Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 424: long-winged gull

Latest website: Mosquito-repellent tadpoles are very common, mosquito-repellent frogs are also very common, and even the fast-swimming frogs that evolved from the water stone are not uncommon.

But using the king's certificate to evolve the island mosquito coil frog emperor is really a cherished species!

According to Hualan City, they had one in Hualan City a few decades ago, and they were also regarded as the guardian elves of their heritage.

It's a pity that he died in the fierce confrontation with the Rockets at that time. Now in the entire Kanto, there is only the ice king on the bright side. Qianxia has a mosquito coil frog king in his hand, and he is probably the only one in the entire Kanto trainer circle. one.

Because the evolutionary item of the King's Proof is different from the evolutionary stones such as the Fire Stone and the Water Stone.

Like the fire stone, the water stone, and even the moon stone, human beings have all figured out the details.

But the proof of the king, although all the scientific researchers in the alliance are analyzing it, but nothing useful can be found.

The crowns left over from ancient times are bronze, iron, and even shells. The researchers used superb technology to reproduce the crowns of the same material one by one, and gave them to the dumb beasts, mosquito coils and frogs. The elves who evolved with the King's Certificate have used them, but without exception, all of them have failed.

Even if it is to let the top old masters make the re-engraved king's certificate old, and then let the top superpowers hypnotize the elves to be evolved, so that they believe that it uses the real king's certificate, it can't be. Let it evolve normally.

It seems that the breath of a king cannot be replicated. This kind of idealistic power is bestowed by many of the same clan. Even if the appearance is a tattered hat, as long as a large number of the same clan recognizes it as the king, then this tattered hat is the proof of the king.

However, if there is no recognition from the same clan, or if it is more mysterious, without the blessing of the power of luck, no matter how precious and exquisite the crown is, it is impossible for the corresponding elf to evolve into the king of the race, such as the hippo king, or mosquito coil frog. King, that's all.

Therefore, the certificate of the king is now used one less and one less, and ordinary people can't get it at all, and even for a lifetime, they don't even know what the certificate of the king looks like.

This ordinary person refers to the forces that can leave their names on the entire map of the Kanto Alliance, and even includes some ordinary big forces, such as the declining Hualan City, which belongs to the ranks of ordinary people.

I heard that Shui Yuanqingzi and the others have been searching for the certificate of the king before, and they are going to cultivate another hippo king. Unfortunately, this kind of treasure is not only about value, but also fate. Anyway, they have been looking for it for several years, even the king. Fragments of the evidence were not found.

On the other hand, Nazi in Golden City has a real certificate of king in her hand, and she also promised that if the star plan is successful, she will give it to the Shimizu family.

Returning to the topic, after the two negotiated Ninghui's third elf, Tian Chi turned his attention to the little maid who had been silent, and asked symbolically:

"How about it, Ninghui, do you think it's okay? The long-winged gull has evolved at the low level of the ordinary level, and it is more than enough to carry a person to fly, which just makes up for your weakness that you don't have a flight elves."

Hearing Tianci say this, Ning Hui could only nod her head in agreement, even if she had never heard of the names of such elves.

"I have no problem, there is a flying elf, it is really convenient to escape~"

So far, Ninghui's No. 3 and No. 4 elves have all decided, one will mainly help Xiaoling, and the other will mainly help Tianji.

As a personal maid whose whole heart belongs to the master, this is indeed impossible.

Compared to other private maids who have become playthings, Ninghui can still become a nurturer, and it is already very good to have such a high-quality elves.

Soon, Tian Ji used telepathy to contact Na Zi, told her about it, and asked her to ask Hua Lan Taoist to send a freshman-level long-winged gull with general quality.

With universal quality, there is still an opportunity for evolution. As long as you are willing to evolve resources, you can still be upgraded to elite qualifications during evolution.

This kind of aptitude is also enough to condense wisdom. His vision for this little maid is that the highest is an elite-level trainer. When he is promoted to a higher realm, no matter what the elite-level is, there is still a little self-protection power.

As for the higher gym level... Maybe Tianji will help Ninghui to think about it after he is promoted to the top of the king.

Moreover, if the target is only at the elite level, there is not much difference between the elves with the qualifications of the elite and the elite.

There is a big price gap between an elite-qualified long-winged gull and a general-qualified long-winged gull. Even if you include evolutionary resources, it is not as good as an elite long-winged gull with an initial qualification.

Not to mention the long-winged gull with such aptitude, the Hualan Taoist Hall is not enough for him, how could he be so embarrassed to ask for one for a logistics maid on his side!

This kind of qualified long-winged gull, it is really a waste to use the weather, assist, and run with people...

Even if you don't need money from Hualan Taoist Hall, you can't waste it like this!

After all, Hualan's side is likely to become an in-law with him in the future, so he still needs to think about the idea of ​​that side.

Soon, through telepathy, this matter is settled, Hualan will secretly deliver a long-winged gull elf egg to the elf in Yuhong City through the post station set up by the elf center. Center, the time is about half a month.

It has to be said here that the elf teleportation system has not been developed in this world, and there is no such person as Dr. Zhenghui in the academic world.

I don't know if it's a parallel world or a time difference.

Tianzi guessed that it should be a matter of world differences. We said a long time ago that the elves in the wild are very repulsive of signal base stations.

Without sufficient electromagnetic signals, it is naturally impossible to connect many cities, villages and towns.

The elf transmission device that uses electromagnetic signals to transmit is naturally impossible to appear in this world.

This is equivalent to the fact that there will never be a whale in a desert, because the environment simply does not allow it!

That's why there is a phenomenon of one city and one scenery. Going out of the city is like going abroad. If you change the city, the local customs will be different.

But no matter what, each city is a part of the Kanto Alliance, and the connection between cities is still necessary.

Therefore, there will be post offices led by the alliance and built by major cities.

However, unlike the courier who had a very low threshold in the previous life, the courier in this world, because of the danger in the wild, requires at least an ordinary high-level trainer!

For example, the confidentiality and fast service required by Hualan's side requires an elite trainer to act as a courier!

This threshold stops most trainers, after all, this is a job created by the alliance!

Chapter 425 Gym Tournament

Correspondingly, the post office charges are also very high. The shipping cost for this order will be in units of ten thousand, and it is not a small tens of thousands, but a hundred thousand!

This is because Hualan is a shareholder and has a discounted price! Coupled with the unified team delivery, the cost is further reduced.

In fact, Tianji prefers to call the post office in this world the **** office. After all, there is no danger in postal delivery, but escorting darts will face life-threatening.

Those aggressive elves in the wild are not just robbers blocking the way.

Back to the topic, after solving this matter, the three of them went to have lunch together, and after a short rest, they received a message that the challenge was about to start.

"Let's go, Xiaoling, Ninghui~" Putting the phone back in his trouser pocket, Tian Chi waved to the two of them, and took the lead to walk towards the battlefield.

It is worth mentioning that because Lijia agreed to guide them, their challenge venue has been changed, and it is the largest venue in Yuhong Gym.

"Tap tap~"

After walking down a long stone path, they could vaguely hear the noise of people.

"Today is Miss Lijia's shot!"

"I haven't seen Miss Lijia for a long time. I heard that she is developing a new perfume?"

"Yeah, I must buy a bottle then!"

"Flower Dance, I can finally see it again!"

"And the tickets are cheap too!"


In Tianji's perception, most of these voices seemed to be female voices, which surprised him a bit.

Most of the people who came to watch the game before were male trainers.

But thinking about Lijia's other identity, he is relieved. Perfume designers are indeed sought after by women, and it is normal for a large number of female fans.

When they came to the player's seat through the player's passage, they took a closer look and found that there was no mistake in their perception. At this time, most of the audiences around were women.

The appearance of the three of Tianzi did not cause any sensation. When Lijia was wearing a kimono and slowly appeared on the elevator, the scene became enthusiastic.

"Miss Lijia! Miss Lijia!"

"When will the new fragrance be released, Miss Lijia!"

"We love you! Miss Rika!"

"Let's do a beautiful dance! Miss Rika!"


The fanatical female fan made Tianji look at her!

He feels that Lijia like this can make her debut as long as she packs it a little, and starts the mode of cutting leeks!

Of course, the current star plan is simply not qualified to let a gym-level powerhouse end.

Even Luo Lin, who has achieved great success in Golden City, this stunning female elite, actually has a bad reputation in the elite circle of Golden City. Saying shame, there are bt and lang women.

It made this hot and hot queen depressed for a lot of time, but thinking about it, her destination was already doomed anyway, and her body was given to Tianji, so she didn't have to worry about the future, so she didn't care anymore.

And Li Jia, who appeared on the player seat on the left, came up and greeted these fans in a friendly way.

"Thank you! Thank you for watching my game during your busy schedule~"

After speaking, she bowed deeply again.

I have to say that this kind of behavior may seem a little contrived and a little tea to many people.

But locals in Yuhong City know that Lijia is indeed such a very approachable gym owner, which is one of the reasons why they like and love her!

After all, even acting, after so many years, has long since become real.

"Okay, spectators, the next challenge is the Elite Challenge. The defender this time is the master of our Yuhong Gym, Miss Lijia!"

After some exchanges, the referee also started his work.

When his voice just fell, the audience also shouted for face!

"Lijia! Lijia!"

"Miss Lijia, come on!"

After that, the referee introduced the challengers, namely Tianji and the others.

"The one on my right is the challenger from Qingmu Town, let them feel the enthusiasm of our Yuhong City!"

I have to say that the referee's speech is very skillful. Lijia's appearance made the atmosphere of the entire venue on the gym's side. In order to prevent Tianji and the others from losing face, this sentence came.

"Papapa~" said this, the audience also applauded their faces.

"Come on! Challenger!"

"Come on~"

There were also two cheers.

In this regard, Tianji and the others also bowed slightly to the surroundings to thank them.

After all, people in Yuhong City are so polite, and they can't pretend to be elite trainers.

After such a pre-match interaction, the referee turned his inquiring eyes to the right, meaning who would go first between Tianji and Xiaoling?

In this regard, Xiaoling obliged to take a step forward.

The two had discussed it before, and they were almost certain to lose in these two battles. They fought with a learning attitude.

And Xiaoling is the main water type, and she is restrained by the grass attribute. In addition, she does not have a grass attribute elf, so she may not learn a lot.

So let her play the challenge first, so that Tianji and Kou Daihua can also have more time to observe and learn.

Seeing Xiaoling stand up, the referee also began to introduce.

"Okay, in the first Elite Challenge match, Miss TS Ling from Aoki Town will play, and Miss Lijia will accept the challenge!

This battle adopts the 1v1 mode. Both sides send elves at the same time, and the challenger will attack first. If the challenge is successful, you will receive a rainbow badge and a solar beam skill inheritance bead. "

The referee explained the rules of the battle again, Xiaoling and Lijia had no objection to this, and nodded quickly.

"Okay, the players on both sides, send elves at the same time!"

Upon seeing this, the female referee said immediately.

"Go! Swim frogs!"

"Go! Shuttlecock cotton!"

When the referee's voice just fell~www.wuxiamtl.com~ the two women also artificially created their own Pokeballs.

A red light flashed, "Yo Bo!" The extremely strong fast swimming frog landed on the field.

The fight in Golden City arrived, and it got a way to further train and break through, so the fast swimming frog at this time is no longer a muscle monster!

Although it still looks very strong now, the muscle lines are very smooth, and the body size has also shrunk a lot, which is more powerful than before.

You must know that although the body size has shrunk, the explosive power has not decreased. Even after removing the excess burden, not only the explosive power has been enhanced, but the speed has also accelerated a lot.

And Lijia's elf did not land on the ground, it was floating in the air at this time.

"Bangbang~" Although he was small in stature, Shuttlecock Cotton's momentum was not weak at all, so he immediately shouted.


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