Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 440: special mission mechanics

The high reward of the task is one point, and the penalty for failure of the other task is also abnormally high, reaching two-thirds of the reward of the task!

You must know that when you are in the elf center, there is no penalty for failing some tasks, and the most is to make a note on your completion record.

Of course, like this kind of task time limit, there is usually a punishment, but at most, it is only about a quarter, two-thirds of the strength, I am afraid that it will scare away many trainers with sufficient strength.

After all, there are too many accidents in the wild, who can guarantee that they will be able to complete all the tasks?

According to the behavior of most trainers, they usually pick up several related tasks to do together to improve efficiency, but things can't always develop in the direction you want, and it is normal for one or two tasks to be incomplete occasionally.

Even Tianji himself, in the past few years of his adventurous career, his mission completion rate is only over 80%, which is considered to be at the middle and upper level.

The quests that are usually received in the elf center will be subtracted one after another. In fact, the proportion of the penalty for failure is very small.

But in the Nurturers Association, this is no good. If you fail, you will be deducted two-thirds of the reward for this task. This is acceptable to ordinary people! Certainly not acceptable!

If you accept a 300-point task and a 200-point task, you complete the 300-point task, and the other one is not completed, you will be deducted more than 130 points, which is equivalent to going out to do the task. You only earned less than one hundred and seventy points, who can accept this?

Even so, it seems to be about the same as what the elite center does, but you still have to run the risk of being hated by cultivators!

After all, these tasks are all released by cultivators. People set time limits to use them in a hurry. Although you have compensated two-thirds of the compensation, some cultivators just need time to catch up with the deadline, and they may silently put you in their hearts. Pulled into the blacklist.

Of course, this kind of task is actually very easy to distinguish. If the contribution point of the reward is more than 5 times that of the Elf Center, then it is estimated that people are really eager to use it, and those who are not sure to complete it, it is best not to accept it.

For example, what Xiaoling saw was more than twice the normal range.

These unspoken rules are impossible to put on the surface. They are the guides that were paid and downloaded on the online forum before. The price is not cheap, 2000 alliance coins!

When Tianji downloaded it at that time, it showed that he had downloaded more than 10,000 copies, which made his eyes red with envy.

This is easy to get more than 20 million!

But there is no way. Now that the alliance network system is almost perfect, some strategies have been passed on by trainers who saw the opportunity a long time ago. As a latecomer, they can only watch them make money.

(Refer to Baidu Wenku, Zhihu and other databases in real life. When they first came out, they spent money and collected strategies. The first batch of crab eaters made a lot of money. Now the latecomers want to do these things, It's almost impossible, all basic strategies and knowledge points are included.)

And at the end of this guide, it also gives a reminder: Novices can try to pick up tasks that are one level lower than their real strength first! ! !

Hara Honda still didn't care about this reminder. He and Xiaoling were struggling in the wild. They had been born and died for several years. How could it be possible that they could not even arrange two or three tasks well? It was ridiculous!

But after seeing such a serious task punishment, he suddenly felt that it was not bad to take one step at a time~

What an accident or something, it's too bad!

And this task is just within their ability, so Tianji said to Xiaoling:

"Let's go next, Xiaoling! Then I'll pick up another one from here, and give it a try first."

"Oh~ okay!" The girl who was used to being arranged by Tianji nodded and immediately pressed the accept button.

"Di~ Congratulations, you successfully accepted a three-star mission!"

Soon, a dialog box popped up on the operation interface of the screen, indicating that Xiaoling has successfully accessed.

And Tian Ci also returned to his computer at this time. At this time, there are two options on his interface, namely: the cultivator task and the trainer task!

Out of curiosity, he ordered the cultivator quest.

To tell the truth, although Ninghui, the little maid beside me, is learning about nurturing families whenever she has time, but Tianji, who didn’t like to study very much in her previous life, had a headache when she saw this thick book, so she basically didn’t pay much attention to it. class knowledge.

But unfortunately, his operation interface soon popped up a window, rejecting his browsing request.

"Your qualification certificate is a trainer status. I'm very sorry that you can't browse the cultivator tasks. Please use the cultivator certification card to identify and operate again!"

Seeing this, Tian Ci shook his head and smiled bitterly, feeling that this breeder really has a lot of rules!

Even the cultivator mission did not let other people take a second look. . . Really are. . .

But thinking about it carefully, people do have the capital to be proud of. After all, a cultivator can be said to be a mixture of various single auxiliary occupations.

Just learning knowledge, it is not uncommon for most people to learn for 8-9 years!

Ninghui is talented, and with Nazi's dedicated help, she can practice more than a dozen types of elves. From this, you can see the difficulty of cultivating a family!

In fact, according to the normal plan, it should be 3 years before the little maid will go to take the cultivator's certificate for the first time, and gain a lot of knowledge. It is common sense to get the primary certificate in the next year, or even the next year.

However, now with the help of Miss Lijia's new formula, it is quite a few years ahead of schedule.

On the other side, Ninghui was sweating profusely answering the question. Judging from the thick stack of test papers on her desk, she had been doing it for a while.

Although she has read all the books, and she has become extraordinary, her memory has also grown, but the tricky and numerous topics still make her feel tired.

For example, a question she is doing now asks: How can I tell the mood of Da Duck?

Seeing this question, Ninghui's mind immediately flashed a yellowish-looking Duck Duck with a dull face.

Then no matter what she thinks, all she can think of is the dull and honest expression, I really don't know how to distinguish it! ! !

There was no other way, the little maid could only write such a sentence on the answer box based on the principle of filling all the exam papers.

"You can see the waving of the Duck's tail and the subtle changes in his eyes."

She responded by applying the habits of most elves with tails, and she didn't dare to say that she was right, but she hoped that she could get a little bit of it, and it would be good to give a score of 1-2.

"Hey! It's too difficult~ My head is mushy!"

After writing this question, Ninghui knocked on her head with a grudged woman's expression.

Chapter 441 Mission Selection

Of course, what Ninghui didn't know was that the specific mood of the Duck was actually identified by the three black hairs on the top of its head. (I made it up, don't spray if you don't like it)

Not to mention Ninghui, who is still fighting in the sea, Tianzi is slowly browsing the tasks he can do.

Since he couldn't see the cultivator quest, he was no longer curious, and directly clicked on the trainer quest and checked them one by one.

Because his qualification card is an elite-level trainer, he can see up to five-star tasks, which are tasks corresponding to the middle of the elite.

Task number: 104679

Mission level: five star

Mission description: Need elite-level stinky nectar, overlord flower is the best! Just a pound!

Mission time limit: 10 days

Quest Reward: Elite-level stinky nectar can get 650 contribution points per pound! The nectar of the overlord flower is 900 points!

Low-level cultivator: Li Jin

Tel: 0528-1548xxxx247

Mission failure: 450 contribution points will be confiscated!

Seeing this mission, Tianji immediately remembered his previous experience in the Rocket Team mission in Aoki Town. The smell of stinky flowers really doesn't smell too good! ! !

Therefore, he was terrified, and immediately skipped this task.

In fact, even if he wanted to do it, he felt that he couldn't finish it, and his strength couldn't reach it!

This is not the kind of small group in the wild in Qingmu Town. If you want to find an elite-level stinky flower or even an overlord flower, you must go to an unmarked area of ​​the alliance, and the enemies you face will definitely not be elite-level. The opponent, but the siege of a large group of smelly flowers.

After all, there are several elite-level stinky flower groups, and they are definitely a big group!

With the strength of the two, it is impossible for four elite-level combat power to fight, not to mention that Xiaoling is still restrained, so after a careful review, he finally chose the following task.

Task number: 102476

Mission Level: Three Stars

Task description: You need 10 catties of fruit wine brewed by the monkey monster family, which is of ordinary quality!

Mission time limit: 7 days

Quest Reward: One pound of ordinary monkey wine can contribute 30 points!

Low-level cultivator: Cang Li

Tel: 0528-1438xxxx054

Mission failure: 200 contribution points will be confiscated!

This task seems to be good as long as you search for a small group of ordinary level, but the time is more urgent, only one week.

You must know the monkey monsters of the small group, but there is not much fruit wine in stock, and those who want to climb up will usually eat the good Lingguo Linghua themselves. Even if there is not enough food, the whole group will not have any intention of making wine at all.

So it often happens that a whole small group is swept up and not a drop of fruit wine is found.

Only in a clan with an elite leader can it be guaranteed that there must be fruit wine.

Because only the existence of elite-level powerhouses can ensure the basic survival needs of the entire ethnic group.

Like the small group of monkey monsters that Tianji and the others encountered in the unmarked forest before, they hunted around every day, pinning their heads on their belts to find food.

The elite-level hot monkeys can openly occupy multiple spirit fruit trees to provide food for their own groups, and even large groups with more powerful ones will specially "shelter" a group of weak elves, allowing them to reproduce freely. , harvest a wave from time to time.

Natural selection, the natural law of the jungle, is vividly reflected.

Returning to the topic, after choosing these two tasks, Tianji and Xiaoling rested on the seats beside them, quietly waiting for Ninghui's assessment results.

Generally speaking, after dedicating the new formula, as long as you don't kill yourself and have enough knowledge, there should be no problem.

He sees that the little maid usually takes her studies very seriously, so there should be no problem, right?

After all, Ninghui is not a fool who doesn't learn anything and gets a certificate if she wants to offer a recipe.

There were such two fools when the Breeders Association was first incorporated, but unfortunately they all ended in vain, and the new formula was handed over without getting a certificate! ! !

At most, the Alliance, in the spirit of humanitarianism, comfortably took tens of thousands of Alliance Coins for those who failed the assessment...

There's nothing you can do if you want to make trouble. After all, this day is still under the control of the Alliance. In the end, you can only suffer from a dumb loss. After all, the biggest reason is that you are not ready!

So after this, there will be no two fools delusional to directly obtain the cultivator certificate.

At this time, Ninghui in the assessment room finally finished the thick stack of test papers in front of her. Although she had read all the books, she only read it once, relying on the enhanced memory of the extraordinary to swallow the jujube, so after finishing the answer Still a little apprehensive.

But the assessment mechanism did not allow her to move the test paper, so she had no chance to check, and could only let the computer in front of her start to automatically check the wrong questions.

"Di Di Di..." Soon, with the sound of automatic rewriting, Ning Hui's final result was revealed.

"Ms. Soya Ninghui, your score in the written test this time is 42. Congratulations, you passed the written test!"

"Oh yeah! I passed! Passed!" Hearing this passable grade, Ninghui's face showed an ecstatic expression, and she shouted uncontrollably in the empty room, inexplicably "Fan Jinzhong" "lift" feeling!

Because the knowledge of cultivators is too complicated, the written test requirements for cultivators are not particularly high. For example, the normal test is 60 points to pass, but the written test for cultivators only needs 40 points.

Well... it's similar to some large academic exams in previous lives.

Of course, what Ninghui didn't know was that in fact her grades were still watery. The real grade should be 38 points, only two points away from passing.

After all, she only passed the knowledge points once, and did not review it again and again. Although she was a little talented, she was not a genius.

Think about those civil service examinations, postgraduate examinations, and doctoral examinations. It really stops thousands of people with one score!

But why her score was raised by 4 points~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Of course, it was because the person who reviewed the formula discovered the clue of the new formula!

Although the poison-locking formula has not been used much since Lijia created it, it has still been shown and said in front of people a few times.

As a master of perfume development, Lijia is also a good herbalist herself, and the local cultivator association naturally has close contacts with Lijia.

After all, the two sides have had exchanges on the cultivation of many spirit grasses and spirit flowers.

Among the few people who reviewed the formula, there was a woman who was Lijia's friend and had seen the anti-virus move she performed, so she recognized the formula at the first sight that it was the anti-poison formula created by Lijia.

Confused in her heart, she immediately called Lijia, and she quickly understood what was going on after she asked the reason.

Thinking of Lijia's request to "help me as much as I can", she divided the subjective questions into three questions, and changed the score of the automatic computer scoring. In this way, Ninghui's score became 42 points! Remember the website address, www. biquxu. Com, it is convenient to read next time, or you can enter this site by entering "" in Baidu

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