Pokemon the Poor

Chapter 395: comeback

Gradually, as it became more and more obvious that Tian Ci's progress, Upa also understood that Tian Ci was using him as a whetstone and was stealthily learning his fighting rhythm.

However, he was not angry. On the contrary, as a fighting maniac, he was very happy with the improvement of Tianji's strength, because in this way it was no longer playing sandbags.

"Da da da~"

"Bang bang bang~"

There was another fistfight, and after destroying most of the surrounding buildings, the two stood on either side.

"Huchi! Huchi~" Unlike Wupa, who was an expert and his clothes were not too torn, Tian Ci was panting loudly at this time, and his clothes had also turned into tattered beggar clothes.

It is worth mentioning that, because after the elite level, the trainers have extraordinary barriers to protect against stress, so generally no elite level trainers will wear that black protective suit.

After all, even if it is high-level protective clothing, it can only block the low-level attacks of the elite, and the impact force cannot be resolved, so it is far less useful than the extraordinary barrier.

Of course, in this hand-to-hand battle, the two sides must have closed the extraordinary barrier by themselves, otherwise Tianji would not have been beaten so badly.

Outside the arena, Xiaoling and Ninghui, as well as the elves in the team, all looked at the camera where Tianji was with worried expressions.

In contrast, as long as a person with a normal mind (elf) knows that Tianji is definitely at an absolute disadvantage.

Back inside the jungle battlefield, Tianji stood up, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and said to Upa who was in a fighting stance:

"I'm very grateful for your help, Mr. Upa, but I'm sorry, I don't want to lose either!"

After he finished speaking, his eyes lit up with blue light, and an aura of superpower of the warrior level was revealed.

Yes, he will use super powers!

After all, it didn't mean that he didn't use it before, but he didn't use it until the end.

And at this point, he has almost finished stealing what he should have learned, and he needs to practice a lot later to turn Wupa's things into his own.

So he didn't plan to continue to be beaten, and it wasn't a masochist.

In the face of Tanji who used super powers, Upa's face also changed from relaxed to dignified, and the slightly relaxed fighting stance was replaced by tight muscles.

Living in the golden city famous for superpowers, he naturally understands the horror of superpowers, so he naturally doesn't dare to be so slack when it comes to Tianji, who is really moving.

In response, Tianji just smiled lightly, and telepathically sent a message in the direction of Upa, "Be careful!"

Then the blue light flashed in his eyes, and the spiritual touch flew towards Wupa day by day.

Although he couldn't see the invisible mental tentacles, the intuition of life-and-death struggle made Upa feel the danger.

I saw him shout "Ah!", and then his body started to run at twice the previous speed.

Its skyrocketing speed made him leave blurry afterimages on the grass, and he managed to escape Tianji's several mental tentacles in a dangerous and dangerous way.

However, "Golden Meditation" is expensive as a super-quality secret book, so it is not only this ability that it brings to Tianji.

Facing Upa, who seemed to escape and was approaching quickly, with a calm expression on his face, he waved his hands like an X, and the spiritual touches that had been avoided in an instant turned around and turned towards Upa again. rush.

And Wupa, who sensed the danger, was not an ordinary person. With the sound of "Ah!", a violent arrogance erupted from the surface of his body.

It's a pity, at this moment, Tianji's eyes were also blue-light masterpieces, and a powerful mental hammer slammed on Wupa's head with a "bang".

The spirit was suddenly hit hard, and Wupa's original burst of arrogance stagnated in an instant. Although it was only for a moment, it was enough for the super power of a single thought.

I saw that Spirit Touch seized this opportunity, and with two "swoosh", Wupa's limbs and head were tightly bound.

"Bastard! It's so fast!" Feeling that he was being eroded, he couldn't help struggling.

It's a pity that since it has already fallen into the hands of superpowers, how can it be freed.

I saw Tian Ji looked at Upa, who was still dying to resist, and shook his head, and then another mental piercing shot straight at him.

"Ah!" Wupa, who took this trick from the front, felt like his boy was stabbed by a needle, it was very painful, and the seven orifices also began to flow out red blood.

Hara Honda thought that he had come to this point, Wupa should admit defeat.

Unexpectedly, he still gritted his teeth, just didn't say anything about admitting defeat.

Seeing that Upa has such a backbone, Tianji naturally couldn't give up the opportunity to beat him up.

"It's my turn now~" With a cruel smile on his face, he slowly walked towards Upa step by step.

Then he punched in an instant, "Ah da da da!"

I have to say that the feeling of punching to the flesh is really great!

Having learned how to fight initially, what he really needs now is a sandbag who will not resist.

With the staggering of fists and shadows, Tianji became more and more excited, and he felt that his fighting rhythm was steadily improving.

For a beginner like him, an immobile sandbag is really useful.

Outside the arena, Xiaoling, Ninghui and the elves in the team were also very excited!

"Moo! Moo!" The two vines stretched out by Kou Dui Hua began to dance with excitement.

"Ow~Ow~" And Heluga even started spraying sparks above his head to celebrate.

On the contrary, it is more calm than the eagle, mainly because it has no hands, but from its excited eyes, it can be seen that it is still quite excited.

As for the youngest Kamy Turtle, at this time, they are all waving their fists in the "Kami Kamy~", and kicking their feet twice from time to time.

In this way, in the jungle battlefield, Tianji completely regarded Upa as a human sandbag, and he did not stop until Upa couldn't stand it any longer and passed out in a coma.

Looking at Wupa, who was covered in cuts and bruises and passed out in a coma, Tian Ci's eyes flashed with admiration, but this one was severely injured by him and fainted! Not a word was spoken in the middle.

And Wupa, who had already passed out in a coma, naturally could not continue the fight. Xiaoling, who saw this scene through the live broadcast camera, immediately announced the result of the match loudly.

"I declare that this battle is won by Aoki Tianji! Congratulations to Tianji brother!"

Hearing the result of the competition, they also cheered!

"Moo! Moo!" Tianji! Tanji!

"Bizhao!" Tianji!


"Kami Kami!" Tianji is the most handsome! The strongest!

Although it was all the elves under his command who cheered, he still felt a sense of pride.

"So this is what it feels like to fight~" Tianji muttered to himself after looking at his powerful fist.

Chapter 396 Invitation

"Ninghui, come here to help with treatment." After sighing, Tian Ci sent a voice transmission to Ninghui outside the arena.

"Okay! Master!" The little maid who was logistics and treatment immediately agreed when she heard the words, and at the same time called out the big milk tank and Pippi to start treating the scarred Tianji.

Of course, it is impossible for two ordinary-level elves to easily heal such a body, so Tanji himself took out the special wound medicine from his backpack and sprayed it "hiss".

And after spraying for themselves, Tian Ci and Ninghui went to help Wupa to deal with it briefly.

Although the two sides fought very hard before, they were not enemies of life and death, so he naturally didn't mind being a favored man.

On the contrary, he also learned a lot from Wupa, and also saw the shadow of his brother Shishi, so he still has a good impression of this person.


After dealing with the injury, Upa woke up leisurely.

He is very clear about his injuries, and it must be Tianji who helped him deal with it so that he could wake up so quickly.

"Thank you~" He expressed his thanks to Tian Ci in a lonely way, and was about to get up and go back to the treatment, with an indescribable loss on his face.

He really didn't expect that Tianji, who was crushed to **** by him in the fighter profession before, after his super powers broke out, he could deal with him in such a devastating way. This is like a weak and bullying little white rabbit. Suddenly turned into a big bad wolf!

This made Upa a big blow, but it's not that he was lonely because he was defeated by a superpower for the first time. As a fighting gym under the golden city, he mentioned before that he had worked with many disciples of the superpower gym. It's common to lose in a fight.

When fighting with other superpowers, he can perceive the opponent's sophistication and threat.

But when he was fighting with Tanji, I'm sorry, he didn't feel Tanji's fighting rhythm and old-fashioned experience.

On the contrary, from Upa's point of view, Tianji is very immature!

However, such an immature person could easily defeat him with only superpowers.

This made Upa's heart shake uncontrollably: Maybe fighters will never be as good as superpowers~

On the other hand, Tanji, who is a superhuman, naturally also felt the emotions emanating from Upa.

After thinking about the battle rhythm that he had secretly learned, his mouth moved slightly, and he opened his mouth to persuade:

"Upa, you are very strong! I have learned a lot from you! So don't be discouraged. In fact, when I was beaten before, I secretly marked you with my superpowers, so my spiritual touch was able to catch up. Catch you again!"

Although this is not the case, he still gave Upa a reasonable explanation and lie.

He practiced the Golden Meditation, the highest inheritance of the Gymnasium in the Golden City. If he didn't even have the ability to do this kind of meticulous exercise, then why would he call it a super-quality secret book!

And this is actually just one of the additional abilities!

On the other side, upon hearing this explanation, Wupa's body froze, closed his eyes and began to search for himself, and soon with the help of qi, he found the superpower mark near his eyes.

Although he didn't understand how Tianji avoided his own perception and marked the superpower mark, but after thinking about his slack and play mentality before, he also attributed this to his own carelessness, plus This explanation does make sense.

So his mentality quickly changed back, from a fighter who couldn't keep up with the noble power user no matter how hard he tried, to a result of my own carelessness.

With this change, his mind has relaxed a lot, he has confidence in the road to a fighter, and he has the same confident smile on his face as before.

Turning his head to the serious Tianji, he replied:

"Mr. Tianci, thank you for your generous notification, and it also made me discover my slack mentality! I still have to do my best to fight the lion, and I will definitely remember it in the future!"

And Tianji also sensed that Upa's confidence had returned from his words, and with a smile on his face, he said to Upa:

"En~ Upa-kun, I can feel your love and dedication to fighting! To be honest, I also learned a lot from you, you are really strong!"

Facing Tianji's generous praise, Upa had a rare embarrassed expression on his face.

However, he could also feel the sincerity in Tianci's words. Thinking of this, he smiled "haha", and invited the others to Tianci:

"Brother Tianzi, I'm a little embarrassed for what you said, just because the fast swimming frog is not going to stay here to practice, or else you should stay here to train together, in addition to the core cheats, other venues also have training methods. , I can give some pointers."

Hearing this, Tianji and Xiaoling looked at each other, and both saw a surprise.

Although it was said that when they were in Hualan City, the elite disciples of the Qingshui family and the owner of the Qingzi Pavilion would give pointers, but the identities of the two were there after all, and they couldn't avoid the phenomenon of saying good things.

In addition, Tianji, Xiaoling and Ninghui are not good at hand-to-hand combat, but who can guarantee that they will never be approached?

So since elite disciples with fighting attributes are willing to give advice, the two of them naturally don't want to miss this opportunity.

As for Ninghui, the maid's wishes, it doesn't matter~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Originally, among the three of them, Tanji's melee combat was the strongest, but it's a pity that Wenrou Township is the hero mound! During the time he stayed in Hualan City, his fighting ability, which was not outstanding, was directly reduced to only a little better than the newcomer.

To be honest, Tianji himself felt that in close-quarters combat, even Xiaoling couldn't compare.

Of course, this is in terms of superpowers and warrior-level physical fitness.

Otherwise, even if he is attenuating, the extraordinary barrier of the warrior level is not something that Xiaoling can easily break.

As for the weakest maid of course, Ninghui is the maid. Although she has practiced the exercises in Hualan City, the chief trainer who is busy training trainees and entertainers has no time to exercise her physique, so don't look at her. She has the extraordinary power of warrior level, but if she really fights, I am afraid that seven or eight ordinary people with rules will be able to knock her down.

In this situation, Tianji naturally does not want to appear. After all, as his accompanying maid, he still has a certain fighting ability.

Now that the place he goes is more and more dangerous, and the enemies and elites he encounters are also more and more powerful, it is naturally impossible to be distracted to protect this accompanying maid.

If Ninghui still needs his protection, then her maid will be the end of her life. He is the master, not the nanny!

So whether Ninghui is happy or not, she is going to participate in this martial arts training.


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