Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 422: Elf choice

"Tianci, Ninghui, let me exchange this formula with you! I have not registered this formula, so it should be no problem to use it for a cultivator assessment."

After speaking, Lijia took out a crumpled note from the sachet she was carrying and handed it over.

It is worth mentioning that not all trainers are willing to carry that large space backpack, like some women who love beauty, even if the space is a little smaller, they are more willing to wear some space accessories, such as Lijia's sachet.

"Oh, let's see~" Hearing that Li Jia wanted to exchange the unregistered new formula, Tian Chi was secretly delighted, and immediately took it over and started to check.

You know, this is equivalent to a new formula for Bai P, can it be fragrant?

Although it is said that the formula of Ninghui's inspiration burst, it cannot be used for commercial activities after the exchange.

But making it yourself, keeping it for your own use, or selling it in small batches in shops along the way is no problem.

For Tanji, it didn't make much of a difference.

Soon, he finished reading the poison-locking formula, and he couldn't hide the surprise between his eyebrows.

Undoubtedly, he also saw that this was a toxin formula that was far more valuable than his own formula, so he made a decision immediately.

"Let's change!"

Hearing this, Li Jia also had a smile on her face, nodded, and prepared to write the transfer slip.

However, Tianji waved his hand to stop it at this time, and he said:

"Miss Lijia, I believe in your character, and in this transaction, we have already made a lot of money, so let's forget the documents."

Hearing this, Li Jia's face showed astonishment, and there was a touch of trust, but soon, she refused:

"No, Mr. Tianji, although I appreciate your trust in me, this..."

Before she could finish speaking, she was interrupted again by Tianji.

I saw Tianji rubbed his nose and asked embarrassedly:

"Of course, Miss Lijia, I also have an unkind request. Xiaoling and I have both reserved the afternoon elite challenge. It is two elite low-level competitions. We want to try and learn from you. I don't know. Is it possible?"

Li Jia heard the words, thought for a while, and then replied:

"Okay, Mr. Tian Ci, I'll talk to the following when the time comes, and I'm looking forward to playing against you."

Li Jia naturally did not refuse this small request.

She understands that these adventurous trainers, especially those who have reached the elite level, are always curious about the higher realm.

Sometimes I still feel that as long as they are in the same realm, the gym owner and the king are not their opponents.

But in fact, even if the energy level is the same, the experience and skills that increase in the realm cannot be caught up casually.

Of course, the best among them will naturally be able to win.

But even if it is defeated, it is good for the weaker side. As long as you have the heart to learn, you can learn more or less from the other side.

The purpose of Tianji's request was actually to make Koudou spend the afternoon battle to learn something from Lijia's elves.

"Okay, okay! Thank you Miss Lijia~"

Now that Lijia agreed, he bowed his face with joy and thanked him.

The challenge fee of 1 million is acceptable for elite trainers, but it is absolutely optional for gym-level powerhouses.

Lijia also said just now that she has been busy developing high-end perfumes recently, so she must have been quite busy. It is really a good thing to be able to spare time to play two games with them now, so Tianji naturally has to thank her.

"Don't be so polite, Mr. Tianci." Li Jia first waved her hand, and then she said goodbye after seeing that the matter was finished.

"Mr. Tianji, come here first, let's see you in the afternoon challenge, come on!"

Li Jia, who was busy with the new formula to match the perfume, greeted the Overlord Flower who was still eating the pot of elf food, and walked to the exit together.

"Okay, Miss Lijia, walk slowly!"

Tian Chi also beckoned to send off.

After Li Jia's figure disappeared, Tian Ji turned his head and praised Ninghui with a happy expression:

"Ninghui, you are such a caring maid! You have made a lot of money!

Say it, what do you want, the host will try to satisfy you! "

Tianji, who got the poison-locking formula, showed his pride!

The little maid who received the promise on the side had a look of excitement on her face, and immediately said the request she had long thought of.

"Master, you see that I'm only two elves now, and the place you and Xiaoling go is getting more and more dangerous.

Shouldn't you be giving me a spirit with a strong defense! "

After she finished speaking, she had a look of anticipation on her face, looked up at Tianji, and waited for him to make a decision.

Hearing this request from the little maid, Tanji fell into deep thought.

Indeed, Ninghui's own strength seems to be dwarfed by that, especially since he and Xiaoling have both been promoted to the elite, they often go to the deep mountains and old forests that are not marked on the map.

The big milk tank is of course the strength of an ordinary high-ranking rank, but I said a long time ago that it is not good at fighting, and its strength is afraid that even the elves of the same realm in the wild can't beat it.

And Pippi, although he has fighting talent, is considered a good seedling, but his strength is already at the limit in a short period of time.

All in all, Ning Hui only had two ordinary mid-ranking combat powers, so she couldn't keep up.

However, he really forgot about this before, so he really didn't know what kind of elf to match Ninghui.

So in the end, he chose to ask the client's own wishes, after all, the little maid made a great contribution this time.

"Uh... Ninghui, do you have any ideas of your own?"

"Hey?" Ninghui was surprised when she heard Tian Ci's question. She really didn't expect to be able to make her own choices, but she soon became happy.

From time to time, he glanced at Cammy Turtle, who was chasing and playing, and Kou Duo Hua, who acted as an artificial swing.

After being in Tianji's team for so long, Kamui's shell defense made her very jealous!

Not to mention that Kamui can also comprehend the magic defense skills on its own - keep it! Life-saving artifact! Do you have!

And the mouth dumb flower, although it does not have the strong defensive ability of Kamui, but its self-recovery ability is very hurt!

But she knew that the mouth dumb flower would take root and photosynthesis, and she also carried an elite-quality black sludge on her body. With the heavy bonus, the mouth dumb flower could be called an unbeatable little strong!

As long as you don't encounter an enemy with a huge gap in strength, you can kill him with a single blow, and the dumb flower can stealthily recover, giving the enemy a surprise!

So the little maid thinks that these two kinds of elves are in line with her ideas, and it would be even better if they can combine strong defense and strong recovery!

Chapter 423

Seeing Ninghui's action, Tianji immediately understood what she wanted.

But Yu Sanjia, although he said that he has no shortage of these millions now, but the unknown origin is a big problem, so he explained it first.

"Ninghui, although we can get the Yu Sanjia now, the Jenny turtle or the wonderful frog seeds are more suitable for your requirements, but if this origin is investigated, I am afraid it will be difficult to deal with~

So the Yu Sanjia or else forget it first. "

I said just now that I made a random request, but now I have rejected someone else's Tianji, and there was a hint of embarrassment on his face.

But the fact is, he had to make it clear and reject the request.

"Oh~ that's fine..." Hearing Tianji say that, the little maid felt a little lost, but she understood the truth, so she nodded.

On the other hand, Xiaoling felt a little lost when she saw her good sister, and immediately came up with another way.

"Brother Tian Ci, then we can spend a little more money, go through the exchange channel of the alliance, and wait for a while."

Hearing what Xiaoling said, Ninghui's heart of Yu Sanjia, which had been extinguished, burned again. She raised her head and looked at her master pitifully.

The meaning is self-evident!

Unfortunately, in exchange, Tian Ji gave a wry smile.

"Heh~ Xiaoling, when you bought it from Marsh Leaping Fish, you spent about 7,000 Alliance Merit points, and it took half a year to review it...

Not to mention that we haven't done alliance missions for a long time, and the merits on the card are simply not enough.

Even this time, I can't afford it. It takes more than half a year to get it, and it takes more than half a year to train to the middle of the ordinary, and it will take a few months. , Ninghui is still so long, there are only two elves. "

"That's right... It took me almost a year for the Swamp Leapfish to be able to fight, and I can help a little."

Hearing this, Xiaoling nodded in approval.

Of course, these words also extinguished Ninghui's dream again.

However, Tianji thought about it thoughtfully and said.

"Or, just fix Ninghui your third elf and fourth elf.

The fourth elf should be used to control the three families. What do you think of the grass-type frog seeds, their recovery ability is also very strong, and their combat power is not weak? "

Ning Hui, whose mood was up and down several times, heard this, although she was pleasantly surprised, she did not dare to speak blindly.

"What? Then do you want a little fire dragon? Or a jenny turtle like me?

Little Fire Dragon, its fighting power is strong, it is not suitable for you.

If you are a combat-type trainer, then I can change this for you, but if it is just to assist logistics, it is actually the most unsuitable Yusan family for you. It has dragon blood, and training consumes a lot of resources.

And the Jenny Turtle, to be honest, repeats with our entire team. You have to follow me all the time. It is better to complement me instead of wasting a quota. You must know that there are only 3 quotas for your promotion. . "

Seeing that Ninghui hadn't finished speaking, Tian Chi thought she was dissatisfied with the seeds of the wonderful frog, so he patiently explained it to her.

This is also because Ninghui made a great contribution to him and obtained a useful formula, so he gave face like this.

If it was normal, just like he had decided on Pippi before, he wouldn't care what kind of elves Ninghui wanted!

The Frog Seed can learn the grass field through the skill inheritance bead, and it is also an elf that can provide healing power. It can also be linked with the mouth dumb flower. He likes this elf very much.

At this time, Ninghui noticed that Tianji seemed a little unhappy, so she quickly replied:

"No, no, master, I was just a little surprised, so I forgot to answer, I like the seeds of wonderful frogs, thank you master!"

After she finished speaking, a sincere smile appeared on her face.

This is not a pretense. To be honest, she is a woman from a second-class family in a remote town, but she never thought that one day she would get the Yusan family as her elf.

You must know that in Qingmu Town, only the first-class forces with elite-level powerhouses in the clan, that is, the young masters of the four major clans, can get a Yusan clan as their elf with the strength of the entire clan.

She is really happy now that she can get a Frog Seed!

"Okay, anyway, we will definitely stay here for a long time, so it's better to do alliance tasks normally."

Seeing Ninghui's sensible statement, Tianji didn't say more, and settled the matter.

After that, they began to discuss Ninghui's third elf.

"In the end, it's Ninghui, your third elf, and it's the combat power you will try your best to cultivate in the next year. Do you have any ideas?"

Hearing this question, the little maid was even more confused.

She really hadn't considered two elves, her original intention was to have one elves that could resist beatings and protect her.

Seeing that Ninghui couldn't speak, Tian Ci looked at Xiaoling again and said:

"Then let's analyze it together and see what Ninghui is missing?"

"Well, okay~" Ninghui nodded, the three of them, no, it should be said that the two of them began to analyze.

"First of all, the big milk tank is a meat shield, but it is more of a logistical support."

"Then, Pippi is the attacker, and the battle will definitely be handed over to Pippi in the future."

"Finally, the Frog Seeds that haven't been obtained can be regarded as control hands + meat shields."

The two first analyzed the three elves identified by Ninghui, and then began to find what the team needed.

"Xiaoling~www.wuxiamtl.com~ You belong to the main water system. Will your strength increase in rainy weather?"

Tianji asked suddenly after sorting it out.

"Um...that's how it is." Hearing this question, Xiaoling gave a positive answer after considering the situation of going out for adventure in the past two years.

"In that case, Qingzi from Hualan City bought a batch of long-winged gull eggs. I heard that long-winged gulls with special characteristics will become rainfall characteristics after evolution.

The difficulty of rainy day tactics has dropped a lot. Now the elite trainers in Hualan City are cultivating long-winged gulls with this special characteristic. Maybe Ninghui can also cultivate one, which is not bad. "

Hearing this idea, Xiaoling felt a little moved in her heart. She had seen the sharp tactics in rainy days before in Hualan City.

It's a pity that the weather skill inheritance beads are not so good, and it is not easy to learn, like the tyrannical carp dragon in Lorraine's hand, but it took two skill inheritance beads to learn rainy weather.

In Kanto, only another evolutionary form of the mosquito-repellent incense frog, the mosquito-repellent incense frog, has its own rainfall characteristics!

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