Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 461: multiple bursts

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The monkey forest, who was kneeling on the side, also heard the discussion of the surrounding clansmen, and an embarrassed and embarrassed expression appeared on its face.

In the past, when training against each other in the clan, it used two bursts of air, and it could hit a few back and forth even if it was bad, but this time it really was a miscalculation.

I didn't expect the opponent's move to be so powerful!

What it doesn't know is that when training in the group, the opponents are internal elves, and they also live in the wild. Most elves can rely on their own bloodline inheritance, and in the bloodline inheritance of the popular monkey family, there is no such thing as What kind of powerful move, when everyone moves the same way, its bonus power after the second burst of gas is naturally very prominent.

But compared with Xiaoling's carefully cultivated fast swimming frog, whether it is physical fitness or strength of moves, it is naturally incomparable.

Although the group has already given it the best resources, no matter what, the hot monkey group living in the Falling Almond Forest is only an elite group, and the wild environment cannot be compared with that provided by human trainers.

Back on the battlefield, Monkey Forest, who felt humiliated, was very annoyed at this time! It also decided not to hold back!

Although it had already thought that it would lose before playing, it didn't want to lose so ugly!

"Puha!" I saw it screamed loudly, and white energy emerged again on the surface of the body. The difference was that this time it was no longer a very shallow pale white, but a milky white, even vaguely. Some red flashes!

"This~ This is!" Seeing this scene, Tian Ci was shocked, and his mental power was staring at every inch of the hot monkey's body!

In his perception, the blood of this hot monkey is not only flowing rapidly, but also its vertebral keel is buzzing and vibrating.

There are more mysterious substances in its body!

At the same time, its aura is also rising, and when it looks up, its eyes are covered with bloodshots, which is very scary!

"Puha~Puha~" This time, I must make you look good!

Surprisingly, the monkey forest in this state still did not lose its mind. On the contrary, it cried out twice in relief.

Although the total amount of elemental power is still one time, there is no change, but its physique has been greatly enhanced with the help of the irritable factor.

Of course, its overall strength is definitely still at the low level of the elite level, and the power of elements at this level is the real decisive factor.

Even in the duel training, even if it used three bursts of gas, it was still not the opponent of Monkey Ba, which could explain the problem very well.

After all, the total amount of its elemental power is really too small, and it has just stabilized.

Of course, in its view, the fast swimming frog has only 2-3 times of elemental power, and three bursts of gas should be able to win! The difference is not that big!

"Yo!" As for the provocation of the hot monkey, Kuaiyan Frog also showed a solemn expression on his face, put on a posture, and was ready to go all out!

"Swimming frogs, this time we come first! Water bursts!"

In this situation, Xiaoling naturally wouldn't let the fast-swimming frog go to close combat with the hot monkey, so he immediately let the fast-swimming frog use a long-range attack.

Hearing the order, the fast swimming frog did not hesitate, raising his hand and hitting it with dozens of water bombs.

This kind of small move, after the elite level, is completely easy to come by.

And the hot monkey didn't care about the oncoming water bombs at all, only to see its paws lit up with white light, and it shattered the water bombs that could not be avoided with a few "swoosh".

After offsetting the energy in it, what remains is just ordinary water, which naturally does not cause any harm to it.

So it lifted its wet right hand, and let out two disdainful calls.

"Pfft! Pfft~" Trash, is it only this level?

And the monkey monsters who saw that the monkey forest finally showed their power, were also excited at this time.

"Okja! Okja!" The leader of the monkey forest is so powerful!

"Hoja!" Sure enough, a genius is a genius!

"Puha~Puha~" The boy Monkey Forest really didn't let us down!

Even the ordinary high-ranking hot monkey who had a little complaint before changed his mouth immediately.

However, there is a hot monkey with gloomy eyes, and it is a monkey tyrant.

"Puha~Puha~" Monkey Lin, an idiot, can't use his energy to bounce all these water bombs. How can he get all the water all over his body? It's really stupid!

And just as Houba cursed inwardly, a smile appeared on Xiaoling's face.

She moved her mouth a few times, and then conveyed an order to the fast swimming frog.

The fast swimming frog, who received the order, also smiled slightly, and the water blue energy appeared in his hands, and at the same time, the water element mark on his body began to shine.

I saw that the water that had been sprinkled around the monkey forest suddenly came to life and quickly formed a vortex, trapping it firmly inside!

"Puha? Puff!" What! What the **** is this!

Monkey Forest, who had never fought against a water-type powerhouse, was directly fixed in place. The strong centripetal force made it difficult to move, and a panicked expression appeared on his face.

"Heh~ end it, swim frog fast, use the frozen wind!"

Seeing the fiery monkey with a panicked face, Xiaoling chuckled lightly and was ready to let the fast swimming frog end it.

From the battle to the present, she can also see that this hot monkey is very inexperienced in combat, so she will no longer waste time.

"Yo!" Hearing the order, the fast swimming frog immediately puffed out his mouth, and at the same time the water element mark on his body began to flash again. This is the second time it has been blessed with the power of the element!

With the sound of "huh", a hoarfrost force quickly attacked the fire trapped in the tidal vortex.

Because of the blessing of the power of the elements, there was a freezing sound of "kakaka" soon, and the hot monkey that was wet with water was frozen much faster than expected!

"Pfft!" You bastard!

Monkey Forest felt the colder aura in the body, and couldn't help but scolded angrily. In its perception, because of the freezing, the blood flow rate slowed down. Correspondingly, its explosive gas bonus also became weaker. This is a Vicious circle!

If there is no way to do it, it will really be terminated here!

There was no way for it, his eyes flashed fiercely, "Puha!" I saw it shouting, and the imprint of the fighting element on its forehead instantly appeared. Yes, it can only use the blessing of elemental power to fight. Bundle.

Then, a very strong fighting system energy instantly enveloped it. This is the fighting system's big move - close combat!

It is a move that gives up defense and infuses all energy into attack.

With the explosion of "Bang!", a large number of ice chips flew around, and it broke free!

"Right now, use the freezing beam!" Unfortunately, before it could catch its breath, Xiao Ling's order immediately followed and knocked it down into the abyss!

I saw the fast swimming frog waiting for work, raised his hand for a chapter, and a white light beam shot towards it at a high speed.

Chapter 462

Although he saw the light beam exuding a chilling air, the monkey forest was unable to make any move. The sudden explosion just now had exhausted its strength, and now it was temporarily out of power, and there was no way to make an effective action.

"Okja! Okja!" The leader of the monkey forest quickly dodge! Hurry up!

"Pfft!" Monkey Forest quickly stood up!


The ordinary clansmen who were watching were anxiously cheering because they didn't understand!

It's a pity that Monkey Forest is so overdrafted now that he can't even answer a word, let alone avoid it.

Just when it closed its eyes and waited to be frozen, a sudden "bang" explosion woke it up.

It opened its eyes and looked, and found that it was the monkey tyrant standing in front of it.

It turned out that at the critical moment just now, it was the monkey tyrant who rushed over and shattered the frozen beam with his flaming fist.

"Puha~Puha~" We conceded defeat this time, and I will come next time!

After dispelling the frozen beam, Monkey Ba said directly.

In response, the already defeated Monkey Forest didn't say much, just stood up silently and withdrew with difficulty.

"Puha~" If I went out to practice, would I be able to learn Flame Fist, Thunder Fist, and Freezing Fist like Big Brother Houba?

The first time he lost so badly, Monkey Lin couldn't help but give birth to the heart to experience.

As we all know, although Monkey Ba is arrogant, he has arrogant capital.

It can be promoted to the elite, entirely because of its life-threatening combat experience. In the early days, before it evolved into a hot monkey, that is, the ordinary low-level, the monkey tyrant went out of the apricot forest alone, in the mountains, woods, rivers, etc. There are countless wild elves and human trainers who have experienced, fought and fought in various places.

In this battle, although it has been in danger several times, it has also learned a lot.

Rumor has it that this Thunder Fist, Flame Fist, and Frozen Fist was learned from the hands of an overlord in the mountains, King Nido.

And this is naturally Monkey Ba's private wealth. After returning to the clan, it is impossible to let it be selflessly handed over to the clan.

In fact, so far, only three of the clan's companions have learned new moves from Houba, and among these three companions, the venerable old clan leader has to be removed, so that there are only two left.

And the monkey forest, the elite who grew up in the honey pot, is naturally looked down on by the actual combat faction like the monkey bar, so it is impossible for it to learn new moves from the monkey bar.

In fact, it was quite surprising that Houba was able to help him just now. You must know that when he was in the group before, the attitude of Houba towards her was very bad!

Returning to the topic, when Monkey Forest returned to the back in a state of despair, without looking up, it could feel the questioning gazes of the elves around it, and even hear some whispers.

However, as a natural talent who can control emotions, it will naturally not shake its own mirror because of these doubts.

Able to become an elite-level powerhouse, although it is raised by resources and talents, there is still no shortage of xinxing, otherwise it will not be able to become an elite-level, and the level of spiritual knowledge will not be able to pass.

"It seems that it's time for me to go out for a walk. I remember that the old patriarch also promised me that I could go out to practice at the elite level."

After thinking about it, it began to close its eyes and adjust its body, ignoring the discussions around it.

Seeing that Monkey Forest closed his eyes, he didn't care about failure at all, and many of his family members who were usually jealous of his treatment even started to discuss it.

"Okja! Okja!" Looking at the monkey forest, who didn't know it thought it had won the battle?

"Pfft~" Yes, yes, you can get so many resources without doing anything before!

"Okja~Okja~" was defeated so easily this time, let's see what face it has before occupying the resources in the clan!


And the monkey tyrant on the battlefield naturally heard the clan's discussion, but it didn't mean to stop it.

To tell the truth, it looks down on the monkey forest very much. How can it get the best training from birth, just because of that nonsense rumor, and the talent to control emotions?

Monkey King firmly believes that, with his desperate efforts, one day, he can reach the gymnasium, and even the king level!

(ps: In ancient times, elves were not called gym-level, this is the name after the emergence of human trainers. Before, elves were called leader-level, but now with the rise of human trainers, they are close to human gathering places. The wild elves were inevitably affected.)

Back on the battlefield, the monkey tyrant at this time didn't pay attention to the monkey forest at all. To be honest, if it weren't for the face of the same clan and the old patriarch, he didn't bother to help the monkey forest to block the last one.

Now it's time for it to earn face back for the Hot Monkey Clan!

"Puha! Puff!" I saw it shouted loudly at the mouth dumb flower twice, meaning, come up quickly, the next is the battle between you and me!

Well, as a battle-hardened elite-level powerhouse, it still knows how to choose an opponent.

That fast swimming frog has just experienced a battle, and according to the battle just now, it is obvious that the total amount of elemental power does not exceed 3-4 times. If you choose it, it will seem that it is a bit bullying and falling. Its prestige!

And if you choose Bidiao, although the strength is comparable (I noticed it when I tested it in the air before), this terrain does not have tall trees for it to borrow. If Bidiao flies into the air, it is not blind, Moreover, it was restrained by the eagles~www.wuxiamtl.com~ If it loses easily again, then the monkey tyrant is not going to lose face with the monkey forest!

So I can only choose to be dumb. The attributes of the two sides are not restrained, and the strength should be similar. Of course, it would be better if it was a soft persimmon. What if it was an elf who had just broken through? Then it's not a sure win!

Of course, what it doesn't know is that although the total amount of elemental power of the mouth dumb flower is not as good as that of the sculpture, it is not too bad. When it first broke through in Hualan City, there were almost 6-7 times. Level, and then these days, the Sacred Spring has been completely digested, and there are enough elemental crystals for it to absorb, so now the power of the elements in the mouth of the flower has steadily reached the amount of 8 times of use!

And Tian Ci didn't say much after seeing that the one-eyed hot monkey chose the mouth dumb flower, although it was definitely more dominant than the eagle, but this battle was to be carried out according to the requirements of the hot monkey, and He also believed in his own dumb flower, so he directly let it on the field.

"Moo!" The mouth was stunned by Tian Ci's eyes, and he jumped twice before standing in front of the one-eyed hot monkey, posing a fighting stance!

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