but suddenly thought of his sudden increase in fire affinity, so he changed his method.

"Wow!~" Sister Kamui, come and see, the special gift I have prepared for you!

Hearing this, Kamui turned his head and looked over.

I saw Heluga's mouth opened, and a blue-purple flame spewed out of its mouth with a "hu" sound, and then the flame seemed to be alive. After wandering in the air a few times, it became a Kamui The appearance is vivid, very vivid.

"Kami!" That's awesome!

Seeing this scene, Kamui was stunned, and no longer had the anger of Heluga.

And Heluga also had a smug expression.

Tanji on the side always felt like he was being fed dog food.

"Heruga, he really licks a dog!"

After scolding secretly, he thought of a question very clearly.

"By the way, isn't that how the coal turtle was born??"

After such a small episode, Heluga was called back by him and continued to show his newly comprehended moves.

In the open space, Helujia called Tianci twice, and signaled him to attack with physical techniques.

"Oh?" Hearing this request, Tian Ci rubbed his fists and rushed over without any nonsense.

When it was about to hit Heluga, a large amount of black energy emerged from its body.

Tianji only felt that his eyes were blurred for a while, and the target of the shot turned from Helujia to Nazi!

He was so frightened that he quickly retracted his strength, but fortunately, because it was an experiment, the force of the punch was not large. After he recovered it, he just felt a little turbulent in his blood, but it was not a big problem.

And when he took a closer look, he found that Heruga was still standing there.

"This trick of fraud has unexpected gains!"

Tianji, who understood what the move was, touched the dog's head, and sighed.

As an elite-level trainer with a background, he can now guess the name of a move as soon as he experiences it.

But what surprised him was that this move could confuse even his warrior-level superpower.

Although the superpower is restrained by the energy of the evil attribute, in the face of the deceptive moves of the evil attribute, the superpower is even more unbearable than the extraordinary power of the common attribute.

But no matter what, the perception that comes with super powers is still very strong. If nothing else, he is much stronger than ordinary extraordinary people.

It's a pity that under this trick, it seems to have become a bubble, and it can make him fall into an illusion and regard the enemy as the most important person in his heart.

The average person sees that he is going to hurt the most important person in his heart, and even if he perceives that something is wrong, he will quickly withdraw his strength.

Chapter 511 Lin Ye Taoist Hall

After experimenting with these two tricks, they returned to the small town where they had taken the mission.

On this long Route 17, there is also a small town with gym-level trainers. Just like the town of Aoki where Tianji and the others came from, although there is a gym, it is still developing.

This town is called Lin Ye Town, and the owner of the museum is also famous for being proficient in grass elements.

When he was in Yuhong City, although he and Xiaoling never played a gym for the first time, they actually launched a second challenge after that. When the opponent was not Lijia, and the knowledgeable exchanges in the past few months, So it was relatively smooth to get the Yuhong badge.

And the badge of the gym in Lin Ye Town, they also intend to take it. After all, there are several ancient cities he does not intend to go to, and he must still have to collect eight badges.

Now come back, one is to finish the task of catching the little fire horse, and the other is to play the gym.

I didn't fight before because I received a time-limited mission, and besides, I couldn't run away from the hall, so why rush it for a while.

"Hello, Mr. Tianji, your quest clue is valid. This three-star quest has been completed for you, and it will not affect your quest completion rate and evaluation."

In the mission area of ​​the Elf Center, the staff returned the Alliance ID Card to Tianji and said respectfully.

"Well, okay." He took the ID card and walked out the door with the two girls.

When he was robbing the spirit fire, he took a picture at random. There were several small fire horses on it, as well as landform features. Naturally, he could act as a clue to offset the penalty for failing the mission.

But what he didn't know was that when the people in the elf center passed the news back to the task issuer, that is, in the Lin Ye Taoist Hall, a young man who was processing documents suddenly shrank his pupils.

"It seems that it has fallen into the hands of this Aoki Tianji. It's a bit troublesome for the low-level elite."

That's right, although the mission of the Elf Center is known as double secrecy, unless there is a special request, it is impossible for the mission issuer and the trainer who receives the mission to know the real information.

But the people who work in the elf center are also people, and there is a possibility of being bribed, not to mention that the person who bribed him is the largest local force - the gym, then pass on the information of the task recipient, this kind of small busyness must be very Happy to help, not to mention a lot of money.

On the other side, after exiting the gate of the elf center, the three of them walked in the direction of Lin Ye Gym.

"Fortunately, I didn't go to the gym ahead of time. This time I just tried the strength of Heluga!"

After opening the door and explaining their intention, they were placed in the rest area. Looking at the Poké Ball in Heruga in his hand, Tatsu could also feel its burning will to fight like a flame.

"Several adults, very lucky, the disciples in our gym that match your strength agreed to play the gym competition today, please come with me to the battlefield on the 2nd!"

Because it is a new generation gym, the overall strength is definitely not comparable to Yuhong gym. Tianji and the others are going to play the elite challenge. There was only one disciple in the lower rank, and the staff said that he was still cultivating.

In such a situation, it depends on whether the disciples of the gymnasium are willing or not, and whether they have time. This is the helplessness of the small gymnasium.

It stands to reason that as long as there is a challenger, the gym should arrange a gym competition as soon as possible, but the new generation of small gyms is not strong in comparison, the ordinary challenger is not bad, basically all the large and small gyms in the Kanto region can do it. Gym competitions will be arranged immediately, but elite challenge competitions are indeed not something that can be arranged casually for the new generation of small gyms.

For example, in Aoki Town, where the three of them were born, apart from the gym owner, there were only two elite-level powerhouses, and they were not cultivated after the gym was established.

If an elite challenger comes to the door, I am afraid that it will take several days to arrange it.

So from this point of view, the strength of the gym in Linye Town is still stronger than that in Aoki Town. Of course, according to the news, the Gym in Lin Ye Town has been established longer than that in Aoki Town.

Returning to the topic, after hearing the staff's words, the three of them also got up quickly and followed.

After going around for a while, the three came to the second venue.

The strange thing is that there are not many spectators here, or most of them seem to be gym staff who have heard the news and have nothing to do.

"Brother Tian Ci, this gym is quite efficient. It didn't delay our time on purpose, and it didn't even earn the ticket money. It's quite conscientious!"

"En~" Hearing Xiaoling's words, Tianji nodded.

In the past, the challenges were all pre-booked, and they were generally asked to wait for 2-3 hours. This time was just right for the gym to promote and sell tickets. You must know that the elite level is still very strong in the eyes of the public, a proper boss!

Spending one or two thousand dollars to watch the big guys fight, isn't it worth it!

So for the gym ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Elite Challenge is a good time to make money, and tickets are not worried about selling.

Of course, this is not very friendly to the challenger, and it is a waste of time.

Now this Lin Ye Gym does not do this, although I don't understand why, but it is a good thing to save time for them.

"Maybe the disciple of the gymnasium who accepted the challenge has something to do, so I want to finish it soon!"

After thinking about it, he came to this conclusion.

"Maybe~" The girl didn't think much about it, and agreed.

Soon on the field, they saw their opponent this time. It was a woman with long flaxen hair and a beautiful face. She was wearing a white and green Lin Yezhen uniform. There was nothing special about her.

And when Tianji and a few people saw her, she naturally saw a few people too.

As the fourth disciple of the master of the gymnasium, her name is Yue Ye, and her strength is at the low level of the elite.

Originally, she and her vine monster were training a new move, and they were about to succeed, so they didn't plan to ignore this challenge, and told Tianji and the others to wait for a few days.

But at this time, the master of the gymnasium, Lin Jin found her and asked her to do her a favor, to fight against the challenger this time, and test her level.

No way, she came.

After the gym owner went out, the Lin Ye gymnasium was run by the elder brother who had reached the middle level of the elite and was only one step away from reaching the high level.

In addition, the big brother has always treated her well, and she can't refuse it.

Although I don't know what the big brother's intention is, since she has been instructed to show her true skills to fight well, then she will go all out!

In a secret room of the gym, Lin Jin, the senior brother of Lin Ye gym, was sitting in front of a computer, watching everyone through surveillance.

"Let me see if that spirit fire is in your hands~"


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