Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 408: Battle of the Kamui

Even his little friends didn't help. Kamui knew that this time it was supposed to be a real game, so he could only grimaced and called back even more fiercely.

"Kami! Kami!!" I saw it opened its mouth wide, revealing its fangs, and its tail was even more raised, as if it was fried.

However, in Tianci's view, there is always a feeling of stubbornness.

But no matter what, being able to resist is already considered a struggle, so he also encouraged him.

"Yes, Kamui, get ready, it's time to fight!"

Hearing this, Kamui also showed a serious expression on his face and assumed a fighting stance.

Seeing this, Tianji also loosened the shackles of the Rada.

"Pfft~" At this time, Larda's heart was running wildly with 10,000 grass-mud horses.

It has never seen such a brazen person before, and he agreed to a fair duel. At first, it could give the Cammy Turtle, who was inexperienced at first sight, a heavy punch.

But I didn't expect that that despicable human actually imprisoned it directly and made it lose its advantage. It's not fair at all!

Of course, the rat was under the eaves and had to bow its head, so it could only recognize it! And he poured his anger towards Kamui who was grinning.

"Pfft!" I saw this ordinary Radha in the middle, shouting, and white energy emerged from the whole body.

In an instant, it completed the Qi gathering move, and at the same time, its figure flashed quickly, and it rushed towards Kamui with a "swoosh".

There is no doubt that when Lada makes a move, it is the best combo of their clan, Gathering Qi + Flashing Electricity + Bite!

Those sharp teeth and the wide open mouth made Kamui, who was already stern and stubborn, change his face, and stood there for a while.

Seeing this, Tianji had no choice, he had lost the best chance, and he could only let Kamui fight hard.

"Kami turtle! Use the shrink shell!"

The trainer's order was exactly in line with Kamy Turtle's heart, and when he saw it "Kami", his body shrank in with a "swoosh".

In this way, Lada, who was coming towards his face, bit his mouth, and with a "click", he bit the turtle's shell.

Fortunately, when Tianci's Kamy turtle evolved, it used the top materials, so the turtle shell that had received the bonus was able to block this combo abruptly.

The Kamui turtle hiding in it only felt a shock and then escaped without injury.

Just when it was lucky, Tian Jixin's order was also transmitted through telepathy.

"Kami turtle, use the rotating water gun to shoot it away!"

Although Kamui's mentality has not yet changed, he still obeys Tianji's orders.

"Kami~" I saw it shrank in the turtle shell and shouted, and then the whole body spun "swish", and at the same time, water guns also sprayed out from the five holes of the turtle shell.

Almost instantly, the rotating water gun hit Lada with a "bang", and at the same time, it also let the Kamui turtle get rid of Lada's front teeth!

"Lada!" Rada, whose mouth was hit, screamed in pain, and his body flew out backwards.

"Kami turtle, take advantage of the current, the fluctuation of water!"

Because of this training, Cammy Turtle can control its own situation when spinning.

Hearing Tianci's order, it quickly stopped and drilled its body out of the shell. At the same time, the blue water energy on its body began to gather.

It didn't take long for a wave of water to hit Lada, who had just stabilized.

However, a Rada leader who can reach the middle of the ordinary level, and who can lead his clan to live well, is not easy to match.

When the water wave was about to approach, its figure became three with a "swoosh". The water wave hit one of the Lada's body and passed directly through it. It was obvious that this was an afterimage clone.

After dodging this blow, the leader of Lada immediately made a counterattack action, and the white energy on the body surface suddenly appeared again. In this state, its speed suddenly increased sharply, and it ran quickly with a "swoosh" sound. stand up.

"Moving at a high speed~" Tian Ci knew in his heart when he saw the leader of Lada who had run out of afterimages.

Immediately ordered Kamui turtle to stand by and be alert.

"Kami~" At this time, the Kamui turtle obeyed the order and stood there, waiting for the upcoming attack.

It can be seen from its face that it is very nervous, after all, no one wants to be bitten by those sharp front teeth.

It's a pity that Kamui didn't know that in this battle, Tianji had decided that he must be injured.

A warrior who has never seen blood and is afraid of pain is still called a warrior? Obviously it was still a flower in the greenhouse, so for the sake of Kamui's heart, we still had to fight it harder.

Like now, he could have made Kamui to fight back, either with a screw water gun, or with a large-scale burst of water bombs, and no matter how bad it was, he could interfere with the leader of Lada, who was moving at a high speed.

But he chose to wait and see, just to let the Radha leader deliver the strongest blow and let Kamui take it head-on.

And the leader of Lada, who was running at high speed, naturally didn't know so many twists and turns. He was overjoyed when he saw that the opposite Kamui didn't respond!

"Pfft!" I saw it shouted, and the white general energy on its body suddenly burst out again.

Obviously, it once again used Qi Gathering to enhance its lethality.

Next, it jumped, and the front tooth opened wide, biting towards Kamui! Judging from Tianci's observations, the general energy in the mouth of this Rada leader is getting stronger and stronger!

Obviously, this is the ultimate move of the Lada clan - killing the front teeth!

"Kami!" Feeling the threat, Kamui cried out in horror, subconsciously wanting to use his strongest defensive skill - defend!

But at this moment, Tanji's order also came.

"Kami Turtle, don't use it to defend, hit it hard with the water tail!"

Hearing this command that would obviously make him seriously injured, Kamui was stunned for a moment.

Although according to the values ​​in the game, the power of the front teeth is only 80, while the power of the water tail is 90!

But this is the real world, and many things have to be practical. If you collide with someone's sharp teeth with your tail, it is almost inevitable that your tail will be injured.

Like something to offset it, and finally cause 10 power damage to Lada, which is not realistic at all.

Back on the battlefield, Kamui was stunned for a moment, but the education he received from childhood made him choose to trust the trainer and obey the trainer's orders.

"Kami!" I saw that it also shouted, and a strong blue water energy emerged from its tail, and with a "swoosh" it hit the front teeth of the leader of Lada!

Seeing this scene, Tian Ci nodded slightly, at least there was no problem in obedience.

It is worthy of being the Yu Sanjia produced by the alliance, and the basic literacy has indeed been cultivated very well!

Chapter 409 Transformation

The sharp teeth and the blue tail collided in an instant, making a loud "bang", and at the same time Kamui also made a scream "Kami!"

When the smoke dissipated, I saw Cammy Turtle's tail dripping blood "tick tick", its big white tail had a huge wound visible to the naked eye, and the expression on its face was also very painful.

Of course, Lada's injuries were not small. He was hit by the front of the water stream, and it was directly pumped out, hitting a big tree with a "bang".

When it stood up tremblingly, a lot of red blood flowed from the corner of its mouth.

Although Kamy Turtle's combat experience and psychology are not as good as this Lada leader, but in terms of physical fitness and energy purity, it is stronger than the Lada leader.

So in this fight, Kamui won.

"Kami! Kami!" But Kamui was so aggrieved that he was about to cry at this time, it was too painful!

In this regard, Tian Ci's face turned cold, and he solemnly warned:

"Kami turtle! Concentrate! Look at what you look like now, since someone hurts you, you will kill it! Show your ferocity!"

Kamui, who was already in pain, was lectured like this by the trainer, and the negative emotions in his heart became more and more soaring.

Of course, the thought he received since he was a child also made him not dare to throw his anger at the trainer. After all, it is the card face of the alliance - Yu Sanjia!

Therefore, it can only turn its fierce eyes to the wobbly Lada, and for the first time, bloodthirsty beasts appeared in its eyes!

"Kami! Cammy!" Stinky mouse, it's all your fault! I am going to kill you!

Seeing Kamui in this state, Tian Chi nodded with satisfaction, and withdrew the secretly guided spiritual power.

Since superpowers can secretly induce humans, they can naturally also interfere with the emotions of elves, so this scene was actually arranged by Tianji long ago.

The purpose is to release the wildness in Kamui's body!

Looking at it now, it works!

"Kami turtle! Let out the anger in your heart, rush over and use the tearing claw to give it the final blow!"

Since the wildness has been guided, it is natural to have a bearer. This Rada leader is the target that has long been selected!

On the battlefield, Kamui, who heard this, nodded heavily, and his short legs began to run quickly.

"Kami!" At the same time as it ran, its two paws also emitted a strong white light!

For this move, Lada, who was unable to stand still, was obviously unable to take it, and there was a look of despair in his eyes.

At the same time, being controlled all the time, the little Radas watching the battle also cried out in despair.


"Puff ~ puff ~"

As elves with high intelligence, no one is willing to wait for death. While they shouted, they mobilized the energy in their bodies and began to struggle frantically, trying to get rid of the shackles of superpowers and escape.

It's a pity that even their leaders in their heyday were easily bound by Tianji's super power and couldn't move. How could the weaker Ladas break free?

As a warrior-level superhuman, that is, an elves corresponding to the elite level, if even a group of freshman-level, ordinary-level scoundrels can't be easily suppressed, then he really lives on a dog.

So no matter how the little Ladas struggled and screamed, they couldn't break free from the invisible **** on their bodies.

Of course, it couldn't stop the Kamui turtle, who was getting closer and closer to their leader.

At this time, Kamui's usually round and cute face is full of hideousness. After coming to the leader of Lada, his claws did not hesitate to hit the leader of Lada with a "swoosh". .

With the sound of "puchi, puchi", the leader of Lada twitched twice and stopped moving.

And Kamui has no plans to stop. It is full of grievances and anger now and needs to vent, so its claws are still shining with white light, and it is tearing at the leader of Lada.

"Puchi~puchi" sounded endlessly, and the scarlet blood splashed everywhere, dyeing Kamui's face red.

In this way, this Rada leader can be said to be absolutely impossible to live.

After letting Kamui to vent for a while, Tianji slowly walked to it and comforted him gently:

"Well done, Kamui, I didn't read you wrong, you are now a real female warrior!"

After he finished speaking, he also touched the head of Kamy Turtle with his hand, and carefully wiped off the blood on his face with a towel.

At the same time, Duan Hua and Pippi also leaned over and praised Kamui one by one.

"Pippi~Pippi!" Sister Kamui, you are amazing!

"Magulu~magu!" You did a great job, Kamui, worthy of being the elite of our team.

"Wang Wang! Wang!" Cammy turtle, great!


It was the dumb flower who had bad thoughts before, and his eyes returned to the previous doting and caring.

"Moo~moo~" Kamui, good work, you are my recognized companion!

Once again, it was recognized and praised by everyone, and Kamui was caught off guard by a huge joy!

It opened its hands subconsciously, wanting to find a comforting hug from the trainer.

However, with such a tug, it was pulled by its tail. When I was fighting the leader of Rada, I didn't feel much because I was full of indignation.

But now that he has recovered, the pain has swept up again.


I saw Kamui, looking at Tianji with tears in his eyes, pointed to his bleeding tail, and shouted.

Probably means "Taji! My tail hurts so much, it's bleeding~"

Hearing this, Tian Chi quickly took out the special wound medicine, and at the same time gestured to Ning Hui next to him.

The little maid got the signal from Tianji's eyes, and immediately ordered to Pippi who couldn't wait:

"Pippi, use Healing Fluctuation to treat Kamui!"

"Pippi!" Hearing the trainer's order, Pippi, who had been prepared for a long time, agreed, and immediately gathered the healing power~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and passed it to the tail of Kamui.

"Kami~" Wrapped by the healing power, Kamui Turtle couldn't help but let out a comfortable cry, feeling that his tail didn't hurt much anymore.

Of course, Lada's deadly front teeth weren't so easy to pick up. After a wave of healing, its big white tail wound just didn't bleed much.

Seeing this, Tian Ci opened the special wound medicine, "hiss" and continued to apply the medicine to Kamy Turtle. At the same time, he also took out the water-based candy made by Ninghui from the bag and handed it to Kamy Turtle.

He still understands the truth of giving a sweet jujube a slap in the face. In order to stimulate the wildness of Kamy Turtle, his attitude as a trainer was not very good, and now he naturally has to find a chance to make up for it.

Fortunately, the elves raised by humans are actually very simple creatures. Seeing Tianji helping him with his wounds and giving him delicious candy, the little emotions before Kamui had long been thrown away. behind the head.

"Kami~Kami~" Tianji still likes me~


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