Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 436: practice site

After appeasing the jealous Xiaoling, Tianji continued to explain:

"Actually, I just completed a transaction with Miss Lijia. During the battle just now, you have seen the power of the drug lock, but if you want to successfully exert this power, you still need to be dumb, unpredictable, and extremely concealed. Poisoning technique, so I exchanged this poisoning technique with Miss Lijia using the thorns poisonous whip trick.

In addition, I was still in the conversation with Miss Lijia, and I secretly learned the powerful whipping. This promotion move that has troubled me and Duanhua for a long time has just broken through. Do you think I can be unhappy? "

Hearing Tianci say this, Xiaoling also felt relieved, nodded and replied:

"That's really great~"

Then he spoke again and asked hesitantly:

"Brother Tian Ci, are we really going to do some tricks behind the scenes at Yuhong Taoist Hall? Actually, I feel that Miss Lijia is very nice, and the residents of Yuhong City love her very much. It must not be faked, right?"

After receiving Xiaoling's voice transmission, Tian Ci fell into silence for a while. He was just excited and didn't think about it carefully.

If you really think about it, is this powerful whipping move really made by Duo Hua easily?

You must know that Lijia, as the master of the gym, must be top-notch in the cultivation of her own elves. Even if she is a second-team elves, is she really so naive?

Tianji, who thought more and more wrong, quickly guessed the answer.

"I'm afraid Lijia revealed it to me on purpose, after all, she took advantage of this move exchange.

And this powerful whipping was just something she casually mentioned. "

After realizing that it was Lijia's favor, Tianji shook his head, feeling that the gym owner in Yuhong City could indeed be considered a good person.

He also struggled in his heart, thinking about whether or not to take advantage of the fire.

But after touching the pixie ball around his waist, he quickly put his shaky heart behind him.

After all, he Aoki Tianji is not a good person!

Moreover, this war is unavoidable at present, and there will definitely be many trainers who fish in troubled waters.

At most, when he bumps into someone from Yuhong Gym on the road, he can't do anything if he doesn't make a move.


Soon the group was led by the reception at the gym and came to the outside rental venue.

Tianci glanced at it, and it was a dark green door, with the serial numbers of 1, 2, 3, 4... on it.

"Sir Tianci, this is the training venue we rented out. In order to avoid energy loss, we have closed it up, and there is no monitoring equipment inside. We can use the reputation of Yuhong City for thousands of years to guarantee this!"

The receptionist first brought a few people to the door of Room 6, and then began to introduce them.

"En~" Hearing what the receptionist said, Tian Chi nodded and motioned him to open it.

"Okay~ Please take a look." The receptionist didn't talk nonsense, and just swiped the door with a "drip" of a card.

"Wow~" As soon as the door opened, everyone felt a burst of freshness of grass and trees, and they felt like they were in a prairie.

In the perception of Xiaoling and Tianci two general-level superhumans, there is a lot of strong grass attribute energy here. The previous experience in the garden, compared with this, is undoubtedly insignificant.

"Dear guests, this is a medium-sized trainer open to elite trainers in our Yuhong Gym. The infrastructure inside is very complete."

At the same time, the words of the receptionist rang in their ears.

Hearing this, Tianji, who was a little lost, immediately looked inside and found that what the receptionist said was true.

There is no doubt that space technology is also used in it. It is about the size of a football field. There are test targets, load bags, actual combat dolls and other facilities, but what he cares about most is the big tree entrenched in the center of the field!

In his perception, this tree is slowly releasing a lot of grass-attribute energy, and the lush foliage also proves that it is alive and well!

"My God! It turned out to be a tree with a spirit! Doesn't the book say that this kind of tree is rarely seen in a thousand years, and it is usually occupied by extremely powerful elves in the wild!"

Ninghui, who also saw this tree on the side, couldn't help but exclaimed, her face full of disbelief!

"Haha~ This honored guest, you are really insightful, yes, this is the tree with spirit, but this is not the main body, just a sub-body that grows from a branch of the real main body, but the ability to gather energy and create an environment is still some!"

Hearing Ninghui's words, the receptionist laughed, sighing that someone knew the goods, but also quickly explained it.

A tree with a spirit, but a top-level spiritual plant, can occupy it in the wild, and the minimum must be a heavenly king elf, and even a first-time heavenly king is not qualified.

Because the natural energy-gathering effect of the Spirit-Containing Tree is too strong, the real Spirit-Containing Tree can be used for daily practice by many Heavenly King-level elves. This is for the wild elves who lack technological means and cannot maximize resources. There is no doubt that it is the best cultivation tool, so the competition is extremely fierce.

This is still the case between elves. If human trainers still come to mix, then the elves will definitely be unanimous, and they will drive you away first.

After all, no matter how you fight to death, they are all elves, and humans and them are enemies of life and death.

In this way, the Spirit-Containing Tree has become extremely precious in human society.

Yuhong City can get one, and it has been successfully branched and planted. This strength is also related to Lingzhi's attainments. Needless to say, it is very strong!

A few people continued to look around in the training grounds. After getting permission, Tian Ci also called out Koudouhua. After all, it was mainly for it!

"Moo!?ω?" As soon as Koudouhua came out of the Poké Ball, he immediately let out a cry of joy, it felt the call from nature!

In this energizing environment, it feels like it's in heaven right now!

"How's it going? Dazed? We'll practice here in the future, okay?"

Seeing Koudouhua's expression, although he knew in his heart that he would definitely like it, Tianji still asked a question.

Hearing Tian Ci's question, Kou Dianhua nodded frantically as expected, and the two big leaves quickly swayed, expressing their willingness!

The reception staff who saw this scene also immediately said:

"Lord Tianzi, this medium-level venue is actually reserved for elite-level trainers. You were instructed by Miss Lijia, and we will naturally find the most suitable one for you.

Like this No. 6 field, although it is not as good as No. 4 and No. 5, which are also medium fields, it is just right for the elves of the elite low level!

Sometimes too much energy is not all good! "

Hearing this, Tian Chi nodded, feeling that the reception made some sense.

Chapter 437 Nurturers Association

"Then how are the fees charged here?"

Since it was already set here, Tianji asked the price directly!

Hearing Tianci's question, he understood that the reception had been assured, and immediately replied with a smile on his face:

"Lord Tianci, do you want to rent for a short term or a long term? Our short term rental, the shortest time is one week, and the price is relatively high, requiring 350,000 Alliance Coins.

If it is a long-term lease, one month upwards, the charging price is 1.3 million per month! "

Hearing the price, Ninghui let out a "hiss" and took a deep breath. She didn't expect the rent of a training venue to be so expensive!

However, in the eyes of Xiaoling and Tian Ci, this is a normal price. I haven't seen that the registration fee for the Elite Challenge is 1 million. What is the rent?

So Tian Chi nodded indifferently, took out his bank card, and said to the receptionist:

"Then give me three months first, and then whether there is a general training room, we also have elves with other attributes."

"No problem! Mr. Tianci!" The reception lady who took the bank card had an elated expression on her face. She could get tens of thousands of commissions alone! Can you be happy!

After using the equipment she carried with her, she quickly helped Tian Zi to set up the room at the No. 6 venue, and then she brought a few people to the general training venue.

It is also a sealed room, and there are all kinds of equipment in it. The only difference is that there are no grass-type spiritual plants in it. The corresponding grass-type energy is not much here, although the proportion still occupies a little bit. Large, but has no effect on elves.

In the same way, Tianci has set up a general-purpose training room for three months here, and the price is 1.2 million, which is a little cheaper than the single attribute.

After all, construction costs less!

After careful calculation, I found that after Tianci and his party came to Yuhong City, they spent about 5 million in this gym within two days. It is really a waste of money. For elite trainers, making money It's easy, and it's easy to spend money.

The three people who quickly found the training room applied for a temporary pass. From then on, they could travel freely in most areas of Yuhong Gym.

"Let's go, let's go get Ninghui's cultivator certificate first."

Putting away the temporary pass in his hand, Tian Ci was about to walk out the door with the two girls when the horn in the aisle suddenly rang again.

"Dear guests, everyone! Now I solemnly convey good news to you. Tonight at 6:30, there will be another elite challenge. It is also the master of the gym, Miss Lijia. Come and cheer for Miss Lijia! Tickets It only costs..."

Hearing this news, Xiaoling was a little excited and asked Tianci:

"Are you going to take a look? Brother Tianji?"

In this regard, Tianji was also a little interested. He clearly remembered that Li Jia seemed to be busy, that is, he had something Li Jia wanted in his hand, so he asked her to help him. Then this person took it out. What made Lijia put down the fragrance that was being urgently developed?

However, there are still more than two hours before 6:30 pm. It is estimated that the broadcast is just for publicity in advance to earn ticket money. He is not in a hurry, so he replied:

"No hurry, let's go get Ning Hui's cultivator certificate first, more than 2 hours is enough, just come back to have a meal and have a look."

"Hmmmm~" The two women didn't have any opinion on this, and agreed directly.

The group of people who had negotiated went straight out of the gate of the gymnasium and walked towards the cultivator association on Huacao Street.

The Nurturing Association is also an official organization born shortly after the alliance was founded. It was initially a loose association led by several master-level cultivators. However, after the alliance saw the business opportunities, it immediately used various means to make it an alliance. .

To tell the truth, although the elves of master-level cultivators are not weak, the loose people are loose people after all, and they will reach the top if they die with one or two heavenly kings.

Therefore, in the face of the alliance that has made all-out efforts, the association basically did not make any decent resistance, and it was incorporated by the alliance, and it also contributed a large amount of considerable income to the alliance every year.

There is no way, in this world, a trainer with great strength is a power, and any other profession, even if it is extreme, can only stand on the sidelines without relative strength.

However, after the cultivator association was formed into an alliance, it was actually not without benefits. Although the income of the senior and master cultivators at the upper level was reduced, the efficiency of their search for cultivating materials was greatly improved.

After all, for an alliance with a large number of advanced trainers, the search for materials is not comparable to a small team of scattered people. This is one of the reasons why several master trainers are willing to be included.

For beginners and intermediate cultivators, the benefits are even greater. The loose associations in the past were basically just a form. If you want to make money, you still have to rely on yourself to become famous and let people come to them.

If you are looking for materials, you also need to search for them yourself or ask trusted trainers to join them. No way, they are only beginners and intermediate trainers.

But now that it has been allianceized, it is much more convenient. Referring to the template of the Elf Center, the Nurturing Home Association also has a special Nurturing Home mission. As long as your level is recognized by the Nurturing Home Association, you can take over this task and make money.

If you want to search for any materials, you can also post a quest through the quest panel of the **** Association for trainers to pick up, or there may be other cultivators to exchange with you.

Of course, this is not the most important thing. In order to attract more cultivators, the alliance has also come up with a set of completed cultivator inheritances. In theory, as long as they follow this inheritance, everyone has the opportunity to reach the level of master cultivators. .

There are no harsh requirements to redeem this inheritance~www.wuxiamtl.com~ as long as your alliance contributes enough points.

Yes, you heard that right, the Cultivator Association still uses the Alliance Contribution Points. The Association has been included in the Alliance for so many years, and naturally they will not bother to set up a new system, so the Alliance Contribution System is still used.

However, the cultivator association is not for anyone who wants to enter. Only formal cultivators can enter and leave the association at will.

People like Ninghui who are ready to become cultivators can only enter when they take part in the cultivator assessment.

Of course, if you enter as a trainer, it is also possible with her ordinary high-ranking strength.

Because the minimum requirement of the Trainer Association for the trainer who comes to do the task is the ordinary high level.

After all, there are general materials in circulation on the market, and they can go to the herbal medicine store or the material store to buy them in large quantities.

Only when it reaches the ordinary high level, does this kind of powerful elf material become precious. Remember the website address, www. biquxu. Com, it is convenient to read next time, or you can enter this site by entering "" in Baidu

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