Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 412: Lingzhi's low price

On the other side, Kou Duihua seemed to sense the unwillingness in Tian Ci's heart. It pulled Tian Ci's trouser legs with its own leaf hand, and shouted "Moo~", indicating that he would work harder in the future, no need It doesn't matter if you use Tiancaidibao.

"Mouth of flowers~"

Looking at Kou Deng Hua's eyes full of his own reflections, Tian Ci shouted and touched the top of its head again, but in the end he didn't say anything.

No matter what, Danny Kou is also his initial elf, and even if there is a glimmer of hope, he will give Danny Kou the best treatment.

Therefore, he did not give up the ten thousand wood heart of Yuhong City, but chose to wait for the opportunity and act according to the opportunity.

"Let's go, let's go into the city!" Without tangling too much here, Tian Ci put away the flowers and walked towards the city gate.

"Okay." Seeing this, Xiaoling and Ninghui hurriedly put away their guard elves and followed.

After arriving at the city gate and showing the breath of an elite-level trainer, two guards in dark green uniforms came over soon.

"Hello, welcome two adults to Yuhong City, and please come here with me."

Whether it was out of respect for the elite trainers or because the people of Yuhong City were naturally friendly, the attitude of the two guards was to make Tianji and the others feel very comfortable.

"Okay." They agreed, and they took out a few documents from the alliance and came to a special passage.

"Di~ Welcome Aoki Tianji-sama to our Yuhong City!"

"Di~ Welcome Lord Tianshuiling to our Yuhong City"

After the Sky Eye detection, the machine made a welcome voice, and then a group of three entered the Yuhong City, which exudes a natural atmosphere.

In Yuhong City, there are several very famous buildings. In addition to Yuhong Taoist Hall, there are three major buildings: Yuhong Department Store, Yuhong Building, and Yuhong Game City.

Among them, Yuhong Building 10 is the tallest building. Tian has counted it several times, and it has at least 20 floors. Compared with the previous buildings in Golden City, it is not inferior. It is also the first building that has been printed in the eyes of several people.

However, Ninghui's attention was drawn to the past by the surrounding greenery.

"This is silver star grass, and four-color flowers, my God! And lotus pods! They are all used as vegetation for green roads??"

Hearing Ninghui's exclamation, Tian Ci also listened to the sound and looked at the green belt on both sides of the street, with stars and silver spots and colorful flowers, which were really beautiful.

After zooming in and taking a closer look with mental power, I found that Ninghui was right, this is indeed a low-level spiritual plant such as silver star grass and four-color flower.

Although because it contains less energy, it is considered the bottom of the low-level spiritual plants, and the price is only a dozen or two alliance coins, but this is a waste of money!

It may be disliked by trainers, but it is not too much for ordinary people living in the city. As long as you bend over, you can have a free lunch, why not pick it up?

Anyway, Tianji felt that if this kind of thing was in Aoki Town, it would definitely be wiped out by pedestrians immediately.

With such doubts, they walked into a plant shop at will. Surprisingly, the small shops that can be seen everywhere sell all spiritual plants. It is also worth a lot for the owner.

"Welcome to the shop, all trainers, what kind of spirit grass do you need?"

As soon as she entered the door, the sharp-eyed proprietress recognized the trainer's identity through Tianji and the others' attire.

For these spiritual plants, neither Tian Ci nor Xiao Ling are familiar with Ninghui, and they were able to recognize several of them before because they had seen them when they helped Ninghui prepare ingredients.

So this kind of thing about buying Lingzhi and asking questions can only be left to this little maid.

"Hello, Madam Boss, we need flowers and leaves, water blue fruit, fire orchid..."

Ninghui opened her mouth, and the names of various spiritual plants were reported. She had already read it when she came in. This store mainly deals in low-level spiritual plants, and there are only a few intermediate-level spiritual plants, so she reported the spiritual plants. Grass Spirit Fruits are all low-level spiritual plants, and they are also used when making food for Pippi. As a side dish, it still consumes a lot of money. Anyway, they all have to be bought. Where to buy it or not!

Hearing that the young lady in front of her reported a large number of Lingzhi's names like a family treasure, and she also accurately stated the number of copies needed, the proprietress who wanted to slaughter a foreigner understood that she had met a connoisseur.

Therefore, I put away the careful thoughts that I should not have, and went to organize the goods with a smile.

After all, even if it is a normal business, such a large amount is big business for her small shop.


After waiting like this for a while, the proprietress walked out with Lingzhi in a big frame and a small frame, and said to Ninghui:

"Dear guest, this is what you want, you can order some~"

Hearing this question, the little maid looked at Tianji.

Although she is also a warrior-level supernatural now, it is not an easy task to count the numbers one by one.

Seeing the little maid's gaze, Tianji didn't want to waste time on this kind of thing, so his eyes lit up slightly, and an invisible mental force quickly scanned the goods, and at the same time, he compared the previous condensed one by one in his mind. Hui said the list of goods.

After a while, he finished the count and nodded to the little maid, indicating that there was no problem.

This scene also made the middle-aged proprietress on the side breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, she had given up the idea of ​​fishing in troubled waters and cutting corners. She really did not expect that there was actually a superpower in this group.

If these three people are really slaughtered as fat sheep, I am afraid that they will immediately turn into big bad wolves and wipe out her small shop.

Although force cannot be used in the city, but who doesn't know that superpowers generally have strong backgrounds, and the means are invisible and invisible, it is too easy to make her an ordinary person.

Seeing Tian Ci's actions, Ninghui also understood that there was no problem, so she readily asked the proprietress:

"how much?"

"A total of 42,000!" The proprietress wiped her cold sweat and reported a number that surprised Ning Hui.

It's not that it is too high, but the price is too low. You must know that she also bought it in the golden market. According to the price of the golden market, it is more than 50,000.

Thinking of this, when she handed over the card, she also asked the proprietress:

"Madam, swipe your card first. Let me also ask, why are these spiritual plants so cheap?"

Hearing this question, the middle-aged proprietress smiled knowingly and explained:

"This guest, you seem to be from other places. Our Yuhong City is famous for its plants, and it also benefits from the selfless sharing of Yuhong Museum owners from generation to generation, so we local people are very good at cultivating spiritual plants. Yes, ordinary people like us can cultivate some low-level spiritual plants and sell them, and the price is naturally cheaper than buying them elsewhere."

Chapter 413 The situation of the Yuhong family

"Oh, so that's the case." Hearing this explanation, Tianci and his group suddenly realized.

It turned out that it came to the base camp of the manufacturer, so the price is naturally cheaper, and there is no middleman to make the difference.

And as long as a local person can cultivate the skills of spiritual plants with both hands, it is no wonder that they are so extravagant that they treat some low-level spiritual plants as green belts.

It is because these cheap low-level spiritual plants are too flooded.

And the locals don't want it. The non-locals can come here, but they are all trainers with extraordinary strength.

After all, the entire green belt may be worth a thousand dollars. Let’s not talk about whether it will be stopped by the police station, or it will be pulled out. It’s better to go outside and hunt a new-level elf at will. Who would do this? What about the slack thing?

After swiping the card and putting everything into the special space backpack, the group walked out of the small shop just as the proprietress sent them off.

"Brother Tian Ci, where shall we go first? Are we going to the gym?"

As soon as he walked out of the store, Xiaoling asked a question.

"Um..." Tianji hesitated for a while before answering:

"No, we should be staying here for a long time, just now the shop owner said that the local spirit plants will be much cheaper than other places. Let's go shopping first to see if there is anything suitable for your spirit, and also put The whole Yuhong City can be seen clearly."

"Well, good." Xiao Ling also had no opinion on this.

On the other hand, Ninghui has no opinion. On the contrary, her face is very happy.

After all, Lingzhi, as a quasi-cultivator, definitely uses it the most, which is equivalent to buying, buying and buying on orders, can you be unhappy!

It is worth mentioning that after such a long period of study and practice, Ninghui has fully reached the level of a cultivator in the cultivation of some elves, and only the elves she has not had much contact with are still in the theoretical stage.

For example, the four elves under Tian Ci's command, Duan Hua, Bi Diao, Helujia, and Kamui, have surpassed the level of ordinary cultivators due to her dedicated research and the addition of advanced formulas. Among them, about the research progress of Koudouhua, she has even touched the knowledge of senior cultivators.

After all, after being with Tian Ci for so long, she also understands the position of Kou Dao Hua in Tian Ci's heart, and her counterpart is naturally the most attentive.

And a few elves like Xiaoling, the fast swimming frog, the gem starfish, and the marsh leaping fish, plus his two elves, the big milk tank, and Pippi are actually in the realm of low-level cultivators.

After all, her master is Tianji, so she naturally wants everything to be dominated by Tianji.

Returning to the topic, since it has been decided to touch the situation of Yuhong City, the three of them wandered around the city.

It has to be said that this city is indeed the most green, and various ornamental spiritual plants can be seen almost everywhere, and even many civilians’ houses are covered with vines. The vine is actually a low-level spiritual plant.

It is simply a city of nature, and the greening has reached the limit!

Ning Hui, who followed him, may have seen Tianji's doubts, so he took the initiative to introduce it.

"Master, this kind of vine is called green leaf vine, and it is also a low-level spiritual plant, but unlike silver star grass, four-color flower and other ornamental spiritual plants, green leaf vine is a very versatile spiritual plant.

Almost all vegetarian elves like to eat green leaf vine, which is suitable for freshmen and ordinary low-middle elves, so there is no need to worry about selling them. "

Hearing Ninghui's explanation, both Tianji and Xiaoling behind him showed clear expressions and praised:

"Ninghui, you really know a lot."

Being complimented by the two, the little maid instantly felt that she finally raised her head, puffed out her chest proudly, and replied:

"That is, I usually read the books of cultivators, and these common spiritual plants must also be memorized and applied skillfully!"

In fact, you can see from this how difficult it is to become a cultivator. There are several books of Lingzhi Daquan to memorize. Now Ninghui can be a professional Lingzhi husband, but in a cultivator In this profession, on the whole, it can only be regarded as half a step into the threshold.

In addition to being familiar with spirit plants, cultivators should also be familiar with other materials, such as spirit ore, elf materials, etc., not to mention the elves themselves. A cultivator like Ninghui, who is only familiar with a dozen kinds of elves, is completely Those who are unqualified must at least be familiar with sixty or seventy kinds of elves, so that they are barely qualified.

Therefore, the cultivator Guangguang's knowledge reserve far exceeds any common occupation on the market, and any cultivator can be called a knowledgeable scholar.

In other words, cultivators are actually like a single occupational complex of various majors. Of course, the difficulty is definitely not an increase of 1+1, but an increase of multiples.

Ning Hui can touch the threshold in just a few years, although it is inseparable from her own talent, but the biggest reason is because Na Zi gave her the secret cultivator secret book, and there are a lot of trial and error materials.

Her conditions are no worse than some cultivator apprentices who have been instructed by famous teachers. In addition, she is still talented enough to achieve this level.

Returning to the topic, it took a few people almost a whole day to get a general overview of the entire Yuhong City.

Yuhong City is a city controlled by the Yuhong family, and the biggest force is naturally the Yuhong Taoist Hall founded by the Yuhong family.

It is worth mentioning that, because each generation of Yuhong Museum owners has the habit of regularly sharing the experience of cultivating Lingzhi publicly~www.wuxiamtl.com~ So unlike the previous cities, the local people here know the contemporary Yuhong Museum. The Lord is a strong female named Lijia.

In the mouths of these local people, Lijia is not beautiful, but has a good temperament, giving people a natural and soft intimacy, and seems to be able to be pleasant to anyone. When everyone talks about her, they are full of admiration.

Obviously, Lijia is also very popular in Yuhong City.

Secondly, it was Yuhong Game City, which was the place that Tianci cared about the most.

According to the memory of the previous life, this place seems to be one of the important strongholds of the Rockets.

Of course, in this world, this is definitely not the case on the bright side. According to the information, this game city is also the property of the Yuhong family, but it is not under the control of the owner of the Lijia Pavilion.

It belongs to the second room, and the person in charge is the owner of the second room, Li Jia's uncle, Yuhong Tengyi.

After Tianji used his superpower to control several peripheral personnel of the game city, he even learned that Yuhong Tengyi and Lijia once competed for the position of the gym owner, but they lost in the end. One day into the gold industry!

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