Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 506: Origin promotion method

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As for Bidiao, it is very good at pulling hatred. After discovering a group of Radas with good strength, he immediately opened his mouth and shouted:

"Bi~Bi Bi~Bi Diao!" Listen to all of you little mice, I come from the great Flame Horse clan, and I'm their messenger. The Flame Horse family is about to appear as a gym-level overlord, you little mice Hurry up and pack up all your belongings, and go to the valley to make offerings to the great flaming horse family!

After speaking, it left a contemptuous look and turned its head and flew away!

The Rat King and a group of elite Lada who heard this screamed in dissatisfaction.

"Porada!" What is that bird! A mere elite low-ranking, so arrogant!

"Pfft! Pfft!" The flame horse clan on the other side of the valley, wasn't the same strength as us before, so an elite is about to come out, put p!

"Pfft!" Let us take all the resources to offer! Even if there is a gym class, I don't believe it can kill us all!


Hearing the indignant voices of the surrounding elite Lada, the rat king in the middle also flashed a hint of coldness in his eyes.

They are the Lada clan, and I dare not say anything else. They are definitely the first in this area in terms of population, and with a large population base, the probability of appearing strong will naturally be high.

It is the strength of the elite-level high-level itself. After integrating other small Lada groups, there are more than 20 elite-level Ladas under its command, plus those flooded ordinary Ladas, it is fully qualified to set off one. Small-scale rat tide.

Therefore, when they do not report to the group, the Lada clan may not seem to be very strong, but when they really report to the group, they are definitely one of the best forces in this area.

"Puff lada~ lada!" Let's go! Jiros! Go to the valley with me to have a look, the flame horse clan wants to become the overlord of this area, and it depends on whether our Lada clan agrees!



At the call of the Rat King, the rest of the Lada responded one after another, and went to the valley in a mighty way.

And after that, taking advantage of his own speed, Bi Diao found another group of giant hornbees and Ba Dahu mixed together, and after saying this, he flew back.

The time Tianci gave was limited, so he could only agitate two ethnic groups.

After all, the group of flaming horses in the valley are already preparing for the ceremony. If it is late, I am afraid that the spiritual fire will be absorbed by the high-ranking flaming horse.

At that time, if you really become a gym-level boss, it will be fun. If you can't encourage it, you will really gain the recognition of so many elves, and you will be chased and killed again.

At this time, in the valley, the two elite flame horses also decided the winner.

There is only one Spirit Fire, but there are two elite-level and high-ranking flame horses. Although two flame horses usually get along well, but in the face of the interests of the road, they still have to do it. some.

This is also to gain the approval of the little fire horse and the flaming horse at the venue. Only the stronger can lead the group to become more prosperous!

"Herod!" In the middle of the valley, the victorious flaming horse called out majestically, although it was covered in scars.


"Hey hey~"

After the winner shouted, the rest of the bystanders also shouted immediately to help him.

A few people from Tianji who came over just happened to see this scene!

"Brother Tian Ci, how do you know that this flaming horse family will definitely not refine the spirit fire right away! They will go and get these stupid things first."

Xiaoling looked at this scene in surprise and asked a question out of curiosity.

In this regard, Tanji smiled and said:

"Xiaoling, at first glance, you didn't read the basic knowledge given by Nazi.

In fact, this is how the wild elves increase the success rate of promotion.

With the momentum after winning the battle, and the recognition of the unity of the clansmen, they will have a greater success rate when they are promoted!

Sometimes this kind of idealistic power is unclear, but it is indeed useful, especially when the leader of a large ethnic group is promoted. "

Hearing this explanation, the girl's face couldn't help showing an embarrassed look, she really didn't look at it.

On the other hand, Ninghui still has a doubt, after thinking about it, she still asked:

"Then master, won't the injuries caused by their previous battles affect the promotion?"

"There is still a little bit, but people are not stupid. Fighting between the same clan, unless there are special circumstances, is generally not too serious, so don't look at the two high-ranking flame horses with many scars, but in fact, most of them are skin injuries, and Other clansmen will help them, you can just watch it, maybe the quality of the spirit fire obtained this time is unexpectedly high!"

Hearing the little maid's question, Tianji explained it, and then saw that the few elite flame horses in the low and middle section began to burn the flames on his body violently, and his eyes lit up.

I saw that in the valley, the flames all over the body suddenly soared with a "swoosh" from the roaring flaming horses.

A few at the elite level have pushed the power of elements to the extreme.

"Herod!" Then they shouted, and an extremely pure flame spit out from its mouth, flowing towards the bluish-purple flame, and a small part of it also flowed to the two elites with scars. segment of the flame horse.

"Swish~" Under this small part of pure fire energy, the injuries on the two injured flaming horses healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The one lying on the ground, after feeling that he was able to move, stood up and walked to the side silently, no longer absorbing the fire energy contributed by the clansmen.

And that group of ghost fire, after absorbing so much pure fire energy, swelled with a "bang", and the colors on it became brighter.

"This, this is using their source power to support the spirit fire!"

Seeing this scene, Xiao Ling said in surprise.

"Yeah, in order for the flaming horse to break through the gym as much as possible, this entire group is of one mind! No matter the cost!"

Tian Ci looked at the valley, except for the basic freshman-level little fire horse who did not spit out the flames of their origins, the others all gave their origins, and could not help but sigh.

The fire energy of the original source can not be recovered casually. This is their foundation. Just a trace of the original energy spit out by his group of small fire horses, the flame horses will be weak for a period of time afterwards, resulting in a decline in combat power. , or even spit out a lot, maybe from now on, the strength will not be able to improve!

This is simply the practice of sacrificing the public to achieve one!

Of course, in this elf world where personal force is supreme, it is normal to do so.

After all, a gym-level can easily sweep their entire group.

Chapter 507

It went on like this for a while, and when many flaming horses and small flaming horses paid their origin, the breath of the ghost fire became more and more cold, and even a little frost appeared around the land below it.

On the other hand, the elite-level high-ranking flame horse who is about to be promoted is in an unprecedented state at this time!

The whole body seems to be burning with flames, and it is about to be promoted!

"Why don't we do it? If it devours the spirit fire, we will fall short?"

Seeing this scene, the impatient Xiao Ling asked directly and softly.

"En~" Tian Ci nodded, then looked around and explained:

"We are going to shoot, but the main force is not us!"

After he finished speaking, he gestured to the little maid and Xiao Ling, indicating that it was time to take action.

After receiving Tianji's signal, the little maid raised her hand and let go of the big-billed gull.

"The big-billed gull uses the rainy day, the largest range!"

"Bah!" The big-billed gull, who heard the order, agreed, and the whole body shone with blue light, and then opened its mouth, and a huge water polo quickly rose into the sky.

Rainfall is its characteristic, just like people are born to eat, so the control is still very arbitrary.

Soon the upper part of the valley was covered with dark clouds, and the light rain of "crashing" kept falling.

Although the rain is the talent of the big-billed gull, in the final analysis, it is just an ordinary elf in the middle, and it is very good to make the light rain in the whole valley.

"Herod~" Why did it suddenly rain?

"Herod~Herod~" I hate rain the most, won't it affect the leader's promotion?


Many ordinary-level little fire horses, flaming horses did not notice the difference, but looked at the leader in the middle of the valley with worried eyes.

But those flaming horses who have reached the elite level are keenly aware of the difference in these rains.

"Herod~" Is this rainwater with energy?

"Herod! Herod!" There are enemies! Be alert! Be alert!

After discovering the difference, a flame horse in the middle of the elite level shouted!



Hearing the cry of this flaming horse, the many little flaming horses who had been weakened by dedicating their power to the source, the flaming horses all fought hard and stood up.

It's a pity that it was too late. Not long after they stood up, the fast swimming frogs, gem starfish and giant marsh monsters on Xiaoling's side all used water cannon moves, but they didn't intend to attack anyone. On the contrary, they used these three moves. The water cannons are fused together.

Then there is the performance of the sculpture.

"With the storm!"

"Bi Diao!" Under Tianji's order, Bi Diao began to flap his wings violently.

This storm, combined with the water volume of the three water cannons, combined with the rainy weather, turned it into a storm!

"Crash! Crash!"


Although this trick is a bit flashy and cumbersome, it is an appropriate benefit to use on the flaming horses at the bottom of the valley.

The newborn-level little fire horse cubs have long been hiding at this time, but those ordinary low and middle-level little fire horses, flaming horses, are not, and they are also the most affected by this storm.

I was already weak because of the power of the source, and now I am still drenched in the storm that is rich in water energy. There are many small fire horses with ordinary low-level, "Herod", and fell to the ground. .

After all, it is still a big burden for their small bodies after the power of the source is given out!

Seeing this scene, I felt that the time was almost up. Tianji directly linked to all the elves he could sense except the flaming horse clan, and said:

"Let's go together! What are you waiting for, I really hope that there will be a hegemonic clan to dominate you! If the flame horse clan is destroyed, the spirit fire is yours, and the territory is also yours!"

When he said this sentence, he also used the trick of bewitching, and the mental power of the warrior level disappeared smoothly.

Facts have proved that most of this mental power is still very useful.

"Whoa! Whoa!"





Under his bewitchment, many ordinary-level wild elves shot out brazenly, and even a few elite-level Lada rushed down.

Although they knew that the human was using them as spearmen, there was one sentence that was right. In this area, they did not want a real overlord.

Now it's divided, and it's good that the various ethnic groups are separated from each other and ruled!

And the flaming horses who still have combat power below are not to be outdone, opening their mouths is a burst of flames!

The sound of "bang bang bang" fighting in the valley was unaware for a while.

It's a pity that the flaming horse clan was also affected by the storm, and even Xiaoling, a natural water superhuman, joined in, so the storm didn't stop at all.

In this environment, more and more flaming horses fell to the ground, some anxious, and even went straight to eat.

"Herod! Herod!" Chief, go! Quickly take the spirit fire and go first! Time to avenge us!

"Herod!" Chief, put away your spiritual fire and go!

Faced with this situation, the flaming horses, who knew that they could not advance, began to persuade one by one.

And the leader of the flame horse is not hypocritical. Living in this cruel natural environment, they understand that the hope of the population is the key, so it immediately called to the spiritual fire in the air that was not affected by the rain at all.

And because of the fact that they had received a lot of power from the source of the flaming horses before, the original ownerless spirit fire ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ began to get close to the flaming horses spontaneously, and was called by the leader of the blazing horses. It moved closer to it.

Just at this moment, Tian Ci made a "swoosh" and teleported between the two, and a jade box in his hand "snapped" and took the spirit fire in!

"Herod!" Seeing this scene, the leader of the flaming horse was furious, and subconsciously wanted to open his mouth and spit out a flame, burn this ignorant human being to death, and **** the spiritual fire back.

However, it suddenly felt that the body was sour and weak, and the energy mobilization was a lot obscure. After the first-class turn, it was found to be poisoned!

That's right, under the storm just now, Tianji's mouth-watering flower didn't do anything. It mixed the messy toxins with its sweet aroma and venom. For Ma, it's just a matter of burning the toxins in Wan's body as soon as the fire energy is running.

But at this time, Tian Chi made another "swoosh" and teleported back to the top of the valley.

The low-level elite mouth dumb flower, with the lock of 4 toxins, can control the leader of the flame horse for a moment is very good.

After all, its poisoning is not deep, and the flames burning on the body of the flaming horses are natural protective clothing.

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